#also i’ll b posting this to ao3 so the skorplogs will look a million times better like usual lols !
tinycatstars · 10 months
Hi! Late to the writing rq'ing party probably because I'm Nervous tm but if its cool to ask for VE as well, can I ask for little Murrit and little Dismas, maybe destressing together after a rough day? I hc Murrit really likes bunnies and Dismas loves dragons, I think they'd like to share their plushies with each other. :}
AAA OMG!!! u are one of my fav ao3 authors !! i literally luv ur work so much, its actually what originally got me into ve !!! :D
i really hope u like this! its loosely based off of some of ur fics lol but yeaaa ! <3 <3
also lil warning there is some cussing in this btw !
Dismas’s day had been awful. 
He had been running from his lusus all day, finally taking refuge in a small cavern situated near his hive. It was just deep enough that the troll could hide in it without being spotted. He sat on the ground, trying to catch his breath and calm himself down. Small scratches covered Dismas’s body from falling earlier, but other than that, he was okay. 
The troll was just so, so tired. Tired from running, tired from the constant fear and adrenaline running in his body, tired of the stupid skulltitan that was always hunting him down. He wanted nothing more than to be somewhere soft, welcoming, and comforting. Somewhere familiar, somewhere that wasn’t here.
As much as he pained to admit it, he wanted to be with his kismesis. He missed Murrit, with his stupid endearing smile and his stupid comforting hive. 
While adult Dismas wanted to pretend like he didn’t need the other, little Dizzy just wanted to curl up in Murrit’s arms and cry, letting out his fear and frustration. He learned a while ago that the other troll had a surprising soft side that not many got to see often. A side that was really only meant for little Dizzy to see.
Dismas huffed, pulling out his phone from his pant’s pocket. He opens Skorp, and after a moment of hesitation, he begins to message Murrit.
gigantisDebilitation [GD] began trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] at 6:37 PM
GD: Hey///
GD: /\re you /\t your hive?///
UK: >([ya w#at do u want]
GD: C/\n I come over?///
UK: >([i mean yea sure y t#o?]
UK: >([r u like? ok? srsly?]
GD: Ye/\h just///
GD: I need to get /\w/\y for /\ bit///
The troll cringed at his own message. What he really wanted to say was, “Hey, I really need to get away from this stupid fucking lizard and be small with you, please let me come over”, but Dismas knew he couldn’t send that. That would definitely freak Murrit out.
He takes another breath, quickly typing out another message before Murrit could respond to his last.
GD: My d/\y h/\s just been re/\lly b/\d /\nd I need some time to regress///
GD: /\nd I’d r/\ther do it with you///
GD: If th/\t’s ok/\y///
Dismas internally kicks himself. He really hopes Murrit doesn’t say anything about how desperate he sounded to come over.
UK: >([tb# ive felt p itty bity 2 today]
UK: >([so ya come over n we can c#ill]
UK: >([we can b small toget#errr lolol]
GD: Ok/\y///
gigantisDebilitation [GD] gave up trolling unclaspedKahuna [UK] at 6:51 PM
The troll lets out a sigh of relief. With only minimal grunting, Dismas got up from his spot and headed towards his hive to grab his spare go bag, which was home to all his little supplies. 
His body aches as he runs, but he knows it’ll be worth it if he can just get to Murrit’s house.
Murrit’s head hurt. A lot.
As much as she’d like to record the fight between shitlizard and Dismas, she really didn’t feel like it. The whole “fun exploitation theatrics” wasn’t sitting right with Murrit today, for some odd reason. Something about it made their stomach hurt, whether it was from the guilt or the blood, he wasn’t sure.
Still, they sat at their desk, staring at the screens in front of her. Her eyes burned from looking into them, studying them intently. He didn’t sleep the night before, just glaring blindly at the monitors until his vision went blurry. Despite how they acted, they really did care for their friends. That’s why she had to stay up, to make sure they all stay safe.
Especially Dismas, but he ignores that thought. She could only watch so much of today’s brawl before she switched to watching another camera, one that didn’t include her kismesis. They couldn’t do it today.
He just felt so off, like he wasn’t in his own body. Everything she did felt like she was puppeteering someone else into acting like a normal troll, but they weren’t a normal troll. He felt so small, smaller than he should. Sometimes it scared him when he got like this. It’s scary to go through… whatever this is alone. Some of his other friends had explained it to her before, saying that they went through it also. Something to do with trauma, or stress, or maybe both? She wasn’t sure, her head wasn't thinking straight.
But, even if being… small? Yes, that’s the word. If being small was scary, it wasn’t scary with Dismas or Albion or Sova. They all made things right, they made her feel right. 
He… he missed Dismas a lot right now. That’s why whenever the other had messaged him about coming over for some time to destress, of course she said yes. How could she not? She needed this as much as he did, and if they had to do it together, then they would. 
They can’t remember a time where she and Dismas had fallen into that headspace together. He doesn’t think they have done that before. It should be ok, right?
Murrit was doubting themselves. Her head is hurting badly now, the pounding of the migraine overtaking her thoughts. She lays her head down on the desk, closing his eyes to try to calm down. He couldn’t bring himself to move and get his medication, so this would have to do.
Breathe in, breathe out. It’s ok, you’re ok, Dizzy is on his way. He can help. 
They stayed like that for a while, eyes screwed shut to keep out any light that was coming from the computer screens, head resting on the desk. He was finally starting to calm himself down before Dismas arrived. They’d hate to put any more stress on the other troll by freaking out once he got here.
After a while, Murrit hears a knock at the door, causing the troll to jump in her seat. He gets up too fast, almost tripping on the way to unlock the door to their hive. 
As soon as the door is opened, Dismas stumbles into Murrit, wrapping his arms tightly around the other to encase her in a hug. Murrit hugs the other back, holding him gently. He was shaking, and even though no noise was escaping the boy, they could tell he was crying. Murrit tightens the hug, holding Dizzy close and allowing the other to sob into her shoulder. Murry had started to let her own tears fall, mostly out of relief that Dizzy was here, but some out of pain. Their migraine had gotten really bad, their head throbbing from every quiet cry she had let out.
The two sat like that for a while, crying and holding each other to comfort one another. It wasn’t until their sobs had quieted when they pulled away. Dizzy looked… bad. Some of his clothes were ripped up, his bandana falling down his face, his hair sticking up in every other direction. There was still fear in his eyes from earlier. He was clutching his overnight bag like it was a lifeline, like he was afraid he would lose it if he let go.
Murry didn’t look any better. His hair was a curly mess, his eye bags extremely prominent from the lack of sleep. Tears streaked her face, much like Dizzy’s. There was fear in her eyes as well, but not the same as Dizzy’s. Their fear was from being vulnerable, being in that headspace around others, a fear that they still hadn’t conquered.
Dizzy moves his bandana back up his face and asks “Uh… you okay?” His voice was low and quiet, and he spoke carefully as if he was still figuring out which words meant what. Murry starts to nod, before stopping himself. They shook their head slowly, a guilty look covering her face. 
“Me too”, Dizzy says. “S’ okay, though. We can just… just relax today.” Murry hums in agreement.
Dizzy looked around Murry’s hive, it was extremely hard considering how dark it was. He squinted to see the room was covered in dirty clothes, loose papers, unused electrical wiring. Despite how messy it was, it was oddly comforting to the troll. The mess showed that it was lived in, specifically by Murrit. It was kind of nice.
The younger of the two holds out her hand to Dizzy, silently asking him to take it. The older drops his bag first and then takes their hand, leading Murry throughout their own hive. Her other hand was twisted into her shirt, holding onto it for dear life. It was something Dizzy had noticed they did whenever they were nervous. He was confused about why Murry was so nervous, but didn’t say anything. They could always talk about it later, after all.
Murry lets out a quiet whine as the two are walking through the messy hive. Dizzy turns around to check on the other, only to find that the other troll’s eyes are screwed shut in pain. They moved their free hand from their shirt to their head, his palm pressed against his forehead. 
“What’s wrong?” Dizzy asks, concerned. 
Murry whines again, saying “Mm…m’ head hurts”. Dizzy frowns, ultimately deciding that their mission right now would be to go find some medicine for Murry.
The older troll squeezes Murry’s hand, then begins to lead him to the bathroom. Dizzy had been here enough times to know how to navigate through the other’s hive, even if he was feeling little and his thinkpan wasn’t working at full capacity.
He quickly found Murry’s migraine relief meds in the bathroom cabinet, only struggling a little with the child-proof cap. He hands the other regressor the pill, who just looks up at Dizzy and frowns.
“Drink”, they state, holding the pill in their first up to Dizzy.
“Oh, okay”, the older says. They head for the kitchen, with Dizzy almost tripping on a random pile of keyboards only once. He heads for the cabinets, grabbing Murry’s purple sippy cup. He smiled fondly behind his bandana, remembering how Albion had gifted this to him. She had gotten Dizzy one similar to Murry’s, except his was orange.
 He fills the little’s cup with water and hands it back to her. Murry makes a face before taking the pill, gulping down most of the water in the cup afterwards.
“What do you wanna do now?” Dizzy questions.
“Play?” Murry quietly suggests, holding his sippy back to his mouth again. He takes a few more sips, finishing the water completely and setting the cup back in the sink.
“Yeah!” the other troll agrees, running back into the other room to retrieve his bag. Murry begins to follow along before stopping once they see Dizzy running back into the kitchen. He excitedly runs back to Murry, his bag in hand.
Dizzy kneels on the floor and opens the duffle, and Murry peeks inside. He sees extra clothes, some toys, a plushie, and some other plastic, brightly colored things that Murry thinks are pacifiers and teethers. Murry joins the other on the floor, rocking back and forth as he waits for Dizzy to find whatever he was searching for.
“Murry! Look!” Dizzy exclaims, pulling out the plushie. It was a cream-colored dragon with orange eyes. The plush looks extremely squishable and soft. The dragon was in a laying down position, the kind that dogs do whenever they want to play. Murry guesses this was how the dragon let other stuffed animals know that it wanted to play, too.
The younger smiles, reaching out a hand to pet Dizzy’s comfort item. She was right, he was soft!
“Have a plush, too!” Murry says, and gets up off the floor to run to their room. Dizzy follows behind her with his dragon in hand.
Once they reach the bedroom, Murry digs through his closet to find his friend. They eventually pull out a lavender bunny plush that resembled a lionhead rabbit. It was old, like Murry had had it since she was a hatchling. Her plushie was very fluffy, it looked just as soft as Dizzy’s dragon. 
The troll pushes out the bunny for Dizzy to feel. He hesitates before sticking out his hand, petting the other’s very loved stuffed animal. Even if you couldn’t see his mouth, you could tell Dizzy was smiling. Murry was smiling right back at him, a soft laugh escaping her mouth.
The two situate themselves on the floor and begin to play, each coming up with ridiculous and impractical adventures for their little friends to go on. The bunny and dragon had become friends after the dragon had almost eaten Mr. Bunny, and now they were to travel the world together!
Murry could feel their headache melt away with all the fun they were having together. Dizzy did most of the talking, putting on silly voices for his dragon and the other people they had come across on their escapades. Murry would hum or laugh, sometimes making Mr. Bunny talk. The other regressor didn’t seem to mind how quiet Murry was, being that Dizzy could probably talk for the both of them currently.
‘We should regress together more often’, Dizzy thinks, and judging by Murry’s bright smile as they continue to play, she thought the same thing.
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