#alguien más
sejmet11 · 5 months
Y yo me quedé con las ganas de todo, me quedé esperando ese futuro que nunca llego, me quedé viéndote cumplir esos sueños con alguien más, me quedé esperándote, me quedé anhelando ese pasado porque era lo mas cercano a felicidad que pude tener, me quedé amándote, porque si, años después te sigo amando, siempre se vuelve a amar me dijo una persona que conoci en unas de esas tantas noches donde amarte me dolía, pero yo sigo aca, te sigo amando, te sigo extrañando, sigo mirando al cielo y preguntando por qué? Por qué no fue suficiente? Porque no fui suficiente.
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solxs · 1 year
trato de ser tú en la vida de alguien más replico cada frase, cada chiste, cada opinión
trato de ser con alguien más lo que fuiste conmigo y así reviviendo tu propia historia puedo sentirte más cerca de mi
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loca-sin-fin · 1 year
Duele mucho tener a alguien que no te quiere y vivir con miedo a quedarte sin esa persona a la que quieres, pensando en buscar a alguien más que sí te pueda querer y asegurarte un futuro cumpliendo tus deseos aunque sea con una persona diferente a la que imaginaste al principio.
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davidreuz · 1 year
Pues si, si me dolió, se que no fue tu intención, porque lo que si fue ya sanó hace tiempo. No te detengas, estás en todo tu derecho de amar... ¿Solo me pregunto si aún puedo seguir soñandote?
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lectora-de-wattpad · 1 year
Si, estoy muy grosera, mamá.
Si, no hago nada, papá.
Pero ¿Sabés qué?
No voy a cambiar,
No voy a seguir callando me.
Tengo mi voz propia y un millón de pensamientos,
me cansé de esconderlos.
Me cansé de vivir a base de sus expectativas,
Me cansé de vivir para complacerlos,
Me cansé de vivir preocupada por no decepcionarlos.
Y viví así, viví así mucho tiempo,
Y me perdí.
Estuve tanto tiempo en en silencio que olvide el sonido de mi voz,
Tanto tiempo preocupada por no decepcionarlos
que terminé decepcionada yo,
Decepcionada de mí misma.
Ahora no sé quién soy,
No conozco a la chica del espejo ,
Tampoco sé quién es esa chica que se esconde de mí,
Esa que por más que la busqué no aparece,
Sigo sin conocerla.
No soy feliz,
Sacrifiqué mi felicidad en un tonto intentó de no decepcionarlos,
No lo entendí,
No lo comprendí,
Y es que nunca nada será suficiente para ustedes.
Ya no lo tengo a él,
A ese chico que me hacía feliz con tan solo sonreír,
Lo alejé de mí para poder seguir siendo esa hija que ustedes tanto idealizaban,
Ahora él encontró su felicidad en alguien más.
Y yo sigo aquí, sigo en el punto de salida.
Ya no me esfuerzo lo suficiente por sacar buenas notas,
Ya no me pesa tanto confesar que tengo miedo al futuro y que estoy dudando de el,
Ya no me esfuerzo por callar mis opiniones.
Ahora estoy en el constante intentó de escapar,
De ser libre,
De hablar y llorar sin miedo,
Es difícil, difícil porque estoy tan acostumbrada a intentar cumplir sus ideales;
Pero lo intento, intento ser feliz,
Intento hablar y a escuchar mi propia voz,
También a amarme a mi y a conocerme, a encontrar y conocer a esa chica.
Lo intento sin él a mi lado,
Sin nada, de hecho.
Pero lo intento.
Y si, esto es lo que soy, mamá y papá,
Soy este desastre.
Y si, esto es lo que tanto callaba
Pero ya no más.
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alone-one-sleep · 2 years
Me quiero morir, me mata verte u oírte
Te quiero a la distancia, eres en mi cielo la estrella en mi línea, pero a comparación de las reales tu me estas matando, tu me estas estrellando... lentamente como antes ya lo hacia alguien más..
—Entre tantas—
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ibebizi · 4 months
Voy a tener que encontrar lo que quiero contigo pero con alguien más; ya quedó claro que yo no te voy a olvidar hasta que contigo amanezca. Lo haré con alguien que se te parezca -Sebastián Llosa
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anyiimar · 11 months
Aún usan facebook ?
Porque yo si
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solxs · 1 year
dime si tus brazos le dan paz a alguien más, dime si disfrutas hacer con alguien más los planes que tenías conmigo. dime si piensas en mi mientras tocas otra piel. cuéntame cuánto tiempo llevas ignorando el hecho de extrañarme o cuéntame si de verdad te es tan fácil ignorarme y no responder cuando te busco.
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palskippah · 3 months
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Hi! @hyperfixatingonbowuigisohard had this idea of Mr. L but preggy and I loved it jsdisd
I know nearly nothing of this game, but here's some ideas anyways for it!
-Mr L does his little presentation number, turning around, balancing his weight on one foot, and almost giving Bowser a heart attack when he clearly was barely keeping his balance, fearing that his husband would stumble and fall.
-Bowser immediately recognizes him, and Peach mutters to herself that Mr L reminds her strongly of someone, but she's not sure who. Bowser looks at her in disbelief, not sure if she's messing with him or not.
>Mario doesn't recognize Luigi at all at first, and Bowser genuinely asks him if he's an idiot. That's clearly Luigi! Same hat (a bit different though) and his overalls (although darker...) and that's his mustache! (looking as dashing as ever, by the way), and he's exactly as pregnant as Luigi! (Mario signs that Luigi isn't the only pregnant person in the world, and Bowser gets exasperated).
>Bowser keeps trying to convince Mario to not fight his expectant husband (AKA, Mario's brother!), and even if it wasn't Luigi, the man was clearly very pregnant, how was he going to fight him?!
>Mr L overhears and takes it personally, jumping into battle. He loses, of course. And when he's on the ground, tired and out of breath (from what Bowser's just sure is just the baby tiring him up, because Mario was really tame on his attacks), the koopa hands him a Shroom Shake so he feels better, and Mr L angrily accepts it and then sends Bowser straight to hell. When he tries to stand up and fails miserably, he lets the koopa help him to his feet, and then sends him to hell again and leaves, to work on his Brobot. (I can't remember what else happens during that fight asdkaj)
>I can't remember how Mr L leaves after the first battle, but imagine he's waddling very slowly away and Bowser's like 'Babe?? Luigi?? Please come back :C' and Luigi is literally within arm reach (especially for Bowser), but he's also very angry and telling the koopa weirdo (AKA, King Corny, King Incompetent, Mr wrappedaroundyourhusbandsfinger, King Bootlicker) to back off or he'll kill him. And well, Luigi is very capable of doing anything, and this is a brainwashed, evil Luigi, so the koopa isn't taking any chances. And the 'Green Thunder' is even more cranky because Mario didn't even break a sweat and Mr L was all huffing and puffing when the battle ended. The whole waddle away, when he wasn't insulting Bowser, Mr L muttered to himself about the stupid huge baby that didn't let him do anything and the horrors of motherhood and pregnancy.
-Mr L doesn't care for the baby, because he just came to existence and found himself heavily pregnant. He doesn't know this baby; he doesn't feel anything for them! But still there's the muscle memory or maybe it's the feelings that Luigi has for the little thing or something, because sometimes Mr L would find that he had been stroking his own belly or resting his hand on it. He'd move his hand away as if burned, and quickly look around hoping none of Count Bleck's other minions saw him showing such weakness, feeling embarrassed.
-Normally Bowser is all over Luigi to be of assistance for anything he may need, to, y'know, make his life easier now that he's pregnant. And Luigi is always glad that he has his husband right there to take care of him, but that is not the case with Mr L. He's angry that the idiot koopa thinks that he needs to be monitored like a baby, when he can take perfectly good care of himself! But also, he claims so and all, but is clearly struggling.
>Like at some moment he presents his brobot control remote (or something? How does he even summon that robot?) and then accidentally drops it. All of them, Mario, Peach, Bowser and Mr L stare at it for a few seconds. When Bowser makes a movement of going forward to pick it for him, the green one swats him away, he can pick it up himself, thanks fucking very much. Cue Mr L doing the pitiful preggy crouch while Mario and Peach pointedly don't look (after he yells that they can stop staring!) and Bowser tries to get closer to just pick the damn thing himself so Luigi can stop straining himself (getting yelled at in return).
-On Super Dimentio form, know that brainwashed Luigi (Mr. L) and Dimentio don't give a single shit about the baby, the first obviously having the set goal of being of assistance to Dimentio or whatevs, and the late one wanting to fulfill the prophecy. But well, Luigi sure does, so he subconsciously makes sure to protect his bebi Magma. The new form is huge, but the baby is still normal sized, it's just that Luigi made sure to give them some extra padding because it looked like they'd need it to be safe.
>By the way, the idea of one side of his face being a crying Luigi and the other being Dimentio is directly from @galaxygermdraws' design of Super Dimentio which is so cool :'''v
>Super Dimentio form may have only some physical characteristics of Luigi and only Dimentio's mind controlling it, but Luigi has been pregnant for many months now, and he can't help muscle memory, so the Super Dimentio form waddles like he does, and maybe Mario, Peach and Bowser would find it funny, if they weren't so horrified by the whole ordeal and the huge hands trying to squish them like bugs.
-As soon as Luigi is out of the Super Dimentio form, he's lying on the ground and wiping the streak of tears from the only cheek that has them, while wondering aloud why is he crying and on his side on the floor, and the next second after that, he's wrapped in Bowser's arms and Mario's holding his hand and Peach is touching his face, all of them fretting over him, while Luigi doesn't know what has them with such worried expressions, or why Bowser's weeping so much.
-If before Bowser was all over him, since the whole Chaos Heart ordeal he doesn't take his eyes away from Luigi, neither does Mario, who's glued to him for long weeks until he can feel that his brother is going to be alright.
>Anyways, baby's born, they're all happy yey :D Also pls look at that paper Magma I drew, that's my best drawing up to date.
ALSO alternate thing where the Chaos Heart remained with the baby in some weird way, but they don't notice because she's literally just a baby but she has the potential to destroy the universe, but Magma never does because she's a chill girl her whole life who doesn't have reasons to unleash the doom of the universe JSJDK silly idea in the same way that Luigi -the bestest guy around- is supposed to help destroy everything (??? or something like that I read somewhere? Maybe it was a headcanon aksdladk)
Thanks if you read till here!
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florestrellas · 9 months
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- What's this?
- It’s a telegram for Chelo.
LAS PELOTARIS 1926 (2023) | 1x05
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luminerium · 1 month
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gente, guarda con estas estafas que están dando vuelta por whatsapp en latinoamérica, sobre todo si son como yo y están buscando laburo nivel desesperación y tienen cv público en bumeran/zonajobs. siempre SIEMPRE chequeen si algo no cierra
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lectora-de-wattpad · 1 year
Estoy cansada de ser yo, quiero ser alguien más. Alguien increíble, alguien que no le tenga miedo a nada. Mientras tanto tengo que conformarme con ser esto, con ser un desastre que busca cualquier cosa para aferrarse a la vida…
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nohgyu · 26 days
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es imposible ver, desde donde está, la canasta de frutos rojos que acaba de rodar cuesta abajo al caerse de base que creyó segura sobre el árbol. como reflejo de su frustración y emociones que fluyen fácilmente al más mínimo estímulo, remanentes de los frutos recién recolectados permanecen molidos en palma que apretaba con fuerza, sin darse cuenta. al abrir el puño, líquido rojizo resbala manchando todo a su paso, amenazando con llegar hasta su muñeca. pasos le advierten de otra presencia, pero no voltea a comprobar de quién se trata. ‘ tienes un don para esto, sin dudas. llegas a la escena del crimen cuando las pruebas todavía están sobre el victimario ’ bajando la mano para no mancharse de más, voltea a mirar a recién llegade. ‘ ¿tiene precio tu silencio? ’
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