#all your little hip hop groups are full of racefakers
1eos · 4 years
WAIT R*VI RACEFAKED????????????????
idk how many times i have to say this but literally all of these krappers are race fakers on some level. they change their voices, their hair, their clothes, their mannerisms, the way they talk, everything to align themselves with the ‘cool’ parts of blackness for clout nd money nd then take off their costumes when its time for them to be ‘respectable’. every year r*vi is getting dreads or braids or twists nd appropriating a classic hip hop aesthetic to the point where all that’s missing is the overdrawn lips nd its a minstrel show. he’s not the first nd he’s not the last but bc everyone wants black sound nd black aesthetic just done by non black ppl y’all see the commidification of black culture as just an unique facet of kpop uwu
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