#also im having fun with worldbuilding
puppyeared · 2 months
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littlest furth shop
#i think i had a little too much fun with this lol#i also wanted to draw road boy and other characters but maybe when they actually get introduced#i do have a sketch of him with a lil chainsaw.. im not gonna be normal when he gets introduced man he looks so sillygoofy#if you squint laika's eye marking is a clover yue's is a crescent moon and mars' is a star ^_^#i wanted to give laika an accessory too but i couldnt think of anything.. maybe a stack of pancakes??#im curious to see the apocalypse side of the story too.. like so far we have an idea of the comet fucking everything up#and im assuming that lead to a ripple effect causing the apocalypse but exactly how bad?? i cant wait to find out#rn im kinda piecing stuff together.. larkspur delivers mail in a beat up van so that might mean all transportation is grounded#the buildings we've seen so far are intact like the observatory and turnip's house but idk if thats the same for big cities#laikas playlist only includes songs downloaded on yue's computer and there hasnt been internet in 20 years.. but radio signals might#still work.. if yue grows his own food we can assume that mass production and distribution also isnt a thing anymore#sorry im a sucker for worldbuilding.. and the furth puns are fun to me. i like to think toronto would be clawronto.. and vancouver wld#be nyancouver.. barktic circle.. mewfoundland and labrador.. canyada....#christ i have so many drawing ideas. willow if youre reading this im so sorry youre probably gonna expect to see a lot of drawings frm me#like. i wanna draw laika in the akira bike pose so sosososo bad. IT WOULD BE SO AWESOMECOOL. ill teach myself to draw bikes if i have to#i also wanted to animate laika leekspin.. man#my art#myart#fanart#laika's comet#laikas comet#laika#mars#yue#furry art#fur#littlest pet shop#lps
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
Giggling about this [Achromatic Loop AU/non-canonical]
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liquidstar · 3 months
wait speaking of getting isekia'd via truck, a couple weeks back me and a friend on were talking abt portal fantasy/isekai tropes (mostly bc i was infodumping abt rz again), and it made me think abt a fun concept for an ocverse. tho its possible similar things have been done obvs with just how inflated the genre is, just hear me out OK
story starts in the normal world, with a typical Nerdy Guy going about his daily life, expositing about how he feels bored and longs for adventure and magic, just like in all of his favorite media. as he's crossing the street, distracted by his mobile game, he doesn't notice The Truck(tm) coming straight towards him. except he's not hit by it- he's pushed out of the way in the last second, saved by a passing girl who gets hit in his place. this is who the story is about now.
mc gets sent to that sort of intermediary dimension that some isekai have, where she meets the Goddess Lady or whatever that was in charge of the whole isekai situation. goddess lady proceeds to freak out, because she nabbed the wrong person, and she's going to be in SO MUCH TROUBLE. she starts questioning the mc, only to find out that this kid has a good social life, does well in school, is in sports, and has barely ever played a video game. basically the opposite of the socially introverted, underachieving, repressed, genre-aware guy she was supposed to have reincarnated. for the sake of fulfilling somekinda hero prophesy or whatever. and the mc kinda bargains to be sent to the fantasy world anyway bc, well, its that or death i guess. so the two of them kinda have to team up to course-correct this mix-up.
mc is kinda given a list of tasks to do that basically mirror how a typical story like this Would Go, expected to fall in line with the tropes in order to achieve the ultimate goal, but kinda ends up failing at all of them... or not? failing backwards, maybe. doing it in a way different from how its meant to go- using the wrong formula, but somehow getting the right solution. while sort of continuing to question the insanity of the whole situation, and the nature of this whole fantasy world. just fucking up all the tropes.
but a layer i'd wanna add on top of all that is the fact that the hero prophesy (or whatever) called for a man. so upon arriving to this new world, the mc is basically put into a "gender swapped" body and... doesnt seem to mind. this isnt an uncommon isekai trope either, but i hardly see it tackled with much care to really explore whole Gender Thing beyond gags about the "mismatch" (which can be in poor taste) or the conclusion that "well because their Body is now this gender, their gender identity changes to match" which i feel is a pretty shallow and binary take-away to draw abt bodies and identity.
but i think there can be more to explore w the prospect if you actually wanna get into gender stuff. in this case, i'd particularly wanna get into the idea of imposter syndrome. the main character was not MEANT to be... the main character. seen as a phony fighting tooth and nail to meet expectations, and constantly fumbling. not a real hero, or a real man. but its meant to be an act anyway, so why does that bother her? it was like that back on earth too, trying as hard as possible to be the perfect girl. a good social life, does well in school, is in sports.... but that good girl thing always felt fake too. or desperate. what was she trying to prove? how long as this BEEN bothering her, actually? why does it feel easier to breathe in this body, despite everything? the way this whole act makes her happy is scary, because its fake isn't it? but wait, which part was fake? the before or after? is it all fake? isn't this all just a mistake?
was it really a mistake? who is more heroic; a guy too focused on a mobile game to pay attention to those around him, or the person who risked their life to save a stranger? but the hero prophesy was for a "man," right? what does that even mean?
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spear-gsun · 3 months
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A character i designed in class today, got the assignment to make a character and for some reason i was thinking about bells I realized while making her that she'd actually fit into my oc world pretty well and add some really interesting stuff
Have not come up with a name for her yet unsurprisingly, so lets just call her Bell Goat(sheep? cow?) Grandma for now
Also heres the sketches from when i was trying to come up with ideas, first i drew the bells in the corner, then the person in the top right, and then the sketch i ended up refining
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dallonwrites · 8 months
i do think as writers and creatives we would all benefit from letting ourselves embrace and enjoy being a beginner at something. and not just in a "because one day you will improve and see how far you've come" way but actually enjoying being an amateur at something in the moment. embracing the fun and excitement of something new even if you don't really know anything yet. like i'm making a worldbuilding bible for the first time and do i have any idea what i'm doing? no. am i having fun? absolutely
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13eyond13 · 8 days
nothing more cringe than coaxing and half-forcing someone to go to the movies with you because you're talking up how good the last one in the series was and then they finally agree to go and then it ends up being over two hours long and also kinda the worst 😬
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fooltofancy · 1 month
important to understand that my approach to oc design and characterization depends explicitly on how i'm playing that specific game, like. a thing you should know about ilya is that he is the kind of person who will dive into the middle of a large pull ahead of the tank and pop all of his mitigation while screaming because i get distracted and do that. constantly.
... it's the siren's call of the big aoe damage noises, ok.
#mostly im thinking about these things because they're the easy things to think about#i am. very. very. bad. at like deeplore dives lmao#so bad!!!!!!! i'm here for the emotional complexity do Not ask me where this man lives i don't know#... i do know.#once it starts branching out into history and family lore and godforbid fucking cultural lore i am just#so dumb. i'm so dumb i was not designed for worldbuilding even if it's just the world of one weird little guy#v invested in other people's sandboxes because mine is very small and it's also just full of rocks.#anyway.#my partner: BABY MOOOOOOOOODE#me: it's okay my heal is up it'll be FINE#also increasingly play casters like melee dps so everybody gets to suffer that as well#ilya standing directly under a very large guy in his stupid leylines like MANAWARD'S UP IT'S FINE#.... i dont play blm as much now honestly because to contribute i have to be less stupid. and that's not fun.#i really. REALLY enjoy the big melee dps damage noises#they're across the board better than caster noises. so disappointing because in my heart i am On Fire#sam+pal noises are the best noises in the game#SPINNING#i'm thinking too hard about backstories and it's not going well lmao#grabbing this creature by the shoulders and shaking him violently like WHO ARE YOOOOOOOU#concussed probably his brain is just sloshing around in there#babg mode blogging#this is also why he's canonically A Guy Who Touches Things He Shouldn't#because i'm that guy.#i'm the guy who touches things.#this explains sehren also like she would not be who she is if i didnt play dragona age with wild hubris and abandon#.... it wasnt fun unless i was wildly underleveled in places i didnt belong ok#every if mc ive gotten invested in also
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regular-dog · 9 months
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completed this a bit ago, but only just got around to getting a decent scan. Thanks @bwappi for another great request!
[Overmorrow related specbio for this creagure under the readmore]
A distant cousin of the snow-worm, the tokti* (from the onomatopeia 'tok', after the noises it makes, and 'ti', little) is an arthropod native to Paneia’s sunward-equatorial regions, most often found inland and in temperate forests. Much like Earth’s woodlice, they are detritivores, although they are much larger in size - generally around the size of a human hand, with some variation. Their spines and false eye spots have evolved to ward off threats.
Snow-worms are edible, but must have their heads removed before consumption due to a strong, unpleasant taste; tokti, however, carry a similar unpleasant taste in their whole bodies, as well as a potent toxin found in the blue-pigmented areas of both their bodies and their cuticles (shells). Because of this, they have few natural predators; in times where populations become unmanageable in a particular area, culled tokti may be collected for use in dye making, although the process to remove the toxicity from the blue pigment is extensive and not generally considered worthwhile. Lower-grade versions of the dye do exist, but are notoriously dangerous to work with.
Despite their toxicity, tokti are remarkably docile and make good pets -they are only poisonous if ingested, not via skin contact, so they can be safely held, and they are not known to bite. They may wave their antennae, curl up, and/or create popping noises from inside of their shells when feeling threatened.
*In English, tokti may be translated as 'popbug'.
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soldier-poet-king · 11 months
I'm finally back into the way of kings and like.kaladin. Kaladin. Babe. My poor little meow meow. Sad boy times only. Prime Blorbo material. I would die for him.
What a shame bsanderson is such A Worldbuilding Guy and I'm very much more a character driven person where the world mostly exists to serve the narrative & themes bc like. Ho boy is this one dragging. The dalinar chapters SHOULD be smthn I enjoy! Sad old men! Guilt! Honour! Chivalric codes! The ever encroaching fear that you're losing your sanity! And yet. Mcdying.
Love shallan and jasnah. Absolutely fascianted by scholarly, philosophical and religious infighting and implications there. But Kaladin is THEE cosmere guy of all time. He's uprooted even my mistborn era 1 faves. Guilt complex chronically depressed sometimes suicidal enslaved soldier is actually meant to be a healer and a surgeon and he is kind. And good. He doesn't want to be a miracle but for his men he will be. But he also said fuck the lighteyes class oppression all my homies hate this shit. I stood ZERO chance of him not being my fave immediately
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bravevolunteer · 4 months
also. if i THEORETICALLY were to simply draw michael afton in a slightly different font and removed from the actual plot of fnaf, should i make the fake plot a...
horror comedy about ghosts in a silly little purgatory situation . he's still working minimum wage
food service sitcom/family drama. that's it. perhaps also a romcom.
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vypridae · 14 days
In the au, how would anyone know what rings your allowed to traverse? Is it like a background check or solely off of word? Also if a sinner were to go into a ring their not supposed to, what repercussions would happen specifically?
SEE THE FIRST PART OF THIS QUESTION LMAO, UH, I DONT HAVE EXACT SPECIFICS, i would imagine theres some way that the sins all know what sinners can go where, lucifer keeps track of all of the sinners (he's actually good at being a King here) while the others (mammon, ozzie, bee, etc...) keep track of which sinners they know can go where. they're not restricted by magic so they could, in theory, go anywhere if they wanted to (or have a pass by another sin, because I Want Voxval Dates At Ozzie's). maybe there's some mark on the sinners that shows which rings you can go to, maybe its in the color scheme you get when you spawn in hell, im not sure (i might go with the markings tho i love those sorts of things)
(tl;dr: the sins know, either some magic list or just Magic Knowledge, idk)
if a sinner traverses into a ring they're not supposed to and are caught, i don't have much punishment i can think of but my initial idea here was that the sinner would be put into a sort of void-like space, there's no sound, no other people, no sight except maybe seeing yourself, nothing. just pitch darkness, and they're in there for ten years. it's lucifer's way of regulating sinners, because they can't be trusted and the vast majority of the unstable ones, the ones that have no hope, end up losing their minds in this space because it's a whole decade. and per each charge, you can get an additional decade, which is Not Good for sinners that sneak around all the time
as long as you aren't caught though you're fine!! just have to avoid all seven of the deadly sins and you'll be good <3
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bacchuschucklefuck · 16 days
hi i just had to say i LOVE your art style i am obsessed with:
- how dynamic all ur pieces are the ones from fhjy ep18 captivate me especially
- the way u draw riz's ears like idk i just love them
- ur posework it is AMAZING
haha thank you very much! I'm very glad ur enjoying what's goin on around these parts :]
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piplupod · 25 days
i need more sitting-down activities that i can do outside urghghh i want to sew but it's too windy (even just a small breeze is too much) to be working with little pieces of fabric and thread. also sidenote hey guess who learned they've been tying knots in the thread the wrong way their entire life (Kam says we did actually know the correct way to tie a knot years ago but that knowledge didn't get passed to me as a part but I don't know if I believe that fsdjkl). i've been doing some arcane wizard shit with tying the thread after threading the needle and I watched a video a few days ago of someone sewing something and saw the way they looped it around their finger and pulled it through and my brain just about exploded HFDSGJKL
anyways. i usually end up drawing outside but sometimes I simply do not want to draw. same with crochet. but I don't know any other easy sitting-down activities that i can do outside so then i don't get outside as often as I'd like to because I cannot think of anything to do AUGH
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Finally caught up to Monstrous Agonies and, asides from strongly believing that change is inevitable but is not always a bad thing and that communication can solve many problems (and if not, eating the problem is a valid solution), I'm starting to think that the real monsters are the friends we made along The Way
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yinyangle · 1 year
im gonna be honest i dont understand rtumblr (lore and the fact i find rping very very difficult) but yall r having fun and i support u all
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forlorn-plushie · 4 months
My fantasy heartbreaker project has bug-people 'fairies' as a species. They're MTG-color-pie Red, and so I've named the red-like (blasting) magic "carmine", a color named for an insect from which dye is made
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