#also i crammed 3 days into todays sesh and im DEAD
alskylark · 3 months
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And thats my workouts done until I come back from Japan!
I mean tbf, I’ll be walking and doing a LOT in Japan, so I don’t expect to lose a lot of progress but I’m going with the mentality of EAT WHAT I WANT DO WHAT I WANT so… yeah, THAT’s why I dieted and worked out afterall 🤣
So when I started I was at around 67kg and I’m now at 61kg! So not too bad for a couple of months, I can also feel my arms stronger and slightly bulkier which is nice, and my belly definitely feels less floppy too.
All in all this was great! Looking forward to continue when I come back, maybe with a different plan since its getting a bit stale now.
In any case I’m off to Japan in 2 days, I’ve been learning loads of Japanese and I can confidently say that 私は今もっと日本語を知ります!(⌒▽⌒)
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