#also here's your sneak peak at sango
laura-quest · 2 months
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hi! laura quest chapter 2 is still on hiatus due to life stuff but have a funny image i made that is technically canon
original meme under the cut
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skyelara · 3 years
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Hi, guys! It’s Wednesday, and I am super excited to be doing Work in Progress Wednesday for the first time! Shout out to @neutronstarchild for helping me with the banner and for answering all my dumblr questions haha. This snippet is for @dayofmirsan, which I am super stoked for! It’s this Saturday, April 24th, and I know we are all excited to see what everyone comes up with for our beloved Miroku and Sango! I have been partnered with the amazingly talented @anisaanisa, and I cannot wait for you guys to see what she has come up with! The story is called Lost and Found, and ended up being a 10K oneshot when it was only supposed to be about 2K (story of my life). So without further adieu, here is my sneak peak! <3 “Hello, is this Miroku?”
Miroku wasn’t quite sure what to expect when his phone went off close to midnight but hearing a feminine voice on the other end wasn’t quite what he pictured. It was like honey; sweet, but also thick with an emotion he couldn’t quite place. Honestly, he wasn’t going to complain. He’d been going through quite the dry streak lately, and he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Yes, this is him, at your service,” he said in his most charming tone. “To what do I owe the pleasure of talking to a beautiful lady such as yourself this late at night?”
Until, at least, that mouth opened.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
Miroku blinked at how quick the voice went from demure to harsh. “Miroku, and I believe you called me?”
“I know that,” the girl on the other end snapped. “I mean, who do you think you are catnapping Kirara?”
“Excuse me?”
“Kirara,” the woman repeated, exasperated. “My cat. She’s been missing for a few days and returned tonight with a collar. Your collar.”
Miroku inhaled a breath of realization. He rubbed the nape of his neck, flushing in embarrassment. It seemed Inuyasha was correct in that Lotus, er, Kirara, had an owner.
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” he chuckled, nerves pooling into the receiver. “I thought Lo…, er, Kirara, was it? I thought she was a stray.”
“Why on earth would you think my cat was a stray?” He could hear her huff of annoyance loud in his ear.
She was feisty. A grin grew on his lips. He liked this chick already.
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classysassy9791 · 3 years
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Sometimes its the quieter moments that speak the loudest. A story of love, laughter, and friendship carried through the years during the most wonderful season of all. Full of fluff and Christmas cheer. Interconnecting One-shots.
Fandom: Inuyasha Genre: Romance/Friendship Pairings: InuKag, MirSan, SessKagu
Chapter 1: Winter Wonderland Word Count: 2300 Can also be found here
The crisp, white snow had smothered summer. It appeared as if somebody laid a sparkling white sheet over what was once green grass and put it to bed. Naked winter trees lined the avenue and there was a freezing chill in the air that brought crispness to the leaves, bejeweled with frost, that crunched underfoot.
Inuyasha Taisho hunched his shoulders to fight off the cold as his breath raised in visible puffs to join the grey-clouded sky. Rosy cheeked, he stamped to keep warm, pulling his woolen hat snugger over his silver-haired head and tightening his purple scarf around his blue-tinged lips.
He was not a fan of winter. The wind howled through the desolate neighborhood, biting at his frozen skin. The bleak grey clouds overhead reflected perfectly his grey mood inside. The days became shorter, the nights became longer, and the dampness crept into his bones and made them ache for summer again. The world seemed to lie barren and lifeless before him, as if God Himself had put it to sleep.
“Keh,” came a muffled grunt beneath his scarf. Damn his half-brother for being too preoccupied with his girlfriend, and damn his father for working late as per usual. Inuyasha had quickly become the man of the house at the tender age of thirteen, left to care for his sickly mother. He loved the woman dearly, of course, but it was rather troublesome to go trudging out into the snowy depths simply to take the trash out.
His teeth chattered as the bitter cold seeped into his gloves and numbed his fingers until they ceased to bend properly, stiffened and frigid. It had to be below zero out – he may have been exaggerating a tiny bit – because he should not have gotten this cold this fast.
Thin frozen puddles cracked under his winter boots as he hauled the trash bag into the container at the end of his driveway. Streetlights were misty in the light snowfall descending from the sky. Ice gently blanketed the sidewalks and streets. The faint glow of the sun attempted to peak through the clouds without success as the snowflakes danced and pranced in the cold air. Winter was a wonderland.
Or so most would like to think.
Inuyasha just thought it was cold.
“Snowball fight!” someone shouted, causing his head to snap to attention.
A split second after the obligatory warning, a snowball exploded from the front of his winter jacket. Immediately, he knew the fight was on: duck and cover, build a stash, and keep his head down. Inuyasha quickly dived and rolled behind his mother’s car.
His woolen gloves picked up snow like they wanted to be snowballs themselves, frozen crystals dangling from wild loose fibers he never noticed. Already, the coldness of the snow chilled his fingers to the point where they no longer wanted to work.  But cold or not, a snowball fight was a snowball fight, and he didn’t give in. Ever.
Snowball fights were all the rage on their street. Inuyasha and his friends versus the girls in the neighborhood. There were mornings they used to wake up early just to build a bigger stack than the opposing team. Since they were pretty much all lousy shots, having ammo was the key. However, as the years passed and they grew older, they resulted to sneak attacks instead. It made things more interesting.
Soon, another icy ball hit the side of the car he was hiding behind and another whistled through the air just above his head. Childish laughter echoed from all around him, as he tried to pinpoint where his assailant was coming from. A stupid grin plastered over his face as he took his first snowball and whipped his arm back to send it flying toward the back of a blue-jacket kid.
“Hey!” the boy shouted upon impacted.
Inuyasha laughed as the kid turned around to glare at him. “Take that, Miroku!”
The young boy with dark hair narrowed his eyes. “Inuyasha, I’m on your team!”
“Then what are you doing on the other side of the street?” he called, ducking as another snowball nearly clipped him in the shoulder. Another shout from Miroku determined he had been hit, before a flurry of crunching snow indicated he was running across the yard toward him.
Miroku crouched down next to him, holding his gloved hands over his head. “The girls are really feisty this year,” he commented with a smile.
Inuyasha continued to pack ammo together. “Shut up and start making snowballs,” he directed. “I’m not about to let them win.”
“Oh?” Miroku questioned with a raised brow and a grin. “You mean like last time?”
Amber eyes glared daggers, effectively muting him, as they prepared to attack. A few minutes were spent in silence as they prepared their ammo, before Inuyasha suddenly paused. His eyes scanned the open lawn behind them, watching and waiting for movement.
Noticing his friend’s delay, Miroku turned hesitant eyes upon him. “What is it, Inuyasha?”
“Shut up,” he hissed. “It’s quiet.”
Miroku glanced around. “So?”
“It’s too quiet,” he corrected. “The girls are up to something.”
Recognition dawned on his face as Miroku halted in making his latest snowball to peak his head over the hood of the car. Without warning, a snowball hit him square in the face, causing him to tumble backward from the impact.
“Direct hit!” someone called out. Inuyasha glanced up to see his neighbor pumping a fist in the air. “That was so worth it!”
“See? I told you, Sango,” a raven-haired girl laughed as she poked her head around a tree. “Patience is a virtue.”
Smirking, as the girls had clearly divulged their hiding spots, Inuyasha sent a few snowballs hurdling toward them. One hit Sango on the back of the neck, while Kagome got hit in the leg. Both girls screeched and dived for cover as Inuyasha whooped. “Serves you right!” he cackled before ducking his head again.
Sango was a tomboy at heart, and always tended to best him when it came to snowball fights. She was quick on her feet and had great aim thanks to years of softball. However, it was Kagome who was his key opponent. Quiet and petite, she tended to launch a sneak attack when he wasn’t paying attention, and then dashed away before he could get his bearings.
The fight intensified. The best thing Inuyasha knew he could do right now was taunt them into releasing all their missiles and then run out into the open with his. It worked like a charm every time.
“Come and get me!” he bellowed, dashing across his yard to the tree in front, dipping and dodging as snowballs flew by him, narrowly missing their intended target. Miroku lagged behind, catching most of the onslaught, as he attempted to dodge as swiftly as his friend. Unfortunately, Miroku preferred to make nice with the girls rather than run track with the boys. It was one of his many shortcomings.
Hours later, a snowball fight in the fading light was how they finished the day. Inuyasha was quietly sneaking through the neighborhood, tracking Kagome’s movements. The teams had paired off, and he could faintly hear Sango and Miroku’s battle occurring a few houses down.
Inuyasha poked his head out from behind a tree, watching and waiting. Kagome had currently ducked down behind an old truck. He had her cornered. But knowing her, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
“Come on out, Kagome,” he taunted. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”
There was silence. And then, without warning, she bounced to her feet with a hastily fashioned weapon sitting in her brown woolen glove. She wore the same face she had when she had him beat in scrabble, but this was no war of words and he fought dirty – all in the name of “fun” of course.
Her snowball sailed through the air, but he shielded himself with the tree effortlessly. He had snowball fights down to a science; best snowball size, best snowball density, just the right swing in his throwing arm.
“I’m gonna get you, Inuyasha!” she promised fiercely, her eyes sharp but her smile wide. “You can’t hide behind there forever!”
There was a nagging voice telling him to let her win, that it would be better in the long run, especially with that cute little face she was giving him and the confidence in her voice. But he just couldn’t. Snowball fights were a war and wars just had to be won.
Swift as the wind, he dashed from his hiding spot straight toward the old truck. Kagome shrieked at his surprise attack and fumbled through the snow to escape. He ran after her, pursued her, listening as she screamed and pleaded with him to stop, all the while laughing.
He smirked, holding a large snowball in his hand as he drew closer and closer to her. This one was going to be the end of her, he knew it, and so he relished the chase. Her raven hair blew wildly in the wind, tearing her green knit hat from her head and falling somewhere behind them. He raced after her across the neighborhood, dashing through lawns and avoiding the snowball fight currently happening between their other friends.
After a few minutes, he was within arms’ reach. Gently, he reached out and grabbed her around the waist. She screeched with laughter as she fought against him.
“P-Please Inuyasha!” she urged. “Let me go!”
“Sure thing,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ll let you go. After all, I don’t take prisoners.”
With those words, he shoved his snowball down the back of her neck, earning a satisfying shriek from the girl in his arms. She pushed and pulled against him, fighting to break free in order to save herself from the cold slowly seeping down her back.
Inuyasha cackled, watching as she struggled in vain. “Guess I win this round, huh?”
Abruptly, she stilled in his arms. He grinned, thinking she had finally given up, but when she didn’t move, he began to worry. His lips slowly pulled into a frown and he began to wonder if maybe he had gone too far. Maybe he was pushing the limits by forcing a handful of snow down her shirt.
“Uh, Kagome?” he questioned hesitantly, loosening his grip on her. “You okay?”
The sound of sobbing met his ears and his eyes widened in alarm. She was crying?! Kagome knelt down in the snow and ducked her head, her shoulder shaking as she wept.
“Wait. Kagome,” Inuyasha tried, reaching out to touch her but pausing before he made contact. “I-I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean it.”
When she continued to weep, he crouched down in the snow beside her. “Kagome?”
All of a sudden, her hand came up at an alarming speed, smacked against his collar bone, and then suddenly there was cold seeping down the front of his chest. He blinked once, then again, his brain trying to catch up to what just occurred.
“Holy shit!” he cried out, jumping to his feet and clawing at his jacket, trying without success to alleviate the frigid ice running down his stomach. “Holy shit is that cold!”
Kagome started giggling, causing him to jerk his head toward her, confused by her reaction. “Y-you should have seen your face!” she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand and pointing at him with her other one. “Oh my— Inu-Inuyasha!”
He narrowed his eyes. “You think this is funny?” he grumbled, taking a threatening step toward her.
She shook her head negatively, but her expression said otherwise. “You deserved it,” she reasoned, fearless brown eyes staring up at him. She crossed her arms over her chest. “That is not how you treat a lady.”
Inuyasha raised his brows. “Oh, is that so?”
He treaded toward her, arms outstretched, with a confident grin on his face. Kagome held out her hands, waving them dismissively in an attempt to ward of his attack, but it was all in vain. Soon, he had tackled her to the ground and straddled her stomach.
She giggled as he pinned her down. “Beg for mercy,” he commanded, grinning down at her.
Kagome looked up at him, still laughing, as fresh frozen flurries fell gently into her midnight black hair spread around her head, a stark contrast to the pure white of the snow surrounding them. Her cheeks were flushed prettily and her eyes sparkled with a fiery spirit. Small puffs of air escaped her pale lips as she tried to catch her breath.
“Never,” she whispered defiantly.
He opened his mouth to respond, intent on making her pay for all of her insolence, but was interrupted by a woman’s voice.
“Kagome!” her mother called from a few houses down. “Time to come inside!”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he reluctantly released the girl. “Keh, go see what your mom wants.” He disentangled himself and sat down in the snow, leaning back on his hands.
She lay still for a moment, watching him intently, before finally bracing herself on her knees. “It’s getting late,” she pointed out, glancing up at the darkening sky. Sango and Miroku were currently wading through the snow toward them, more than likely hearing Ms. Higurashi’s call as well.
“Yeah,” he replied half-heartily, amber eyes shifting to his own house a few yards down. The windows were all dark, making it seem cold and unwelcoming.
Kagome pushed herself to stand and held out her hand. “Come on. Let’s go warm up with some hot chocolate.”
He eyed her hand, hesitating for a moment, before wrapping his own around hers. “I don’t want those little marshmallow things in it though,” he commented gruffly as they began walking toward her home.
She laughed, looping her arm through his. “That’s the best part!” she argued playfully.
Inuyasha shook his head, glancing away to hide his smile.
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petri808 · 5 years
Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha
@inusecretsanta @coolstormy4  Fluffy Inukag Holiday AU.  Merry Christmas! Hope you like it :)
All Because of a Piney Bough
With Kagome in her first year at Yokohama N.U., as far as mama Higurashi was concerned, the winter break was one time of year she was required to be home for visits aside from summer.  Mrs. Higurashi sometimes missed the days when her daughter and friends would hang out on weekends keeping the shrine home so nice and lively.  But now, they had scattered like the four winds… well sort of, for Miroku had followed his girlfriend Sango to Tsukuba University, and Inuyasha followed his best friend to Yokohama.
Inuyasha… once or maybe still was Miroku’s best friend, yet now her daughters…  Actually, mama Higurashi had given up on trying to understand the dynamics between those two.  She was pretty sure they were both in love with each other since meeting 5 years ago and while they were almost attached at the hip, dated other people through high school.  It made, no sense.  Either way, she adored the Hanyo because as long as he was around, she never had to worry about her daughter’s safety.
Mrs. Higurashi figured that the kids would have plans on the holidays themselves, so two days before Christmas found the shrine home buzzing with life again.  Kagome had come home from college the prior week with Inuyasha in tow.  Sango and Miroku were back from Tsukuba, and Kohaku, Sango’s younger brother had also been able to make it to the party.  It was like old times, Mrs. Higurashi sighed as she finished the last touches on her Christmas Wagashi’s.  
“Here’s the K.F.C.,” Inuyasha places the two large buckets of fried chicken on the counter, “you sure this is enough for all of us?”
She wipes her hands on a towel and checks the boxes.  “Thank you dear, but I have other things already made as well,” she smiles at the young man.
“Mmm, I can’t wait!” he rubs his stomach, “you always make the best foods!”
Mrs. Higurashi just chuckles and shoos him out of the kitchen before he tries to sneak anything. “Could you let everyone know dinner will be ready in 30 minutes?”
Two hours later now fed and satiated, most of the group relaxes in the living room, centered around watching the two teenagers play some kind of video game on the screen.  The adults chat while sipping tea or coffee, with Sango and Miroku talking about their first semester in a new city. Kagome had just finished washing the dishes for her mom and now stands in the entryway between the two rooms. It was really nice to see everyone gathered together like this, she smiled to herself.  The internet makes staying in touch so much easier, but it still doesn’t make up for the personal contact.  
After taking out the trash, Inuyasha joins her.  Keeping his voice low, “so who’s winning?”
“I think Kohaku… but I could be wrong.”
Knowing the woman didn’t know much about fighter type games, he chuckles.  “You have fun shopping earlier today with Sango?”
“Mmhmm,” feeling a bit tired she leans on his shoulder and yawns, “it was fun, we even stopped at our old ice cream shop haunt…”
Across the room, Sota and Kohaku high-five after another good round against some online competitors on the Playstation, laughing along with Miroku who’s asking to jump in next round. The two boys turn to respond to the older man but stop suddenly and begin whispering furiously between each other.
“What, don’t wanna let me play too cause you think I’ll whip your butts?”
“Nah, that ain’t it,” Kohaku leans closer, so he can whisper, “look behind you.”
“Huh?” Miroku turns his head and immediately grins and nods, leaning over to Sango to pass on the message.
The next thing they knew, the room had gone silent and 6 heads had turned to stare at Kagome and Inuyasha, grins on every single one of their faces.  “What?” the Hanyo growls, “why is everyone looking at us?”
Kagome who is just as intrigued chimes in too.  “W-why is everyone smiling like that?”
It’s her mom who finally speaks up while the 3 younger males snickers.  “Mistletoe ball.”
“Mistletoe?” the young girl repeats what her mother had said.  So, Mrs. Higurashi points above their heads.  Both Kagome and Inuyasha look at the same time, their faces growing paler by the millisecond.  “M-Mistle…”
“…toe…” Inu finishes.
“KISS!  KISS!  KISS!” chants begin to fill the room, starting from Sota and Kohaku but quickly joined by Miroku, Sango, even Mrs. Higurashi can’t hold back her amusement.
“W-Wha…. N-No but he-he’s…. we’re not…” poor Kagome’s face is turning crimson and Inuyasha’s is heating up as well.  “Oh, my Kami!” she hides her face while the chants of ‘KISS’ rage on.  It was so not funny to be called out like that!
“Just Kiss her Inuyasha!” Miroku goads the Hanyo, “you know you’ve been dying to!”
“N-No I don’t!” shaking a fist, “this was trap wasn’t it!  Who did it!”
“No one, it was just part of the decorations,” Sango giggled.  “Aww, Kagome, kissing Inuyasha wouldn’t be so bad would it?”
But the young girl refuses to respond only shaking her head as her anxiety reaches a peak.  “Stop pestering her, can’t you see…” Inuyasha’s growls die off for Kagome had taken off out the kitchen door.  They hear it slam behind her.  “See!” he curses the whole room.
“Oh, dear, maybe be we pushed her too far,” Mrs. Higurashi covers her mouth as she rises from the couch, “I better go…”
“I’ll go check on her,” Inuyasha mumbles, swiping the mistletoe down before stalking out of the house.
As soon as Inuyasha has left, Sango slaps her boyfriend, “it was you, wasn’t it?”
“Oww!” he rubs his shoulder, “yes!  But it was meant to catch you at some point!”  
Kagome flees to the Well House and sits along the worn-out wooden edging with her head hung.  It wasn’t that she was sad or even angry, but this definitely wasn’t how she’d envisioned her visit turning out.  She didn’t know what embarrassed her more, the idea of simply kissing her best friend because of some western-fangled tradition…. Or the thought of kissing the man she’d been pining over for years in front of family and friends who suspected those feelings.  Her mother was always asking in subtle ways, how were things with Inuyasha, oh, still just friends, okay that’s wonderful dear, he’s a great guy to have around….
Ugh!  She felt crappy enough without having to be reminded so often that no, they were still just friends.  I mean didn’t they hear him say he didn’t want to kiss me!  Moisture clouds over her eyes and she squeeze’s them shut.  I wish they’d just drop it already!  Tomorrow is a day for couples and this year I get to celebrate it alone…  Kagome let’s out a shaky exhale as memories of previous Eve’s with her ex, walking around to look at the light shows, how she’d often dreamt it had been Inuyasha instead holding her hand….        
She hears a noise and the door opening, turning her head to hide further, Kagome assumed her mother had come to console her and covers her face.
But when she hears a softened male voice instead of that of her mother, she flinches; what was he doing here!  
“Kagome, a-are you gonna be okay?”  Inuyasha hops up onto the wells edging beside her in a crouched position and places a hand on her shoulder.  Kagome flinches out of his touch and stands up, placing a foot or so of space between them with her back to him.  “Oi, what are ya mad at me for!  I wasn’t the one who was doin the taunting!”
“I’m not mad at you, just wanna be alone right now.”
Inuyasha could hear the held back tears in her voice, smell the salt in the air.  He cringes, ears flattening at the pain it shot through his heart but in his head, it wasn’t fair that she was pushing him away over something he had no control over.  “Sure feels like you’re mad at me for somethin…”
“I’m really not mad okay, maybe confused sometimes, sad but not mad,” Kagome tilts her head up willing back the tears that furiously wish to break free, “you just…. I don’t know…” she lets out a long exhale, “…I just don’t know how to think of you anymore.”
Now Inuyasha was completely confused, what did she mean by how she thinks of him?  “What, you don’t wanna be my friend anymore is that it? If you don’t like me anymore all ya had to do was say something.”
“I like you too much is the problem…” her voice is so soft Inuyasha barely catches all the words, but then frankly he thought he might have heard her wrong anyways.  Kagome tilts her head in his direction this time, a weak smile gracing her features, “and just being your friend is getting to be too difficult to bear.”
Oh, bloody hell, so that’s what she was all upset over!  This chick has never given him one damn clue that she might have feelings for him, even dated his friggen rival for 2 years which is why he went out with hers hoping to stir up jealousy with no results, and now she wants to just break things off before there was anything between them?  Like hell he was gonna let that happen!  
“Kagome,” his eyes flash and narrow as he motions with a claw, “get over here.”  The gruff nature of his voice startles her at first, but she could tell it wasn’t in anger, more like she was about to get scolded.  She shakes her head.  Inuyasha jumps down from his perch quicker than she can turn to run and grabs her around the waist from behind.  “Stupid wench,” his lips are so close to her ear, she can feel the vibrations of his words and the heated air wafting against her skin.  “I have waited almost 4 damn years for you figure out what you wanted.  I stood back while you dated that wolf.  I followed you to Yokohama, do you really think I’ll let you walk away from me now?”
Kagome clenches her fists at her sides.  Was he for real?  They’d been like two idiots waiting for the other to make the first move!  “This whole time,” she breathes out, “are you seriously telling me you never asked me out because I  never made up my mind?”  She turns around to face him and immediately begins to bang her fists on his chest. “Are you serious!  Inuyasha, I’ve been the one waiting for you to make a goddam move on me, but you’ve never ever EVER acted like you had feelings for me beyond friendship!  Just now you shouted to everyone how you didn’t want to kiss me….  So how the hell was I supposed to figure it out!”  
Wow!  His eyes widen at the fury Kagome was trying to unleash on him.  He’s seen her mad before, but frankly this was amusing and endearing at the same time and it was taking all of his willpower not to laugh aloud and set her off even more.  He loved her pure heart, but he was even more in love with her feisty side.  
Inuyasha finally grabs her wrists to still them.  With a slight bemusement in his tone, “I didn’t want to kiss you in there because I didn’t want to take something if you weren’t ready to give it back.”  Kagome stops fighting and just stares into his honeyed hues confused.  Well that shut her up quick!  He drops her hands and scoops her cheeks into his hands, “Of course I want to kiss you…. I wanna kiss you all day, every day!”
Her eyes grow misty, “Inu…. I’m sorry I…”  
“Enough talking,” he cuts her off and crashes their lips together….  A rumble of contented abandon flows from his chest, oh Kamisama how he’s wanted to do this for so long! To nibble at her luscious ruby lips, to taste her as their tongues explore the heated antechamber…. Kagome was the sweetest hanami dango  and smelled as good the blossoms they celebrated.  He leans his forehead to hers after one more chaste kiss, “so…  can I call you my girlfriend now?”
“Shh,” Inuyasha cups a hand over her mouth, his ear flicking in the direction of the house.  Without warning he scoops her into his arms and drops down into the bottom of the well, “don’t say anything yet.”  As his ears scan above, Kagome just looks up wondering what had spooked him.
The pair hears the door open.  “Kagome? Inuyasha?  Are you guys in there?”  A pause in Mrs. Higurashi’s voice, then the door closes again. “Doesn’t seem like they’re in the well house or anywhere on the property.  I hope Kagome’s okay.”
“I’m sure she is,” now they hear Miroku’s voice trying to reassure the woman, “you know Inuyasha, if she left, he could track her down.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.  I guess they’ll come back when they’re ready.”  
Kagome and Inuyasha hear a shuffling of feet back towards the main house.  She turns to Inuyasha confused, “why didn’t we just tell them we were okay?”
“Because I wasn’t ready to go back to the house yet,” his voice is heady and low, “so what’s your answer wench?”  
“Answer?  Oh!” she giggles, “how about… I’ll think about it.”
“Oi!  Think about it!”  Inuyasha runs his claws along her ticklish sides, and with a growl to his tone, “I’ll give you two seconds to say yes,” then traces them along the waist band of her skirt, “1….”
“Okay, Okay!” she spits out, shuddering as his hands have curved behind and nails trail along her spine. “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend!”
“Let’s start over then,” he pulls the slightly crunched up mistletoe from his pocket and holds it above her head.
Kagome giggles as she stands on her tippy-toes to kiss him, “Merry Christmas to us…” 
KFC & Wagashi info https://favy-jp.com/topics/1421
Hanami Dango info https://www.justonecookbook.com/hanami-dango/
Christmas in Japan simple info
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