#all the knowledge of a vet tech with none of the certifications or paycheck 😭😭😭
woundedheartwithin · 8 months
Fuckin rat snake broke into the brooder coop and ate two of my peeps. It had the little maran wrapped up when I ran out there, but I heard her screaming from inside the house and was able to get to her in time. She’s okay, a little banged up and scared, but she’s bright and alert, no pain or heat anywhere in her body, no broken bones, just a pretty big wound where the snake had bitten her. So now she’s in the house, in a tub in the laundry room with the door shut so the cat can’t get her, and that’s where she’ll stay until she’s big enough to go in with the adults
Fuckin snakes, man. Listen, I love snakes, I do, but not when they eat my fucking birds. I don’t even know how it got in either???? Like the coop is all wood and hardware cloth with no gaps, where the fuck did you even get in ya sumbitch :(
#she speaks#she’s a very very lucky bird#I was sitting in the living room watching a movie with my family#and if I hadn’t been she woulda died too#the coops are right behind the house so I could hear her screaming#I literally kicked the side of the coop until he let her go#and like I thought she was fucking dead#she was all folded up and sprawled out#and I stepped on the snake to keep it from biting me and looked at her#and she was still breathing#so I grabbed her and handed her to my dad#then grabbed the snake and pulled it out of the coop#poor little bird sat there for a long time while my dad went and got the tub and fixed in for her#and she was just staring at me and breathing hard#then she had the nerve to run from me when I went to pick her up again lmfao#I’m just kidding she was terrified I totally don’t blame her#she’s gonna have to get real okay with me picking her up real quick tho#cuz I gotta treat her wound periodically#that’s one thing about keeping farm animal is you get really good at wound care#all the knowledge of a vet tech with none of the certifications or paycheck 😭😭😭#anyway she’ll be alright#she’s safe in the house and the wound is nothing she won’t recover from#the biggest concern was broken bones but her legs wings and keel are all perfect#if her neck were broken she’d be dead so I’m not concerned about that lol#and she’s not sore and there’s no abnormal heat indicating injury#chickens are resilient little creatures with an astounding will to live
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