#also Thor stays on the ground alone after Jane bc of the gold dust but with Loki he's stormin' and whatnot
worstloki · 2 years
I understand that Jane and Thor kissing was meant to be about Jane and Thor kissing but I couldn't stop thinking about how the exact same close up camera shots was Loki and how same scenario with more emotion and
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#also Thor stays on the ground alone after Jane bc of the gold dust but with Loki he's stormin' and whatnot#like ummmmm Loki killed Kurse and died Jane killed the sword and died hmmm what an interesting turn of events#the way Thor literally left Jane collapsed on the ground to go talk to Gorr tho#i was like ??????? BRO ???????????????#with Loki Thor is nyooming over immediately#with Loki Thor is like in pain with Jane he's like ahah#:|#they really did Jane dirty#Thor 4#the Loki show#like im sorry but why is everything so thorki coded these days first Sylvie and Loki and now Jane and Thor like come on man#where's the originality#y Loki kissing blonde angry-arrogant-no-good-at-displaying-emotions-better-at-fighting-Loki and y Jane's death like another in Thor's arms#come on bro#what I'm getting from this is that if Loki had put his hand on Thor's face instead of Thor's upper arm they would've kissed twiceover#:/#'this means Thor loved Jane so much just like he loved Loki so much' nah it means the writers were cowards and also they should've kissed#Thor @ Mjolnir: ''defend Jane''#Mjolnir @ Thor: ''you literally have a dead brother you never did this for but ok''#this is why Mjonlir won't go back#tbh if they put Loki in this movie and made it so that Mjolnir would defend everyone Thor loves but not go to Thor it would've been funny#Loki and Valkyrie with Mjolnir like#you're a Thor YOU'RE a Thor *everyone* ! is ! a ! Thor !#etc.#the kids did it and that didn't make much sense so why not
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