#also fem todobaku power couple but lets save that for later
quidfree · 3 years
,,would you mind elaborating on your tags on the fem bakugou post,,
oh god yeah ok. like there are many ways in which i authentically believe bnha would be extremely improved if bakugou was simply a girl but i’ll try to stick to the minimum here.
anyways bnha/anime in gen lbr has a woman problem and i really don’t want to harp on about it but if you disagree send an ask and i’ll fight about it. i think for bnha this would be greatly countered by having bakugou be the exact same character but a girl. still gets the secondary protagonist slot, still gets the masses of character development, narrative importance, parallel to the protagonist, etc, but just happens to be a girl. that’s levels of focus and care afforded to absolutely no female character in bnha and generally in anime of its genre. separately, there is no female character like bakugou- yes, there are aggro girl characters, but they fall under Aggro Girl Character tropes, whereas bakugou is a fully realized fairly unique and heavily nuanced character. like it’s rare to have such a major character be such an unrepentant bastard from the outset w zero tragic backstory but then consistently remain one of the main characters in the series and be given the significance he gets. to have all of that afforded to a female character would make my year. i want more complex female characters who don’t fall under Complex Female Character archetypes- who are complicated in ways male characters get to be. for me it would be extremely refreshing to have midoriya be the fundamentally nice (if extremely dangerous) protag and bakugou as the girl character being the fundamentally not-nice (and similarly dangerous) foil. instead the closest female foil charas we have to the protags are uraraka and momo, both of which are nicer and softer and more self-conscious and weaker than their male counterparts. i like uraraka and momo. i would love female bakugou.
anyways though i would again like bakugou to remain the exact same i do accept that the change would alter some of the ways the story plays out, w some unavoidable sympathy added to the character’s storyline. like wouldn’t it make more sense for bakugou to be SO VERY ANGRY about ever being offered help if bakugou was a girl. wouldn’t bakugou resent midoriya so much more for looking out for him if bakugou was a girl. wouldn’t bakugou be SO RAVENOUSLY FURIOUS at todoroki for holding back in their sports fest fight after giving his all to midoriya if bakugou was a girl. there’d just be an added nuance to bakugou’s ego and temper w society filtered in- bakugou would still be the same asshole as always, but there’d also be some external context. i think it would be good content.
final note bc i appreciate this is getting long- i also think there would be so much potential for comedy in-universe about this. like, midoriya remains as awkward as he is around girls (meeting uraraka, his interactions w hatsume, etc etc) despite having been best/worst friends w bakugou since diapers and this does not compute as weird to him at all bc bakugou does not register as a girl to him. ‘that’s just kacchan! that’s different!’ kirishima still finds bakugou to be the manliest person in school. the bakusquad routinely forgets bakugou is only figuratively one of the boys. bakugou has like a horrendous mullet situation going on to look distinct from mitsuki bc otherwise it’s a lost cause. mineta is dead. bakugou resents todoroki far longer and more stubbornly than in canon bc of the indignity of sports fest since it was grounded in apparent misogyny; todoroki remains wholly oblivious since he sees bakugou less as a Weak Girl and more as a Raging Asshole. all might and/or bakudeku’s mothers ship bakudeku (to their mutual horror). just a lot of slight tweaks that entertain me.
also naturally i love bakugou from a character perspective and i think as a species humanity should have reached the stage where girls get to have characters like that too. terrible role models for all <3 that’s feminism baby
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