#also can we please focus on like any other egyptian queens ever
navree · 1 year
"cleopatra faced oppression" the fuck she did oh my god i hate y'all so much
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dfroza · 4 years
how many give thought
that we’re being called up to a heavenly wedding?
for there are many who comprise the Bride (the Queen) of the True King
and rebirth of the heart through the Son is the only way “Home”
and marriage on earth is a mirroring of this. and did you know that it is not permissible in Love for a man to be sexual with another man, or a woman with a woman, as defined by gender at birth? this is spiritual truth, although some may disagree.
and life truly begins at the genesis spark of conception as a tiny seed (to be...)
and we are meant to respond to the call of the heart to “believe...”
and this is the beautiful mystery of becoming a child of our Creator which is what Paul describes in Today’s reading of the 9th chapter of Romans:
[God Is Calling His People]
At the same time, you need to know that I carry with me at all times a huge sorrow. It’s an enormous pain deep within me, and I’m never free of it. I’m not exaggerating—Christ and the Holy Spirit are my witnesses. It’s the Israelites . . . If there were any way I could be cursed by the Messiah so they could be blessed by him, I’d do it in a minute. They’re my family. I grew up with them. They had everything going for them—family, glory, covenants, revelation, worship, promises, to say nothing of being the race that produced the Messiah, the Christ, who is God over everything, always. Oh, yes!
Don’t suppose for a moment, though, that God’s Word has malfunctioned in some way or other. The problem goes back a long way. From the outset, not all Israelites of the flesh were Israelites of the spirit. It wasn’t Abraham’s sperm that gave identity here, but God’s promise. Remember how it was put: “Your family will be defined by Isaac”? That means that Israelite identity was never racially determined by sexual transmission, but it was God-determined by promise. Remember that promise, “When I come back next year at this time, Sarah will have a son”?
And that’s not the only time. To Rebecca, also, a promise was made that took priority over genetics. When she became pregnant by our one-of-a-kind ancestor, Isaac, and her babies were still innocent in the womb—incapable of good or bad—she received a special assurance from God. What God did in this case made it perfectly plain that his purpose is not a hit-or-miss thing dependent on what we do or don’t do, but a sure thing determined by his decision, flowing steadily from his initiative. God told Rebecca, “The firstborn of your twins will take second place.” Later that was turned into a stark epigram: “I loved Jacob; I hated Esau.”
Is that grounds for complaining that God is unfair? Not so fast, please. God told Moses, “I’m in charge of mercy. I’m in charge of compassion.” Compassion doesn’t originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat, but in God’s mercy. The same point was made when God said to Pharaoh, “I picked you as a bit player in this drama of my salvation power.” All we’re saying is that God has the first word, initiating the action in which we play our part for good or ill.
Are you going to object, “So how can God blame us for anything since he’s in charge of everything? If the big decisions are already made, what say do we have in it?”
Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question? Clay doesn’t talk back to the fingers that mold it, saying, “Why did you shape me like this?” Isn’t it obvious that a potter has a perfect right to shape one lump of clay into a vase for holding flowers and another into a pot for cooking beans? If God needs one style of pottery especially designed to show his angry displeasure and another style carefully crafted to show his glorious goodness, isn’t that all right? Either or both happens to Jews, but it also happens to the other people. Hosea put it well:
I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies;
I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved.
In the place where they yelled out, “You’re nobody!”
they’re calling you “God’s living children.”
Isaiah maintained this same emphasis:
If each grain of sand on the seashore were numbered
and the sum labeled “chosen of God,”
They’d be numbers still, not names;
salvation comes by personal selection.
God doesn’t count us; he calls us by name.
Arithmetic is not his focus.
Isaiah had looked ahead and spoken the truth:
If our powerful God
had not provided us a legacy of living children,
We would have ended up like ghost towns,
like Sodom and Gomorrah.
How can we sum this up? All those people who didn’t seem interested in what God was doing actually embraced what God was doing as he straightened out their lives. And Israel, who seemed so interested in reading and talking about what God was doing, missed it. How could they miss it? Because instead of trusting God, they took over. They were absorbed in what they themselves were doing. They were so absorbed in their “God projects” that they didn’t notice God right in front of them, like a huge rock in the middle of the road. And so they stumbled into him and went sprawling. Isaiah (again!) gives us the metaphor for pulling this together:
Careful! I’ve put a huge stone on the road to Mount Zion,
a stone you can’t get around.
But the stone is me! If you’re looking for me,
you’ll find me on the way, not in the way.
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 9 (The Message)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is chapter 30 of 1st Samuel where David and his people recovered all that was stolen from them:
[David’s Strength Was in His God]
Three days later, David and his men arrived back in Ziklag. Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They tore Ziklag to pieces and then burned it down. They captured all the women, young and old. They didn’t kill anyone, but drove them like a herd of cattle. By the time David and his men entered the village, it had been burned to the ground, and their wives, sons, and daughters all taken prisoner.
David and his men burst out in loud wails—wept and wept until they were exhausted with weeping. David’s two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail widow of Nabal of Carmel, had been taken prisoner along with the rest. And suddenly David was in even worse trouble. There was talk among the men, bitter over the loss of their families, of stoning him.
David strengthened himself with trust in his God. He ordered Abiathar the priest, son of Ahimelech, “Bring me the Ephod so I can consult God.” Abiathar brought it to David.
Then David prayed to God, “Shall I go after these raiders? Can I catch them?”
The answer came, “Go after them! Yes, you’ll catch them! Yes, you’ll make the rescue!”
David went, he and the six hundred men with him. They arrived at the Brook Besor, where some of them dropped out. David and four hundred men kept up the pursuit, but two hundred of them were too fatigued to cross the Brook Besor, and stayed there.
Some who went on came across an Egyptian in a field and took him to David. They gave him bread and he ate. And he drank some water. They gave him a piece of fig cake and a couple of raisin muffins. Life began to revive in him. He hadn’t eaten or drunk a thing for three days and nights!
David said to him, “Who do you belong to? Where are you from?”
“I’m an Egyptian slave of an Amalekite,” he said. “My master walked off and left me when I got sick—that was three days ago. We had raided the Negev of the Kerethites, of Judah, and of Caleb. Ziklag we burned.”
David asked him, “Can you take us to the raiders?”
“Promise me by God,” he said, “that you won’t kill me or turn me over to my old master, and I’ll take you straight to the raiders.”
He led David to them. They were scattered all over the place, eating and drinking, gorging themselves on all the loot they had plundered from Philistia and Judah.
David pounced. He fought them from before sunrise until evening of the next day. None got away except for four hundred of the younger men who escaped by riding off on camels. David rescued everything the Amalekites had taken. And he rescued his two wives! Nothing and no one was missing—young or old, son or daughter, plunder or whatever. David recovered the whole lot. He herded the sheep and cattle before them, and they all shouted, “David’s plunder!”
Then David came to the two hundred who had been too tired to continue with him and had dropped out at the Brook Besor. They came out to welcome David and his band. As he came near he called out, “Success!”
But all the mean-spirited men who had marched with David, the rabble element, objected: “They didn’t help in the rescue, they don’t get any of the plunder we recovered. Each man can have his wife and children, but that’s it. Take them and go!”
“Families don’t do this sort of thing! Oh no, my brothers!” said David as he broke up the argument. “You can’t act this way with what God gave us! God kept us safe. He handed over the raiders who attacked us. Who would ever listen to this kind of talk? The share of the one who stays with the gear is the share of the one who fights—equal shares. Share and share alike!” From that day on, David made that the rule in Israel—and it still is.
On returning to Ziklag, David sent portions of the plunder to the elders of Judah, his neighbors, with a note saying, “A gift from the plunder of God’s enemies!” He sent them to the elders in Bethel, Ramoth Negev, Jattir, Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa, Racal, Jerahmeelite cities, Kenite cities, Hormah, Bor Ashan, Athach, and Hebron, along with a number of other places David and his men went to from time to time.
The Book of 1st Samuel, Chapter 30 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for monday, October 19 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A repost from October 19 of ‘19:
something i read for Saturday, October 19 that isn’t an easy task in this world, yet in Love we are instructed to do so:
A wise person demonstrates patience, for mercy means holding your tongue.
When you are insulted, be quick to forgive and forget it, for you are virtuous when you overlook an offense.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 19:11 (The Passion Translation)
we need to forgive and move on with life by letting go of the past so that it doesn’t continually haunt us.
10.19.19 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research:
October 19, 2020
Christ in You
“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27)
The New Covenant includes a mystery Paul had the privilege of revealing to the Gentiles (Colossians 1:24-29). The history and prophecies of the Old Covenant contained a few hints of God’s plan for the last days, but the focus was centered on the “fulness of time” when the Messiah would come (Galatians 4:4).
Paul seemed thrilled to “preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8) and to have the responsibility of unveiling “the grace of God which is given me to you-ward” (Ephesians 3:2). More than the obligation, Paul felt a dread judgment if he failed (1 Corinthians 9:16). It follows that we should be clear in our own declaration of this mystery.
Simply put, the mystery is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Obviously, that is the result of salvation. The new message is the completed work and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. The promises of the prophets and the long history of Israel tend to obscure the eternal plan of God (Ephesians 3:11)—thus the detailed effort of the New Testament writers to amplify the “whosoever will” aspect of the gospel message.
“Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven” (1 Peter 1:10-12).
Now it is possible for the whole world to have a personal and eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. HMM III
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esmerodo · 6 years
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By ~ Mamoru Chiba
Sailor Saturn was born on Saturday, January 6th under the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. Belated Happy Birthday, Hotaru Tomoe! Since it is Sailor Saturn’s fate to be regularly reborn whenever she uses the Silence Glaive, her year of birth can change at any point! She was 12 years old during the S season, when Usagi was 15, then went back to being as a baby and was about 4 and 5 in the Stars season.
NAOKO-SENSEI’S TRAINING IN MINERALS & GEMSTONES: The reason we do this feature is because Naoko Takeuchi named most of her villain characters and associated each of the Senshi with a gemstone or mineral. Takeuchi-sensei studied chemistry in university in preparation to become a pharmacist, and as a result got to know all the lore behind a large variety of minerals and gemstones.  See, she had promised her Dad, if this manga drawing idea didn’t work out, she could always fall back on working in a drug store! ☺  And as you will see, the mineral/gemstone knowledge did NOT go to waste, when that Sailor Moon manga thing worked out in a big way!
CAPRICORN: Hotaru was born on January 6th, under the Zodiac sign of Capricorn.  The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn, the Teacher.  The person born on January 6th is known as *The Philosopher* for their spiritual, idealistic, naive and honest approach to life. Their natural gentleness and shyness makes most people dismiss them as childlike and naive, and it is the rare person, like Chibi Usa, who can spot the Capricorn Hotaru’s underlying tremendous energy and intelligence, and value them as friends.
Relationships mean so much to the much to the January 6th person that they tend to give too much to friends and lovers and have to learn to take as well as to give. Thus the shy and lonely Hotaru was overwhelmed with happiness at Chibi Usa’s friendship and didn’t know how to respond.
January 6th people are fragile and easily hurt when their input isn’t valued or they’re not taken seriously. Hence, Hotaru is tremendously hurt when Kaolinite is rude to her, but her personality is too gentle to fight back.  However, January 6th people are a slow burning fire of resentment which can cause them, when hurt, to rebel fiercely and exhibit irresponsible behaviour. Consider that the gentle person being hurt is a person with the awesome destructive powers of Sailor Saturn, and you will conclude it could be a VERY dangerous thing to be unkind to Hotaru!
Apparently January 6th people do finally settle down from their spells of cathartic anger and rebellion around the age of 45. So the Messiah of Silence could settle down and mellow out when she reaches her 40’s? Except, she won’t! Sailor Saturn is reborn and goes back to childhood every time she uses her Silence Glaive of Rage and Chaos. So she’ll never likely reach her 40’s! Good thing she seems to retain her previous memories each time she reincarnates and she grows up fast each time!
Capricorns need to find a place to express their wild side and need to channel their vast inner energy into sport or work or study, preferably surrounded by supportive intelligent friends. This, Hotaru finds, by becoming a Sailor Senshi and by having Chibi Usa as her best friend and having Sailor Pluto, who is also ageless, as her mentor, and, I would argue, her Eternal Timeless Mother.
By her who in this month (January) is born No gem save garnets should be worn; They will ensure her constancy, True friendship, and fidelity.
RED GARNET, PRIMARY JANUARY BIRTHSTONE (TRADITIONAL & MODERN): Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn share one other thing: the gemstone Garnet is special to both of them. I have previously discussed Setsuna’s use of the Garnet as a Talisman in her Garnet Rod, her garnet earrings, and her green garnet hair. Garnet is also the traditional and modern birthstone for the month of January. So we may be sure that Sailor Saturn really likes Pluto’s choice of her favourite gemstone. For more information on the gemstone Garnet, please see this link to the Sailor Pluto gemstone post: https://www.facebook.com/sm.mooniverse/photos/a.795022530564377.1073741918.383581028375198/1266348420098450/?type=3&theater
Zircons stimulate sluggish energy to move, and can have a dynamic effect on your health. They can help a person born in January to let go of feelings of depression and anxiety, which Hotaru might feel after the events of the emergence of the Mistress of Silence, when she recalls losing first her mother, then getting severely injured, and eventually losing her beloved father. I hope that Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru together would be able to help Hotaru let go of the past and look towards a brighter future where she is a respected member of the Senshi team and will in time, be the chief aide to the future next generation Neo Queen Serenity, Chibi Moon. The Sailor Quartet will also be the Next Senshi generation.
The Jacinth stone is a sophisticated orange sparkler that is said to instill wisdom, attract great riches and possess medicinal properties.
[REFERENCES: http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/zircon-crystals.html http://gloriousgiftideas.com/2012/06/19/jacinth/ ]
EMERALD, JANUARY BIRTHSTONE (TIBETAN CALENDAR): For more information on Emeralds, please see Sailor Jupiter’s Gemstone post here: https://www.facebook.com/sm.mooniverse/photos/a.795022530564377.1073741918.383581028375198/817648721635091/?type=3&theater
LAPIS LAZULI, SATURN PLANETARY STONE, FOR CAPRICORN: Lapis Lazuli, a beautiful blue stone often found with lovely gold veins of Pyrite and white patches of Calcite, is associated with the Planet Saturn and with Ambition, Focus, Direction, and Practicality.  Since Saturn is a planet associated with intense focus, and the Silence Glaive is symbolic of the Grim Reaper’s Scythe of Saturn, dealing with death, this gemstone is very appropriate. You’ve heard the Spider-Man slogan, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility? Well, Lapis Lazuli is the “Be Responsible” Stone.  
Lapis Lazuli is the oldest of blue gemstones, discovered in ancient times before anyone had ever heard of Sapphires. Egyptian pharaohs and the rulers and heads of state of many other nations used Lapis Lazuli to help them bear responsibility and make life or death decisions. It is the gemstone of Purity and Nobility. Cleopatra is said to have used powdered Lapis Lazuli as blue eye shadow. When Sailor Saturn lowers her Silence Glaive, she holds the grave responsibility of planetary life or death in her hands, and so she must choose very very carefully.
The blue colour of the gemstone promotes truth, uprightness, clarity and honesty in communication, and in friendship, the need to take responsibility for what we do and say. It is the stone of Wisdom and helps you face the truth of situations, assess your resources, and do methodical long-term planning. What an excellent and beautiful stone for Hotaru to wear!
JET, OBSIDIAN & ONYX (CAPRICORN STONES): In addition to the gemstones mentioned already, there are certain gemstones that carry Saturn’s planetary power. So if you, like Hotaru, were born under the sign of Capricorn, you should carry dark stones like Jet, Mahogany Obsidian and Black Onyx when you need Saturn's unwavering, dogged determination in your corner.  
BLACK ONYX, CAPRICORN’S TALISMANIC BIRTHSTONE: Bestowing courage and power, a Black Onyx stone is so powerful indeed that the gemstone was assigned by ancient astrologers to the two most ambitious signs of the zodiac, Leo and Capricorn.  Capricorn is a very conscientious industrious sign, and Black Onyx keeps the person born under this Sign grounded as they realize their ambitions. Black Onyx, the Talismanic Stone for Capricorn, also helps you regain your physical strength after you’ve been ill and is very good for past life work. Black Onyx helps you heal old injuries that have their origin in past life trauma; a handy gemstone for the sick weakly young Hotaru, that may help her deal with the injuries she suffered as a young child and regain her past life memories as Sailor Saturn.  (Mamoru, a Leo, also had past life trauma as an injured orphan with amnesia to deal with, and also needed Black Onyx to help him.)
The black onyx stone is also thought to neutralize negative emotions and mental stresses, and stave off external negativity at the same time. Hence, Black Onyx makes a powerful charm both for self-mastery and self-protection.
Mahogany Obsidian may also be helpful in this regard, because it helps clear negative energy, provides protection against psychic attack, and removes psychic implants associated with past life issues (eg. Mistress 9). Jet allows you to draw on the Earth’s energies and channel this energy wherever you want it to go.
Jet, the black gemstone of sympathy, helps soothe pain and grief, an excellent gemstone for young Hotaru dealing with her loneliness and illness.
RUBY, TURQUOISE & BLUE TOPAZ (CAPRICORN STONES): For more information on Turquoises, please see Sailor Jupiter’s Gemstone post here: https://www.facebook.com/sm.mooniverse/photos/a.795022530564377.1073741918.383581028375198/817648721635091/?type=3&theater
For more information on Rubies, please see Sailor Mars’ Gemstone post here: https://www.facebook.com/sm.mooniverse/photos/a.795022530564377.1073741918.383581028375198/871013682965261/?type=3&theater
Blue Topaz is associated with loyalty and love; either romance or eternal friendship. We can be sure that Small Lady Chibi Usa and Hotaru will be the best of friends and two Senshi fighting as a team for the rest of their long lives. So maybe Chibi Usa can present a blue topaz as a gift for Hotaru to wear as a token of being Best Friends Forever!
[REFERENCE: http://www.jewelrynotes.com/blue-topaz-meaning/ ]
Fluorite, a very exotic looking stone often with purple at one end and green at the other, helps stimulate your mental processes and have a more organized thinking approach. It is another gemstone associated with the Zodiac sign of Capricorn and Saturn. Fluorite will stimulate your psychic abilities and promotes psychic protection.
SAILOR SATURN FAN ART SOURCE: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44528184
~ Mamoru Chiba
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deliciousfix · 5 years
Joseph L. Mankiewicz’ Cleopatra
The inspiring scenes that led me to write, “The Eyes of Egypt”, a remnant of Cleopatra. 
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Cleopatra: I feel that you need me now, but I can not help you.
Caesar: Then help me to live as I have always lived, always differently from the rest. The others, for whom life is merely an endless fear of dying.
Cleopatra: Your gods and mine go with you Caesar. The world expect for you is filled with little men.
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Cleopatra: Use that Roman genius for destruction. Tear down pyramids, wipe out cities! How dare you and the rest of your barbarians set fire to my library. Play conqueror all you want mighty Caesar. Rape, murder, pillage thousands, millions of human beings. But neither you or any other barbarian has the right to destroy one human thought!
That’s enough. Leave me alone with her.
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Cleopatra: This morning early, you paid a formal visit to the tomb of Alexander. You remained alone at his sarcophagus for some time.
Caesar: I’d very much like to know how you know that.
Cleopatra: Just staring down at him… and then you cried. Why did you cry Caesar? 
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In Egypt, at Cleopatra’s Coronation...
Caesar: Isis herself would surrender her place in heaven to be as beautiful as you.
Cleopatra: You’re not supposed to look at me. No one is. You should be kneeling. (she kicks him a pillow and says…) You have such bony knees.
Caesar: Not only bony, but unaccustomed to this sort of thing. (He kneels, it angers Aggripa, and she smiles at Caesar’s respect towards her.
(And when in Rome, she shows her respect towards him...)
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Antony: How many legions do we have left?
Rufio: It’s hard to tell. So many desertions. They haven’t been paid in months. We must find the gold to pay them, wheat to feed them, supplies, ships, armor.
Antony: And where do you suggest we look for all these? I forbid you to mention her!
Rufio: I didn’t
Antony: I will not crawl to her with a hand held out like a beggar! Why hasn’t she offered assistance?
Rufio: perhaps she doesn’t know.
Antony: of course she knows. She knows everything. If only out of gratitude of what I’ve done for her.
Rufio: Perhaps she’ll express it in person.
Antony: Then let her come to me. Am I so much less than Caesar?
Rufio: Nor is she less than Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.
Antony: Queens. Strip them naked as any other woman, they’re no longer queens.
Rufio: It is also difficult to tell the rank of a naked general. And general’s without armies are naked indeed.
Antony: Alright, I’ll meet her halfway. I’ll send you to her. You order her to come to me.
Rufio: If I’m to order her, I need not journey.
Antony: Then Summon her. Whatever you want, but see to it that she comes to me.
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Cleopatra: I do not intend to join that long list of queens who have quivered so happily to be summoned by Lord Antony.
Rufio: But surely I didn’t say summon.
Cleopatra: You said “invite”, “he meant summon”. In any case, I am the queen of Egypt and I chose to stay on Egyptian soil. I will meet with Lord Antony, but only on Egyptian soil.
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Cleopatra: With so much left unsaid within you, it must be a relief to tear and break things.
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Antony: Stronger than the strongest, still no Caesar. Do what you will, Caesar’s done it first and done it better. Ruled better, loved better, fought better. Run where you will, you can’t get out. There’s no way out. The shadow of Caesar will cover you and cover the universe for all of time. (She sits up and really looks at him. She sees Antony’s love)
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Antony: For so long you have filled my life… like a great noise I hear everywhere in my heart. I want to be free of you… of wanting you… of being afraid.
Cleopatra: Caesar would not permit it.
(He pulls the Caesar made necklace from her neck and kisses her. He tells her...)
Antony: Now I will never be free of you.
I wanted my character Julius to have mind and strength like Caesar, but to love like Antony.
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Cleopatra is told of Antony... He understood quite clearly what was at stake, what he would lose, but said that he would not leave you. (She goes to see Antony)
Cleopatra: When you go, must it be for very long?
Antony: I must take some of these with me. They don’t have them. At least they didn’t when I was last… in Rome. (She walks away telling him...)
Cleopatra: While they were building the foundation of my tomb, the workers found an old wall. Someone scratched on it. Hundreds of years ago. “You were not here last night and I could not sleep. Will you be here tonight?” Do you suppose they ever met again? (He holds her.)
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Antony: Will you come tonight so that I can sleep... the dark sleep. They did meet after all... The lovers. (He said, referring to the story of the lovers that she told him.) 
Cleopatra: They will always meet.
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Caesarion: I’m afraid. I know I shouldn’t be.
Cleopatra: Who told you that? All kings and especially queens are afraid. They just manage not to show it- something ordinary people can not do.
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As Apollodorus pushed Cleopatra to escape Octavian’s invade of Egypt, the concentrated hopelessness that dripped from her answer to her faithful servant stayed with me…
Apollodorus: Your majesty, please consider… there are two of euphranor’s ships, very fast, in the east harbor.
Cleopatra: And would you roll me on board in a carpet? No.
There are no more Caesars to go to, at least not for me.
I understood the heaviness in the character’s heart from losing her great Caesar that she admired so much, her true love Antony and the will to fight back she might’ve held on to if there had been another Caesar. This was the moment that inspired my remnant of Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s wonderfully written screenplay. The scene begged for a continuation to me. Yes, Octavian wasn’t able to bring Cleopatra back to Rome to show off his conquest and diminish her elaborate first entrance to Rome, because she took back her control with suicide, but there had to be MORE. I wanted to show that even in death, Cleopatra, Caesar and Antony still defeated Octavian and his wrongdoings would come back to him. That was the focus of my remnant. 
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I hope all admirers of this work find my continuation of this story pleasing and appreciate my efforts to create a main character with Caesar and Cleopatra’s likeness. I used this scene as my framework to develop the character…
Visiting the tomb of Alexander, standing beside his sarcophagus, Cleopatra asked Caesar, “That first time when you stood here alone, why did you cry? Will you tell me now?”
“Because I had lost something.”
“ A lifetime… mine.”
“Having conquered the world he died at 32. I am 52. My remaining ambition is to keep the world from conquering me.”
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Catullus’ poetry is recited to Cleopatra... Caesar enters and enjoys the way it’s recited... (So do I. My character Caesaria recites a line of poetry in a like manner.)
Ah, then let us live and love without one thought for the gossip of virgins now grown old and stale.
Suns go down and may return
but once put out our own brief light
we sleep through one eternal night.
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Read “The Eyes of Egypt” here: https://deliciousgloss.wordpress.com/2019/07/04/the-eyes-of-egypt/
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swanqueenweek · 7 years
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Event date voting has closed, and our 9th Bi-Annual Swan Queen Week will take place from July 9th - July 15th
Additionally, theme suggestions are officially closed, and theme voting has begun! Please use the link provided to vote; do not send your votes via ask/submission box/IM as those votes will not count.
Theme voting will be open from May 21st until May 31st. Below the cut is a list of the themes to choose from and important information about voting.
Voting is open to everyone, but please only vote once. Like the previous events, you can vote for your top three themes, but keep in mind that only one can win; you are voting for theme, not prompt. This means we will need to break the winning theme down into 7 smaller prompts. Once our theme is chosen, we  will open the ask and submission boxes for prompt suggestions, and any prompts fitting the chosen theme can be submitted.
Please note, you may not see your suggestion exactly as you sent it; there were a number of very similar suggestions or very specific suggestions that we combined to make the most simple and clean list possible. As always, the themes from the previous SQWs are up excluding the last one. There were also a few suggestions that were excluded as they they were too specific, were triggering or hateful or we were unsure about them. We will get better at responding to some of the suggestions that we weren’t sure about in the future. Please keep in mind that we are still learning, but we try our best to give you the best experience.
When voting, be sure to look at the options carefully as there are several prompts that can fit different themes, so if there is one prompt you really, really want, be strategic in your voting!
Suggested themes:
Bookworm; Emma and Regina in different book plots and genres, both established and new ideas. (e.g., Crime, Horror, Romance, etc.)
Butterfly effect; What if prompts where a minor change in circumstances cause a large change in outcome. (e.g., What if Emma didn’t up Henry up for adoption? What if Emma didn’t absorb the Dark Curse?, etc.)
Canon Divergence; prompts were the episodes/seasons has alternative endings. (e.g., Some people die and stay dead, It was a dream, Back to the beginning, And they lived happily ever after, etc.)
Cliches; prompts focusing on some of our favorite cliches. (e.g., Opposites attract, Time heals all wounds, etc.)
Couch Potato; Emma and Regina in different TV plots and genres, both established and new ideas. (e.g., procedurals, reality TV, sitcoms, Emmy awards, etc.)
Damsel in Distress; prompts were one lady helps the other one (e.g., Regina + flat tire, Emma + magic problems, etc.)
Day in a Year; prompts about a day in a year (e.g., Snow Day, Playing Hooky, etc.)     * I’m quite proud of my puns.
“Double Trouble”; prompts about our ladies dealing with two times the drama. (e.g., Clones, Split persons, SQ AU Version Meetup, etc.)
Emotions; prompts that focus on a different emotion. (e.g., Love, Hate, Fear, Lust, Acceptance, etc.)
Events; focusing on parties, balls, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, traveling. (e.g., Graduations, Mom’s Day, Masquerade Ball, etc.)
Fairytales; prompts having to do with fairytales. (e.g., fairytale swap, FTL AU, fairytale tropes, new fairytale characters, Disney songs, etc.)
Fairytale Swap; Emma and Regina as the focal relationship of an established fairytale besides their own. (e.g., Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, the Swan Princess, etc.)
Family; prompts focusing on Emma and Regina and their family. (e.g., Adoption, Giving birth, Family trips, etc.)
Game Changers; prompts where something happens and alternates Emma’s and/or Regina’s plan. (e.g., death, pregnancy, natural disasters, coming of age, winning the lottery, etc.)
Goddesses; each day focuses on a different set of traits/virtues     associated with a specific goddess. (e.g., Isis - marriage and wisdom,     Aphrodite - love and beauty, Eris - chaos, etc.)
Life in Storybrooke; prompts focusing on Regina and Emma simply living in Storybrooke, both with or without magic. (e.g., Secretly dating, Henry going to college, events like 4th of July or Miners day, etc.)
Magical Mishaps; prompts focusing on what can go wrong when our ladies try to do a little magic. (e.g., spells gone wrong, True serums, Accidental time travel, etc.)
Matchmaker; prompts focusing on one or more characters playing matchmaker with Emma and/or Regina. (e.g., Cora ships it, Ruby sets them up with other people, Snow pushes them together, Henry parent traps them, etc.)
Moviephile; Emma and Regina in different movie plots and genres, both established and new ideas. (e.g., Disney, Harry Potter, rom-com, horror, etc.)
Myths and Legends; prompts focusing on aspects or stories of mythology or famous legends. (e.g., Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Viking Mythology, etc.)
No Magic; prompts where Emma and Regina are ordinary people living ordinary lives or where they lose/give up their magic. (e.g., different professions, meet cute, giving up magic to protect someone, etc.)
Over the Rainbow: Prompts where colours have meanings. (e.g.; Red - Passion, Blue - Trust, Gold - success, etc. )
Reincarnation; prompts where a person’s essence continues to live after their body dies. (e.g., past life associations, karmic ties, soul mates, etc.)
Role reversal; prompts focusing on Emma and Regina swapping roles somehow, AU or not. (e.g., sheriff/mayor, boss/employee, saviour/evil queen, etc.).
Romance + Firsts; Prompts about important milestones between Regina and Emma. (e.g., First date, First kiss, First dance as a married couple, First fight, etc.)
Space: The Final Frontier; Emma and Regina and the vast empty space. (e.g., aliens landing on earth, discovering extraterrestrial life, Lesbians in NASA, etc.)
Superheroes; prompts focusing on superheroes and villains. (e.g.,     buying Henry comic books, super powers, etc.)
Supernatural; prompts (e.g., mystical creatures, parallel universes, reincarnation, weather control, etc.)
#TeamMOM; prompts focusing on Emma and Regina being a mom (e.g., MILF, Mommy!Regina or Mommy!Emma, Mommy Kink, etc.)
The Queen and her Knight; prompts focusing on their roles as Queen and Knight. (e.g., Emma meeting the Evil Queen, Emma as Regina’s knight, etc.)
Time-turner; prompts focusing on Emma and/or Regina as a child/teen/young adult. (e.g., Baby!SQ, Childhood friends, High School Rivals, etc.)
Trouble-Trouble:  prompts focusing on Emma and/or Regina and troublesome situations (e.g., Getting Caught, Relationship troubles, Henry in trouble, etc.)
Wicked Situations; prompts focusing on Zelena + Swan Queen. (e.g., Double dates, Zelena makes Regina jealous, Zelena helps, etc.)     * Proposed as a farewell to the wonderful Zelena Mills.  
You can vote for your favourite three themes here. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let us know.
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gishwheshistorian · 7 years
Gishwhes 2012 Item List
Lucky Seven: Things to remember that can help find your way to ghost hunting in Scotland!
1. Safety. There's a way to scavenge all of these items safely AND legally.
2. Commandments. Read the Commandments. Yes, again. And maybe one more time. Also, we may add or remove items and change the rules on you mid-hunt. So it is your responsibility to check the "Updates" page daily.
3. Submission Quality. Submit the best quality photos and videos. This year, our judges have been authorized to assign up to 50% more points for superior submissions. That means if you execute a 50-point item with exceptional care and thought, you could walk away with 75 points. So think about focus, lighting, background props, etc. If the picture is riveting, the judges will likely be riveted, and, well, you do the math.
4. Interpretation. Submit exactly what is asked for, not your reinterpretation of it. If we ask for a camel in the picture we don't want a drawing of a camel, or an inflatable camel. We want a real, hairy, spitting humped beast.
5. Creative Scavenging. Be creative on how you get props and materials for your items. Last year's participants proved you don't have to buy stuff. They used friends, neighbors, donations and communities. They were also surprised how complete strangers thoroughly enjoyed helping them complete items. Throw "Item Parties" and have people bring what you need. You can win cheaply simply by being clever, borrowing or begging.
6. Courage. Be courageous. You don't need money or talent to win this. All of these items can be completed simply by having the courage to ask someone. Between the 15 of you, someone somewhere has what you need or can help you get it.
7. Do it. Have fun, make friends, push your boundaries and mud wrestle with your creative side.
There are a number of items below that have the word "Hurricane" in front of them. Although they can be completed by anyone, they are designed to be completed by people who might be home-bound with no electricity for the next few days because of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast in the US. Please note, if the power outages are prolonged, we may extend the deadline for these items (and perhaps all others) past the end of the hunt. Remember, if you're on the East Coast and your authorities have told you to stay inside, FOLLOW THEIR DIRECTIONS! Do NOT go outside. Be safe and good luck!
ALL of the Items below should either be captured as "images" (which are photographs) or "videos". When you click "Submit", there will be instructions on how to submit the links to these images or videos. You should only use IMGUR, VIMEO and YOUTUBE. IMPORTANT - Unless otherwise specified, ALL VIDEOS must be 30 seconds or less!
1. Guinness Item Coming Soon! Stay tuned! (0 points)
We are going to attempt to shatter the Guinness World Record for the “Most Pledges to Commit a Random Act of Kindness.” The current record is 74,379 pledges held by Guinness Breweries. Let’s take the throne! Your team must collect “pledges” from individuals pledging to do a Random Act. Click this link and follow instructions; don’t click the submit button here. (You get 1 point for every 2 pledges - up to 350 points maximum. It’s only 47 per team member, but we expect you to exceed this because this isn’t all about points. Is it?) (0 points)
2. [IMAGE] A four-post, queen-sized bed with headboard and footboard. On the bed: a sleeping person. Over the person: A comforter. Under the person’s head: A pillow. Bed, person, comforter and pillow must all be situated in a Wal-Mart parking lot.(62 points)
3. [IMAGE] A storm trooper in full costume including leggings (not just the mask!) cleaning a pool. We must see someone lounging in a swimsuit holding a cocktail nearby. (78 points)
4. [IMAGE] Help someone who has been injured or whose home has been damaged by hurricane Sandy. (60 points)
5. [IMAGE] Let’s see what Twister would look like with 13 people. Each person must be wearing only one color of clothing, i.e. all yellow, or all red and no two people can be wearing the same color clothing. (56 points)
6. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - If your child were a prodigy artist and had a marker and you were deep asleep and they were inspired to “beautify” your face, what would the result be? (8 points)
7. [IMAGE] 3 adults and a dog sitting on chairs around a table in a public library. The humans are reading Dr. Seuss books. The dog is wearing prescription eyeglasses and reading Kant. (23 points)
8. [IMAGE] Ever seen the movie “The Hangover”? Let’s see the aftermath of the most debaucherous party ever. Photo must be taken at the home of a team member’s parents. (38 points)
9. [IMAGE] Using a Zamboni and dyes, draw a giant frowny face on an ice-skating rink. (72 points)
10. [IMAGE] Find an object that was manufactured the day and year you were born in city or town of your birth. Prove it. (Note: the “object” in question cannot be you or your twin.) (34 points)
11. [IMAGE] Submit a “Freedom of Information Act” request for your personal files. (5 points)
12. [IMAGE] Creatively edit the Wikipedia entry for Jared Padelecki to seamlessly include your team name and some mention of his abiding admiration of Misha Collins. (6 points)
[WEBSITE] Create the Misha Collins fan site that Jared Padelecki would build if he only knew HTML. Submit the website URL.  (6 points)
13. [IMAGE] An op-ed piece published in a local paper about how “petty, vindictive birds are stealing from the elderly!” (23 points)
14. [IMAGE] A person in a business suit with a leather briefcase jumping into leaf pile. (18 points)
15. [IMAGE] Five parking tickets made out to the same license plate on the same day in the same municipality. (66 points)
16. [IMAGE] Knit a scarf that is at least 12 feet long and is being worn by 3 people at one time. (32 points)
17. [IMAGE] Thread the stem of an actual, still-green, four-leafed clover through the hole of a nose piercing. (12 points)
18. [IMAGE] You and 8 of your friends standing outside the Copenhagen City Hall. One of you, smiling, is holding a large sign that says: “Denmark - ranked 2012 ‘World’s Happiest Country!’” Everyone else in the photo must be either pissed off or crying. Mascara must be running. (18 points)
19. [IMAGE] A uniformed Burger King employee enjoying a McDonald’s Happy Meal. (33 points)
20. [IMAGE] Get a tour of a sauerkraut factory. Photo must depict at least 50 gallons of uncanned sauerkraut and a team member wearing a single sequenced glove. (63 points)
21. [IMAGE] The inside of an ICBM missile silo decorated for Halloween. Remember, it must be a real ICBM silo to qualify. “Interpretation” will dock points from your team… unless it’s really good! (190 points)
22. [IMAGE] We’ve all heard of a “flea circus”. What do “flea strip clubs” look like? (28 points)
23. [IMAGE] A GISHWHES counter-rally at an Obama or Romney campaign stop. Must include at least 5 people with large picket signs.(54 points)
24. [IMAGE] The president, king, chancellor, premiere or prime minister of a nation modeling a brazier. (141 points)
25. [IMAGE] Calendar item: A photo of a scantily clad fireman (or firemen) whose skimpy attire is made entirely from kale. Model must be posing in front of a fire truck. Bonus points if, behind him, water is shooting up into the air from a hose or hydrant. (71 points)
26. [IMAGE] Proof that a team member’s family tree leads to Genghis Khan. (24 points)
27. [IMAGE] A photo of someone using one of those ancient 1800s cameras – you know the ones with the wooden tripod and the black cloth – taking a photo of a commodore 64 computer that’s resting on a wooden stool. (49 points)
28. [IMAGE] A live monkey or ape wearing a sock monkey hat while trying to extract burnt toast from a toaster. (82 points)
29. [IMAGE] Have a romantic dinner with a marionette puppet at a 2- or 3-star Michelin restaurant. A puppeteer clad in black must control the marionette. The puppeteer must not eat. (86 points)
30.[IMAGE] Show up at Second Beach in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada on November 4th at noon with 500 popsicle sticks, a spool of sewing thread and quick-drying glue. (90 points)
31. [IMAGE] Unionize GISHWHES. (38 points)
32. [IMAGE] Fifteen children in Halloween costumes each holding up a sign with a different letter that, combined, say “GISHWHES or Treat” (19 points)
33. [IMAGE] Get your team name and “GISHWHES” on a billboard. Must include commercial-looking graphics, and must be at least 100 square feet on an actual, commercial billboard. (131 points)
34. [IMAGE] Calendar item: Wear cheese and wear it well. You cannot be wearing anything but cheese. You may use any type of cheese you wish. Supermodel it posed next to or on a classic car (a classic car is any car that predates 1980.) (98 points)
35. [IMAGE] Draw or paint a portrait of Misha Collins and the Queen of England, both dressed in Steampunk, riding on a single stallion. (28 points)
36. [IMAGE] Hug a uniformed Veteran. (42 points)
37. [IMAGE] A screen cap of a chat thread on Misha Collins’ IMDB page. The thread must be started by a user with your team’s name and must pose an unusual question about Misha’s personal life, such as, “Is it true that Misha Collins eats nothing but the hearts of human babies?” Or “Why doesn’t Misha have any fingers?” (14 points)
38. [IMAGE] A Hell’s Angels (or at least a tough & leathered biker) with an authentic Teletubby tattoo. (69 points)
39. [IMAGE] You and 3 of your friends/family dressed like Egyptians in a chariot on the steps of the Wellington Monument in Dublin. (71 points)
40. [IMAGE] Create a portrait of Jensen Ackles entirely out of skittles doing his pouty “Blue Steel” look. Must be AT LEAST 2 feet by 2 feet. (38 points)
41. [IMAGE] A real full-sized commercial Blimp or hot-air balloon, in the air, that’s been completely covered in brightly colored autumn maple leaves. (299 points)
42. [IMAGE] There is a quote on a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of a bench overlooking the bay in Sausalito. Find it and follow directions. If the paper disappears the points will be deducted from the last team to submit a link. (32 points)
43. [IMAGE] Go to the Grimm Brother’s statue with 10 of your friends and dress up and pose as a “Fairy Tale gone bad!” (29 points)
44. [IMAGE] What happens when you roast Barbie and Ken (in an embrace) with an assortment of root vegetables? You will be penalized if you eat the roasted vegetables. You also will probably die as they will be toxic from the roasted plastic. (19 points)
45. [IMAGE] Let’s see your team displayed like the “Brady Bunch” opening credits except there are 3 rows of 5 pictures (versus the 3X3 we know from the “Brady Bunch” opening credits points). The submission must be 1 image with the 15 frames in it. Each of you must be wearing 70s attire and must look VERY emotionally unbalanced. (15 points)
46.[IMAGE] Your head in a sock monkey hat mounted like a hunting trophy on a wall next to a taxidermy moose head. (113 points)
47.[IMAGE] It’s time to get organized! Create a filing system for chickens in a chicken coup. (52 points)
48. [IMAGE] What do you look like sleeping? What does a close-up of your child smiling in your kitchen look like? What would a cake look like if your child made it with no help from you? And what would your child’s face look like if he or she could eat the cake while you’re still sleeping? MUST SUBMIT AS ONE PICTURE with the four images edited together in progression side-by-side. (31 points)
49. [IMAGE] Build a teahouse under a bridge from recycled materials. Have a cup of tea in it. (73 points)
50. [IMAGE] Belgium is known for its beer. Go to A La Becasse Brewery and hold up a GISHWHES labeled beer. (61 points)
51. [IMAGE] How long was Miss Jean Louis’s “kale binge”? One might find the answer on one of our social media platforms. (29 points)
52. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Build a real igloo-doghouse in the snow. Dog must be visible in the doorway. GISHWHES must be written in food coloring on the doghouse. (58 points)
53. [IMAGE] Carve a Jill O'Lantern! Carve a pumpkin to look like a feminized Misha Collins. Bonus points for realism. (61 points)
54. [IMAGE] Elmo Gone Wrong. What would a Tickle-Me-Elmo look like if it had a serious crystal meth problem? (31 points)
55. [IMAGE] A man in a chicken suit in the pilot seat of a commercial jet. (132 points)
56. [IMAGE] Drop a school bus (may be a toy bus) into red, molten lava from an active volcano. (145 points)
57. [IMAGE] Create a public chalk art piece diagramming Kant’s categorical imperative. (19 points)
58. [IMAGE] You and your friend at a children’s hospital giving a sock or real puppet show. (48 points)
59. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Knit a “GISHWHES” vest for a cat with matching booties. (43 points)
60. [IMAGE] Sign and have notarized (or equivalent of notarized in your country) an affidavit vowing never to build raised garden boxes within the city limits of South Pasadena. (34 points)
61. [IMAGE] What would you and your friend look like if you were a human-sized burrito and taco standing side by side? (57 points)
62. [IMAGE] Build a model of the death scene of Galois in miniature out of legumes. (43 points)
63. [IMAGE] 5 uniformed postal workers hula hooping in front of a post office. (108 points)
64. [IMAGE] Attend a professional soccer (a.k.a. “football” everywhere but North America) game dressed in a US football uniform. Pads, helmet, cleats, etc. (72 points)
65. [IMAGE] Create a 2 foot-high dinosaur out of sanitary napkins. (50 points)
66. [IMAGE] Skydive while holding up a sign that imbeds, “GISHWHES” in a phrase. For example, your sign could say, “Lose your dignity – join GISHWHES.” Or “GISHWHES made me do it.” (168 points)
67. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Find prime factorization for RSA-210. (120 points)
68. [IMAGE] There is a quote on a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of a bench in front of a massive LCD screen in Wuhan, China. Find it and follow directions. If the note disappears the points will be deducted from the last team to the last team to submit a link to an image. (52 points)
69. [IMAGE] You and a friend must take at least 50 of your stuffed animals/dolls on a field trip to a grocery store. All of the stuffed animals/dolls must EITHER be attached to your clothing or in a grocery cart or both. (63 points)
70. [IMAGE] Recreate the snake’s seduction of Eve at a bus stop. Fig leaf, apple, snake, etc. (41 points)
71. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Sculpt your hair with gel, wires, tape, ornaments, animals, and whatever else into what someone would undoubtedly have to classify as the Most Epic Hair Hat the World Has Ever Seen (MEHHWHES) (29 points)
72. [IMAGE] A Yoga class in a yoga studio with at least 10 participants doing the same pose. Unlike everyone else, however, you must be wearing full skiwear including ski boots, skis, hat and goggles. (56 points)
73. [IMAGE] Break your own world record. (20 points)
74. [IMAGE] A bookstore on the Left Bank declares “Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise.” Stand in front of this Parisian landmark dressed as an angel holding up a sign saying, “Don’t touch me.” (64 points)
75. [IMAGE] You handing coats you’ve collected from your closet, friends and neighbors to a local shelter. (70 points)
76. [IMAGE] Make a gorgeous wig out of cheese puffs and/or popcorn. Go shopping for diamonds wearing it. The image must show you in the wig, at the jewelry display case, talking to the sales agent, as you browse the diamonds. (77 points)
77. [IMAGE] If your team could give the entire world one piece of advice, what would it be? Have one a team member hold a sign bearing the statement over their head in front of an internationally recognizable landmark. (38 points)
78. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - A one-page GISHWHES comic strip involving a rhinoceros, a tangerine, and an appendectomy. (33 points)
79. [IMAGE] Rio is the location for the next summer Olympics. In front of the Christ the Redeemer statue, you and 6 of your friends must all be dressed in different Olympian athlete event costumes, and each of you must have at least one piece of equipment (bow and arrow, javelin, pole vault, discus, paddle, puck, etc.) and must be posing as if you were competing in the sport. You may NOT choose tennis, cycling, golf, basketball or football/soccer. If you choose equestrian as one of them, we must see the horse. (68 points)
80. [IMAGE] You posing with a “spaghetti gun” and wearing a woven “spaghetti-hunting jacket”. Spaghetti may be cooked or uncooked. (42 points)
81. [IMAGE] We want to see what the inside of Area 51’s most secret storage room looks like. (42 points)
82. [IMAGE] Let’s see you make a snow angel. But instead of making it from snow, make it from Jello on your kitchen floor (Inspired by Nin Pipariperho) (19 points)
83. [IMAGE] You holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of you holding a picture of an apple. You must have a gold frame suspended around your head. (Inspired by nakedontheimpalacoveredinbees) (33 points)
84. [IMAGE] Stand next to a REAL Olympic gold or silver medal winner. They must have their arms upraised in victory but you must be biting on the medal while it’s around their neck. Must include medal winner’s name in the photo (Inspired by Paige Barton) (98 points)
85. [IMAGE] Cultural exchange: Have dinner with a Sunni and a Shiite or a Hutu and a Tutsi. (64 points)
86. [IMAGE] A Bejeweled Bosom covered with nothing but jewels (Inspired by Erin Leigh Winchester) (36 points)
87. [IMAGE] Catch the Snipe and show us what it looks like in oil paint. (Inspired by Obadiah Kliest) (17 points)
88. [IMAGE] The Maryann Elizabeth Voisinet. Write a 10-line epically beautiful brilliant love poem addressed to “My Dearest Maryann Elizabeth Voisinet”. In addition to whatever else you put in the poem, include something about how much you like her cooking. The poem should be from your team name. Take a picture of the poem and submit the link here. YOU MUST ALSO mail the love poem to her with a small dried flower to PO BOX 99185, Raleigh, NC USA 27624. It must reach her by November 15th so we can confirm it was sent. (20 points)
89. [IMAGE] A priest, a rabbi and a minister all walk into a bar. (Inspired by Miss Alexandra Roberts) (27 points)
90. [IMAGE] High Tea - a formal tea party replete with parasols, silverware and a string quartet situated in a junkyard or garbage dump. (56 points)
91. [IMAGE] Table a motion (18 points)
92. [IMAGE] A schlemiel and a schlemazl sharing a schmear of schmaltz and getting shickered outside of a shul. (From Nicole Ansell) (19 points)
93. [IMAGE] Using only items found around you (either at work, home, or school), construct a vehicle capable of adventure and mayhem! Vehicle must be transporting a crew of three or more in full battle gear! (From Kat Green) (56 points)
94. [IMAGE] Paint a large unicorn on a military transport truck. You MUST have permission to do so. (114 points)
95. [IMAGE] Kilt made entirely of sliced cucumbers. Must be worn by a man. (From Xiomara Dilrosun) (104 points)
96. [IMAGE] In front of Hallgrimskirkja, you and a friend hold up two signs and two bags of ice. One sign says “Welcome to Iceland!” the other says “Keep your hands off our ice!” (41 points)
97. [IMAGE] Santa Clause in line at the post office with a SACK FULL OF TOYS. Must be at least 10 people in line with him. (From Sarah Charbonneau) (32 points)
98. [IMAGE] A dog taking a human for a walk. Human must be on all fours and have a collar around their neck and the dog must have the leash in his mouth. (From Michelle Rogatski) (34 points)
99. [VIDEO] Big wheel race time. 4 adults racing on plastic big wheels. They must all be wearing formal attire. (38 points)
100. [VIDEO] In mime, depict one of the following phrases: a) “The pen is mightier than the sword.” b) “You’re the bees knees!” c) “Holkyn kolkyn!” (Inspired by Ida Tamminen) (32 points)
101. [VIDEO] A couple who has been together for over 60 years sitting on a couch sharing their secrets to a happy and lasting partnership. They must say what city and country they’re living in at the beginning of the video. (Up to 60 SECONDS) (99 points)
102. [VIDEO] Jog in real “Pumpkin shoes” (you may substitute any squash or gourd), wearing jogging shorts and headphones down a busy sidewalk. (50 points)
103.[VIDEO] Two three-year-olds wearing suits and ties standing at a lectern explaining the Greek debt crisis to the camera. (28 points)
104. [VIDEO] The “Lydia Easter”: Recreate a scene from your favorite movie. Hold on, not so fast! You must film this scene in the EXACT SAME LOCATION that it was filmed in the movie (same bus stop, restaurant, park, castle, shark’s belly, etc.) The actors must be dressed the same, same props, etc. The more identical the scene the more points you will receive. Extra points for depicting a scene from one of Lydia’s favorite movies: “Mao’s Last Dancer” or any of the “Harry Potter” movies. (2 minutes) (100 points)
105. [VIDEO] The first meeting of an adopted child with their biological parent. We will know if this is staged with “actors”. Don’t lie – bad karma is not a good thing. (148 points)
106. [VIDEO] Film a Random Act of Kindness and set it to music. (May be up to 90 seconds.) Must include voice over. Note: Your video will be automatically entered into the non-profit Random Acts’ SAARA contest. If your video submission wins the contest, up to $3,000 will be donated to the charity of your choice! See this link for all details:http://www.therandomact.org/events/saara/ BE SURE TO SUBMIT THE VIDEO LINK ON THE GISHWHES WEBSITE, not the Random Acts website. We will allocate your GISHWHES points and forward your video to Random Acts. If your team wins the SAARA contest, your team will vote on which charity should receive the donation. If you can’t come to a consensus on which charity to support, we’ll do a blind drawing to select a winner. Good luck! (121 points)
107. [VIDEO] A man and a woman in full wedding attire, standing perfectly still holding hands in a well-lit crowded public space for 20 minutes. Neither of you can move. This submission must be time-lapsed so the entire 20 minutes is condensed to 20 seconds – fast motion. (79 points)
108. [VIDEO] Wearing swim flippers and a mask, approach a complete stranger in a public space and then hand them a “seaweed bouquet” with one flower in the middle of it. (82 points)
109. [VIDEO] Ever seen this? http://www.upworthy.com/if-your-dad-did-this-you-are-probably-an-awesome-person?c=upw3 Let’s do the same thing but edit together multiple kids under the age of 5 singing “It Sucks to Be Me” from the Avenue Q musical. They must be lying down getting ready to nap, playing with toys, painting or drawing or doing other kids things while they’re singing. (79 points)
110. [VIDEO] Let’s see your family dress and pose and create the “Worst Family Holiday Card Ever”. Note: everyone must be holding a cucumber. If you use an image already on the Internet and try to “doctor” in the cucumbers your team will be docked 60 points.(60 points)
111. [VIDEO] Created a choreographed lip-synced dance performance to one of Jason Manns’ or Rob Bennedict’s (Louden Swain’s) songs. Must be dynamic, must really tell a story, must involve costumes (and costume changes points) and must have a cast of at least 15. (123 points)
112. [VIDEO] A mechanical catapult that sends a pumpkin more than 100 feet across an open field. MUST be mechanical. (284 points)
113. [VIDEO] Three adult men with facial hair (ideally beards) wearing ballerina costumes, successfully trick-or-treating (getting candy) from an unsuspecting homeowner. (Note: we will be able to tell if the homeowner is actually surprised or not because we have Licensed Homeowner Surprise Analysts on staff.) (49 points)
114. [VIDEO] Give a psychic reading to a psychic with a crystal ball. (40 points)
115. [VIDEO] Three of you dress up like frogs and play “leapfrog” in your local Starbucks or chain coffee shop. We must see patrons and must hear “Ribbit!” each time you leap. (31 points)
116. [VIDEO] Get a full church choir (in a church!) to sing a 30 second remixed version of Willow Smith’s “I whip my hair back and forth.” But there’s a catch: Unlike the original version, which is an assault on both the senses and humanity itself, this rendition actually has to be musical and moving. (91 points)
117. [VIDEO] Play “Duck Duck Goose” with real ducks and geese. (38 points)
118. [VIDEO] Create a video of a mock news show (realistic set) where you are at a desk and announce that GISHWHES has taken over the world and what that means for everyone. The more realistic the set/video the more points. (92 points)
119. [VIDEO] Recite “The Raven” to a crow. (21 points)
120. [VIDEO] Have a native speaker of Zigeuner say the following, “I was having trouble with my sex life until I joined GISHWHES. Now things are going great in bed.” (82 points)
[IMAGE] Sew a one-piece outfit that covers your entire body except for your hands, feet, and head. It should be made from 21 different pieces of fabric. Multiple colors is acceptable. You must be wearing it, and a Captain’s hat. Pose in front of your local Post Office and stand at “Attention” when your photo is taken. (51 points)
121. [VIDEO] A group of at least 8 people wearing newspaper hats, performing the Haka in a government building. (Inspired by Yeal Rosen) (33 points)
122. [VIDEO] Dress in a homemade GISHWHES cheerleader outfit and stand outside a metro station or office building and cheer people on going in to work. (From Deby G) (30 points)
123. [VIDEO] Build an abacus from human beings. Use it to calculate something for a passerby. (77 points)
124. [VIDEO] Shoot an erotically charged scene. (No nudity! This is just the erotically charged foreplay). The film must involve a pizza man and the actors can ONLY talk about grammar and fonts. Please use at least three of the following terms, “kerning,” “serif,” “gerund,” “participle,” and “imperfective.” (69 points)
125. [VIDEO] Have an octogenarian teach you how to do the Charleston. (53 points)
126. [VIDEO] Get an orchestra in a symphony hall with at least 25 instruments to play “Carry On My Wayward Son”. (225 points)
127. [VIDEO] You in a flight attendant uniform, on a public transit system (that is NOT an airplane). Once the passengers are seated, give a full safety demonstration. Use props and carefully choreographed gestures. (Inspired by Cherylyn Crill) (75 points)
128. [VIDEO] Get His Serene Highness Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein to endorse your team. (132 points)
129. [VIDEO] One of you pulling up to a fast food restaurant drive-thru to order a meal, but instead of ordering a meal, you are only allowed to make sheep noises into the intercom. Must clearly hear the person on the other end of the intercom. (From Mel Clark-Schwartz) (19 points)
130. [VIDEO] Get your (1) team name or a team member’s full name and (2) GISHWHES mentioned on a broadcast television news program. (153 points)
131. [VIDEO] Recode a version of the original Pac Man so that the ghosts are now unicorns and Pac Man is the face of George Bush. Then play a game. (111 points)
132. [VIDEO] A rocking horse wearing a sock monkey hat skiing off a regulation-sized ski-jump. (No passengers allowed!) (123 points)
133. [VIDEO] A woman wearing traditional shaker attire playing “Dance Dance Revolution”. (52 points)
134. [VIDEO] Create a petition to declare P does NOT equal NP and get strangers on the street to sign it. Must include a convincing pitch about the dangers of P=NP. (23 points)
135. [VIDEO] A man wearing traditional mariachi attire playing “Guitar Hero”. (51 points)
136. [VIDEO] March to a different drummer. 10 people in a busy, indoor shopping mall must be marching in sync to the beat of a snare drum being played loudly by an 11th person. Another person must be marching nearby to a distinctly different beat played by a second drummer. (63 points)
137. [VIDEO] A rock band performing in front of an audience of at least 1000 people. They must say at the microphone, “This next one is a new song. We’ve never played it in front of a live audience before. It’s going to be the first song on our next album and we hope you love it…” And then they must sing the song “Three Blind Mice” in rounds. (280 points)
138. [VIDEO] A woman, in a clean empty room, sitting in lotus position in the middle of at least five live snakes. She must be rubbing oil onto her arms from a silver bowl and clearly be enjoying it. The more snakes the more points. They must be real snakes. If they’re not, points will be deducted from your team. Go for the best photo/video quality. (220 points)
139. [VIDEO] It’s Halloween! Carve GISHWHES into a pumpkin. Wait for nightfall. Have a child with a flashlight hide inside the pumpkin pop out and scream “GISHWHES.” Hint: must be an enormous pumpkin for a child to fit in it. (80 points)
140. [VIDEO] A stop-motion film depicting the two by two loading of Noah’s ark and the ensuing flood. (99 points)
141. [VIDEO] Watch the TV show Supernatural on a black and white TV set powered by an antique stream-fed wooden watermill. Your video must be a continuous, unedited shot that starts showing us the water going into the water-wheel then moves to show the belts powering a generator, which in turn powers the TV. (287 points)
142. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Pun item: It’s called “Hurricane Sandy” for a reason. Show us why. (18 points)
143. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Local news coverage of a very sweet and heroic act that your team perpetrated in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Must mention GISHWHES or your team name or at the very least, the term “scavenger hunt.” (91 points)
144. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Someone with their thumb out to hitch hike in front of a subway or metro stop that has been closed due to weather on the eastern coast of the US. Note: this photo must, like all other “outdoor” items, be taken AFTER your local authorities have said it’s safe to go outside, but before the public transit system is back up and running. (33 points)
145. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Someone skateboarding on the floor of an otherwise empty New York Stock exchange taken mid-day. (148 points)
146. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Make a children’s doll from items found in your refrigerator or pantry. Go ahead and really creep us out with this one. (24 points)
147. [VIDEO] Hurricane Item - Make a comfortable fort in your living room using furniture, sheets, pillows, towels and curtains. From inside your fort, show a storm raging outside your window. This video must clearly show high winds and rain outside the window and the window must have an “X” of masking tape across it. (32 points)
148. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - A picture of you and a loved one kissing. Here’s the catch though - you must have at least 11 food items between your lips and the lips of your loved one. (29 points)
149. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - Draw or paint a picture of Miss Jean Louis riding a school bus like a horse as it flies off a cliff into a volcano. There can be no passengers and she must have a dialogue bubble above her head that says something she would definitely say at this moment. (32 points)
150. [IMAGE] Hurricane Item - It’s Medieval Battle Time! Huzzah! You and a friend or loved one, dress up in your best battle gear/armory comprised entirely of kitchen ware. You can be wearing nothing else. Strike dueling poses. (39 points)
151. [VIDEO] Hurricane Item - Recite these lines from Edna St. Vincent Milay’s poem, “First Fig”: “my candle burns at both ends—It will not last the night;—But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—-It gives a lovely light,” with a candle burning at both ends in front of your face. No other sources of light may be visible. In the background, we must hear the droning howl of Hurricane Sandy. (19 points)
152. [VIDEO] “The Maryam Al-Thani” - Dress up in Amish clothes, and use a horse or horses to tow your car into the parking lot of a corporate office building complex with “Gangnam Style” playing out of the car’s stereo. (70 points)
The Gishwhes Historian is a project to archive Gishwhes-related information including emails, hunt updates, timelines, and more.  
You can find all previous item lists here.
You can view all our information on the 2012 hunt here, or select another year here.
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fatecaster · 7 years
Seeking Tarot cards? – Read our beginner’s guide to buy your first Tarot - Reblog
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Seeking Tarot cards? – Read our beginner’s guide to buy your first Tarot
Tarot cards are a wonderful tool for self-discovery and improvement. Tarot reading gives you the opportunity for useful reflection. The only question you have to answer is what deck to use. That's a daunting question, because there are a lot of decks out there. That’s why I’ve written this article. While there is no one "best Tarot deck for beginners," the three decks in this article are all excellent choices for your first deck. 
Oh...and there's a surprise for you at the end of the article!
About the Tarot
Tarot cards have been used for divination since the 18th century. They are based on 15th century European playing cards. They are not Egyptian in origin, although this is a common misconception.
A deck has 78 cards. There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana. The Major Arcana are very powerful cards that reveal “greater secrets” to a user. These cards are always numbered with Roman numerals and do not have a suit. They represent complex concepts. If they appear in a reading, you should pay special attention.
The remaining cards are called the Minor Arcana. They are divided into four suits, with ten numbered cards and four court cards, almost like modern playing cards.  All the cards of the Minor Arcana have rich meaning, but they are not as powerful as the Major Arcana.
Choosing a Deck
Because the Tarot is such a personal tool, there is no one best deck for everyone. You will need to familiarize yourself with each deck’s imagery. Once you do this, you will find that some decks speak to you and others do not. If a particular deck speaks to you, you need to follow your heart.
All the decks in this Tarot deck review for beginners correspond to one of the recognized Tarot systems, so you can be confident that they will provide you with complete and helpful readings.
Tarot Deck Options
You have to make one major choice: do you want a traditional or modern deck? You can find some of the best Tarot cards for beginners in both categories.
The advantage of the traditional decks is that they are based on very thorough systems. While almost all modern decks base themselves on a traditional system, some people believe that the process of modernizing a deck disrupts the effectiveness of the traditional systems. If you are comfortable with the older symbolism and want something tried-and-tested, consider a traditional deck.
On the other hand, many modern decks take their inspiration from popular culture or contemporary spiritual practices. Many of them “correct” the traditional decks’ reliance on rigid gender roles and highly deterministic meanings. If you find traditional gender imagery troubling, or are seeking a deck that is more inclusive of practices beyond traditional Western occultism, a modern deck may be the best option for you.
How to Use the Tarot
Learning the Tarot is a lifelong process, but it is also easy to start. All you need is your deck and a quiet space. Most people like to have a special piece of cloth for laying out their cards, but this is not required. If rituals are part of your spiritual practice, you can use them with your deck and/or cloth, but again, this is not required.
You can light a few candles and incenses to create the perfectly spiritual atmosphere.
The basic procedure is very straightforward
Clear your head and focus on your question. Most Tarot experts advise against “yes or no” questions. You can ask questions like, “Why am I engaging in X type of behavior?” or “What is the meaning of my relationship with X?” or “What are some steps I can take to achieve Goal X?”
Once you have clarified your question, pick your Tarot card spread. Introductory books will have some good spreads for beginners. The Celtic Cross is the most popular utility spread.
Set your deck in front of you, focus on your question again, and cut your cards. Tradition says you should use your left hand, since it is connected to your heart.
Fan the cards out in front of you. Run your hand over the cards, selecting as many as you need for your spread.
Lay out your cards in the spread pattern and begin interpreting.
This guide goes into more detail.
Popular candidates for Best Tarot Deck for Beginners
While this is a Tarot deck review for beginners, it may also be a good refresher for advanced readers who are considering a new or secondary deck.
Traditional Decks
#1 - The Rider-Waite Tarot
This is the most popular and accessible of the traditional decks. Developed by the occultist A.E. Waite and illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith, not only is it in wide use, but it is the inspiration for countless other decks.
This deck uses the suits of Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. Its court cards are Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Major Arcana VIII is called Strength. Major Arcana XI is called Justice. Major Arcana XIV is called Temperance. Major Arcana XX is called Judgement, and Major Arcana XXI is called The World.
Because it is so popular, there are lots of guides available to help you as you begin your Tarot journey.
The symbolism is rich and consistent, but not so overwhelming that it is hard to learn.
Because this is a traditional deck, some people may find the symbolism and standard card meanings outdated or restrictive.
For some people, the early 20th century art style of the cards is not appealing or forceful enough.
#2 -The Thoth Tarot
This is the other widely available traditional deck. It was created by notorious occultist Aleister Crowley in response to what he believed were weaknesses in the Rider-Waite. If you want a traditional deck but find that the Rider-Waite is not powerful enough, you should examine the Thoth. Lady Frieda Harris’s illustrations are justly revered by Tarot aficionados.
Source: http://ift.tt/2uDPvdb
Unlike the Rider-Waite deck, the Thoth uses the suites of Wands, Disks, Cups, and Swords. Its court cards are Princesses, Princes, Queens, and Knights. It also reverses VIII and XI in the Major Arcana and changes the names of some of the Major Arcana. Major Arcana VIII is Adjustment. Major Arcana XI is Lust. Major Arcana XIV is Art. Major Arcana XX is The Aeon, and Major Arcana XXI is The Universe.
Complex symbolism and broad references to Christian, Hindu, Egyptian, and Jewish traditions mean that, although the Thoth may seem overwhelming at first, it is unlikely you will ever outgrow it.
This is not a touchy-feely “everything is always great!” deck. These cards help you confront any real challenges that lie ahead of you.
For some users, the aggressive and sexual nature of the Thoth’s imagery is too disturbing.
If you are an intuitive, imagistic person, you may not be interested in learning Crowley’s complex theories. This will reduce your enjoyment of the deck.
Modern Deck(s)*
The following decks use the Rider-Waite system, but with updated concepts. They are among the very best Tarot cards for beginners.
#3 - The Druidcraft Tarot
This is one of the most popular of the many decks that combine Pagan spirituality and the Tarot. Deck designers Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm designed a deck that incorporates symbolism from the Wicca and Druid traditions. Will Worthington’s illustrations are detailed, steeped in nature, and very human.
*Read more to understand the 's' in parenthesis
Source: joyvernon.com
This deck uses the Rider-Waite suits and court cards. It also keeps the Major Arcana in the Rider-Waite order, but changes some of the names to keep with its Celtic/Pagan theme. Major Arcana III is The Lady instead of the Empress, and Major Arcana IV is The Lord instead of The Emperor. Major Arcana XIV is The Fferyllt, and Major Arcana XV is Cemunnos instead of The Devil.
Users who identify with Celtic imagery or Celtic-influenced Pagan spirituality will love how this deck incorporates their traditions.
Like many of the decks that are inspired by Celtic imagery and Pagan traditions, the Druidcraft Tarot is a particularly gentle and encouraging deck. People who are using the Tarot to work through trauma may find this deck comforting.
The illustrations are more literal than in some other decks, so users who need abstract imagery will probably prefer another deck.
This deck may have limited appeal to users who are not familiar with Wicca or Druidism.
Follow your instinct
All of these decks have wonderful imagery and rich symbolism. Also, they will allow you to understand yourself better. You can use them all to undercover the deep patterns of your thoughts and behavior. You can also use them to determine productive goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
Which deck should you choose? Well, if the imagery of any of the decks I have described calls out to you and says, “Choose me,” then that’s the deck you should choose.
However, if none of the decks immediately speaks to you, I recommend you start with the traditional Rider-Waite deck. It is easy to find, its imagery and symbolism are an accessible middle ground between the other recommended decks, and there are more books available to help guide you through your first readings for the Rider-Waite than for any other deck.
If, after some time, you find that you want a more challenging deck, you can always reconsider the Thoth or the Deviant Moon decks. Or, if you find that you like the forcefulness of the Rider-Waite, but wish that it had a more modern sensibility, you can look at the Druidcraft or Steampunk decks again.
Welcome to the satisfying world of the Tarot, no matter what deck you choose!
And here comes the surprise: we have two more decks for you. Drop your email address and get the full article for free in PDF. So, are you ready to learn more about the mysterious Deviant Moor Tarot and the Steampunk Tarot? 
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