#also all of Miguels relationships become real weird once you realise in ep1 his friends says he's going through “la prepa” again
starryeyedclub · 1 month
Nostalgia hit and so I'm re-watching Rebelde, the 2004 one not the one on netflix, and I have opinions:
One. Everyone is out there calling Mia vain, superficial, fake, doubled faced... and she's actually the only good hearted person on the show along with Lupita.
Like the two main girlies in her group hate each other, one slutshamer and the other fatfobic and she's the only one being like: "can y'all not? shut it! don't be like that" when she could drop them & not deal with the constant bs
Two. If there could be a perfect representation of internalised misogyny it would be Roberta. Girl is out there being the real superficial one, judging every other woman by their looks, being fatfobic and cruel to be cool & different.
Three. All of those couples are weird af considering the amount of hatred they previously had, and those men are walking red flags and no amount of grief or shitty father figures can excuse that.
Four. The actor that plays Miguel was soo good looking, he has/d really beautiful eyes and a pretty nose lol
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