forsaken-at-one · 1 year
My first public fanfic, please be kind.
Pairing: F!Reader/M!Alpha!Luxray
Summary: An assistant of Professor Laventon get's kidnapped by an Alpha Luxray Looking for a mate.
TW's: Smut, dub-con, slight violence, mentions of dead Pokémon, Male Pokémon/Female Human relation, Poképhilia, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, cunnilingus, possibly bad English and/or grammar mistakes
Minors DO NOT INTERACT, please and thank you!
That's about all, if I forget anything please let me know!
Another Pokéball broke open releasing the furious beast with a strong gust of wind. With your entire team easily defeated you couldn't do much but throw another, your last.
The large alpha Pokémon had surprised you while cataloging Shinx in the crimson mirelands. You hadn't heard a thing, nor felt eyes on yourself when it suddenly pounced on you from the side.
You narrowly avoided it but lost your balance and rolled down a small hill landing in deep mud. You didn't manage to find proper footing again, and had to awkwardly swim-crawl away from you attacker. Feeling through the mud you felt a Pokéball and threw it.
You released one of your Pokémon but it didn't stand a chance, the muddy ground slowed it down and it's level was way below this bestial alpha Luxray. But your companions bought you enough time to wriggle out of the mire and climb onto solid ground once more.
But the mud still clung to you slowing your movement, and the Alpha curiously approached, surely wanting to toy with his easy prey. So unable to run or fight you started throwing every empty capsule you had crafted at your attacker.
Most of them were easily avoided, Luxray seeming more and more annoyed at your antics. Finally you hit it, but it unceremoniously broke out again giving you a warning growl. In your panic it fell on deaf ears and you chucked another ball at it. A hit again, but it broke out, now livid.
Now you had but one Pokéball left. You were just about to throw it while thinking a prayer in your head. Before the capsule left your hand the Luxray closed the distance with a swift pounce knocking you flat on your back.
It's paws firmly placed on your wrists pinning them next to your dizzy head. The impact on the ground had done a number on you, your head had harshly hit the dry, rock hard mud below. Your vision was blurry and the world was spinning.
From the corner of your your eye you made out small blue shapes approaching. The Shinx I watched before. You reasoned. They must be part of this Alphas pack. Before everything faded to black you felt little kitten licks on your fingers. And the pressure of the alphas paws on your wrists vanished.
Your eyes snapped back to him. He looked at you. You couldn't quite read the expression. He saw the Shinx approach you, one sniffing and nibbling on your hand, another was kneading your belly. Did they play with their half dead prey, or were they trying to wake you up, maybe comfort you?
Under normal circumstances you'd been ecstatic to observe and document such unique behaviors but right now you were busy wrangling back control over your body and slowly getting back up.
The Shinx startled at your movement, and the Alpha immediately took on a more threatening posture again. You tried speaking in a low calming way. "It's okay big guy, I just want to go home, I mean no harm."
His posture softened a bit. "Lux!" He hissed in a commanding tone. You had no idea what it meant but it send the Shinx running. Finally up you tried to slink away but to no avail. Before you got anywhere the Pokémon had you by the back of your neck.
Awkwardly hanging in your kimono top you had no choice but to wait and see where it would carry you off too. It easily traversed terrain you'd never be able to get through on foot.
Finally you reached a serene looking grove by some harsh cliffs. A cave, hidden behind some red shrubbery went deep into the rock. Near the entrance ran a pretty creek. It was idyllic looking. Considering that alphas often got the very best nesting grounds that made sense though.
He plopped you down inside the cave. It appeared to have been dug, with a main tunnel splitting into four chambers. There were Shinx running around and some Luxio eyeing you suspiciously. "Lux Luxray!" The alpha startled you with its sudden roar. All Pokémon in the den stopped for a moment looking at you, seemingly considering you.
With that everyone, the Alpha included seemed to disregard you. Not believing your luck you ducked out of the cave, finally having caught your bearings again. You spend the rest of the day looking for a way out, but alas this little paradise was surrounded by steep cliffs on all sides.
As the sun set clouds grew darker and it began to rain. Hesitantly you went back to the cave. The Shinx and Luxio still didn't seem to mind you, some even approaching you curiously, wanting to play.
Defeated and with no way out you finally got out of your mud covered top and pants leaving you in your linen underwear. You hung your dirty clothes on a branch hoping the rain would take care of the worst of it, and tomorrow you'd try to get away again.
Slowly the Pokémon went into different dens off of the main tunnel, there seemed to be a sort of nursery, softly padded with leafs, colorful flowers and grass. Here the Shinx all cuddled up to sleep.
On the opposite side of the tunnel was the Luxio dwellings. Fewer individuals slept here, only some sharing bedding, others seemingly preferring solitude. The walls were littered with scratch marks and cracks. They must play fight or even train here from time to time.
A room was vacant, but it was noticeably warmer. There were leafs laid out around an empty nest looking structure. Closer inspection showed remains of Pokémon, like small bone fragments, as well as remnants of fruits and berries, like a cherry stone. Did the pack bring food offerings to mothers stuck incubating their eggs here?
You felt hot breath on the back of your neck. You swung around and came face to face with the Alpha again. He was so tall you had to look up to meet his eyes. He turned around and approached the last chamber of this Pokémon den. He looked back over his shoulder expectantly. "Do you want me to come with you?" You asked yourself out loud.
And sure enough he seemed to nod. You knew surely he didn't actually nod, after all Pokémon couldn't understand humans right? But you indulged in the thought his random movement meant confirmation, so you trotted behind him, having him lead you to the last den.
It must be his dwelling. You thought seeing the many hunting trophies such as horns, claws and even skulls. An accomplished Hunter. I'm glad my skull hasn't joined the collection yet. But this made you pause. Why hadn't it actually? Maybe the Shinx liking you made him not want to kill you anymore? But then why did he bring you all the way here.
He settled on some soft looking leaf bedding that was clearly too large for just him. And then it clicked. This pack must have lost their lead female. From Laventons research you knew in this case the head male would find another mate, be it from his own pack or an outsider. If the young ones approved of her she would become the new den mother.
Oh no. Oh no no no! You thought. But it was too late. Having no patience for your antics anymore he got up and yanked you by the back of your collar into the floral bed. You were lying in his arms for lack of a better word. His belly brushed up against your back and he curled around you. Your head lain on the plush fur of his arm, while the other rested on your side. His chin placed on the top of your head.
It was comforting in a way. His fur had no right being this soft and his warmth seeped into your cold frame. This wasn't the worst, but you had to find a way out before he decided he wanted more cubs. You shuddered at the thought and instinctively he curled tighter around you in a protective manner.
You weren't sure what to do and were still to anxious to sleep so you started to trace your fingers through his fur and carefully massaging the pads on his large paws, easily bigger than your hands. He began to purr deeply and rhythmically. You felt his soft fur tickle you while he settled in comfortably and you couldn't help but mirror him. This was the comfiest you had been since arriving in Hisui. You slowly drifted into a warm, pleasant darkness.
A few days had passed and you had still no luck in climbing your way out of the grove and you found yourself growing attached to the pack. You documented all unique behaviours in your note book to show to the professor if you ever got back.
You had been naming the members of the pack. It consisted of eight Shinx and five Luxio as well as the Alpha but you didn't know what to call him yet. The alpha took four of the Luxio on hunts with him, one staying back watching over the den and little ones.
It dawned on you why you had found the Shinx you originally observed so far away. They were constantly slipping away trying to climb away. You and the Luxio barely kept them in one place. No wonder some got away the other day.
Before sundown the hunting party got back. Their prey appeared to be a Bibarel. Two Luxio were also carrying large folded leafs. To your surprise they were filled with an assortment of berries, herbs, nuts and veggies.
The Alpha watched over the others sharing equally and eating both meat and greens. It was fascinatingly human in a way. After the little ones were satiated you two ate the left overs. Though you only had some berries, an apple and a few nuts. You wished you could share with your Pokémon but they were still resting inside their balls.
It seemed to be time to sleep again seeing how the others headed to their respective dens. You headed toward what had essentially become your bedroom but the Luxray nipped at you. He headed outside seemingly wanting you to follow him again. This wasn't the routine you had gotten to know. You swallowed already having an idea what this might mean.
How do I get out of this without enraging it? You followed with your mind racing. He sat down by the creek. The moonlight made it glitter softly. You sat down next to him, leaving a bit room. Maybe he'd get the hint somehow? If only he was a human, I'd bet he'd be hot... wait what kind of thought is this even!? You chided yourself.
You felt the tip of his tail brush past your back. You glanced up at him in the moonlight. If nothing else he looked majestic, his eyes glowing in the dark. He was staring ahead, same stoic expression as usual. When he noticed you looking he turned to you slightly and his gaze softened.
Why did this make your heart stutter? The professor and village clearly told you they were instinct driven beasts but you couldn't help it when you looked into his eyes. He seemed to understand you, your words and motions. "Luxray..." He hummed softly.
"I wish I understood you..." You sighed.
"Lux lux." Were you really having a conversation with a Pokémon just now?
"I'm not a Luxray, you know that right? So we- we can't be ... together." You stare at the water.
He studied you face before coming a bit closer. There was that soft warmth again. You turned away.
"I know you're looking for a mate, but it can't be me, I'm a human." He tentatively put his chin on your head again. Instinctively your hand found itself in his soft cheek fur. "That purring again... You make this very difficult for me. You know that right?" He huffed in response, almost amused.
Despite your valiant effort he had closed the distance again and was sitting behind you. "Lux ray..." He mumbled seemingly lost in thought. Finally he leaned into your touch on his cheek. His naughty tail loosely curling around your body. The tip was radiating soft, tingly static.
Only your linen underwear offered no protection. Your breath hitched when it hovered teasingly over the soft skin of your breast. Then in a fluid motion the appendage ghosted down to your belly. Not quite touching you, but leaving a pleasant tingling where it came close to your skin.
Further down toward your - "N-no." You grabbed his tail. He huffed again, this time a bit surprised. You turned to face him again. His eyes were so intense. He gave you a playful headbutt knocking you on your back once more. "A-are you trying to-to seduce me!?" You spat disbelieving.
He moved back a little muzzle hovering over your core. The way he looked up at you. This expression, this was intentional, he knew what he was doing. His tongue lapped at your thinly clad womanhood. Hot breath fanning over it.
"No way!" You grabbed his ears harshly trying to pull him away. He yelped a bit but stood his ground. You weren't strong enough to pry him away and he was tough enough to not mind your pathetic tugging at his ears. His tongue lapped out again, you felt it through your underwear.
"Damn it, you can't do this!" You wanted to sound threatening but it came out as a plea. He dug his muzzle against your mound lapping again and again, the fabric getting soaked. You prayed it was only his saliva but when purred once more you knew.
He tasted your lust. There was a sort of smug satisfaction in his eyes. He pushed your underpants to the side gaining full access. Finally he dragged his wonderfully textured, hot tongue down the middle of your folds. His ears, still in your hands twitched at the little whimper escaping you.
"Please..." You whispered not sure if you were pleading for him to stop or continue. Heat spread through your body. His tongue circled your weak spot skilfully. When ever parts of his muzzle pushed against your flesh the delicious low vibrations of his on-going purr drove through your body making you tense up.
"Oh, Arceus... I - I " you wrapped your legs around his neck fingers loosening around his ears only to fist intensely into his cheek fur like your life depended on it. Any semblance of decency you had tried to keep up was now gone.
"Gonna cum..." You whimpered, all muscles tense to the max. An amazing little sensation flooded your senses and pushed you over the edge. A little shock perhaps, but you didn't ponder it, only riding the waves of release while holding onto that Alpha Pokémon for support.
He re-positioned himself. And you wanted to protest needing his tongue back at that sweet spot so badly. But now he gently pushed up your linen top revealing your supple breasts and nipples stiff in anticipation.
Another moan fell from your lips as he now masterfully used that tongue of his to tease them sending warm waves of pleasure through your body. While focusing on your pleasure he changed his stance a little so he was able to comfortably lower himself down onto you.
You felt something hot prodding at your entrance and your eyes flew open with the realization. Your slick allowed for him to easily enter you. You unknowingly held your breath as you focused on the wonderful sensation stretching you out. He was large. Had you seen his member before you'd thought you couldn't take him.
Your eyes snapped back to his. Half lidded, focusing only on the sensation he experienced. The cutest noise dropped from his mouth when he bottomed out. Perfect. For a moment neither of you moved. It felt like you were completing each other. Finally he slowly began to thrust.
Each time he hit your spot you felt tears well up in your eyes. Too much, too good. Him running his sharp canines over your skin pushed you over the edge again. He noticed and picked up his pace. Low grunts and growls escaped him. His teeth latched onto your shoulder. He bit down, not quite breaking skin but definitely leaving marks his thrusts became sloppy, his gaze unfocused.
Just when he was about to- you were pushed over the edge again. In your rush of pleasure your inside clamped down around him begging for his seed. And he'd deliver. Wonderful warmth filled you. Every crease and crevice. Still inside you the monstrous male collapsed on top of you.
The familiar sensation of his wonderfully soft fur brushing up against your skin. You felt him retreat from inside you. Still hot cum flowing out of your hole.
He rolled over to your side gazing at you. Despite yourself you now crept closer. He hummed approvingly taking you in his arms once more. You quickly drifted off still high on that pleasant feeling rushing through your entire body. He nuzzled his chin into the top of your head again making you smile in your sleep.
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