#all agreed that the sunchildren were bad - they pinned all the bad things that happened on the sunchildren
elegyofthemoon · 1 year
i'm thinking about the sunchildren again bc enkanomiya ost is my go-to study music.
Like Ion for example was someone who was inept with telling people's fortunes, but on his grave, it's written "he failed to predict his own short life." Tbh, based on the one conversation we get to have with his Sunshadow, where he tells us that many people of Enkanomiya have such poor luck so he chooses to lie to them instead, I feel that Ion must have known about his death. He doesn't know the context of it or why this is the case, but in that short span of life, he may have just wanted to make people happy, even if it meant lying about their fortunes.
Or Rikoru who was manipulated to believe Aberaku was trying to kill him when it was the one who manipulated him that would be the cause of his death. Aberaku was trying to speak up against the Jibashiri using a child as a puppethead over the rest of Enkanomiya, but of course, the Jibashiri would jail him and tell Rikoru that Aberaku was wrong and that he's just trying to threaten Rikoru. Plus, Rikoru being the first sunchild -- it makes me wonder how did the Jibashiri manage him first, setting a basis of how to treat the Sunchildren before tending to the others. I just wish that there was more information regarding the Jibashiri to understand them more.
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