#also his quirk is soooo op he probably NEVER works out
camgirlkaminari · 1 year
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dabi stans look i love you guys but you are SO wrong about a guy who probably hasn't eaten anything more robust than raw instant ramen noodles since he was 8. that guy has NO muscles he's a delicate waif he's sustained by vengeance and vengeance ONLY. and possibly also propane. what im saying is im a skinty dabi truther first and a person second
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quirkwizard · 3 years
I think I have a ask in the queue but I'm super excited for this one, I couldn't wait to send it in. Before I get into my question I want to make sure you are caught up with the manga/read spoilers. If not you can put this off until you're caught up.
With that said here we go: So went through the spoilers and there's this new character called Stars and Stripes. She's also another hero who was inspired by All Might and she has what appears to be a busted quirk called New Order. Judging from the other posts and from what I'm seeing, it might be pseudo or low level reality warping or high level probability manipulation. Either way it looks absolutely busted. Can I get your thoughts on it? I know how you feel about those sort of powers and I kinda want to see you break it down tear it apart. Plus I love reading your thoughts on powers. Anyway, I hope you're having a wonderful day!
SPOILERS Mha 330. Star&Stripe's Quirk. Imposing rules on people and things. What are your thoughts on this Quirk? (I am so sorry if this is a spoiler for you)
Given how ridiculously OP Star and Stripe's canon quirk is, what other quirks would fit her?
Any thoughts on the Quirk revealed in the newest chapter, New Order?
Soooo.... when I first heard of Star and Stripe's quirk I was all 'Wha- noooo that cannot be a canon quirk', but 'New Order' is an actual quirk and I'm still in disbelief it exists. So now I come to you oh great Quirk Wizard to hear your thoughts on 'New Order'
I really like Star and Stripes design but... her quirk doesn’t really fit within MHA on my opinion. It seems more like a Bleach power or a Cursed Technique from JJK
Hey wiz, how’s your day going? Anyways what are your thoughts on the new heroine Stars and Stripes quirk New Order? Because for me I think it might be one of the most ridiculous quirks I’ve seen in the whole franchise to date!! Well maybe Bendy Fingers but that’s for another conversation.
I know we still don’t know much about star and stripes new quirk but doesn’t new order sound a little too op. It’s literally death note LOL
ok but "New Order" looks really scary......
If you are up to date with chapter 330, could you do an analysis on Star and Stripe's quirk? Or is it too early for an analysis?
First off, wow. This is probably the most questions I have gotten for a single topic and it has barely been a week since the spoilers came out. Second, this will be focused on the Quirk itself. I could talk about Stars and Stripes, her role, or her Quirk’s role, but that deserves its own discussion. Finally, I am doing fine and I hope you are all doing good as well.
As of right now, I don't have much to say. I want to say that it is absurdly overpowered and doesn't fit with any other Quirk we have seen thus far, because both are true. I wouldn't say that it can bend reality or that it is like the Death Note like other people, unless you are going by the American movie, but it is such a massive outlier from the rest of the powers in the setting that it feels like it was pulled from a different series altogether. Something more magical or spiritual, where a concept as vague "rules" can work as a power. And this isn't like an Eri situation where it is a young child with a never before seen power, this is someone a part of the previous generation. However, I've been down this road before with other series. Some ability is introduced that seems impossibly powerful, but something introduced later to weaken or explain it further it. Like how "Overhaul" was only thought to cause hives but actually had other drawbacks. For example, maybe the Quirk can only work on physical matter with specific rules, essentially becoming "Overhaul" but with extra steps. So no "if they touch me, they teleport to jail" kind of stuff. But if that point never comes and it stays the same, Hori is going to have his work cut out for him trying to dig himself out of the massive hole he put himself in. For that matter, I may just quit doing Quirk Reviews altogether. I mean the author clearly stopped caring about the balance and consistency of the world, so why should I?
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