#also folks should definitely check out the ops videos cause i did after seeing her comment
vivanightcity · 1 year
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He don’t know shit. X
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tsukiyadori · 5 years
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A bit of dissecting Robotic:Note DaSH’s Full Opening and some translations of the on screen messages.
The Robotic;Notes DaSH VN is currently scheduled to 31th January 2019, but this “Full OP”, which I just found yesterday, was dropped on 23th October 2018 by Chiyomaru Shikura. 
Youtube description:
Robotic;Notes DaSH Full Opening / Something like an official MAD
The official opening video hasn’t even been made public and again I ended up editing as I please and created something like an official MAD... What’s more it’s for the full song!! It’s more that twice as long as the official OP!!
It’s 5:12 minutes long to the full version of “Avant Story”. The official opening that went online on 2rd November 2018 is 2:30 minutes long. 
The part after the full song’s intro (0.15) is essentially the same to the official OP (except that the official one has a short flipback to huke’s artwork of Steins;Gate’s Daru), but the rest apperas far more interesting and revealing actually. A bunch of previous artwork (Robotic:Note Elite i.e. the Anime, S;G’s and S;G 0′s artwork) gets reused but a whole lot of seemingly quite new stuff is also there. I don’t really get much of the R;N references, but the S;G ones are pretty interesting.
Welcome back power pole:
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First few seconds have the World Line divergence flipping round:
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That’s a S;G 0 number! Followed by Steins Gate (1.048596) numbers that are flickering: 
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And the S;G 0 one popping up again:
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and then flipping back on the 1.048587 and 1.048586 twice and then to  1.048585, 1.048595 and
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to distorted a 1.048596
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Orange bars that get plugged onto the blue ones?
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R;N folks in Tanegashima all being blue.
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I think that was some R;N villain (that didn’t leave the bigges impression)?
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“Seira Icecream” There was a Seira character in some drama CD in which Kurisu wound up doing some cosplay. Or was there a Seira icecream place in R;N?
R;N characters are definitely all blue:
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The flags are advertising Tanegashima’s Gun festival. (It exists for real.)
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Nae seems to count more the the R:N cast than the S;G cast color-wise it would seem.
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But Daru’s definitely not being assimilated. 
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More R;N blue folks.
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and one orange for Daru.
A message comes in, to which Daru reacts:
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Itaru: Hm?
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A mail?
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From whom might it be?
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App block description says Address book.  Mail preview says:  OKARIN It’s me.
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That’s Kaito to Daru’s left and probably Akiho to his right? While Darus gets shiny eyes from seeing Aira in a loose bikini. (Why is that right inbetween Okabes message arrival, lol?)
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Okabe sucked at English in S;G, but apperantly that doesn’t apply to Daru.
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Okabe’s full message: Subject: It’s me Sender: OKARIN Receival date: 16:24 Monday 2nd September The worldline is shaking.
(Someone in the YT comments notes that as “compromised” but “揺らいでいる“ doesn't mean compromised.)
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Daru: Eh?
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Daru: What? Divergence Meter....?
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Connection error in Iru-o... 
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Message text from obviously Moeka:
SHININGFINGER_MK Flashing Shiatsushi
@KURI_KAME I did some investigating on that, but any other info is almost all covered up and I couldn’t find any. ><
The gray parts on all messages say: Today
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 Twitter Text from obviously Kurisu:
KURI_KAME KuriGohan and Kamehameha
@SHININGFINGER_MK That and there is this supercomputer hacking that’s happening at almost the same time make me feel uneasy. I wonder if it has any connection to the current matter.
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SHININGFINGER_MK Flashing Shiatsushi
I’m also worried about that the electricity and water services seem to still work. In other words, it means there was no intention to cause deaths it would seem. What’s their goal? Since there was no crime declaration it doesn’t seem to be terror. (Through there were fake declarations from organizations riding on the opportunity.)
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SHININGFINGER_MK Flashing Shiatsushi 
About that incident that happened in Germany. It hasn’t become too big of an uproar, but I don’t think it’s a trivial matter. Going by the local news the goverment isn’t coping with it at all. TABOO NEWS http://tn.o/0902yy
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@B_TITOR You must be busy. Please take care of yourself, when you go,
Luka clearly seems to be not technically too apt...
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MAYUSY_1234 Mayushii ☆
@B_TITOR Eh? Did you forget something?
Mayuri seems to do better, but she clearly doesn’t care too much.
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B_TITOR is obviously Barrel Titor and Daru seems to written something, too, but it’s only shown in the menu (left lower corner):
B_TITOR I ended up going Tanegashima once more.
Note: He’s got two typo in there. So he might be in a hurry?
More colored lines:
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One’s Daru’s. I would guess the other three are Okabe, Kurisu and Moeka, given those are the only ones really talking about the state of affairs. And those three remain remote.  Interestingly Faris doesn’t seem to show up at all across the video exept for that one all S;G-character spread later on. 
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Suzuha’s Time Machine?
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Mayuri’s Stardust Handshake? Her from 2010? Just reusing footage or is 2010 going to show up again? (Alpha along with her?)
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Nae: I went eastbound on prefecture road 75. 
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L: Well, this incident has no connection [Image] Here, on the photos as well Seems to be some AR.
(No idea who L is supposed to be)
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xx: This photo, from when is this? L: The timestamp is from less then 24 hours ago The incident at hand happened quite before that so it isn’t connected to it after all.
xx is actually a name, but I can’t make it out. .__.
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More flickering of the number between Beta and SG numbers and the CG is from S;G 0′s promo art. And again, the time machine?
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Huh? So when artificial intelligence reached the same state as human intelligence there is a singularity?
More flickering of the divergence:
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Okabe’s second message:
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My dear favorite....
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Reusing footage, so I doubt he’ll actually show up. But he’s still using his chuunibyou terminology and he even got Moeka to use it. Will be interesting to see how much he’s matured in 10 years.
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Stardust Handshake Mayuri again?
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... 21:02 ...ma-san has entered the room ...ma> My dear reliable right....            situation is not good, therefore....
The  真 from 鳳凰院凶真 Hououin Kyouma shows there. 
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Full message:
...ma> My dear reliable right arm. The telephone situation here is not good, therefore I’ll tell you via chat.
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Reusing footage or sleeper advertisement for R;N Elite?
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Bunch of R:N keywords. Like “propaganda”, “monopol”, “illuminati”, “sun flares”, “Iro-o” etc. 
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The project of creating Gunvarrel 
I think I should go and fresh up on some R;N. But I’ll probably check up the Avant Story lyrics up first. The theme songs tend to tell summarize the themes pretty clearly.
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