#also 'slow burn' is very much a justus/victor bzw cotta/victor song
daughterofhecata · 2 years
2, 3, 14, 15, 22, 29 & 32? 🎧
[music asks]
2. an album you wish you could hear again for the first time
Tempted to say "Endlich!" by ASP, because it completely blew my mind when I listened to it last year, but actually I still remember that very clearly, so I'm actually saying "Zaubererbruder" by ASP, because I knew a lot of the songs before I got the album and I'd love to experience it as ONE, with every song being new and unexpected.
3. a song you really like by an artist you otherwise don’t listen to very much (whether that’s because you usually don’t like their music, or just because you haven’t listened to the rest yet)
"Slow Burn" by Kacey Musgraves. I have no idea what kind of music she makes usually, haven't heard a single other song by her, and I'm not exactly looking to change that, but I found "Slow Burn" in one of my fave playlists at work and I love it.
14. is there any band/musician who you really strongly dislike? if so, why?
Uuuh, I don't really keep track of what I don't like xD But I'll say FreiWild, but mostly because their fans really annoyed me that one time.
15. have you ever traveled outside of your area to see a concert? if not, would you want to?
Yup, I once travelled like four hours for a Powerwolf concert (because Erfurt was the furthest north they went on that tour???), and I actually planned a whole vacation around one ASP concert a couple years back. Also went to Bremen for PAIN once (roughly ~three hour drive at that time), and then of course the four hour drive for the DDF Live Show. And depending on the band I would absolutely do it again!
22. name a song that reminds you of one of your best memories
This is a little silly, and I don't even know the artist and I'm too lazy to look it up, but "Everybody Dance Now". Because it was on the radio a lot during my first year at drama club and the people two grades above me (the majority of the other actors) were always singing that and in the end we actually set a scene to that in our play.
29. is there any song that you mostly like, but there’s one specific part of it that you don’t like as much? if so, what is it?
Can't think of anything rn, sorry!
32. what is a band/artist you really wanted to start listening to, but you just really couldn’t get into it?
Amon Amarth. For uh crush reasons I really wanted to like them, and they do have a couple songs I enjoy (especially "Guardians of Asgaard" and "Where Is Your God?") but I never really got into them.
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