#also hate that u don’t regenerate ur health. & the stamina bar. ok maybe i have many complaints.
lesbianlenas · 2 years
Odyssey is definitely one of my ac games right up there with Origins (with Kassandra being my fav ac mains). But the ending felt so abrupt I thought there was a glitch or there was something I was missing. I’m currently playing Valhalla while it isn’t bad I hate that in order to proceed the settlement has to be a certain level.
i haven’t played origins i bought ac odyssey back in 2018 exclusively bc i knew i could play as a lesbian and did not know anything abt ac 😩 after odyssey i feel like i would have a hard time going back to origins bc 1. male main character and 2. it being not an open world would feel so different. but i’m glad i’m not the only one that felt like that it just felt so like. unresolved. i was sitting there like umm. is that it? felt like there was no pay off esp since i killed every cult member and nothing was said abt that at all after u destroy the pyramid. it’s like u did it! and then nothing. but i also started playing valhalla two days ago & i haven’t gotten to leveling up the settlement yet bc i always start running off doing shit & getting distracted 😩 so not sure yet how i am going to feel abt that. i def don’t think it’s bad but it’s hard playing right after odyssey bc i can’t help but compare them & odyssey was like. Exactly the type of video game i love. so everything different in this game i’m like all picky abt. i’m enjoying it the more i play it though so we will see i guess. hope for both our sakes there is a more satisfying ending this time lol 🙏
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