#also as far as i know if you straighten fluffy/curly hair it stays kinda fluffy????
will41n · 28 days
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was drawing fluffy etho again and thought that he might be staightening his hair so it's easier to braid/put in a ponytail and hermits usually see him with his hair staightened but a couple have seen him like a fluffy cloud right after he dries his hair after a shower.
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donttellpeterparker · 7 years
A Guy Like That
Summary: Y/n has liked Peter for as long as she could remember… An incident involving Flash bullying Peter just may be the push Y/N needs to confess her feelings?
Requested: No (I was kinda inspired by this song <–)
Word Count: 3.8k
Taglist: @cutie1365 @luke-the-princess @that70skiwi @mang0fruitblast @fairydustparker @fortheloveoflamp @jamesbuckybananabarnes
Want to be on the taglist?: here
Warning(s)?: Light cussing, Bullying, teen angst, sERVER fLUFFF?!
masterlist (x) requests (x)
A Guy Like That…
“Y/N.…” You stood by your locker, leaning against it with your arms crossed over your chest. You bit your lip sub consciously, watching him from down the hall. 
“Y/N…” You didn’t care that your best friend was busy trying to get your attention. All your focus was currently on the curly headed boy who stood down the hall, by his own locker smiling and laughing with his friend. You could see his smile reach his cheeks causing a small dimple to appear near his mouth. His eyes crinkled at the sides when he laughed at something his friend said, causing your own smile to widen in adoration. 
“Are you even listening to me?” Obviously not. 
You shook your head quickly and glanced over at your best friend. Knowing this was very typical of you she just rolled her eyes in response, placing her last book into her locker before closing it.
“You know what your doing could be considered… creepy” She says, placing a strand of hair behind her ear. You glanced away from her with a shrug and stared off into the boy’s direction again. 
“I don’t care…” You trailed off, watching him smile and laugh again at whatever his friend had said to him this time. How could you not admire him? 
“You can just walk over there and start talking to him… you guys do share like three classes together” Liz, your best friend states as she watched you with a small smile.
“I don’t care...” You responded back dreamily, too entranced with admiring the boy from afar. 
“Or you could grab his face and finally just kiss him” She finishes, this time with a big smile on her face. 
“I don’t- wait what!?” You turned away to look Liz in the eyes. She only smirked at your reaction. She turns around to her own locker and makes sure it’s locked, wrapping an arm around yours to pull you away. 
“Are you crazy?! I can’t just go up to him and… kiss him. That would be weird and besides… I think he likes someone else…” You trailed off, knowing this conversation was taking a very familiar turn. Liz rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“He doesn’t like anybody else!” She lets out with a frustrated laugh. You stopped still, causing Liz to stop as well and turn to face you. 
“You haven’t seen it Liz…” You state, a familiar frown beginning to etch it’s way onto your face. Liz just sighs in response, knowing whatever she says you won’t even consider to be the truth. You were stubborn like that, and have been ever since 5th grade.
“I have seen it… you’re the one who hasn’t” She states, pulling on your arm again to continue walking down the hall. Once again your eyebrows twitch in confusion. Of course you had seen it… The guy you liked was in love with your best friend. How could you not see that? 
“Hey babe” You rolled your eyes in annoyance once you heard his voice. 
“Hey sweetie” Liz replied in an equally sickly tone. You pretended to gag, making some noises causing them both turn to you. 
“Y/N… always a pleasure’‘ 
’'Flash… hardly ever” You reply sarcastically sending them both a sarcastic smile to go with it. Liz just laughed and hugged Flash’s side, enjoying her two closest friends bicker between each other. You and Flash kind of have a love hate relationship. Frenemies… I guess you could say. 
You walked away from the nauseating couple and headed into physics. 
“Large transformers, when used for some time, become very hot and are cooled by circulating oil. The heating of the transformer is due to….Y/N?” You head rose once you heard your name mentioned. 
“Umm…” You murmured out, glancing down to your sheet to look for your answer.
“Both the heating effect of current and hysteresis loss?” Your answer came out as more of a question seeing you were always nervous if ever you got picked on to answer a question in class, even if you were positive it was correct.
Your teacher smiled happily at you, nodding in your direction. A small smile crept it’s way onto your face as your nerves began to dwindle. Your teacher turned around and back to the board, wiping away the day’s lesson. A few grunts where heard from some students who still hadn’t had copied all the notes down. She turned back around once the board was cleaned and beamed a smile. 
“Now class… for the part of the lesson you’ll all enjoy… how about a game?” Cheers began to erupt around the room at the mention of playing a game. She shook her head and let out a soft chuckle.
“A…. physics game” She states, causing everyone’s hype of excitement to dwindle. 
“We are going to split the room up into girls and boys, each will select a representative to stand up in front of the class and answer questions, each group will give me ten questions each to contribute as I read them aloud to those who are selected. Each will get 30 seconds to think of an answer and the first to raise their hand and give the correct answer will score a point for their team” She finishes. This seemed to boost everyone’s curiosity a little. 
One of the students raised their hand. 
“Will you be picking the representatives?” The teacher shook her head in response. She then divided the class up into girls and boys, boys being on the left and girls being on the right side of the classroom. You could hear the boys all electing one person, coming to their decision pretty quickly. However with the girls…
“Bags not it” One of the girls said, raising a thumb to press against her forehead, many others followed also repeating her words ‘bags not it’. You rolled your eyes at their childishness. 
“I say we take a vote” Another spoke up, wanting to get this over and done with. You agreed with her, nodding your head to the group. There were only 14 of you altogether so picking someone shouldn’t be so hard.
“I say we go around the group and say each name… the one with the most hands in favor gets to go up” One of the girls snickered. You shied back a bit, just wanting to get this over and done with. Slowly they went around the group, calling out a girls name and each one of you girls either raising your hand in favor of them going up or not. You were second last to be called up and so far the most a girl has gotten was 5 hands. 
The girl who was took charge came around to you and stopped with a smirk.
“and Y/N?” Alost all the girls hands had rose. Your eyes widen as you shook your head rapidly. 
“Why me?” You whined, not liking the idea to go up in front of the class to do a… round off.
“Because you average like a 98 in this class… and besides I really hate losing to the boys every time… all because of Penis bloody Parker…” Your eyes widen again. 
Before you could utter out any more words the teacher interrupted your train of thought. 
“Time’s up!” She called out, causing everyone to hop back into their seats. You stayed seated on of the desks at the front, beginning to feel the nerves creep up on you. 
“And who will be the representative for the boys?” The Teacher asked, the boys beginning to cheer in response. Flash stood up and straightened his jacket causing your eyes to roll. 
“Sit down flash!” One of the boys called out causing you to laugh. You watched curiously as the boy you least expected rose and made his way over towards the front of the class.
Peter bloody Parker.
“And for the girls?” You shamefully stood up slowly and began to make your way in front of the board.
“Aye! look at you, acting all brave Y/N-” You could hear Flash begin to call out before you hastily interrupted him. 
“Shut it, dickwad” You responded in a bored tone. 
“Language!” Your teach called out. The students, however, erupted into fits of laughter between yours and Flash’s interaction. This occurred on a daily basis which seemed to serve entertainment to the rest of the class. The teach also quite enjoyed watching you two bicker but ,of course, would never admit to that. 
“Let’s begin!”
~Last question
“Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of….” The Teacher trailed off, reading the very last question aloud to both you and Peter. So far Peter had 10 points to your 9. You needed to get this question to even tie with him. 
You and Peter had stood closer and closer as the questions went on, growing more comfortable with each others presence. After the 6th question you guys started to become less nervous, and in fact started making silly faces at each other to throw the other one off of the question. This caused the class to laugh at you guys as you tried to distract each other so the other could get the question right. 
“Polar bears… Polar bears… think… Polar bears” You mumbled only loud enough for Peter to hear you. He turned to you frustrated with a smile and shook his head, losing his train of thought. 
“C-collision…” He trailed off, trying to find the right words to use. 
“Fluffy animals… fluffy animals… with cute miniature handbags” You mumbled again, causing Peter to laugh this time. You smiled in achievement and quickly thought up your answer.
“Collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the atmosphere” You answered smoothly with a smirk. 
“That is correct!” The teach beamed in response, the girls cheering. Peter looked at you with wide eyes. 
“That’s cheating!” He says through his laughter, causing you yourself to laugh. The Teacher just shook her head in response, her own smirk making her way onto her face.
“How is it cheating?” You asked back innocently. He stared at you dumbstruck with a smile. 
“You were mumbling on about… freaking polar bears and miniature freaking hand bags!” He called out, his smile obviously giving him away. You stood there and just laughed, nodding your head. 
“I don’t recall saying such things” You replied innocently with a smirk. Peter shook his head at you and smile a tight lipped smile, both your cheeks growing red due to the amount of laughing and smiling you guys had been doing for the past 10 minutes. 
“But you did!” He countered back with a smile. You gasped with fake shock. Jokingly you turned towards the teacher, raising a hand to point towards Peter.
“Your honor this boy is lying” You called out sassily causing the class to laugh in chorus again. The Teacher just smiled and shook her head at both your guys antics. Peter just threw his hands up in the air and laughed. 
“Oh my god!” he called out, throwing his head back as he laughed. You couldn’t help but to admire the sweet sound that escaped his lips, you smiled even more when you realised you were the cause of it. 
The bell rang shortly after, cutting your laughing short. The class began to pack up their things as the teach instructed what was needed for our next lesson. You headed back towards your desk and packed up your things, leaving the classroom. You couldn’t help but to let the smile stay on your face as you left the room, almost with a skip to your step.
“Someone looks awfully happy all of a sudden” Liz states as she approaches you, just returning from her maths class herself. You smiled over to her and went inside your locker and packed your things away, getting ready to head into the cafeteria for lunch.
“Just had an awesome class” You responded cheerily. 
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain brown eyed boy now would it?” She asks cheekily with a smirk. You lightly slapped her arm causing her to laugh at your flustered expression. 
“Maybe-” You were cut off by the amount on people beginning to form a circle down the hall. Your eyes furrow in curiosity as you glanced over towards Liz, dragging her along with you to see what was going on. 
There in the middle stood none other than Flash… of course it was him. 
You turned on your heel and began to walk away, not wanting to see what Flash was doing this time.
“You think that’s funny Parker!” You heard Flash yell angrily. You immediately stop and your eyes widen in shock. 
“F-flash…” You could hear Peter’s voice mumble out in response. You shook your head as you closed your eyes, clenching your hands into fists at your sides.
“Look around Peter…” You could hear Flash’s voice taunts. You could practically feel the nerves and fear radiating off of Parker himself. You bit your lip as you heard no one do anything to stop this. That was what sickened you about high school, people were willing to stand around and watch others get hurt. Like it was some form of entertainment. 
“No one here even likes you…” You could hear Flash torment. You tried to steady your breathing, in through your nose and out through your mouth. 
“In fact… let’s take a census” You could hear a few people begin to cheer in agreement. You groaned and turned back around, heading towards the circle.
“Flash…” You could hear Liz speak to her boyfriend, trying to get him to back down. He was a bully, he wasn’t going to back down. 
“No, the people of Midtown High need to hear this!” He calls out, causing Liz to move away from him shyly. You rolled your eyes and made your way towards the front of the circle. Not that the people moved out of there way for you or anything.
“Say Peter… how many of your friends are… girls?” Flash gloats, stepping closer and closer towards Peter. Peter visibly stiffens and goes beet red. 
“Your gonna want to answer this honestly to avoid a repeat of what happened last time…” Flash threatens in a low voice. Your eyes widened in fear for Peter… How dare Flash do this. You glanced over to Liz for help and she met your gaze with a worried one. Flash was taking things too far this time.
“In all honesty Peter… how many friends do you have?” He taunts loudly, causing everyone in the hall to hear. You could see more and more people joining the circle. You bit your lip nervously as you saw the crowd grow bigger and bigger. You glanced between Peter and Flash, wanting to so badly do something… anything.
“How many...girlfriends?” He teases. You watch as Peter shrinks back and visibly gulps. 
You couldn’t do this anymore, you couldn’t just stand here and watch the guy your practically in love with cop this shit of this asshole- Wait… what?
“Knock it off Flash” You spoke up quietly from the group. Flash upon hearing you glanced up and looked towards you, his smirk growing. 
“You gonna stand up for this loser Y/N?” He taunts, causing almost everyone’s attention to fall onto you. But you were only looking in one direction, and that was Peter’s. You watched as a frown settled across his normally bright features. That smile that you adore so much had disappeared along with his infectious laugh. 
Screw it. 
“Yeah actually… I am” You spoke up, this time confidently. You left the circle and walked towards Peter and stood beside him. Flash just seemed to laugh in response. 
Inside you could feel the nerves eating away at you but you didn’t want to let it show. For once you were going to stand up to Flash.
“Oh look Peter… seems like you do have a girlfriend after all…” Flash snickers as the crowd laugh along with him, some with their phones out recording the whole interaction.
It was now or never.
“So what if he does?” You spoke, reaching for Peter’s hand. You watched as he stiffened at the gesture and grow even more nervous. You couldn’t help but to let out a small smile at the feel of his hand in your, tingles beginning to spread through your now warm palm. 
“You jealous?” You countered back causing the group to 'ohh’ at your response. Flash’s gaze only seemed to harden. 
“Yeah right… you would never go out with a guy like him…” Flash spoke up causing the group to laugh again. Your mouth dropped in shock. A guy like him?! You wanted to lose it. 
“A guy like him!? A guy that’s smart and has a gpa above a 5.0? A guy that’s sweet enough to hold a door open for you when you walk into a classroom. A guy that is so funny he can have you in stitches? A guy that actually smiles instead of smirks all the damn time?” With each sentence you took a step closer and closer towards Flash, your hand leaving Peter’s as you did so. Flash’s face seemed to drop little by little with each word you spoke.
“A guy that is… so honest, loyal and kind?” Your voice began to drop.
“A guy that… makes all the others guys look like amateurs?” You finished, your voice coming out more confident at the end.  
“Yeah… I would” You said before turning back around and began walking towards Peter. You took in his facial expression. His cheeks tinged red, his eyes widen in adoration and his mouth slightly parted, seeming utterly shocked.
You placed a hand onto both of his cheeks, walking up to him so close that your noses were nearly touching. Your hands began to tingle at the intimate contact. Your eyes raked his for any signs of uncertainty. 
“kiss me…” You whispered only loud enough for him to hear. Funnily enough the crowd seem to disappear from your mind, your only focus being on Peter. His eyes seem to widen even more at your request.
“W-w-what?” He stuttered out, his eyes glancing down to your lips for a second before looking back into your eyes. You watched in pure admiration as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, seeming to be deep in thought.
“L-look… thank you for what you did… standing up to F-flash like that… seriously… Thank you so fucking much… but you don’t have to… I mean… Wow your really close and I can’t even think straight…” You smiled as he began to mumble.
“I get your doing this to be nice… But I actually really friggin like you and kissing you has been a dream of mine since like…. forever.. and- I have no idea why I just said that... I can’t stop talking…. your actually close to me… And wow your even more beautiful up close and there’s still a huge crowd watching us and…. God I can’t even breathe…” Your heart melted at his words. 
’'Every…single…time you manage to take my breath away and I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get it back…“ His voice broke at the end of his confession causing your heart to beat even faster inside your chest. You couldn’t wait anymore. Your stomach was filled with butterflies and excitement at this point, so much it almost felt like you wanted to burst at the seams. 
Peter’s glance drifted towards your lips with a look of want crossing his glance. You closed your eyes and closed the gap, pulling his face towards yours.
Your lips came into contact with his and you felt your stomach drop. Kind of felt like you were on a roller coaster and this huge drop has come out of nowhere, adrenaline pumping through your veins along with excitement and fear. That was what it felt like. 
Peter wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, not caring anymore that there was an audience surrounding you guys. Your hands made their way up to his hair as you lightly tugged at his curls, deepening the kiss further. You could feel your whole body light on fire at his touch, the warmth spreading from his hands, all the way up your spine and to your lips. 
Peter could feel his heart hammering inside of his chest and was sure that you could hear it but in this moment he didn’t care. He held you close and kissed you, seeming to convey his feelings in such a way that words couldn’t. You picked up on this and exchanged it back through the kiss, showing him as much passion as you could. This took him by surprise as he felt his heart flutter.
You liked him too. 
You slowly began to lean away, needing to breathe as did he. You rested your forehead against his, a blush coating both of your cheeks. 
Happiness. The only thing you could really say was going through you right now. You couldn’t help but to smile at Peter as he smiled back, looking at you with such love you thought didn’t even exist.
’'Scratch that… I think I’m in love with you’' 
A/N: Another random Fluffy Imagine! it’s 1am so I’m sorry if this is kinda fuzzy!!!!
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luna-moon-201-blog · 7 years
Under The Nightmare Before Tale (Halloween Special)
Frisk smiles as she fixes her black pointy hat to look just right on her head. She looks at herself in the mirror to see how great she looks in her long black dress and a dark purple cape that goes down half way of her back. She made sure to put the makeup on to make herself a really scary looking witch.
“Frisk, it’s time to go” called Toriel from downstairs.
Frisk said smiling, “okay I’ll be there soon!”
She put the black lipstick on as she saw that her mouth is starting to turn dark black. She nods as she knew that it was exactly what she wanted. She put the lip gloss back into her door as she made her way out of her room and ran down the stairs to see her mom all dressed up as the Snow Queen.
Toriel looks at Frisk and smiles as she twirls her blue with white snowflake dress around. The dress has fluffy white cotton around the collar, the sleeves, and the bottom of her dress. Toriel also has a fake tiara that has a large blue snowflake in the middle of the tiara on her head.
“What do you think?”
Frisk giggles, “you look amazing, Mom!”
Toriel smiles, “I’m so glad you like it. It does suit me well with this pretty dress.”
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Toriel went to answer it to see two skeleton boys stood by the door. The one has black curly hair wearing a nice black jacket and black pants with his normal brown shirt inside. The other one is wearing his normal gray jacket only his shirt is bright neon orange and black pants his shoes are a red and black stripe.
Frisk smiles, “Sam, Tanner, you two are early.”
Sam shrugs, “Mom and Dad wanted us to get you guys sooner. They want to start the party earlier.”
Toriel nods, “I’ll call everyone and tell them to hurry.”
She went to her cell phone while Frisk stood talking to the two skeleton.
“I’m so excited! This is the first time we all go into Halloween Town especially right on the holiday itself.”
Tanner nods, “you're going to love it! If you think that Halloween Parties are great in the Human World you haven’t seen what it’s like for Halloween Town. We also get to stay up very late to have fun!”
Frisk giggles, “I’m sure I’m going to really love it.”
Sam shrugs, “it all depends if you don’t freak out or anything.”
Tanner turns to look at Sam, “oh come on I’m sure they can handle it.”
Sam crossed his arms saying, “you have no idea how easily humans can really get scared do you?”
After twenty minutes everyone came in.
Sans looks at Sam and nods, “nice to meet ya kiddo.”
Sam nods, “same goes for you too uh… Sans right?”
Sans nods, “yup, that’s me.”
Sans and Flowey are the only two not wearing any costumes. Everyone else had their costumes on.
Undyne is dress as a pirate with her long red coat button all the way up and her black boots. Her red hair is normally tied in a ponytail.
Alphys is dressed up as one of her favorite anime character in her mix pink and white puffy dress.
Mettaton is dressed up as a handsome prince with his dazzling.
Napstablook is kinda dressed like Pac-Man with his little top hat and a shirt that has Pac-Man’s face on it.
Asgore is dress like Dracula with his fake vampire teeth and his long red and black cape.
Papyrus is dress as Batman with his black cape and clothing has a black mask to look just like Batman.
Muffet is dressed up like a chef with her white coat and hat and a pink apron over the coat.
Toriel smiles seeing everyone's costumes, “you all look quite lovely.”
Sam nods agreeing with Toriel, “yeah, look horrifying tonight.”
Tanner laughs as he held onto Frisk’s hand, “that’s what I will say too.”
Sam sighs as he brushes his brown shirt before he grabs the potion to take them all to Halloween Town.
“Alright let’s see what this baby can do!”
Sam threw the potion on the floor a green smoke cover the room and soon they all appear into Halloween Town.
Sans said with his arms cross, “heh, this is just like my shortcuts.”
Tanner nods, “yeah, it’s pretty cool.”
Sam lead the others right into Halloween Town when he saw that they all had made it on time for Jack’s performance.
Everyone in town was singing ‘This Is Halloween’ as Jack started to come with his scarecrow costume riding on a wooden horse with a monster having an ax over his head holding the rope and pulling the wooden horse.
“Looks like we got here just in time to see Dad’s act,” said Tanner as he and Frisk ran up closer to the crowds.
Sam looks at the others, “try not to freak out or anything okay?”
Sans ask a bit skeptical, “why?”
Even Toriel and Muffet were both skeptical.
“Well,” said Sam as he scratches his head, “normally after dad jumps into the fountain and comes back up he makes his scary face and it’s normal for us but it might be scary for you guys.”
Sans nods in understanding, “will do I’ll make my shortcut so Frisk don’t need to see it but Paps…”
“Don’t worry,” said Undyne, “I’ll just cover his eyes sockets when Jack starts to come out of the fountain.”
Papyrus was confused but like the idea not seeing something scary.
Alphys spoke up, “I… I’ll just uh… cover my eyes.”
Sam sighs as he smiles, “okay yeah, wanted to warn you guys since you know…”
Toriel smiles as she nods her head, “thank you.”
Sam looks at Toriel, “no problem.”
Sans immediately teleported next to Frisk as Jack grab the torch from the crowds and put himself on fire as he started to make himself go back and forth on the horse to make it scarier.
Frisk’s eyes widened as she yells, “Jack is on fire!”
Tanner nods happily, “isn’t it cool! He does this every year! One of his best performance ever!”
Frisk looks at Tanner with shock, “but he can get hurt!”
Tanner looks at Frisk with confusion as Sans explains, “uh… Frisk it’s okay he probably has something where he can’t get burned. Right?”
Tanner nods, “yeah, that costume dad’s wearing is fireproof so he just looks to really be on fire but he’s really not only his clothes is.”
Frisk sighs in relief to know that Jack is not really on fire or not going to be hurt by the flames.
Jack stops for a second as he crouched down and leap himself off of the horse and right into the green goo water of the fountain.
Sans said as he covers Frisk’s eyes, “this is the part I have to uh… not let you see. Sam told us that Jack does something pretty scary that I know you’ll freak out.”
Frisk nods in understanding as she thanks Sans for covering the view.
Jack rose up from the fountain wearing his normal clothing and his black bat bow tie only difference is that he’s wearing a dark purple cape that shines with the light. He waited for the town to finish singing as he put his bony fingers into his mouth and soon made his horrifying face expression showing his snake tongue as he yells so loud to make everyone shiver and yelled with fright.
Even if Frisk, Papyrus, and Alphys couldn’t see Jack’s expression they did hear the yell as they started to have goosebumps up against their bodies.
Jack straightened himself up as he grins and yells out, “Happy Halloween Everyone! This has been the most horrifying performance yet!”
Everyone in the crowds cheers and call out to their leader for a well-done job he did.
Tanner smiles as he looks at Sans and Frisk, “that’s actually was the best one dad ever did. Didn’t you guys think so?”
Sans nods as he let Frisk see what’s going on, “that was pretty scary for sure.”
Tanner nods excitedly, “I know right?! Dad always knows how to give a good scary performance on Halloween night!”
Jack jumped down from the fountain as everyone came up to him congratulating him for his performance.
Tanner was about to speak when he saw his brother Patrick coming over. Patrick is just like his mom same look, dark red hair, stitches only have fewer than Sally’s but his arms and hands are bony just like his father.
“Hi, glad you guys could um… come.”
Frisk nods, “first time for all of us. I know understand why Halloween is the scariest holiday ever.”
Tanner laughs, “exactly that’s how my dad makes the holiday to be!”
Sam came over with Frisk’s friends and family following. Sams smiles as he replies with delight.
“Come on I can show you guys the food table.”
Tanner smiles, “sure I’m getting hungry.”
Patrick nods, “so am I.”
As Sam began to lead the way Jasper the oldest and the one to looks similar to Jack except with his spider bow tie smiles. His new dark navy blue cape sway with the breeze of the wind.
“Hello and welcome to Halloween Town! Glad you guys are here!”
Frisk giggles as Toriel is the one to speak to Jasper.
“Indeed it’s quite different than our world.”
Jasper chuckles, “you’ll get used to it after a little while. Did you guys see Dad’s performance?”
Everyone nods as Jasper grin grew wider, “he really did it this time the best one he ever had done over the years!”
Soon a little rag doll girl looks similar to Sally only she’s wearing a new orange with black stripe dress that has a gray web design shawl.
“Yay, you guys all made it!”
Everyone laugh as Jack and Sally quickly came over to greet Frisk and the monsters from the human world.
Sally smiles, “I do hope you enjoy yourselves. I know it might be different than how you would celebrate Halloween but at least we do our best to make the best of any Halloween Parties ever.”
Jack nods in agreement, “Indeed, I always work hard to make sure that everything goes right as the Mayor helps to get the party all set up. Even though he starts planning a little too early sometimes.”
Sally giggled, “that’s how he is, dear.”
Jack smiles, “I know but at least he’s a friend to count on when needed the most.”
Sam said, “if you guys want the food table if over not far from the town hall. I’ll be over there since uh… I’m starving.”
Sally said putting her hand on her hip, “maybe if you came home at a decent hour.”
Sam shrugs, “what can I say gotta hang out with my friends.”
Sally just shook her head as she soon pulled away from some ladies who wanted to thank her for their dresses she had made for them as well saying a great job she did for her children’s clothing as well for Jack’s cape.
Jack had the Mayor to come over as he introduces the Mayor to Frisk and the monsters. The Mayor was delighted to meet them before he was interrupted by some monsters asking him about the games to play doing the party.
Jack smiles wide as he told the musicians to play a creepy Halloween music. The musicians' nod as they soon started to play a diffrent type of creepy music with their instruments. Jasper smiled wide as he soon was being pulled by his girlfriend, Harper.
“Wow, hey Harper,” he said looking at the scarecrow girl wearing her gray with sparkles dress and black neon shocks, “you look really beautiful.”
Harper giggles, “thanks your mom made it for me as well for Piper too. Your cape looks quite amazing.”
Jasper looks down, “ha, thanks pretty dreadful huh?”
Harper giggles as Jasper took her hand and began to dance with her. She smiles as she happily dances with the music.
Jack saw this as he went over to Sally and grab her blue fabric hand and took her to the middle of the street and the two lovingly began to dance. Sally smiles remembering that it’s been awhile since she and Jack had ever dance.
Everyone started to join in either with a partner or by themselves. They were having a great time while the music from the musicians kept on playing.
The dance lasted a long time before everyone thought it would be best to stop. They all started to get some punch to wash their thirst away.
Tanner waited for Frisk to finish with her punch before he went up to her asking.
“Wanna go up to the Spiral Hill with me?”
Frisk nods, “let me tell Mom so she won’t panic.”
Tanner nods in agreement, “same with my parents.”
The two kids made sure to let their parents know where they are going and both took off towards the graveyard.
Jasper watches the two leave as Harper came up to him wondering what he’s looking at.
“What is it, Jasper?”
Jasper smiles, “Tanner and Frisk, those two are so meant to be together. He always talking about her and I’m sure he always has her in his mind.”
Harper giggles, “just like how we are? Always talking about each other and thinking of each other.”
Jasper began to blush, “I um… suppose you can say that.”
Harper quickly gave a short kiss on Jasper’s cheek as she held onto his bony hands.
At the Spiral Hill…
Tanner sighs as he sat down beside Frisk looking up at the stars. He smiles as he spoke softly not turning away from the stars.
“It’s a glorious night tonight. The stars are out and the moon shines brightly on Halloween Night.”
“Yeah,” said Frisk calmly, “it’s always beautiful to see this point of view.”
Tanner agrees, “yeah, I know.”
He turns his attention to Frisk as he smiles warmly at her seeing her blue eyes shining brightly as the northern star and her dark brown hair swaying with the wind. He laughs to himself a little as he thought to himself.
“I’m just a lucky skeleton to have a beautiful human girl sitting in front of me right now.”
He thought as an idea came into his mind. He slowly took a deep breath in before he decides to sing as he remembers his parents had once sung on the night of Christmas Eve when his parents both had their first kiss.
“My dearest friend, if you don’t mind, I would like to join you by your side”
Frisk turn to look at Tanner as he continues singing.
“Where we can both gaze into the stars.”
Frisk smiles as she too began to join in with the singing.
“And sit together, now and forever, for it is plain as anyone can see we are meant to be…”
Frisk and Tanner both stood up as they brace into a hug and soon they started to have their first kiss together. Tanner had never felt this much love in all his life until that very night of Halloween when he had his first kiss.
Zero came to see the two kissing as he smiles with his nose a glowing bright before he heads up to the star but stops as his nose show bright as the star.
The End.
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