#also in s1 they were less egregious so i got used to it?
marsixm · 7 months
yknow normally i hate it when media handholds the audience too much, so i’m like well why am i fine with ofmd’s flashbacks then? and like half of it is amv brain. its the turbo autism of it all. like yes thank you i DO want to see stede and ed staring at each other again! how did you know!
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akajustmerry · 1 year
Merryana, please, talk about Joel and Rick and bad comparisons 👉🏼👈🏼
alright, we're doing it. I've just taken a headache pill I'm lying under a fan - let's go.
so a lot of what I hate about these twd/tlou bad faith analysis and comparison has to do with a larger trend in social media discourse where things are discussed in tropes.
Prioritising short form media on socials means less time, less nuance and reducing things to their lowest common denominator because in a 10 second tiktok it's just quicker to say something is enemies to lovers than explain the actual premise. And I've been watching this reductive style of media discourse reshape how we discuss complex concepts and stories in real time and it fucking SUCKS.
A lot of the bad faith comparison of TWD and TLOU is built on the reduction of both these shows to Zombie Shows™ and Rick and Joel to Apocalypse Dads™. But describing them this way is kinda like saying that a shark and a puffer fish are both fish because they live in the ocean, but you've decided the puffer fish is better at being in the ocean and then high fiving yourself as if you made some poignant observation.
Starting with some basics, my guy Rickles is a literally a cop. The great irony of his character is that he's trying desperately to reclaim order in a world that has none and how this morality is constantly tested by an inherently lawless world. Joel is working class, a contractor with next to no moral claim on the world and that claim becomes zero when Sarah dies.
Reducing Joel and Rick into apocalypse Dads in the zombie shows flatten both characters into a vague concept rather than whole characters with very different worlds to navigate with very different motives. This kind of flattening of tlou and twd into zombie shows also ignores the very different world building in both shows. For one, there is no cure in TWD because everyone already has the virus and it activates when you're dead - no fuss, no muss and no hope for a fix. On the other hand, tlou is predicated on the question of whether a cure is worth it's cost. This is not even a question in TWD, so the shows are working from fundamentally different ideas. Not to mention, TWD is a show motivated by community building, tlou is.... Made by Zionists.
But I think probably the most egregious way I've seen the shows compared is culture writers comparing their first seasons (as if twd doesn't have another 10 seasons after that too). I can see why, obviously. At a surface level here's 2 shows that end their first season with "no cure" bombshells, but it's literally just surface!!! The journey the shows take to get there is so different, even in terms of time! Twd s1 is all at the start of the outbreak where Everyone is on the same page. Season 1 of tlou establishes that Joel has been living post-outbreak for 20 years. Yet another point of incomparable difference between the characters and the world of the shows.
I'm sorry but I'm just over it!! I'm over this obsession with reducing narratives to their tropes. It's bad marketing disguised as psuedo analysis! it's boring and does no justice to these stories. Like, people can just say they like tlou more than twd, you don't have to psuedo-intellectualise that opinion by copying and pasting bullet points from tvtropes.com.
There's also an element of... Gentrification to this comparison too in that tlou has a much higher budget production value and prestige marketing that, yes, means it looks a lot sleeker than TWD but also.....kinda makes it look the same as any other high budget scifi. Like the fact ppl have made parallels to the Mandolorian and Stranger Things just shows the total lack of character in the show's aesthetics itself. Its got the same gentrified scifi horror look that's become standard since about 2017. Say what you will about TWD but that make up department were forced to invent whole new techniques in practical make up because the show's low budget meant they couldn't use a lot of CGI and their innovation made the show LOOK and feel DIFFERENT.
The ONLY thing twd and tlou truly have in common is that they're both weak adaptations of their source materials. Beyond that, comparing them is just giving psy-op levels of incoherence and displaying disastrous levels of media illiteracy. Besides we all know that in a just world where TWD wasn't written by conspiracy weirdos and TLOU wasn't made by Zionists, Joel and Rick would be husbands 🥰
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mincedpeaches · 10 months
final batch of earthspark s1 episodes post
One thing that I kind of sort of praised in my first earthspark post, the slow trickle of information the show was giving us, is something that I look upon much less favorably now that S1 one has ended. Not because a slow trickle of information itself is bad, but because in this batch of episodes more than any other it was clear that the information hasn't been always given in a way that makes sense from a story prospective. Rather it's been given in a way that very clearly telegraphs "okay the writers want to introduce this now, so here it is". Most egregiously with the backstory on the kids sleeves. Why only NOW, twenty episodes in, was the crew heading down to Teletraan I to google the info about the Prime that gave them the sleeves? Well, because the sleeves and the emberstone were about to be plot relevant.
This is also something I remembering thinking with the energon bear in the last batch of episodes too, in that NO ONE really questions or follows up on why the the fuck the bear was like that. Which doesn't really make sense, except from the Doylist perspective that it looks to be like A Plot For A Later Episode, when the energon waste dumping might become relevant.
And these episodes only bring up even MORE questions that should have been asked in-story but aren't, like what the fuck was up with the tunnels and the doors and the dweller inside them.
AND my point STILL stands about wanting more of the OG bots. It's even worse when there's five kids instead of two. Once again I'm sorry kiddos.
Like the best "finale" per say in terms of action was undoubtedly the first batch of episodes, where big bots were fighting big bots. I was really hoping the actual finale would bring more of that when the second batch "finale" felt pretty lackluster in comparison. But then this finale had the OG bots out of commission for the ENTIRE thing. There were some visually cool moments (Mandroid's terrifying new look, Croft getting fucking vaporized) and fun moments (Schloder becoming part of the team) but. Idk. I think about the first batch of episodes and how much fun I had watching them and the potential I thought they held, and the show hasn't quite hit anything higher than that for me. Yet. Curious to what a season two could be about with the main antagonist gone and most of the intro-to-their-alt-modes and learning-about-themselves-as-terrans stuff is out of the way. I thought maybe with the kill and heal waves going over the entire earth they might cut to some as yet unseen bots as a little teaser of things that might come but nope. (I still might bet on that tying into a plot of a potential season two though.)
All that being said I love what Hashtag has going on. Both overall and in-particular her thing with Starscream this batch, which was giving Armada Starscream & Alexis vibes for sure. I actually mentioned in my earthspark post that I started for the second batch of episodes (that I never managed to finish and post): Hashtag is my fav of the new kids. She's so #cringebutfree, pun not intended, and I love that for her. Also she a has rad alt-mode and color scheme and her satellite turns into a little ponytail. How cute is that. Also digged how they had Twitch gearing up for an arc about being the team leader in the previous batch of episodes and then there were moments where she was making calls when it was just down to her and Nightshade/Bumblebee etc in this batch. Would love to see that expended upon even more in potential future eps. I love her. Can I get a yeah women?
Also the way that Megatron (along with the majority of the OG bots) had so few lines this batch BUT almost every single line Megatron DID have managed to showcase his Scottish twang? They did that for ME. Thank you Mr McCann.
tl;dr I wish we got more (back)story based on the things already teased/things already shown, and in a way that made more narrative sense, and I really REALLY wish there were more OG bots. And at this point it kind of hurt my enjoyment of the show a tiny bit. It was still fine and I understand that as a show for kids it's very good and also, as always, not really for me but for children. And I'm still hoping there is more potential than what season one has given, which I don't think is an unreasonable thing to hope for. Like remember how rough and kind lame season one of Cyberverse was? Yeah. There's still a ton of potential here. Here's to hoping. I will still undoubtedly be tuning into season two if when it gets made.
P.S. rescue bots reference. :)
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carnelianwings · 1 year
I don’t usually do this but I have to say - Yu-yu’s new hybrid overDress/X-overDress deck at the start of this season is ... not that great. By which I mean “Kid’s deck is starting to look like a YGO protag’s, and I’m not sure I like that for what’s supposed to be the flagship deck of Standard”. (And I’m aware that I’m saying this as someone who’s also a fan of YGO Duel Monsters lol.)
The thing is this - Vanguard doesn’t usually make a deck too high roll-y and relies on a lot of 1-ofs in the deck to make combos work. Aichi’s deck in the original S1 suffered from this somewhat with all the seemingly 1-of G3s he ran in addition to the ever permanent 1-of G2 Blaster Blade, but even then his deck consistency improved over the seasons ... aside from the unspoken rule of 2011 Sendou Aichi Can Only Ever Run One G2 Blaster Blade. It’s arguably the one thing I consider an improvement for the 2018 reboot, in that he’s finally allowed to run Blaster Blade as a 4-of, like anyone would do for a card that’s a core component of his combo.
Which brings me back to Yu-yu’s deck for this new season of willDress.
(Putting the rest behind a cut because it’s going into spoilers of S2E1)
Following the basic deck building rules, we know for sure 16 cards out of Yu-yu’s deck of 50 cards must be his triggers, and 4 cards are for his Ride deck, leaving us with 30 remaining. Of those 30, if we were to assume “typical” deck building, that would mean 3 copies of Nirvana Jheva for Persona Ride, 4 copies of his Perfect Guard, and 4 copies of Trickstar, leaving us with 19 unknown cards. Here’s what’s shown on screen of those remaining 19:
Bilskil, Vils Vairina, Clad in Prayer (all in his opening hand - he runs at least 2 copies of Clad in Prayer as the second copy gets damage checked for Danji’s Turn 4 attack)
Bramahda (damage checked when he took Danji’s Turn 2 attack)
Galondight (played from hand on Yu-yu’s Turn 2)
Bram Vairina (discarded from hand for Ride on Turn 1/2, retrieved from Drop via Vils Vairina’s skill)
Vairina Arcs (damaged checked when he took Danji’s Turn 3 attack)
Stragallio (he runs at least 2 copies - 1 is searched out on Yu-yu’s Turn 3 when he Rides Nirvana Jheva over Reiyu, and a 2nd one gets damage checked for Danji’s Turn 4 attack)
Vairina Valiente (searched out via Stragallio’s skill)
Vairina (drive checked on Yu-yu’s Turn 3 attack)
Garou Vairina (used to guard Danji’s Turn 4 attack for a 1 to pass)
This puts us at another 13 cards known, leaving us with 6 unknown cards in his deck. Now you could argue that maybe he runs less copies of Jheva in the main deck, or that he doesn’t run 4 PGs (he runs at least 2 because he damage checks 2 of them) or that he only runs 2 Trickstars (but the deck would hard brick so badly without it) so he has more space but that doesn’t really make it better, as you’d be hampering the deck out of defensives and win cons just to make it work as a hybrid.
You’re probably thinking “Okay fine so Yu-yu probably runs a lot of one-ofs. That’s not a big deal”, and arguably, it isn’t, because the scriptwriters can do whatever they want to get his deck to pop off and get the desired result as the plot requires. As long as it’s a non-zero chance of it happening, the deck can work as scripted. And that’s true. It’s just I’ve always liked that the anime decks mostly worked irl as shown, and that each character’s deck didn’t feel like a case of 50 card highlander roulette (aside from them always getting their signature units), with the most egregious exception being 2011 Aichi as I mentioned in the beginning. That said, if we had an on screen character play Bermuda highlander, they’d get a pass from me, because that’s how the deck is designed to be played. Not so here with poor Yu-yu’s deck. If anything, I wonder how he managed to win with that deck at all, and his mental “Here it is!” when he uses Nirvana Jheva’s skill almost makes more sense in context now because, hey, he finally got his deck to pop off! ^^;;
I will give the scriptwriters/game designers this - conceptually, the deck is pretty cool. It’s got that same idea behind it as Aichi’s Majesty Lord Blaster deck, in that thematically, it’s a summary of Yu-yu’s growth as a character throughout the previous seasons. And that’s great; I love that they did that for him, as one of the other main “catchphrases” in Vanguard is that a cardfighter’s deck is a reflection of them. And to that end, the deck succeeds.
I just wish it didn’t make me want to grab Yu-yu by the shoulders and tell him to consult Tohya and Raika on how to build a more consistent deck. XD
0 notes
Hiiii!!! Me again :^) I’ll go crazy if I think too much abt Grissom suffering from land sickness so I’ll change the pace here haha
I know you’re more privy to the little details from the show so I’m curious as to what your thoughts are on the “throwback” ID pictures they showed?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
These bother me so much because the details are simply… incorrect??? Grissom’s eyes are blue and why does it say Captain? And Sara isn’t 5’7” - she’s 5’10” (well, Jorja is). So now I’m just confused. Is this really just carelessness on the props department’s side or is there something wrong with LVPD’s archive 😂 because even Hodges’ ID was a mess. although if it was faked, you’d think Sara or Grissom would’ve pointed it out already lol
Thank you so much for indulging all of our questions and sharing us your thoughts! <3
hi, @cptn-stvngrntrgrs!
i think the props are just bad, honestly.
like you mentioned, the hodges documents from the premiere were an absolute mess, and then the case files grissom was looking at last week somehow were even worse.
these old badges are just more of the same.
not only is the problem of the bad information basically universal to all prop documents we've seen so far, supposedly doctored or not, but the problem is also not one that's being acknowledged by any characters within the world of the show; that so, i've got to believe it's something that's not actually meant to be part of the narrative.
i mean, grissom straight up tells sara that the fucked up case files are "authentic," mentioning nothing of the fact that just about every detail on them is egregiously wrong, which means that to him, within the universe of the show, they must look okay.
we as the audience are not supposed to have noticed that none of the dates, descriptors, or even simple personal stats on these licenses, badges, case files, newspaper articles, etc. checks out.
clearly, the production crew doesn't either expect or even really want us to be screenshotting this stuff.
they're not intending for it to be read closely.
they just want us to get the gist of "oh, this is a case file!" or "this article is about hodges!" or whatever; they don't mean for us to read past the titles at the top of the documents, much less to try to find clues in the fine print.
as for the badges specifically, grissom's is one that was actually used on the original series back in s1 and sara's was used in s2.
though the version that they use for sara in the reboot also claims that she’s a forensic psychologist, which what the hell is up with that?
they were wrong on grissom's rank and eye color and sara's height back then, too.
yay for consistency, i guess?
why they were so off on what should have been some very straightforward information, i don't know, though i think the answer there is ultimately the same one as above: i.e., they never intended for us to look too closely at that stuff. 
anyway, at the rate they're going with this, we'll probably see a lot more misinformation listed on prop documents before this season is over.
how far will they go to give grissom and sara a height difference they've never actually had?
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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pynkhues · 3 years
What do you think is like the most egregious Good Girls errors? As in something they fucked up and ur like...how? Could be a plot point or like a production error. For me, it's that they had Rio shirtless in season 4 and just...didn't have any bullet scars. Despite the whole previous season being dedicated to the repercussions of him getting shot. Three times. Like c'mon. Who was in charge of continuity on that show because I wanna talk.
Oooo, yeah, I think I'd agree that the bullet scars being missing were probably the biggest error for me. They're not just a big fuck up, but a huge missed opportunity for the show – actually both Rio's and Dean's scars were. They were such pivotal moments in the escalation of the series overall, and to those characters' motivations in the subsequent seasons, that to erase them was a disservice to the story and to Rio, Dean and Beth's respective arcs.
Most of the others don't really bother me that much? I think I'm forever more bummed about things that were missed opportunities as opposed to errors – for instance, I'm always gonna be a little frustrated that the character we have the most backstory for is Dean. I would've loved to have known more in particular about Ruby's brothers, Beth and Annie's father, and Rio's parents, all of whom we got exactly 0 information on beyond the fact that they exist. I also get a little sad that s2 and s3 had no scenes of Beth, Ruby and Annie interacting with each other's children, because as we saw through Beth and Ben in 4.12, there was an embarrassment of riches there to explore!
Oh! Actually, I do have another error that I find frustrating, and that's the timeline on Nancy's pregnancy in s2. That's actually less because of the timeline itself, which I find pretty funny really, haha, and more about what it meant for Greg's betrayal and Annie's guilt. To fast track through it so drastically felt like it undermined the weight of it overall, and I feel like there was a huge missed opportunity to use it as a catalyst for more Beth and Annie tension as Beth had just discovered Dean had cheated on her during her own pregnancies too.
So yeah, I think my answer is that I get most frustrated by errors when they dilute tension, characterisation and present missed opportunities rather than just errors. Like, I don't mind errors if they're just massaging a knot away to give us better conflicts, stories or beats – I'd say some of the s1 retconning of Beth and Annie's dad being around for longer than it seems like he was in later seasons is a really good example of that. I don't mind that they ignored throwaway lines of Beth dobbing to their dad about Annie smoking weed as a teenager, because I think the backstory they established in s2 and built on in s3 and s4 was more interesting – but when they replaced interesting conflict with nothing, I find that, to borrow a word off you, haha, a bit egregious.
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AoS Episode Tag Game
I found this Agents of Shield episode meme made by @meanderings0ul (original post here) and, even though I wasn’t tagged, I decided I’d jump in! 
(I followed the rule about having one episode per season, but I’m pretty sure I used episode 4x06 more than 5 times and I don’t care. Also, keep in mind that I haven’t watched the last five or so episodes of S1 or any of S5 other than the pilot and a few clips yet, nor have I rewatched most of S2 or S3 since it aired. Also also, expect lots of focus on the Ghost Rider arc (for obvious reasons if you know me :P))
I don’t have that many AoS mutuals, but I’ll tag @chidi-anagonye if you feel like it! :) 
Episode you rewatch the most – I actually don’t think I’ve rewatched any of the episodes apart from the Ghost Rider arc and the first three from S1. But if we’re counting random YouTube clips then probably 4x06 (The Good Samaritan … which is going to be popping up a lot here) 
Episode with the best use of flight – I’m not technically sure if the question is asking about a person or a vehicle flying, and I’m not sure if this counts as flight, but I’m going with 4x08 (The Laws of Inferno Dynamics) where Daisy propels herself up into the air at the end. Not entirely sure why she did that other than to look cool, but it was badass. 
Episode that is your personal favorite – 4x06 (The Good Samaritan). It’s weird because this is also the episode where my favorite character dies, but she gets the most screentime and backstory revelations here, plus it’s just a damn good ep. 
Episode with the best use of undercover – there are probably better ones that I’m not thinking of, but I like how Bobbi was undercover within HYDRA in 2x05 (A Hen in the Wolf House) and saved Simmons. It was a pleasant shock to realize she was actually a good guy!
Episode you think is the overall best – probably have to go with 4x15 (Self-Control) which is probably the most popular pick (for good reason) because of the amazing acting and the massive twist, or 2x10 (What They Become) because of how it changed EVERYTHING. But also 4x06 is up there guys.
Episode where you cried the most – I don’t think I’ve ever cried over AoS, and fake-crying over Lucy doesn’t count, so I’m not sure what to put. Probably the most devastating episode is 2x17 (Melinda) because of the reveal of what really happened in Bahrain. 
Episode with the best opening scene – can I be lazy and self-indulgent and say 4x02 (Meet the New Boss)? The scene with Lucy haunting the little boy’s house made me think of The Sixth Sense. 
Episode with the best fight scene – hmm, like with the undercover question there are probably a lot of good ones I’m not thinking of because they’re not as fresh in my mind, but I LOVE the part in 4x22 (World’s End – at least I think it was this one?) where Robbie and Daisy are fighting LMDs and she quakes one while Robbie burns it with the chain! I also love 4x15 (Self-Control) where the Mace and Coulson (or was it Mack?) LMDs are coming at Daisy from either side and she just blasts both of them to pieces.
Episode where you were most scared/creeped out – I remember being pretty freaked out in 3x5 (4,722 Hours, another fave of mine) when Jemma sees the unknown figure (Hive in an astronaut’s body) coming towards her through the storm. Anything to do with a mysterious, unknown evil is pretty creepy to me. 
Episode with the best musical motif – I’m not sure! I can’t really remember much of the music from this show apart from the main theme and a bit of the track that plays when Lucy is killed.
Episode that made you like a character you hadn’t before – WELL 4x02 (Meet the New Boss) made me a heck of a lot more interested in Lucy (whereas I was just curious before) and the reveal at the end of 4x06 cemented it, but to go for a less predictable answer, I’ll say that the first half of season 2, especially 2x10, truly made me realize I like Daisy (I was kind of neutral on her before, having only seen the first few eps of S1 and finding her a bit irritating, but when all the Inhuman stuff and the mystery about her family came into play, I got more into her).
Episode with the best plot twist – okay OBJECTIVELY I have to go with 1x17 (Turn, Turn, Turn) for Ward being HYDRA, 2x20 (Scars) for Jiaying being evil, or maybe 4x15 (Self-Control) for the team going into the Framework or 5x01 (Orientation pt. 1) for the team being in the future, but. Listen. Leaning that Eli was the bad guy and had put Lucy in the machine himself (in 4x06) had me SHOCKED.
Episode that made you feel sympathy for a black-hat character – predictably all the Lucy eps, but also anything with Kara and Jiaying. 
Episode you found most unique – probably 3x5 (4,722 Hours) due to Jemma being stranded on an alien planet the whole time.
Episode with the best Marvel movie reference – I guess any of the ones at the end of S1 where they find out about HYDRA infiltrating Shield. 
Episode with your favorite one-episode character – I’d have to say 1x04 (Eye Spy) for Akela Amador, or 1x09 (Repairs) for Hannah Hutchins. Both girls who deserved better! Oh, and I also liked Isabelle Hartley, though I think she showed up in two episodes (2x01 and 2x15).
Episode that made you laugh the most – I can’t actually think of any! 
Episode that first got you hooked on the show – so I fell away from the show after the first 3 episodes while my family kept watching, but started watching again after hearing how good it got by the end of Season 1, and was hooked upon watching 2x01 (Shadows). BUT it was the Ghost Rider arc (4x01-08) that really elevated the show to a new level of fandom for me.
Episode with the best use of “b-squad” characters – it’s strange, considering I love minor characters, but I can’t really think of one? 
Episode with the best death scene – 4x18 (No Regrets) because Mace’s heroic death devastated me even though I knew it was coming, and 4x22 (World’s End) for Radcliffe fading away in front of the sunset (insert Infinity War reference here).
Episode with the coolest gadget/technology – I’m not sure what episode it first appears in, but I like Coulson’s shield wrist thingy. I also like but also hate the Darkhold, which shows up in basically every S4 episode. 
Episode with the best VFX – not sure! I honestly don’t know how to tell good CGI from bad CGI (unless it’s like, really really egregiously bad) so I don’t think I can judge!
Episode that made the best use of your favorite character – say it with me now… 4x06
Episode with the most heart-warming scene – there are lots of contenders but I’m thinking the FitzSimmons wedding in 4x12 (The Real Deal), even though I haven’t watched the full episode.
Episode with the best use of the S.H.I.E.L.D. symbol – whichever one it is when Daisy gets her badge, I guess? 
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gizkalord · 7 years
ayyy just finished Book 1 of Legend of Korra! Although it was very enjoyable, I definitely got the sense that the story they wanted to tell was far too big for such a short season (damn u nickelodeon) - there simply wasn’t enough time for the world/character building and subplots which AtLA s1 did so well. The character introductions and development definitely fall somewhat flat to me (some being more egregious and narrative damaging than others), and yeah, that romance subplot was pretty awful lol. Overall, I think it started off strong character and plot wise, but it got a little muddled along the way as they sacrificed finer details for the sake of moving the plot along.
That being said, I LOVE Korra herself. She is badass, impulsive, brash, but she’s also allowed to be vulnerable, sad, and conflicted. Also, #AsamiDeservedMore in this season.
Music and animation was beautiful (not gonna lie I legit teared up in the first episode when Korra was racing Naga in the South Pole). The movements were very fluid and impressive, and I love the painterly style they have for the backgrounds (a carry over from AtLA!) Although sometimes I thought the shading of the faces were a bit off - it’s definitely very distinctive from AtLA’s style, so maybe it will take some getting used to. The CGI component worked very well in some places, and less well in others - I cringed at some scenes with those bomber planes because they looked so weird and the background would suddenly become very flat.
All in all, a good season! It doesn’t quite match up with any of the AtLA seasons, but I've heard from several people that Books 3-4 are very good so I’m excited to keep watching.
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shineyma · 6 years
1st, I am beyond excited and grateful that you took the time to write all this!! I asked for a rant, Amy, you delivered. 2nd, /I/ should apologize because my reply's probs gonna be long. (Half an ask already. Ugh, I'm hopeless, and you extremely polite.) I'd seen Fitz said Deke's the worst to be their grandson, but not that he persisted! GO, FITZ!! Didn't Iain use to say back in S1 that he didn't want FS to happen? I loved him for it, esp when Liz can't seem to do anything other than wax (1/9)
the rest go under the cut because it’s a lot of asks XD
poetic about FS. (Whyyy, Liz?? Seriously, does she talk about anything other than FS?) LBR though, Fitz is #relatable here. I’ve watched 3 S5 eps and seen many spoilers, and Deke’s 95% a dick, right?? I think TPTB might’ve been going for that particular FS brand of determined, unapologetic, do-what’s-necessary but their compassion and drive to protect were always evident even in their “harsher/colder” actions/attitudes/treatments. (I’m missing the right words but you know, right??) /But/ (2/9)
they missed the mark by 100 miles. Anyway. Frankly, Amy, Jemma fighting viciously Fitz’s pessimism and fatalism, esp by putting forth a positive twist on fatalism (for lack of a better word) has rubbed me so wrong for so long. It’s not necessarily ooc?? But it’s also not Jemma in a right mental and emotional state?? (You’re getting a terrible description of what I mean but I’m no good for anything else right now.) Like she’s broken, resigned, fighting for some thing that just happened, (3/9)
that she didn’t consciously choose, it was forced on her through guilt of her own and of others’ making, and through others pushing for it, and she’s sort of accepted it, it’s just part of her life now, vaguely, automatically placed under the “good stuff” category, and everything around her is in chaos, so she just fights for /it/? I don’t know. There’s a difference between “the universe says we’re gonna be together, look at the signs!!” and “we want to be together and we’ll work for it”. (4/9)
About the logic fail, Jemma probs grabbed onto that “my mom told me the ‘right direction’ thing which her mom had told her”, ergo she raised her some, and coupled with the need to make Fitz feel better and the talk with yet another always unhelpful team member (😒), she just went for that stupid line. Does that make it not ooc? Well, /no/. *makes a paper plane out of your last 3 bullet points and shoots it @ TPTB, yelling “TAKE NOTES!”* Amy, in the AOS house we don’t perform surgery to the (5/9)
tune of melodies that calm and steady and help us concentrate. In the AOS house, we perform surgery while conversing on things that test our ability to hold back tears and shouts and shaking and violence, because we’re hardcore. So, the dog thing. @ Hydra WTF??!!?! Yeah, I’m glad I missed that. And OK, can someone finally confirm if Ward shot Buddy??!! It’s getting ridiculous. I say probs nah, because John used to prod him too often for not being cruel enough, but… I don’t know. Also, (6/9)
I’m so glad Ward didn’t attend Hydra’s School for Young Octopi!! I mean, everything does point to that!! :D Teen!Ward busted out at 17 and dumped in the woods, switching to Brett!Ward still in the woods, John alluding to Ward shooting Buddy and finally leaving the woods as the end of his training and immediate beginning of his SHIELD career… If he attended any Academy, that was SHIELD Ops. It’s canon! New Ward backstory! I LOVE IT!! OK, because Hydra has that elitist vibe, I’m imagining (7/9)
more of a posh-secret-club-inside-the-academy kind of thing?? You know, like the actual Piggate scandal with the UK PM, and there’s many a movie too that show secret societies inside colleges etc, whose members are wealthy kids of old families, and their fathers were members before them, and their grandfathers, and they have weird, twisted rituals. You know the kind. Malick, his daughter and the council of people they had brought to meet Hive, they remind me of that. Anyway, I’m still not (8/9)
forgiving Ruby for what she did to Elena, but the dog thing and the Hydra-engineered super-baby thing are something…?? I’d have to watch S5 to pass judgement and LOL NO, I ain’t about to do that. I thiiink I’m done. Man, I hope that was some damn good strawberry shortcake. I’m gonna need all the favor I can get. 😇 ❤❤❤❤ Also, what’s a strawberry shortcake and why are people discriminating against its physique??? Ah, and why do you use that squiggly line (~) at the end of some words??? (9/9)
Okay! Here we go! XD
First off, I…..go back and forth on Liz’s support of fs. On the one hand, it’s silly to hold it against her; it’s not like attacking her own storyline would be a smart move, either with fans (who for some reason overwhelmingly support it) or with Jed&Mo (who, after all, have made clear that they based fs’ relationship off their own). Sure, Iain got away with it, but look at the way the show treats Fitz vs. Jemma……he’s clearly the favorite. *side eyes aos* Plus, fs being together gets her more scenes with more people (gotta have everyone reminding her how destined~ she and Fitz are after all!!), so it’s understandable she’d like it.
And we could talk about that all day so…moving on!
Deke started out as the harsh/cold/doing what’s necessary to survive in a terrible environment character (he SOLD DAISY TO KASIUS because he was afraid her search for Jemma would endanger the rest of them), but the show kind of….dropped that? And tried to switch him to the lovable moron instead? It’s weird.
As for Jemma’s optimism……I guess I can’t totally blame her. Like, she does love Fitz, that’s clear enough. I personally don’t think she’d have gotten there if she hadn’t been constantly pushed towards him, or if he hadn’t made a big deal of “I can’t be just friends,” therefore forcing her to choose between a romantic relationship with her best friend or NOTHING AT ALL of him, but. Whatever.
My point was, she loves him. And he is CONSTANTLY going on about how they’re cursed and they’re never gonna work out and how ‘doesn’t sound great for the girlfriend’ and ‘I don’t deserve you’ and blah blah negativity. And it is just super not fair to her that she has to forever fight this attitude of his and try to keep him positive about THEIR RELATIONSHIP, something he should be excited and positive about ON HIS OWN. Ugh.
So from that perspective, I guess I can see why she’d cling to this, as evidence~ they’re not doomed and they’re gonna be okay. Good point, nonnie!
And another good point: I’d forgotten about the daughter saying that her mom had said the steps in the right direction stuff! to her That makes Jemma’s logic fail a little less egregious, I feel better now.
Oh, right, silly me. Of course aos is way too hardcore to want to focus on the situation at hand when surgery is underway!
I think the show kinda confirmed that it was Grant who shot Buddy? In 2x21 when Bobbi was trying to talk Kara out of the whole….torture thing that was about to happen, she tried to convince her that Grant was grooming her and that he probably started small and probably was started small himself, and Kara was like “yeah, Garrett made him shoot his dog.” So that probably counts as confirmation.
(But I am all about #denial so I choose to ignore it. Alternate explanation: Garrett was the one who did it but Grant wanted to use the story to connect to Kara, so he was creative with the truth. See? It still works!)
And yep! Garrett said, when he finally got Grant from the woods, that he’d gotten him into the ops academy! Which admittedly was four whole seasons before this mess and probably they didn’t know yet they were gonna give Hydra its own Academy, but why would Garrett make Grant do the dog test in the woods if he was about to go to Hydra and have to do it all over again? Doesn’t make sense! So yes, definitely Grant went to SHIELD Academy.
As for the “posh” sense you get of Hydra, nonnie, you are SO NOT WRONG. Hydra’s Academy was seriously SO prep school vibes, I can’t even fully describe it. They had UNIFORMS, nonnie! Suit and tie uniforms with HYDRA LOGOS on the breast pocket!!!! It was…….ridiculous. Ri. di. cu. lous.
And right? TOTALLY NOT COOL that Ruby cut off Elena’s arms, but I have some sympathy for her now. Some.
And thank you for asking, the strawberry shortcake was DELICIOUS! And it’s not discrimination (XD; I literally lol’d, nonnie, thanks for that)—strawberry shortcake is a dessert with sliced, sugared strawberries, whipped cream, and a kind of cake that’s called “shortcake” because of its crumbly, sometimes crispy texture. It is THE BEST and I’m so sad it doesn’t exist in your life. I’m sorry, nonnie.
ETA: sometimes people use spongecake instead of shortcake when making strawberry shortcake. these people are wrong and should not be trusted.
As for the squiggly line, it’s hard to explain! 
Sometimes, I use it to add a note of sarcasm or mocking. Since tone is hard to convey online, it helps me get my meaning across (and feels necessarily mean, in such statements as “Jemma and Fitz are destined~”)!
Other times, it’s more…..hm…..like a gesture, maybe? Like in my rant I wrote “the glory of Hive~” and the sguiggly was meant to convey a kind of handwave, like “the glory of Hive and all that stuff the Hive-worshiping parts of Hydra would concern themselves with.” Does that make sense?
I don’t know, it’s kind of like the tumblr habit of randomly capitalizing words in the middle of a sentence, you know? Sometimes it’s for emphasis, sometimes it’s for sarcasm, sometimes it’s just because it feels right. I hope that makes at least a little sense. XD
Thanks very much for the conversation, nonnie! Sorry it was such a struggle getting your thoughts to me!
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