#all im gonna finally say is the next blog wont have A BILLION tags like this one
Okay! It's happening! I have moved blogs, this is the new and current @starrrbitz !
So the new blog is being setup right now! As of Wednesday today, this blog will no longer be active. It will remain up, mainly for myself and nostalgia sake, but I won't be posting to it anymore.
The new blog isn't going to be strictly an art blog like i promised here, and failed to deliver lol. It's just gonna be a main blog where I do a bit of everything: art, reblogs, info dumping! My utdr blog is also abandoned and getting a new one, although again, still need to set up.
Since I follow a lot of utdr blogs and it's my hyperfixation, I still like having it as a seperate blog.
I made this blog when I was 16 so I kind of have a weird attachment to it lol, but I've felt like I needed a change for a while, so I'm just doing it.
I appreciate everyone who liked my art and silly thoughts over the years, and those who talked to young and very lonely me. See ya if I do!
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