#also honestly i would love an alternative to this but in the format of soniaki(or any other chiaki ship)
kiwibongos · 2 months
i dont really infodump in general at all but im doing it cus i need some ideas off my chest. do you freak with angst? perhaps an unhappy ending?
// sdr2 chapter 5+ending spoilers ig. kuzuhina au baybee
ok im, pretty positive that if there's two people left then neither of them can get out together and just split the prize bc that'd be pretty bullshit (idek if they ever cleared it up, imo tho one man standing would be the most logical)
so what if nagito DID bomb the island, taking everyone out?
fyi ive written this nearly entirely so im sparing u with a little summary(this is not a summary)
so bombs are spread all around the islands forreal this time. after nagito's video, a chain of them went off right as they were running out of the plushie factory, barely on time. everything started crumbling around them, and all the others were downed one by one, either caught in the explosions or crushed underneath falling structures
but somehow haj and fuyu survived, the others killed right in front of their own eyes. but they ran away, retreating to the warehouse, to which they find nagitos body. and the realization hits– it’s just them now, they’re the only ones left, and neither of them know what to do
im sure u can imagine hajime was fucking RAGING at that point just breaking down and stressing out
they didnt know what to do, they couldnt do anything, but fuyuhiko was here, so the first thing they did was to get off the island since the fire was spreading. from there, they wander around, hoping maybe then something would happen, but there wasn't any sight of monokuma or monomi. all they could do was look onto the destroyed islands, before they inevitably wait in a safe spot at the military base, officially at a dead end
they just kinda sit there for a while, not knowing what to do. but they cant wait here forever, and fuyuhiko knows what he has to do
eventually, he hands hajime a pistol(acquired from the truck of firearms outside), and asks him to kill him so it could finally be over
obviously hajime refuses at first, but fuyuhiko begs him, because he isn’t a good person and he doesn’t have much else to live for, while hajime has singlehandedly saved everyones asses, he deserved to escape more than anyone else here. by now, hajime was crying, but they’ve been at this dead end for so long, he knew he had to do it or else they’d never be getting off this island. so hajime just holds em close and says his final goodbyes (maybe a kiss teehee) before making it quick for him
pulling that trigger hurts him more than anything, ANYWAY BOOM hajime is the winner, simulation ends
also postgame babey; when things end here, hajime would wake up from the simulation, and since he never got to choose his own future alongside everyone else, he wakes up as izuru kamukura. he's not entirely empty i think, izuru and hajime still would have "merged" afterwards, so it'd moreso just be hajime somewhere in there half of the time just mourning but its deeply suppressed into the deepest part of his mind, but thats a wholeee thing to get into
(also very late edit but i did end up writing this as a fic entirely! the brainrot consumes. just wanted to say.)
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