#also im not saying yandere!burr but like....... i can see it
just-mebs · 2 months
Whenever I think about HamBurr, I can't help but think of it as a fluctuating one-sided mess starting with what is Hamilton's crush on Burr in the beginning, and later Burr's own crush on Hamilton.
Hamilton is starstrucked when he meets Burr. It might be a case of puppy love or similar, but I think that through the first act you see this crush on his side that is persistent even despite their butting heads. Maybe Burr sees it too. Maybe he takes it for granted. Maybe he thinks it's silly or unimportant or just a distraction while he waits for life to make decisions for him.
And then BOOM: Hamilton moves on (both physically with the war ending and emotionally seeing how Burr never reciprocated his feelings in any concrete way). He's going for more in life. He's moving forward to make a life out of the world he's helped create that Burr seems uninterested in in a way (see: Non-Stop). And I think it's this turning point that makes Burr kind of "wake up" and realize his own feelings. He sees Hamilton moving on and making a life for himself and suddenly its like all the feeling he did have for Hamilton, the feelings he either ignored and pushed aside, come front and center and he's realizes that he's missed such an important part of his own life.
Or maybe it's now that Hamilton isn't actively pursuing him/giving him as much attention that he's realized that it's something he did take for granted and now regrets. So now, with Burr harboring these feelings, feeling the way that Hamilton probably felt for years during the war, he slowly becomes bitter. He's constantly trying to outdo Hamilton or prove himself to be on the same level or higher than he his. And while Hamilton acknowledges Burr throughout all of this, he never gets back to that contemporaneous war time love Burr so desperately wants from him.
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