#also changed maglors design a bit once more
xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Sacking of Sirion -- The Third Kinslaying
I didn't really know what else to do with this so im posting it lmao, also you might wanna turn un brightness a bit
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sauroff · 2 years
Hello! I love your art, especially the way you draw clothes! ❤️
Hello! I'm really happy you think so ♥ Thank you so so much ♥ I've been struggling to not make the answer to this question self depricating, because I don't think my designs are good. I'm technically a fashion designer (studied that, have a degree on it, worked as a designer on a kid's brand) so my expectations for my own creations are a bit different. But you are telling me that you like them, a wonderful cosplayer choose my Annatar design to cosplay, and another wonderful person has commissioned me to desing some clothes for their Middle Earth characters. So, it'd be very rude to talk badly about my designs. Instead of that, I'm gonna share some part of my designing process and some details I've put in them under the cut ♥
Ok, the only characters I actually sat down to design once I finished reading The Silm where the feanorians. All the rest have kinda came from those designs (in design we would call them "Diseño rector". I don't have the english term for that). First skecthes of them were this tiny thumnails
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I changed these a lot. But I kept some elements. Specially from Maglor's first design and Amrod's. Curufin's smith clothes ended up being Celebrimbror's usual clothes (with much less detail becase I have never drawn a not meme version of him with clothes). The general idea was to keep Feanor and Nerdanel with more royal like clothes while, at the same time, making Feanors clothes not to flowy or flashy, more like confortable to move around, because he was more into travelling and crafting rather than politics. Fingolfin's clothes for example are similar, but have long sleeves and, if I ever were to draw him again, I'd add more layers to his clothes
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Maedhros was meant to have a mix of warrior clothes and formal ones, like he is a fighter, but also a prince and diplomat. I only used that like, once. After that, I opted for casual, western like clothes, that are meant to look more modest. Like he is, you know, traveling around and tired of his family and problems. And, most importantly...he wears lots of blue, because he is closer to the nolofinweans. He wore more red in Valinor, but started using more and more blue after Thangorodrim.
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First Curufin there was more heavily armored, because I felt he was more violence-inclined. But I ended up discarding that in favor of more forge friendly clothes as I realized he was more of a manipulation guy, but not a fancy one. Not gonna lie, only drew him like twice, so I haven't worked to much on him. He wears only red.
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Celegorm changed a lot. He was meant to have a more western look, and use lots of leather, but still look well dressed. Now I draw him with minimum clothing (still more leather and fur than the rest, tho) because he just doesn't care. He also wears all red, but in a more muted tone and a tiny bit more maroon/brownish
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Maglor is the one that changed the least. He was meant to be dressed in a similar fashion than Nerdanel, both for personal views of his gender and to point out that he is more kin to her, for me. Both him and Caranthir have more formal and very not-practical outfits to show that they aren't that much into fighting and moving around, even if they did those. But Maglor in particular doesn't wear red at all. I use both green a blue for him. In this case, is not related to his cousins, but the sea. The only time I used red for him was when I drew him in full armor.
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Caranthir uses the same kind of clothes as Maglor, but in his case is to look fancier. I use reddish purples for him, since purple is usually associated with wealth, and also separates him from all the rest.
(also, yes, his hair is dark red. This was mostly because I usually have a hard time telling him apart from Curufin. I thought it would be easier like that, but instead got very confused tags hahaha)
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Photo limit doesn't allow to show the changes on the ambarussa, but let's just say that I only drew him once, and went for VERY simple clothes, more like Mae's, in the same colors too. And finally, Celebrimbor. He is dressed basically like Curufin, always very simple, comfortable and modest. It's more about he as a creator than a leader. I Have thought of some fancies clothes for him, but never got around to draw them yet because I like showing his arms way too much. He dresses much like Curufin, uses his hair like him and Feanor (because it reflects on their common necessity of having forge friendly looks), but would NEVER wear anything red or gold. The reason I went for blue is both because of how he rejected his lineage and because of the time he spent in Gondolin.
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And yep, that's all. Like, I had drawings of actual, well done references of Annatar's outfits, or like 10 designs option sketches I did for Thranduil, but decided to write a thesis about these guys. And worst of all, I'm not spell checking this, so it's going to be a mess.
If you read all of this nonsense: i love you. Thank you.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Ridikulus Pt 26
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Four in the morning came with another rainy trip out to the quidditch pitch again with an odd peek into the nursery now with Teddy on his next to last night here as Tonks had taken up Remus’ offer to freshen up their home in Godric’s Hollow. After so long apart they wished for a night alone before she would bring Teddy home to their house next to Bill and Fleur’s so they could have more time to be used to being together again. His crib would be moved to their home leaving more room for Fin and Em. Surely the boys would want to spend more time at your home possibly leading to a possible solution. Mid workout you had thoughts to design their own room sort of like your Puff dorm, full beds built into alcoves in the walls with wardrobes and desks that they might enjoy over sharing a large bed since Em had her own space.
You knew they had their own nursery in Northern Greenwood in Glorfindel’s suite soon to be joined with the King’s through a sitting room a doorway would be carved into easing the growth of space to welcome you all comfortably into what would be your new home as a family. They hadn’t approached the topic of moving in together yet, though it had been mentioned in passing once, your thoughts on how his apartment had looked to see if you might want to redecorate.
Between laps you still tried to wrap your mind around the fact both men were wanting to be yours, both of whom now having four sons under their care. Now on top of Em you would have more children to add to your own daily lives that would be shifted to fit all of them. It was hard enough to figure out how your own days would go as you were trying to settle in the new state of this world while also settling into the reality you would have to shuffle Em in and out of Barty’s attention so she wouldn’t feel left behind or set apart from her younger siblings.
Finally you had grown centered enough to not feel like you had to find a man to fill in the gap you assumed you had missed out on romantically growing up due to the death trap your life was. Now it was just trying to settle with the fact that your blondes were soul mates of sorts and the fact you had to wait, die twice and watch your world burn to have to meet them. Things seemed to be going well and your nights were significantly less vision filled since reaching Rivendell, it just took some work not to swerve yourself out of things assuming the worst was coming around the corner.
Mid final round of pull ups your eyes shifted to Ginny seeing her own exhausted self pushing through things physically, always settling through as you had, physically to work out your aggressions or irritations. Fin was absolutely adored by her, there had been enough time for her to have processed the infidelity nearly a year back now, merely feeling the weight of the loss of her first love still while getting to know a wonderful soul mate who had been waiting for her all this time. The Elves were a bit odd to get used to, lovely people just differently cultured and socializing than you all had been. Slowly but surely he was coming out of his shell and was learning to slip into the group outings he had attended more comfortably. But on your way to shower before breakfast you could tell she might need a bit more of a workout to help her get through what seemed to be a rough day for her.
An hour to the workout and Ginny had woken remembering nothing more than a late night rainy night session of cards with Harry, his comforting way of seeing her through the summer after she had split with Dean. Not just as her former boyfriend and father to the baby she had lost, but her friend who knew subtle ways to help her out when you weren’t around. It wasn’t often when she couldn’t reach you, though as the youngest she did have the best spot to notice what the older teens couldn’t, just how tired you were, how hard things were, subtly missed signs that you weren’t okay and you needed someone to save you leading to her nudging Harry to realize it too. As she grew she wanted to be just as supportive as everyone had been to her but the sting of this new world did have her in a haze some times.
Shifts at the shop were going to help, starting up in the next week when the shop would be freshened up and the routine would do wonders in helping to keep her from shaking Haldir into just saying what he was thinking. She wouldn’t let him be the third guy not saying what he was thinking. It was obvious that there was so much he wanted to say. She just had to find the subtle way to get him to open up, the one way you seemed to find easily she was trying to learn and was getting better at. He just seemed to be a new sort of puzzle and clearly he liked her but the Elven way of things was really trying her patience on not tackling the stunning man in a fiery kiss just to get some oil on the gears of all this past another foot between them stroll through gardens or supervised visits.
Showering and a stop to visit Mum where she broke into a frantic bout of cleaning shooing everyone out of the house so she could fix what another kerfuffle had done to her kitchen. Chuckling in a path to head back to the Black Manor Percy was going to snatch up some time with Em and Fin on his day off to take up the chance to get the chance to spend the day playing after all the stress of the flue system.
Though on another stroll unwilling to go on a garden tour just yet, just another day where she would be treated as a Princess by the Elves she came into contact with. Truly her sibling relationship with you had somehow latched a title onto her whole family in connection to you that seemed to be aiding in the slow pace of her connection deepening with Haldir. Even Lindir had shown a reluctance to ease comfortably with Regulus at first until he somehow had caved the soufflé of a man into courting bliss welcoming him near daily to family meals when he’s available.
Being a Lady seemed to be hard enough as even Hermione had trouble being overly feminine, she could pull off respectable but even spending time with the Durins hearing about Dis especially Ginny was easing into knowing that Princesses could be strong and not be criticized or challenged for it. At least in that she could relax in not having to change from the strong woman her mother had shown for all of you to aspire to be. Some fresh air might be what she needed. The rain had stopped and looping between the puddles she strolled through the streets only to turn at the sight of the brothers who seemed to aim to give you a hard time. And turning out of their path she found herself right where she knew she’d eventually end up, where she always ends up on days she feels like this, right back at the graveyard in Godric’s Hollow.
Standing between the twin headstones that stabbed the deepest in the sea of tokens and mementos to honor those lost and left behind until the full memorial would be set up once the design suggestions would be weighed and voted upon. A subtle wave of her hand and a set of crystal flowers she left at each of the headstones with words to each of the relatives eventually losing her train of thought sharing more about Fin in his first days.
All night the Feanoreans, once again lost to their curiosity about your people to get better pictures of who you were, they had found the enchanted pathways and stared through the one marked Pumpernickel with narrowed eyes wondering what the odd word meant. When the rains had ceased the returned Lords led the way through the archway. After a glance around ensuring the Dragons were not loose and with sight of a few milling Elves exploring themselves they followed the path eyeing the various homes along the way until they came across a small set of cottages.
There behind a ruined and graffitied cottage they spied the fenced in courtyard filled with floating orbs in linked spirals containing glowing images of the faces of those that had been survived by your fleeing people above each of the worn gravestones in varying shapes. For a moment however Elrond froze at the symbol on the Peverell headstone parting his lips as he recalled it as Namo’s mark instantly reminding him of your ring. In the distance Elros led the path to the familiar red head in the distance rising from her knees at the base of the most unusual statue, at least from his position at the side of it.
Behind him Maglor flicked aside the vines covering the plaques below each statue he passed unable to read the markings on each while Caranthir and Clegorm stopped to each pick up one of the scattered notes only to eye them unable to read what they said in the Common Tongue. Curufin behind them raised a curious looking stuffed whale, their attentions to the items brought the stern glare from Ginny straight on them making Maedhros freeze in place as she called out, “Do your people not have rules against disturbing grave sights?” Instantly the men froze and gingerly set the trinkets and tokens back.
Elros raised his hand from a string of vines on her turn watching them approach her eyeing the statue behind her, “We were not aware what these lands were.”
Elrond tilted his head inspecting the statue behind her asking, “We did not intend on interrupting your mourning.”
Ginny drew in a breath, “I was leaving flowers for Jaqi’s Mother, they always say they will, but they can rarely stand to visit.”
Amrod, “She cannot visit her own Mother’s grave?”
Ginny raised her arm pointing at the crumbling cottage coated in notes they had all inspected in their trip inside, “That cottage is where Jaqi apperated to after watching her Mother be tortured to death. Where she watched her Aunt Lily and Uncle James get killed by Riddle before he tried to kill her and her Cousin Harry in his crib.” Her arm moved to the one next to it, “That cottage is where she lived before Sirius sent them into hiding, she hasn’t been able to go inside of it since then. My Mum had to help her Uncle Regulus pack it.”
Their lips parted and they eyed the statues again, Amras asked, “That is her Mother’s grave?”
Ginny turned guiding them to the statue of the couple holding baby Harry in their arms with their birth and death dates under their names at the base, with Harry’s having two death dates, “This is James, Lily and Harry’s grave.” In a step to the left she showed them the statue of Jewelia and Jaqi in her arms with a large black dog beside them, “This is Jewel’s and Jaqi’s.”
Curufin, “Jaqi’s?”
Ginny pointed at the second plaque reading, ‘Jaqiearae Suzsieanne Anistasiea Pluto Black’ with two death dates before another dash leaving room for your third, “She’s been killed twice. Well, technically three if you count the time in the third floor hidden corridor. When Riddle had possessed Quirrell and when she was assumed dead as a child and the Battle at Hogwarts.” Their eyes scanned over the dates leaving them gasping.
Clegorm, “How old is she?”
Ginny met his eyes coldly, “22 on the first.” Drawing out another gasp from all but Elrond, who already knew from your Father. Her eyes shifted to Maedhros, “For all you might not trust or like about her, she has spent the last 18 years of her life never once being considered for how deeply the choices our world forced her into would inflict pain on her. One single man hoping for power and immortality heard a prophecy naming an infant that would be able to bring him down, so he went to kill him. 18 years she has been a pawn in someone else’s war and an endless battle of egos and she somehow managed to survive and bring us with her here, to safety. We were children, and somehow we were expected to take out the darkest Wizard of our age. Before you came we had finally settled, started to heal again, what right do you have to doubt her when you were the one to kill those boys’ Parents. How does that give you any rights to them?!”
Maedhros, “Their cultures must be honored!”
Ginny stepped closer to him as her glare tightened, “Their cultures?! You destroyed their culture! Their home, Family and lives! You killed them that day! Who they were going to be, what they could have achieved! You just don’t understand!”
Maedhros huffed stating sarcastically, “Oh please do enlighten me.”
Ginny’s eyes sparked and she muttered an incantation casting the graveyard into a field of mist starting a stream of memories locked in this memoriam for any willing to witness them.
Starting with the public announcement of the events at Godric’s Hollow echoing with flashes of titles reading in their own native tongues, ‘The Boy Who Lived and The Girl Who Died Protecting Him’. After this it rippled through your years of hiding as a Weasely. Sirius’ escape short after. Next was the naming of your being named as alive and your house in Hogwarts to the world.
Then it was the news of each of the teachers being dismissed in your position. The troubling trip to try to save Quirrel leaving them covering their mouths when you saw that you had failed. Up till the Chamber of Secrets being opened leaving you sent to Azkaban leaving them with mouths agape at the headlines and image of you being carried bloody and beaten in Lucius’ arms from Azkaban in their tying to beat the location of the Chamber from you. After was the apologies and clearing of your and Hagrid’s names.
All the headlines of your trip to the States defending the Lycan Citizens flashed up with a memory of your speech to the President of MACUSA and the effect those words had on their lives. All of the Vaults in the school and creatures you had battled and protected the students from. That skipped to the trip to Paris where a lost child had been returned at least to be honorably buried bringing with it an entire family claiming up an entire chunk of your familial history.
The attack at the Quidditch cup and Triwizard tournament, that left Cedric, you and Harry the final survivors with the image of you gagging on your own blood after one of the Crabbe’s had nicked your neck with a cursed blade that inflicts wounds that slowly expands, nearly decapitating you. Shortly after the world exploding in half, all torn about Riddle being back or not.
After was the flurry from the Ministry about trying to hide Riddle’s return and Umbridge, revealing her methods of ‘teaching’ to the men watching. In the middle of the Department of Mysteries you battled in the sea of glowing orbs then raced to fight in the rocky hall with the smoky archway that dissolved your father’s ghoul when it was killed. From there at the heart clenching image of your rage at the assumed loss of your father into the Ministry of Magic the main hall of fountains was shown with you attacking Bellatrix, slapping Riddle then dueling in Albus’ form. Up until Riddle held you off the ground strangling you until you shifted back, just in time for the picture etched in the floating newspaper passing the group was captured moments before Riddle fled.
After this the images sped on, one after another of various deaths, battles and moments leading up until the final battle at Hogwarts leaving you trading places with Neville shifting him free from Bellatrix’ attack, starting your final battle with her. Helpless they watched on at the hidden dagger crashing into your leg before the final curse you triggered from her in your taunting. Growing burns from the cruciatus curse spread across your skin between your screams while Ginny clenched her fists glaring at the teary eyed Maedhros watching on helpless just as the students, Aurors, flocks of ducks and Professors had behind your bubble charm.
Finally your screams ended in a flash of green as you flew in front of Bellatrix taking the full blow of Riddle’s killing curse sending you both rolling across the dust and rubble coated ground. In a race Riddle got to your side and cradled you in his arms as the blackened ooze draining from your facial scars was releasing out a near silent scream under his wails of agony at your loss. Sharply he turned to Bellatrix, blue eyes burning with rage fueled tears and a sharp snarl at the cowering Bellatrix who was promptly killed after.
Slowly their eyes returned to you, seeing Neville standing shouting at Riddle distracting him from your body slowly slumped over onto your side and you painfully clambered to your knees drawing out your wand. In a slow rasp for air you apparated in front of Neville when Riddle cast his next spell causing his wand to launch his curse right back at him and his wand exploded. Falling unconscious right after the orb you dropped that captured hundreds of Death Eaters and those from the other factions of Wizards attacking your allies.
After, your trial played following the scene of the Ministry tearing you from your hospital bed to your due diligence. Ending with you barely being able to stand through the announcement of your sentence, the uproar causing there to be a pause in judgment with the shout that you would never see your child again. Percy’s step in nearly had them collapsing in tears seeing finally someone stepping up to defend you until Rufus entered with Albus, Sirius and Regulus, once in session again you were sentenced to life serving as a teacher and given the warning of prison should the Death Eaters rise again. Next the flurry of the past couple years flew by with memories from each group ending with the flurried snatching up of what could be gathered in a staggering battle you caught more than a hefty helping of attacks from that ended with crashing in Bag End.
When their breathing had steadied their eyes fell on Ginny as the last of the mist rolled away leaving them trembling at her fading glare dropping into a deeply sunken expression, “We should have protected her. But we all used her as our shields while the former Ministry condemned her all while taking the information she fed them on how to arm and protect our people. And she never once condemned us for it, she just took the brunt of it, and took it and never accepted a thank you or apology. She was in the twins’ place, you do not understand because you are not trying to protect them. If anyone knows what they are going through it’s her. Say what you want about her, but you will never get those boys, and she will never let you hurt them again.”
Maedhros, “I have no intention-.”
Ginny flatly cut him off, “No one ever does, but they do.”
Elrond cleared his throat asking, “Have you eaten? I know in my own tours of our memorial gardens I require a meal afterwards.”
Ginny, “We’re always hungry. Family trait.”
Elrond smirked to himself and Elros said, “In that we can help. Tea should be prepared by our return.”
Elrond added in her turn to join the still trembling brothers around the twins reeling at all they had seen, Maedhros himself remembering his own torturing years under Melkor’s hand. “Tea would grant Haldir ample time to complete his first day on his new rotations.”
Ginny glanced up at him, “New rotations?”
Elrond, “Ah, yes, it was a late night decision by King Thranduil, Haldir must not have been able to inform you yet of his aiding on the training of the new guards for the patrols around Amon Lanc. Along with his brothers they would be aiding the lifting of the standard for the recovered lands.”
Caranthir, “Princess, you have interest in patrols of King Thranduil’s guards?”
Trying not to stammer at the title she replied, “Haldir’s my One.”
Curufin, “You would accept a March Warden as your spouse?”
At that Ginny asked, “Who did you marry?” Curufin looked at her with a shocked gaze, “Haldir is a phenomenal person who I doubt you barely know to judge on his job alone.”
Curufin, “My wife is a sculptor. Trained our son Celebrimbor in his crafting early on in his youth.”
Ginny, “Your son didn’t return?”
Elrond cleared his throat drawing her gaze, “He is in Amon Lanc.”
Ginny looked over his face then back to Curufin, “He does not speak with me for honoring my oath in retrieving our Father’s Silmarils and my part in the slayings following.”
Ginny, “Hmm.” In her look forward he glanced at her again, “Anyone else have kids?”
They glanced at her and Amrod replied, “No, our wives have arrived from Valinor with the new arrivals however.”
Ginny nodded, “So you’re going to try for kids then? What about jobs? Any plans?”
The questions widened their eyes and the twins could only smirk at the brothers stammering and sputtering lost for responses they still couldn’t form through the tea.
Still partially in her slump Ginny slipped out in the middle of what seemed to be a brewing argument and made her way home again. Though in her entrance the sight of you had her drawing in a sharp breath uncertain of how to answer the question of how she’d spent the day so far, first in the graveyard and then with the Feanoreans. “Wanna come throw me around?” The question was simple and was all she needed to hear earning a nod and her hand outstretched to settle in your offered palm, “Come on, let’s go throw me around.”
Through the house you guided her to change into capris and baggy t shirts over tank tops, barefoot for your walk to the smaller ballroom turned sparring gym coated in mats. To the floating tape rolls you walked removing your rings, extending your hands for the rolls to coat your hands. Pressing your fists into your other palms you tested the tape and on your way to grab the padded gloves you slid over your hands stepping into the circle Ginny was walking around inside. Joining in her circling you said, “Jabs first I think.” She nodded and stepping closer she split back into the usual patterns in her advancing steps with a set of high kicks to meet the glove you raised complicating the interweaving motions soon adding Hermione also in need of a good bit of steam release herself.
Curiously in her huffing slip out of a meeting to allow more Dams to be forced into Dis and Diaa’s attention Niro guided the young Princes after the irritated future Princess had sat through another session of lessons on what was to be expected of her new role on top of her job. Though wide smirks eased across their lips seeing her drip into a clearly impressive bout of sparring the other Durins grinned in settling around the benches along the walls. The dropped gloves came in Regulus’ entrance to guide Hermione into another lesson on trading elbows and kicks avoiding his try to take her down to pin her to the ground starting as Haldir slipped inside with Legolas behind your intendeds whose lips parted seeing Ginny toss you over her shoulders.
Onto your shins you were guided and folded back flat with her hands on your shoulders only to have the Dwarves oohing at the position she had left you in, open to her being pinned herself. With a smirk you asked, “What are you forgetting?”
Ginny looked you over, “You’re pinned. How-,”
A sudden lift from you made even the Elves smirk watching her feet leaving the ground allowing you to flip her over. Holding her head to aid her roll, pinning her down with your legs pinning her legs down behind her back with yours around her middle and a hand gripping her wrists making her giggle helplessly saying, “No one uses this move. No one but you can do this.”
To which Kili said in even Hermione and Regulus’ chuckle break, “Actually that’s a staple move in our traditional wrestling forms.”
While you let her up Ginny said, “No offence but with your legs and wide ribs I doubt you could pull it off.” That had you pulling back at Fili and Kili leaping up along with Thorin and Frerin both stripping their upper halves and out of their boots amusing you all to no end at their full display luring you three back in to learn some more moves and share some of yours.
“Let’s get this down,” the statement was mumbled and died in giggles at your waking from your dream on Thorin and Dwalin wrestling over a pack of cookies with Fili and Kili eventually eating them watching the pair wrestle before they darted away when the empty pack was discovered by the elders.
An early breakfast came and went with you bringing Em to Barty’s so she could meet her siblings, to be picked up in a couple hours by Ginny after her stop to help Hermione with something at the Ministry. Her night had gone way better after blowing off steam and next to you when you had held Fin to keep him calm through the bad storm that rolled through your lands she fell asleep as you had. Your intendeds had to return to check on their new patrols and eat with the boys while Molly has outdone herself with dinner on one of her sprees to distract from a hot flash.
More and more you focused on your classes with scattered notes received through the day from Em on how happy she was with her new siblings until they all started to cry at least. Lunch however had you sending off a note to Glorfindel with Em’s request to have dinner there the group gladly accepted and readied for.
“Alright, I got sippy cups and silly straws, which are you up for?” You said entering their dining room in Thranduil’s apartment turning the boys’ head as Em was set down at your feet to greet them.
“I want a cup, Mummy.” Em said then tottered over to the boys.
Looking them over you said , “Cups it is.” Catching their confused stares.
Around you Legolas and Glorfindel came closer with the former asking, “You brought cups?”
Giggling softly you said, “They have lids. Easier for children to use. Unless they’d prefer not to use them.” Pouring the juice on the table into the green cup you added the lid onto that Em accepted to drink from the boys agreed to try them and accepted their own drinks they grinned through using. Next came high chairs they all enjoyed being settled into at the tall person table instead of their kids table when they didn’t have a lap to sit on. The meal went swimmingly while you all giggled along to the conversation the children were having between comments and brief questions for the adults when thought of.
Again however once the plates were cleared the twins were reluctant to play nearly stirring a pout from Em until your tap on Legolas’ arm stating he was it. Crouching down you said, “How about Hide N Seek?” A simple instruction and request from you had Thranduil and Glorfindel out of their outer robes and circlets to play as well. The rules were simple and in usual fashion you had mentally guided the Lords to grant the children a bit of leeway on their far from sneaky spots luring terribly hushed giggles making them grin knowing why you had said to do so. Playing dumb made the game more fun for the children and more amusing for Lords Elrond and Celeborn in their visit to speak about Lindir and the new guards’ progress.
Though all in a group the twins led by Estel in his stumped search for you had Em saying “Mummy’s the best at hiding.”
A far from subtle rustle of a leafy branch in the tree you were hiding in had you giggling when they all finally found you unnoticed above their heads for the past few minutes. A hop down and giggling race to help them find Glorfindel next came and by the time you discovered Thranduil heads began to droop and yawns rippled through the tired quartet you all carried them up to the Royal Wing for the boys’ nursery.
In an empty closet for them you traced the doorway making a link to your door exiting from a spare coat closet in the hall across from your bedroom to carry Em through. The link now easing the worries of the men to have an easier way to check on you and bring the boys to you again if need be. All tucked in they slept under Taule’s watch and Legolas chuckled heading off to work on his bow for you wishing you a fun night. Stealing a glance at the smile on his father’s face as you were off on a suggested night ride with the pair between lingering stolen kisses and adoring comments on their time with you today. This time with Glorfindel you rode in their try to keep it even and until their list of sights they wished to share were awed at by you they clung to you then gladly took you back to the Palace for some tea.
Pt 27
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
X Thranduil - @evyiione​, @sweetlytenacious25​, @tigereyesf​, @pastelhexmaniac​
Ridikulus- @long-cosmos-overhead​, @partoftheminfamily​, @alishlieb
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sweetteaanddragons · 5 years
Congratulations on 200 posts! If the slots aren’t full already, can I request Being the Designated Sane One with Belladonna Took and Fëanor, humor? Thank you!
I decided to return to the “To Catch a Falling Star” ‘verse with this one. So here’s the missing conversation between Feanor and Belladonna! I leave it to you to decide who’s being the reasonable one here.
(It’s not quite as funny as I would have liked, I’m afraid, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.)
Belladonna looked up from her book guiltily as the footsteps approached, certain it was the librarian coming to scold her for sneaking in a bag of scones to snack on in the presence of his ancient books.
It wasn’t the librarian, though, it was Elrond, and one of those new elves that had arrived, Feanor. Her guilty blush deepened considerably. Elrond was a good deal less likely to scold her than the stern librarian, but she hated the idea that he might think she was mistreating the books he’d kindly allowed her to borrow. And Feanor . . . well, she’d been quietly dreading the moment that someone would tell him that she’d called that pretty gem he’d made a silly thing and a mathom when she hadn’t really meant any disparagement at all. Tansy Proudfoot hadn’t spoken to her for two years after she’d accidentally insulted the other woman’s pies; it would be terrible if Feanor did the same for she would have long returned home in two years, and it would be a great shame to never make up.
But Elrond just smiled at her before properly introducing her to his companion, and did not seem at all to mind her scone eating, and Feanor looked as if he’d rather like a scone himself, so that was alright.
Elrond quietly vanished soon after the introductions, and she rather wished he hadn’t. She was greatly interested in talking to Feanor, but she wasn’t quite sure how to begin, so she fell back on the basic courtesies. “Would you like to sit and have a scone?” she offered. “They’re quite good, even better than the Brandybucks make them, though don’t tell them I said that.”
Feanor did indeed sit and laid something wrapped in cloth on the table as he did so before reaching for a scone. “Brandybucks?” he asked, eyes alive with curiosity. 
“A hobbit family that lives by the river,” Belladonna explained. “They’re very well off and very numerous, but not they’re not quite respectable, I’m afraid - though, of course, all of that save the bit about the river could also be said of the Tooks!”
“And why should your House not be respectable?” Feanor demanded. “Certainly in all that I have seen and heard of you, your dealings have been more than honorable and exceedingly generous.”
Belladonna’s blush returned a bit at the praise. “Well, that’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid the fact that I’m here at all isn’t quite the done thing. We like to keep to ourselves, hobbits do.”
“Perhaps why none of my sons reported sight of you in the First Age,” Feanor mused. “Or did your people come later?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know,” she confessed. “I can quote my family tree back to you for ten generations, but we don’t keep histories as well as you elves do.”
Feanor’s brow furrowed. “Then they will not record your part in this tale in song that you may be honored and remembered?”
“Oh!” She was a little startled. “Well, I didn’t do so very much, really. Anyone would have picked it up when it fell, and there’s few that could have denied it to poor Maglor, it was so obvious he needed it.”
“You are quite right in saying that anyone would have picked it up,” Feanor said quietly, “but unless the world has changed greatly in my absence, quite wrong about what they would have done with it then. My father was slaughtered for that Silmaril and its sisters, my nephew Finrod slain in pursuit of it, Thingol slain for it by the dwarves, and the dwarves slaughtered in their turn, the whole kingdom of Doriath sacked for it, Sirion burned for it, Elwing driven to what she believed suicide for it, and, at the last, the Valar relented for the sake of it. That you would give it up without coercion, without even proper plea for it, is remarkable.”
“Maglor told me some of that,” she said with a frown. “It still seems so strange! Not that it’s not lovely,” she hastened to add. “It truly is, probably the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen, but I suppose whatever’s in it that’s worth dying for is quite above a hobbit’s head. Or mine, at least. Finders, keepers is all very well when there’s no one else with a claim to the thing, but once you find out who it ought to go to, you’d be a Sackville-Baggins to hang onto it anyway. So, no, I don’t expect I’ll be remembered for long just for returning some misplaced property, though Bungo might like the story when I return home, and certainly if I ever have children, I shall have to tell them about the time I met the elves.”
Feanor was looking at her with a very strange expression. 
“Oh, dear,” she sighed. “I’ve gotten it all wrong somehow, haven’t I?”
“Not wrong,” Feanor said in a very odd tone. “Merely different. But I assure you, Belladonna Took, you will not be quickly forgotten. My line, at least, shall sing of you till Arda Remade. And because I have been told that hobbits value such things differently than we do, I also thought to bring to you a gift, though I am sorry that I could not craft it with my own hands.” He pushed the little bundle over to her.
Belladonna opened it curiously, keeping her head down to hide the blush that had yet again returned. She looked up again quickly, though, with a gasp of delight. “Mushrooms! And such fine ones! Wherever did you find this variety all the way out here?” It took all her restraint not to devour them immediately. They would be much finer cooked, and she mustn’t waste them. “You didn’t have to, you know,” she said with some reluctance, in case he felt inclined to take them back. “Master Elrond already gave me some very fine ones in thanks for the whole incident.”
Feanor smiled for the first time. It was a beautiful smile, and she wished he would do it more often. “He mentioned that when I asked what I could do for you,” he said. “But whether or not you will believe it, my House owes you far more than mushrooms, and I hardly resent giving you a second batch.”
Two large servings of mushrooms, and all for one pretty rock!
Belladonna was quite certain she had gotten the better end of this deal.
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myaire21 · 7 years
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@meaninglessprose it´s finally done!!
I think the hardest part of this request was designing the 16 kids and sorting them into the four houses. Some were easy (Fingon and his siblings, Maglor and Finrod), others were almost sorted randomly (like the twins). I didn´t write the age gaps because all of them wouldn´t find in Hogwarts at once anyways :”)
I wrote a little bit about every kid under the cut. they are to many!
Maedhros: I sorted him in Slytherin because he is a smart leader with great ambitions (getting back the Silmarils no matter what). At first I put him in Gryffindor with Fingon but I changed them both. He is probably a prefect and is an honor student. Very popular. He will work as an auror and get kidnapped by Death Eaters one day.
Maglor: He could be in Hufflepuff or in Slytherin (depends of which version of him you choose: the “cheerful big bro” or the “kinda emo and weird” one) But I sorted him in Ravenclaw due to his imagination. He isolates and starves himself but he is a very good artist. A living legend. 
Celegorm: wasn´t his hair straight a second ago? Doesn´t matter. He is a Slytherin, and is able to talk with magi creatures. Plays Quidditch.
Caranthir: omg he is so cute I´m so proud of his design! He is a Gryffindor because he always feels challenged and wants to prove his value. Very agressive Chaser.
Cufurin: he is in Ravenclaw because his only wish is to becaome as powerful as his father (Minister for Magic) so he is only focused on his studies. Also he is very intelligent since he is able to solve any problem and creates useful stuff.
Ginger Twins: they are Gyffindor because they are the bravest of their entire family. Since they are the youngest their brothers oftenly command them to do everything. Specially Celegorm challenges them to make things impossible sometimes. They are also very loyal to their eldest brother. 
Fingon: a Hufflepuff since he risked his life to save Mae. Has a soft spot for kids. Idk, he is too nice and sweet to not be a Hufflepuff. He will work as a n Auror as well.
Turgon: looks like the real big brother of them all. Ravenclaw since he thinks he is the smartest and will get angry if you don´t say so too. Focuses on his books (and “secret” gf) and wants needs to be the best. (He is basically Percy W lol)
Aredhel: Gryffindor. It´s clear. Nothing can stop her. She loves/hates Celegorm and follows him everywhere. Gets angry if she loses against the Slytherin team. Also, very jealous.
Argon: his eldest brother is his idol. He follows him everywhere and tries his best to mimic him. The poor kid didn´t make it into Hufflepuff and couldn´t dye his hair etiher. Also feels anxious because he is the only one at first who knows that Fingon is gay and flirts with Mae, and somehow knows that he can´t be like him anymore. The kid doesn´t find himself in a long time but then he ends up working in a very high spot in the Ministry of Magic.  
Finrod: a very popular kid, basically Maedhros´ heir. He is nice and likes Muggles. He think they are cute ad very smart, with their technology. Maybe a blond and handsome Arthur Weasley?
Orodreth: much more mature than his brother. He has great projets as well, and takes care of everyone when his parents leave. He could have been a Slytherin as well. 50/50.
Blond Twins: I realised that I remembered nothing about these two (just like Orodreth) but I sorted them both in Ravenclaw because they would be almost the opposite than Amrod and Amras. They would be quieter and smarter, colder. They listen to their brothers... in a different way.
Galadriel: idk? it felt right to sort her in Slytherin? I don´t think she is brave, humble or smart. I think that, as the youngest of the kids, knows perfectly how to “survive” and rise above all her siblings and cousins. I see her rather manipulative. She gets what she wants.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Blacksmith’s Daughter
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Tags – Requested by lilith15000
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78
X Thranduil - @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf
Exile had not been kind to the Durins. Where once seas of gold could be easily spotted in a trip to their treasury to remind themselves of their vast wealth now barely a few copper coins could be uncommonly heard jingling in the coin pouches of the Dwarves bustling from job to job where employment could be found to support their families. Yet somehow in all this Fallen Prince Thorin had managed to procure the heart of a Princess of his own. The lone daughter of Noldor Prince Maglor Kanafinwë, Son of Feanor and a Dam that had claimed his own heart. The loss of his wife had hurt him deeply after his brother Maedhros had gone wandering through Middle Earth, nearly breaking him if not for the gift their daughter had been to him, but mostly mortal he knew she too would also be taken from him in time. So when a connection was made he welcomed it at least in the hopes that he might hold another piece of his little girl when he had lost her as well.
A harsh winter fell upon Ered Luin and as expected in the fourth year of his granddaughter’s life an unexpected burial was arranged. A wave of sickness washed through the mountains through a batch of diseased wheat Men had hoped to take control of the territory. Work in the wave of lost Dwarves and Dams freed up a great amount, jobs that could not be turned away. In the crossroads of a terrible decision Thorin chose for your future, back to the safety of Lindon on the edges of the Shire under Maglor’s care you were taken beside the men watching over you. Over time Thorin traveled from your new Elven home between bouts of nonstop work to fund the one day possible goal of returning to what he hoped to pass off to you. A sacrifice of having you near him nightly while away at work, and his kin while he in Lindon with you, was hoped to be well worth the price if he could assure your safety in the future.
Sixty years had found and raced away from you as you grew past Thorin’s height to Maglor’s shoulder nearly. Tall and hairless with pointed ears left you seeming more like a half Elf than a Dwarf leading to a constant slur of back handed compliments and comments in your visits to see your family in Ered Luin. The Durins folded around you grateful to see your Mother in you, as you greatly resembled your grandfather yet held your father’s temperament meshing well with theirs. True Thorin was deemed unattractive by Dwarf standards so you were already used to hearing statements on your appearance and what a poor image of their kin’s lineage you appeared to hold. Time had raced by and word had spread when aid from the Council of Dwarf Lords had refused to aid you in returning home. Alone with your father you returned to Ered Luin after hearing Maglor had returned to his habit of traveling in your long trip in search of your great uncle, freeing up a chance to take another journey of your own.
Off with only 13 Dwarves you traveled to the Shire beside your father, last to arrive the party silenced and the serious matters were discussed while your host questioned his place in this mission until he sat up with you as your kin hummed and sang. Wide eyed he soaked in the tales of what you had seen and accepted your aid in packing and slid the signed contract under Balin’s door and raced off to bed while you sat up with Gandalf to finalize the path ahead as the others slept.
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Through to Rivendell you rode, crossing paths with a curious Wizard named Radagast, who giddily led you through to the hidden entrance after passing off a sealed letter to you with a swan shaped harp pressed into the wax as the only marker of Maglor having penned it.
Almost instantly as Gloin had asked, “Does he mean us insult?!” at Elrond’s Quenya order to prep a meal for the Company Elrond’s eyes shifted to you and his lips parted.
The sight of your shimmering black curls pulled back in a long braid and the purple eyes he had not seen in centuries you lineage was announced at once. Almost breathlessly he bowed his head to you asking in Quenya, “My apologies My Lady, you do bear a certain-.”
A grin eased onto your lips as you stated with a bow of your own head, “It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Elrond. My grandfather Maglor did share quite a few tales of your time together.”
A flinch of a smile eased onto his face asking, “Do you know where he is?”
You shook your head, “Off in search of Maedhros.”
His lips parted as gasps were heard from the Elves on the walkways above listening in, “Maedhros is alive?”
You nodded again, “Though I’ve never met him, unfortunately. I hear he is quite entertaining with tales of his own.”
Elrond chuckled and stepped forward extending his open palm to you with a soft smile, “That he does. It is a pleasure to meet you, if I may, might I take the chance to claim you as my adopted Niece publicly?”
You nodded resting your hand loosely in his feeling his other hand lay over the back of it, “If you wish, I am Jaqiearae Aerasumé, Daughter of Ninglor Magloreon and Thorin Son of Thrain, Son of Thror, King Under the Mountain.”(Aerasumé – Silvermoon of the Evening)
His eyes wandered to Thorin and he chuckled softly and turned guiding you, “Come, you and your kin are welcome here. A meal is being prepared, we should have a change of clothes for you after your stop in the bath house.” Behind you Thorin grinned guiding the others after you towards the warm waters waiting to wash away the grime from the troll hoard you had found the twin long swords from your fallen great uncles Amrod and Amras that they had fashioned a few years prior to their deaths, long believed to be lost.
Alone in the small bath on the other side of the separating wall blocking you from the sight of the men bathing in the larger hot spring you eased into the water and lowered into the water and drew back to sit on the built in bench when you sank to your neck without luck of reaching the bottom. In a glance back you accepted the soap from the Elleth entering to collect your clothes while another left a gown in your size rising out of the water you sat on the edge lathering up and scrubbed yourself clean. The soap was set aside and you reached back opening the clip at the end of your braid to undo it before lowering to the bench again to wet your hair. With eyes closed you massaged your fingers to your scalp through your thick curls before adding the shampoo they supplied you soon to be rinsed out. Warmly the water slid across your neck as you wrung it out and twisted it up into a bun and you leaned your head back relaxing in the warm water.
A click sounded announcing the reentry of another Elleth who moved to your side and sat cross legged on the ground with comb in hand to help comb, dry and rebraid your hair. Behind you she sat tenderly handling your hair after gaining your permission as she shared, “It is quite a blessing to know the Princes are well and have had you to tend to. Was it troubling growing among Dwarves?”
“My kin are very welcoming. There are some who would not be as welcoming, though it is mainly for the loss of Erebor along with our stations. For all common knowledge I am no more than the Daughter of a Blacksmith.”
The Elleth chuckled stating, “Not to our kin, never again, you will be honored as the direct heir to King Finwe, your proper station. Lord Elrond has had it recorded so, Jaqiearae Finweon. Though Lady Galadriel will be stunned to know of another claiming the title from her.” Her eyes lowered to the blue butterfly pendant on your necklace your fingers were stroking absently and she stated, “That is a lovely pendant.”
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You grinned eyeing the blue butterfly detailed in Mithril, sapphires and onyx with the two lower ovals on the wings used to hide a gift your grandfather and great uncle had designed for your mother when she was born. In both the top flaps were portraits of your parents and the brothers while the lower half bore gems having fueled the banishment of your kin the brothers swore would see to your protection should you need it. “Thank you, it was my mother’s.”
“I am certain she was a credit to her father, we have a portrait of him here in the Eastern Study.”
With a grin you drew the pendant higher and opened the top flap exposing her portrait freeing a gentle giggle from the Elleth, “I take after her, though I hear I am taller than she was.”
When she readied to start braiding your hair you sat on the edge of the tub trying to relax being tended to this way by someone other than your relatives, once again reminding yourself that as a Princess in their kin’s realms you would no doubt be seen to this way again. Reluctantly you sat stealing another glimpse at the portraits and closed it again and stroked the lower portion as she eyed the slew of scrapes across your back from being thrown by the troll you had freed Bilbo from even under your thick armored shirts. “We have some creams for these wounds of yours.” When she had finished your hair another Elleth had arrived with the cream they both slicked over your back, elbows, knees and shoulders on the wounds covering you from your bumps and jostles on the road so far along with a few older scars from training.
The wounds and scars faded almost instantly and the pair helped you into the fresh under vest and panties covered by the velvet gown lined with a low cut beaded neck revealing your necklace. Your small feet however made finding a pair of matching flats a bit harder leaving you barefoot on the path to the waiting meal. At the tall table you sat beside your father listening to the conversation around you as you enjoyed the meal in front of you and sipped cautiously on the raspberry wine offered to you.
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Blindly through sheets of rain you followed the line through the frozen Stone Giants after your hushed Valinorian whisper announced you to them. Through to a hidden cave you walked until the floor dropped out and you rolled and crashed heavily into the middle of a kingdom of goblins. On your feet when you released your bags you rose as they grouped around you, in a breaths time you uncovered the hidden stones murmuring in Valinorian, “In the light of the Two Trees, perish.” Extending the pendant in your palm after freeing the chain from around your neck. Without a moment to defend themselves or even blink a blinding light exploded around you sending out massive pulses of wind your kin covered their faces through until the light dimmed through you covering the hidden stones as the shadows of the goblins faded away in the empty kingdom. Awed chuckles sounded behind you while you eased the chain around your neck again and giggled being wrapped in your father’s arms.
Chuckling to yourselves you missed the hiding withered creature’s shadows fading as the golden ring he had bourn developed red cracks and shattered into dust while you found your way through and stashed away more hidden treasures from their hoard in an enchanted chest Radagast had aided you with crafting in Rivendell. Safely to the carrock you were able to travel, and on the edge of morning your hand was tapped pulling you from your sleep. On your feet your father helped you then guided you to the edge of the carrock with a growing grin where his arm extended to the peak in the distance saying in Khuzdul, “There it is, our home.” Weakly you chuckled and hugged him tightly after he rose up to kiss your cheek only to be folded in the arms of the others while they grouped around you sharing in the sight of the finally visible target.
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On the edges of Mirkwood you peered up at the statues guarding the entrance to the pathway you were meant to take then turned to Bilbo when his hand folded in yours. A soft smile from you calmed his nerves while you walked behind your father. Lowly he hummed as his mind wandered hoping for the best, that you could make it through without being discovered. Between seemingly endless bursts of walking you sat, lounging against your father’s side sharing your hopes and plans for the home your mother never got to see herself. And through the nights you slept against his side under his arm folding your fingers through his admiring the strength in the thick calloused hands of the King who had fought and struggled so hard to see you safely home again.
A skittering above sent you off one way and the men another with Bilbo racing after you, in your attempt to take out the spiders you ducked behind the trunk of a tree when you spotted the Dwarves being wrangled up into line. In the distance you caught a glimpse of your father’s hidden hand signal to lay low in the woods as they were stripped of their weapons and taken to see the Elf King. All until morning you kept watch while Bilbo slept beside you, the rustling of leaves stirred your attention from your lembas bread to the grinning Radagast on his sled distracting you from a Silvan whisper on the breeze, “No doubt those Dwarves will never see the other side of those bars again.” Instantly making your heart plummet to your stomach.
Cheerfully he stated, “You do not look dressed for a feast.”
Your brow rose, “What feast? My kin were just taken.”
Radagast nodded, “Why yes, they were no doubt. That is precisely why you must dress in your finest and be presented to the King yourself, no doubt you can find a way out of this.” His wink silenced your argument and you nodded, shifting your bags closer to you to inspect the gowns Elrond had gifted you, “I believe the lilac one should suffice.”
While you dressed Bilbo also pulled on his finest from Elrond’s Kingdom they had crafted for him, when Radagast had helped you both with your hair, then he sat you on his sled and showed you straight to the front gates. Curiously the Elves on guard eyed you three before the tallest of the pair stated in Sindarin, “We were not aware the King was expecting you Aiwendil.”
The Wizard grinned and he stated, “I was under the impression King Thranduil had extended an indefinite invitation to me.” His hand extended to his side towards you, “After all, had he not I would not have escorted Prince Maglor’s granddaughter and her companion as my guests to witness his great kingdom for themselves.”
Their eyes shifted to you as you held your calm expression before they opened the gates freeing you to travel inside while a set of Elves arrived to lead his sled inside to the stables and carry your bags behind you through the kingdom after the Elleth guiding you to the King. Around you whispers carried of the recent prisoners until you were at the base of the tall throne for yourself.
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Under the streams of moonlight you spotted the Elf King in shimmering white robes over his tan pants and boots, his legs crossed in his aimless lean to the side listening to the attendant reading off the list of details left for the planned celebration. The serious expression on his face and hidden fear in his eyes flashed to your attention when the Elleth escorting you bowed her head announcing Radagast, who neglected to gain a single glance from the King, who was too distracted by his recognizing just who you must belong to.
Radagast smiled and stated, “King Thranduil, I understand you must be overwhelmed by the final details of your celebration but I was hoping to possibly extend my indefinite invitation onto my dear friends here. Maglor Feanorean left charge of his granddaughter Jaqiearae Aerasumé into my care, along with her companion Bilbo Baggins. They have heard my tales of your great lands and wished to witness them for themselves.”
The attendant beside him bowed their head at his final instruction before he straightened up and scanned his icy blue eyes over you again with a curious expression in his eyes wondering why you were here. “Of course.” The silkiness of his low unfaltering tone carried through the hall only making you imagine just how terrifying a shout from him would be. “You and your guests are always welcome in my halls. I am curious, however, I had not heard of any child from the Noldor Prince before.” Again his eyes lowered until he spotted Elrond’s marker stitched into the shoulder of your gown under a beaded flower branching from the vines around the neckline glittering in the moonlight only adding to your glow.
On his feet he walked down the stairs curious if his assumption of your height was true, only to find it was at your place barely to his chest at his place almost a foot taller than Maglor. Peering up at him your eyes locked on his after you nodded your head to him, your unflinching stance and eye contact stirred a warmth in him he could not explain, a surge of comfort and also insecurity for having someone so able to face him openly without fear. Taking Radagast’s silence for your turn to speak you watched the King’s lips part as you stated, “My Naneth was half mortal, passed when I was four. Grandfather has been adamant of my safety.”
Thranduil’s brow rose, “Introductions to fellow Elves would undermine your safety?”
“It is quite a long journey from Lindon.”
He nodded, “True.” After looking you over again he eyed the Council of Elves entering and he motioned his hand to the Elleth that guided you inside, “Elanor will show you to your quarters, a meal will be sent up for you. I hope you find your stay in my halls pleasurable.”
You bowed your heads again and when your eyes met his again you caught it, that same glimpse of fear causing your heart to plummet again knowing this King would never let your kin free. Not with a Dragon in the balance.
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Not until you got into the apartment it was that Bilbo chose to say something. Behind the doors when the Elves left your bags he turned to Radagast with his arms shifting at his side asking, “What, exactly are we doing here?”
Radagast grinned moving to his bedroom, “I am going to take a bath. I am certain the King will be along shortly to speak with you further.”
As he turned away he paused at your rhetorical question, “He is never going to free them, is he?”
Radagast turned with a grin and stated, “Perhaps he needs to be shown a brighter light after dwelling so long in darkness.” A tap of his finger to his nose had your eyes lowering in thought when he turned to his room.
Beside you Bilbo whispered to himself disbelievingly, “A brighter light?” He peered up at you, “The Company is behind bars!”
You nodded and met his eyes, “Not for long.”
Bilbo eyed your locket having an assumption of his own of your plan remembering the Goblin Tunnels and nodded, “When do we start?”
Wetting your lips you guided him over to the chairs and stated, “First, he will no doubt arrange a tour, visiting noble and all.”
Bilbo nodded, “Right.”
“And there is three of us, so we can take turns sleuthing about.”
Bilbo nodded extending a finger, “Feign loss of direction when caught.” You nodded, “No doubt we can find a way out of this fortress.”
Wetting your lips you stated, “Maybe.” His brow rose and you added, “What we need to do, the feast is a few weeks away, all we need to do is sneak them out, and then we leave after the feast with everyone else.”
Bilbo drew in a breath, “Yes, perfect. Then they will be none the wiser.”
“Exactly. Just a band of crafty Dwarves.”
The plan was set, but it was easier said than done. Sure enough the King did arrive after your small meal had been served and cleared away. Steadily he guided you through the majority of his palace and then into his main garden for tea before leaving you in the care of Prince Legolas after his last round on guard duty. He showed you through the archery and training grounds to finish off the list of stops as he showed you to the library and left your side to answer his father’s side.
While you skimmed the titles Bilbo slipped away to follow a pathway the King passed up drawing his attention. Three turns and two doorways later he furrowed his brows hearing through a cutout in a door the King’s voice echoing around him, “Until you see reason you will remain in this cell.” Inching taller he peered through the barred window on the wooden door he spotted Nori in one of the cells below. Wordlessly his eyes locked on the Hobbit’s then dropped in time to glare at the passing King granting Bilbo a warning to slip away.
Three turns later he darted into another winding set of halls only to stop at a distant doorway opening in a vast hall eyeing an odd set of statues and paintings he eyed until a tall redhead entered the hall and froze spotting the out of place guest. Moving closer to him she asked in the common tongue, “Are you lost?”
Bilbo forced a smile and nodded, “Yes, in fact. My Mother told me when I was younger when lost remain in place, help will find you, and here you are.”
She nodded with a curious smile and replied, “I will show you back to the library. Where were you headed?”
Bilbo, “I am not certain, there was this one portrait of a ram I wanted a closer look at.” Quietly she led him to the library again and left him there before finishing her task while Bilbo shared the location with you mentally as well as confirming that Nori had spotted him through the door.
Each day the King would make a point to come and visit you between the Prince’s stops to ensure you were well entertained. But no matter what they did your vague responses left little to aid in their understanding the vast gap of your life yet to be explained as well as why Radagast would be left to your care instead of Elrond. A week seemed to ease by and through those same halls you and Bilbo took turns sneaking food from the kitchens seeing to their hunger and well being between sharing information on your luck in an escape plan for them.
Through the bars your hand fixed in Thorin’s as he smiled up at you sweetly, “Buarndur, no tears.” (Bear) Brushing your cheek with the other hand, “You will find a way.”
You nodded and said, “I think I might have an idea.”
He grinned as Balin next door said, “See, no crack passing your notice, Moonbeam.”
You weakly chuckled and Bofur called across the way, “What’d you find?”
You wet your lips after Thorin brushed another tear from your cheek, “Barrels of wine keep arriving, but there are no empty barrels in sight.”
Dwalin grinned, “Good, use his vice to our advantage.” A set of rhythmic taps from Nori above signaled the end of your daily stop in and you leaned in accepting the kiss on your forehead from Thorin.
Lowly he rumbled, “Take your time Buarndur.”
You nodded and rose then slipped out again wandering through a set of halls spying on the store room you had found their belongings in three days earlier and then at the sound of another approaching guard you darted through a doorway on your right and you hurried down the first set of stairs. The sound of rushing water made you duck lower to peer into the room, with a smirk you watched the stack of barrels being dumped into the water below before the Elf holding the lever left through a door below the steps you were hiding on. When they left you slipped out again when the halls were cleared and returned ready to share the news on your path through the main garden by your apartment only to freeze when you spotted the Elf King waiting at the table there with a tea set.
Raising his eyes to meet yours he asked, “Enjoying your wanderings around the Palace grounds?” Again his eyes scanned over your curious pendant then darted to the Elleth supposedly assigned to tailing you finally appearing at the edge of the gardens with an irritated expression at your having slipped past their attentions yet again, much like Bilbo, who had also slipped past his guard more than once.
“Yes, it is quite lovely.”
“Is this your usual habit? Taking daily walks around Lindon? Cirdan must enjoy catching your path through his gardens.”
You let out a weak chuckle making his brow twitch up, “Cirdan does not have gardens of his own, he lives near the ports overlooking the water. Though he does enjoy my cookies I bring him.”
“Maglor allows such habits?”
“He often joined me, wandering the waters edge.”
Lowering his tea cup he asked after wetting his lips while you claimed a sip, “I was curious, you mentioned your Naneth, where is your Ada?”
You flashed him a weak smile lowering your own teacup, “My Ada is a Smith, travels often for work for long stretches of time.”
He nodded then asked, “Why would Maglor leave you with Aiwendil?”
“It seems an Isitari is the only one to catch on to my paths and guide me back in time for meals.” Blankly his eyes scanned over your face trying to subtly search out any flinch in your façade wondering why fate had brought you into his path right then.
Each night he would pace in his rooms trying to figure out your plans. You had easily slipped past his guards but only for short bursts of time, at first he assumed stopping to relieve yourselves but then it began in places nowhere near proper locations to do so. Bewildered even more he outright refused to send you down to one of those cells as well on uncertainty alone, nothing had been taken or moved to his countless inspections of your entire path. His questioning and those of his son had proven just as fruitful, it truly seemed you were simply here for the celebration. Between that and his unsuccessful convincing of the irritatingly obstinate Dwarves to give up their quest he rarely slept save for a few instances of his dozing off in your sitting room when he was waiting for you to return from your wanderings.
In the middle of your dinner that night you sat beside the King again across from Legolas when mid giggle as they let out joint laughs at the latest in your string of jokes lightening the mood greatly, at least until the double doors opened and a pair of Elves entered the room. Hastily they reached the King’s side and bowed their heads stating outright, “My King, the Dwarves, are gone.”
At once Thranduil peered over you, Bilbo and Radagast at the table then stated, “Search the Palace and our borders and seal the gates. No one enters or leaves lest I hear of it.”
He exhaled with mind racing scanning his eyes over the table before you, clearly lost in his frantic attempt to calm himself as he settled in his mind your mystery was nowhere near a priority right now, at least until his eyes locked with yours. Instantly he felt the same wave of calm wash over him and hoped that somehow you could aid him in his troubles, then you flashed him an innocent smile and asked, “You invited Dwarves?”
He shook his head answering a bit lower than he intended to, “No.” Clearing his throat he added, “No, I did not.”
Your smile inched wider asking, “Do you get many Dwarves through these lands?”
“Not since Smaug drove them out of Erebor. Normally they travel farther South to avoid my lands to reach the Iron Hills.”
“Why not invite them from there? I have it on good authority Dwarves are quite fond of celebrations.”
He raised a brow at you only to peer at Bilbo stating, “Or Hobbits.” His hand shifted in front of his face, “You’ve never seen finer festivity than when a Hobbit is heading it.” He blinked a few times then added, “No doubt yours will be quite extravagant, though Hobbits exude making one feel at home, even miles away from theirs. No doubt Elves seem to have mastered an all out awe inducing affair, which, mind you, is quite nice.”
Against his main instinct to continue panicking he leaned back in his chair and melted back into the conversation with you and the young Hobbit. Learning more on the Shire as he indulged on his wine while you mentally retraced your steps in hiding their belongings a couple days later before remembering how you managed to snatch the right key from a napping Elf’s ring and handed it off to Bilbo for his stop into the dungeon later. One at a time they slipped out following the right path under Bilbo’s watch into the cellar where you timed it perfect for one of the distracted Elves, while Bilbo questioned him about the wine he sampled at the King’s table the night before, pulled the lever freeing the company into the river below.
Bobbing and splashing in the river below in the sealed barrels Thorin’s eyes sunk to the bracelet you had slipped him from his bags and passed to him through Bilbo. One you had made him for his journeys away for work, on the side the raised etching of a peak with a dragon above it inside an oval representing the arkenstone sat one of your silmarils. The incredible gift you trusted him with that bore a special secret, where one sat the wielder of the other could link minds through them to the other wielder.
No matter where you were he could feel you near him still and know you were safe while his deep hums kept you at ease in your time apart. This was certainly an extraordinary circumstance, his having to flee a dungeon and leave you behind with no one but an untrained Hobbit to aid in your escape. The most common question and betting topic in the company was how you had managed to slip past the King in his own Palace unnoticed and not draw any attention or spare guards on them in the week and a half they had been imprisoned.
The barrels eventually bobbed to a stop and at the river’s edge they followed the path to a small set of ruined bridges forming an outpost long since destroyed. They set up camp in chuckling to themselves at your successful plan freeing them to keep going towards home after just a couple more days waiting for you both to join them. All day and night they watched between your messages for your father assuring him of your progress and continued safety, waiting for word on when to be out waiting for you.
Pt 2
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