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OCD challenge part 15: buy things without guilt. Okay, so this is pretty much a massive life concept that is impossible to adjust in just one day, but we want to the shops yesterday and I bought a book I didn't need. I am a highly qualified shopper (I have a friend whose husband blames me for all of her impulsive purchases) and I love it, but I do get serious shoppers guilt if I can't justify it to myself. It's on sale, it's for charity, it's a gift, it's a good investment, all of those are good. Basically, I need a reason that satisfies my own irrational internal narrative. Yesterday I didn't have one, except that I wanted books. For myself. At full price. Because I am responsible for my own money and decisions. And I didn't just buy one book - I bought two! Enjoyed this book - was sold on the Sarah Walters comparison, but I felt it was much more heavy handed than Sarah waters, but it had a gripping plot! Read it all this afternoon and it flew by. #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthgoals #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookshelf #almondforaparrot
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