#alan cumming my old school interview
thequeereview · 2 years
Exclusive Interview: Alan Cumming & Jono McLeod on telling "the perfect high school movie story" with My Old School
Exclusive Interview: Alan Cumming & Jono McLeod on telling “the perfect high school movie story” with My Old School
With his intriguing and innovative feature documentary My Old School, filmmaker Jono McLeod revisits the now legendary, stranger-than-fiction story of a Scottish high school student who went by the name of Brandon Lee. A former classmate of McLeod’s, Lee had enrolled at Bearsden Academy in Glasgow, Scotland in 1993. After leaving the school the following year, an incredible secret about Lee was…
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
Old Jonathan Bailey’s interview with the OxfordMail (2013)
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BROADCHURCH star Jonathan Bailey has paid tribute to his former English teacher for inspiring his acting career. 
The 25-year-old former Oxford schoolboy, who played newspaper reporter Olly Stevens in the smash-hit crime thriller, also said reading his own local newspapers – the Oxford Mail and The Wallingford Herald – helped him prepare for the role.
Mr Bailey, from Brightwell-cum-Sotwell, near Wallingford, fondly remembers reading Shakespeare in the sixth form at Oxford’s Magdalen College School with Dr David Brunton, who died in March 2007 after falling from the tower of the University Church of St Mary the Virgin Church in High Street.
Mr Bailey, who is now playing Cassio in the National Theatre production of Othello, told the Mail: “He was a brilliant man who taught us Othello for A-Level. I’d read it out loud in class with him playing Iago, so it is a fitting tribute to a fantastic teacher that I’m now playing Cassio.”
In Broadchurch, the former Benson Primary School pupil worked opposite top actors including David Tennant and Pauline Quirke.
His character, a junior reporter for the fictional Broadchurch Echo, finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation.
Mr Bailey said: “The Oxford Mail and The Wallingford Herald were of course my inspiration. Growing up in Benson I always read The Wallingford Herald – it was always on the kitchen table. The sense of community that is thrust into the home by local papers is so important.”
The ITV series drew in more than nine million viewers every week and had viewers on the edges of their seats until the murderer was revealed in the final episode, broadcast on April 22.
Filming for a second series is due to start next year.
Mr Bailey, who has also appeared in the popular Oxford detective drama Lewis, said: “In terms of Broadchurch’s success, I am totally shocked. It is great to be a part of something everyone wants to carry on watching.”
Mr Bailey’s father Stuart Bailey, former managing director of Rowse Honey in Wallingford, said: “We believe that it is important to follow your dream and are naturally very proud of Jonathan and what he has achieved. We were totally hooked on Broadchurch and looked forward to watching it every Monday evening.”
He added: “It is great that Jonathan was part of such a popular TV series and that Othello is proving so successful at the National.”
Alan Cooper, who has taught at Oxford’s Magdalen College School for 32 years, said: “Dr Brunton had a brilliant way of making Shakespeare come alive.He would be absolutely delighted. He was always very fond of Shakespeare.He would be thrilled that someone would be able to take that to the theatre.”
Of Mr Bailey, Mr Cooper added: “He is quietly successful. He clearly works hard and is very deserving of success.”
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backyardhideout · 2 years
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My Old School (2022)
A documentary that's basically Daria meets Never Been Kissed, as told by a bunch of delightful 45 year olds from Glasgow. Starring Alan Cumming, who lip syncs an interview of the main guy.
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filmdiagnostic · 1 year
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My Old School★★★★
High school is often a time of personal growth and change, and many people have strong emotional connections to this period of their lives. For Brandon Lee ( Alan Cumming) and his classmate, it was an experience of their life.
Little did Brandon's schoolmates know they were part of something much bigger than just being his friends. My old school is a documentary about deception and the psychology behind taking extreme steps to achieve or at least try to fulfil a goal, regardless of the consequences.
Despite the dark theme of the film, the atmosphere appears light-hearted and harmless-memories full of kindness and friendship. However, as the story unfolds, doubt dominates the interviews held by the filmmakers. Many different perspectives set in as the interviewees analyse and recall past events with footage none of them had seen before.
One of the things the film showed was the precise observation about how the human brain changes reality with its interpretation of events. Nevertheless, this documentary is fascinating in more ways than one. One of which is when the protagonist did not want to show his face in the interview, so the filmmakers let Alan Cumming lip synced his voice while acting as Brandon Lee in front of the camera. I thought about how creative it was to do it that way. Another thing was the animations used to tell the back story and show flashbacks of the events- making it seem more natural and closer to the recollection of all parties involved.
To top it all off, Cummings was brilliant in his role as Brandon. He did outstanding in the interview and embodied the role as if it was Brandon himself. Cummings captivated and engaged me very well as a viewer. Altogether, this documentary is a must-see, for it is a one-of-a-kind true story that will leave you feeling warm, comforted and uneasy with more questions than when you started watching the film.
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
@ajw720...I wrote a thing
Oh you misguided little CCer.  Yes, let’s talk about the video from 10/30/15. 
(scroll down to watch the video.)
Ajw says: “Let’s Talk About that Video from October 30, 2015 shall we?  I am really glad I was reminded of this this AM as it truly highlights how much he LOVES Chris. But it is also an excellent comparison to the manner in which he talks about his girlfriend of 10,572 years”.  
The video doesn’t highlight how much Darren LOVES Chris Colfer.  It is a few random comments- stories he has told over and over and over again because Chris hates being talked about and these stories are already been told so they are safe fodder. You read too much into things and ignore what they are actually saying.
“In this segment of 4 minute and 10 seconds (prior to the song) Darren mentions the word(s) Chris or Chris Colfer a total of 8 times (I think the end is quick) as he recounts for what I believe is the 4thtime in a span of about 10 months the story of their first date. A night he remembers in detail. (funny, I have never once heard him talk about his first date with M as the fact remains, no one even knows when they actually started dating and the recent push is that it may have been even before he went to Italy, yet again changing the timeline)”
He won’t share his first date with Mia for several reasons- 1. it’s private and why should he 2. it was a first date, probably not that exciting 3. when would that come up in an interview? People care about the first time two costar spent time together. They don’t care about when Darren met his fiancée.. . and again It’s private.  Why the hell would he share that with us? Nobody SHOULD know the story or the date. That isn’t our business. 
People wanted to hear about Glee especially as it was ending.  They were coworkers in a job that was very significant to Darren’s current status as an entertainer making the story interesting to the audience  Repeating Chris’s name or saying his entire name is inconsequential to anything...it certainly doesn’t mean love.
“And remember, this show was 10 months after the last time he “publicly” saw one Mr. Chris Colfer.  A man he allegedly hates and only “kind of sort of hangs out with.” (sorry Chris but that quote is going to remain one of my favorites)”
The “Man date” story is safe ground to cover because it has been told over and over and over.  Darren likes to deflect from how own talent and talk about other people. He likes to set the stage for how generous Chris was when meeting Darren-a nobody- who was a nobody walking on to the set of a huge show. 
“Interesting. Let’s see. I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, I have heard him utter his lovely lady of many, many moons name publicly 3 times. The first time was in a radio interview right before Elsie 2015 which coincidentally aired about 3 or 4 days after the Alan Cumming version of mandate aired.  The 2nd on her Birthday during a live stream with Paul from Broadway.com. And the 3rd on his snapchat during Cats when he said she was taking over his phone as his battery had died. This is the grand total over the 10,572 years they have been dating. (But willing to bet we hear it again soon after they read this).”
You missed “My Darling MIa....” and also the time he posted in Insta that he is getting married to MIa and that he and Mia opened a bar baby. 
“What did Darren have to say about Chris in 4 minutes and 10 seconds:
The date he started filming he put together that “he would be linked to Chris Colfer’s character.”
“I went to Chris” (and asked him to go see Sutton as his friend “dropped out”) and when he described how his man agreed to go, Darren said “Oh Thank you, I was so touched he wanted to come along.”
We went to see Sutton Foster, me and Chris Colfer.
Darren next describes how he realized, on day 1, when he didn’t even know what would happen between Kurt and Blaine, that if the story took off “Chris and I will never ever go out in public together ever again” so Darren “needed to embrace the opportunity.”  It is AMAZING how Darren was able to foretell that. I mean at the time he was only signed for a limited number of episodes.  There was no actual plan for Kurt and Blaine to date. But Darren, being the fortune teller he was, knew he had to take this opportunity to take Chris on a date as he knew they would never be able to go out in public again.
“I love telling that story about Chris because I like telling how generous he is even though he was years younger than me. He was a big TV star, he like won a Golden Globe and I’m this new guy.”  Ok, so Darren actually does get one fact wrong, but I think its because he is so in awe of Chris’ accomplishments that he forgets that Chris did not in fact have a Golden Globe when they met. That happened a few months later.
“Very cool, I have nothing but good things to say about Chris Colfer.”
Darren messed up, claiming that Chris had a Golden Globe when they met because time had gone by and it didn’t matter that much to him- simple error. Time has a way of doing that. 
He claims he knew he couldn’t hang out with Chris if their characters dated- that isn't something he knew at the time but something that makes the story juicer. It gives context to the fact that they don’t hang out at all because the fans made it hard.  It’s just amping up the story. 
“And then, when Seth next asks him about singing live with Chris, he says (the beginning is quick so perhaps not 100% accurate) “Me and Chris, well Chris hates, hates when you talk about him.  He hates singing live, he hates it, he hates singing live.  Doesn’t like it.”  That is a lot of knowledge about  Chris Colfer that Darren has considering, again, he had not even seen the man in months and that are not even friends.”
I don’t know Chris Colfer and I Know that he hates singing live and that he hates when people talk about him. He has said so many times. You see, while YOU are paying attention to matching details in photos like they both wore plaid suits in 2018 and explaining TrueLoveAlways because they both like Harry Potter and Star Wars...I am listening to what these actually people say-using words- and I respect what they say because that is what grown ups do. 
“Let’s see what has he said about his girl over the entire course of their relationship as opposed to in 4 minutes 10 seconds:
“She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself.”
Darren would NEVER criticize fans in a goofy radio interview or a short fun entertainment setting.  He knows his audience and he knows when the time and place is appropriate to talk about horrible fans who attack his fiancée. 
“She is a very lovely lady I have been with for many, many moons.”
It’s private and I am not going to give you specifics about my private life.
“My partner in crime.”
he is endearingly calling the person who he lives his life with his “partner in crime”. He is making the analogy that his “life” is the “crime” here. I don’t know why you can’t understand this simple thing.  It is mind boggling that you won’t let this go as if it means something devious.   
“I’m a ball and chain kind of guy.”
Again he is defecting from speaking about his private life with a reporter. He’s calling himself the ball and chain... aka he’s a one woman man, old morning couple, you don’t care about us, move on to next question.
“She works at Fox” stated almost one year after she left their employ. Yes, they have tried to fix that and have since allowed her on set to fetch coffee and snap about 3 times since Darren made this statement, but she was not employed by Fox when this was stated, as proven by her own LinkedIn account and her going away party many months prior”.
Literally you are going with “proven by her own LinkedIn account” who updates their LinkedIn? We have no idea what special projects she was doing for Fox. What this really means is ajw wasn’t privy to the private life of Mia Swier.  Boohooo. Newsflash:  You can’t find everything on the inter webs.  The fact is-I know that Darren was there and there was NO reason for him to be there so if he says he was there because Mia was working for Fox then I have no reason to doubt that.
Has mentioned her wearing heels on multiple occasions. Ummm…..no, barely ever Darren.
Seriously? OMG the heels comment was a fucking ad.  How stupid can you be- Darren didn’t write that. THAT was a literally written by either the magazine or Darren’s PR team.  She wears heels every time she goes to a red carpet event. Just because the photo doesn’t show her feet doesn't mean she doesn’t have feet....or heels on. You get that right? 
Has stated how he has asked her not to share things on social media. Which she does all the time.
No, she doesn’t put anything on social media anymore. A few pics get posted with her in them...there is NOTHING in those photos that are private. Being in public places and at public events and posting a picture isn’t private life.  I know you want it to be so you can bitch but you sound unhinged when you do.  The truth is we don't know if Darren asked her to post or not to post. we have one story about one photo from Becca’s horrible podcast.  Darren would NEVER share an actual private moment with us. Mia’s IG is private-I know that PISSES you off so much. She rarely posts to Snapchat when they are going out to an event. Clearly Darren is in the picture and knows she is posting.  
I mean, I could go on and on and on. There have been many quotes, most of which have not been very kind. None of which have ever been loving. None of which have ever been gushing. None of which has made him revert back to the High School Darren talking about the person he has an enormous crush on. And none of which have been said while so much love is emoting from his entire persona.  
I am sure you could go on forever and ever. but none of it is important or factual or shocking. At the end of the day and your latest rant, the only thing that matters is that they are living their lives without you and you don’t matter to them. They are engaged and I know this because Darren Told us he was and his behavior has been consistent with a man who is about to get married. Shall we review: they had a bachelorette  weekend and a wedding shower that Darren attended. He has talked about planning a wedding many times. Lea acts like he is engaged. Three is nothing to suggest that he is lying. 
So you tell me. What is the truth here?  I think we all know
Yes we all know the truth: you are a conspiracy theorist who looks for patterns and makes up a ton of shit to fit your trope with no regard to how much you make Darren sound like a complete douche. 
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ecsundance · 2 years
Review of My Old School
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Brian MacKinnon is Brandon Lee. Brian is 32 years old and Brandon is 16. Brandon’s dad died when he was a kid and also when he was 16, and his mom was an opera singer in Canada who also died, and he lives with his grandmother who is actually Brian’s mom, and Brian’s dad died when he was 30. Brandon is Canadian and Brian is Scottish. Brain is Brandon, but Brandon is not Brian. Brian MacKinnon is also the 16 year old friend of Brandon Lee.
If you are confused after reading the previous paragraph, then you now understand what it feels like to try and unravel the story of Brian MacKinnon in My Old School.
Director Jono McLeod returns to his childhood school, Bearsden Academy, where he attended in the 90’s with his former classmate Brandon Lee. McLeod uses a mixture of interviews, news footage, and animation to tell the story of My Old School.
Vladan Petkovic writes in his review of the film, “The humorous vibe supported by the 1990s music and animation style (McLeod cites MTV's Daria as a key influence) and fast-paced editing, as well as the bounciness of the interviewees’ Glaswegian accent and their playfulness and openness, gradually gives way to a darker atmosphere. The feeling one is left with is a strange kind of sadness, even pity, but the sheer weirdness of the protagonist prevents empathy or compassion. In the end, My Old School is a unique account of identity, deceit and unhealthy ambition, even though these three aspects do not necessarily come from the same place, making it all the more complex and perplexing.”
After watching this film with my roommate we were both left with an uneasy feeling in our stomachs at the prospect of this actually happening, as well as a very weird set of coincidences given that my last name is McKinnon and hers is McLeod …
Overall I really enjoyed this film and would absolutely watch it again! It was fun playing a sort of mental gymnastics following this story and all of the different accounts that were given. The mixture of three different film styles was really captivating and helped me stay engaged. It also separated the stories from the past and the present in a way that was easy to follow. This was very helpful when the story got jumbled from Brian’s perspective, his classmates, and the administrators. Alan Cumming's performance as Brian was phenomenal as he lip syncs to Brian’s responses (he did not want to be filmed), so much so that if I had not known about Alan Cumming as an actor previously and had not known that this was the format being used for Brian’s on camera “interview”, I would have thought that Alan Cumming was actually Brian MacKinnon.
I recommend this film for anyone looking for a really cool documentary style that tells an obscure story that leaves you wanting more.
- Aidan McKinnon
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#i want able to get a whole lot of books this year but i'm also running a donation if your in the area on my insta!
My Top Posts in 2021
Tron: Legacy, Dinner Scene Re-Write
Sam looked like his father. Well, younger, but she could see the resemblance in his eyes, in the set of his brow as he considered the taste of the food.
She wondered if it tasted different than the food he was used to? To her, it was delicious— green beans, roasted and seasoned pork, soft, buttery potatoes. The water was crisp, refreshing. She watched him chew, looking for any signs of unpleasantness. It must have tasted fine to him though, because he ate another forkful and another. Then he saw her staring, and she almost choked on her drink.
Smooth, she thought. Freak out Flynn’s son and treat him like a shiny new light baton. That was going to make him feel welcome, make the evening go smoothly.
Flynn hadn’t seen his son in almost twenty years. Did Sam even remember what he was like? Or were they both looking at complete strangers, trying to see where the pieces of their memories fit together?
The scraping of fork against plate was the only thing filling the awkward silence, so she tried to remedy it.
“How old are you now, Sam?” she asked. At the very least, she could try to get them started on something. She might be a third wheel, but she was pretty good at breaking ice.
“You should be 27,” Kevin offered.
Sam confirmed that he was.
If she remembered correctly, that was on the younger side. She couldn’t do the math in her head, but technically, he was nearly her age. She might be a few “years” older. She wondered if that meant that he’d attended college then, and asked him so.
“Cal-tech,” he said.
“Cal-tech?” Flynn asked, a small look of pride growing on his face,” My alma-mater.”
Flynn rarely smiled like that, like nothing else in that moment existed. And this was interesting information— she knew Flynn was educated in his world, but he’d never told her where.
“Yeah,” Sam said, “ ’til I dropped out.”
The mental image of Sam falling out of a school, butt first, smack on the ground was so unexpected that the laugh just bubbled up out of her. It was only when Flynn looked at her weird that she realized that was probably not what he meant.
Sam wasn’t laughing either.
Ah. Not a joke… right. Well, not her fault Users were funny when they were trying to be serious.
[End Scene]
This is just an exercise. I feel like the only character I’m really in tune with when I write is Alan. I tried to watch an interview with Garret Hedlund (he has a southern accent??? What???) to see if watching the actors’ faces could help me with characterization, but.... not really. so then I decided to novelize (???) a scene to see if that would help me, and YEAH THAT’S WAY MORE LIKE IT. 
I definitely felt in tune with my Quorra Voice while doing this, so hopefully this helps me “re-create” her in my fic a little better? I feel like I need to do visualization exercises or something, lol.
19 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 09:13:23 GMT
Wow the Lost Boys really just dives into the "oh he's a vampire, that's something that is possible" ...thing. No buildup, no denial.
24 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 01:04:13 GMT
Hire Me to Edit Your Fiction and Poetry!
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What it says on the tin! I am now offering editing services for fiction and poetry! I have recently graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's in Creative Writing, so I know my stuff!
My services include Copy Editing (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) and Feedback/ Constructive Criticism in the form of a copy of your marked up work and a letter to the author detailing any thoughts or feedback. PLEASE NOTE that when I say constructive criticism, I will not be mean! This will mostly include first/second impressions of work ('when you wrote this, I thought of this/ was reminded of this...'/ I assumed you were referencing Popular Literature Work here-- am I correct?), and suggestions on where the work could be stronger in terms of your vision. I will never demean you or your work! We are all at different stages of writing and we all have different styles, but this does not mean that we are bad writers.
However, if you are not the kind of person who can take any form of criticism at all, please consider looking somewhere else. You are not paying me to give you endless praise-- we are both here to make your writing stronger. That being said, I love giving praise as well! And I strive to always give encouragement and praise where it is due!
My rates are non-negotiable and non-refundable. I will require 100% of the payment upfront and I will send you your feedback as soon as I finish! Fiction should take me no more than 1-3 days at most depending on word count, and poetry should be even less.
To hire me as an Editor, please:
1. Send me a DM with a request to hire me, along with a summary of what you would like to send me (fiction or poetry, word count, any questions pertaining to my guidelines and the genre your work fits into.)
2. Once I have approved that your work follows my guidelines, please send 100% of the payment to my paypal at: paypal.me/jonnyblackwrites. If after payment I find that your work violates my guidelines, I reserve the right to refund you your money and dispose of any work I have completed.
3. Send a PDF of your work to me at: [email protected]
4. Relax for a few days! You've earned it!
Thanks! I look forward to editing your work!
Rates current as of September 2021.
Examples of my own published work:
The Roadrunner Review-- If I Die, and I Will
Ghost Bible-- DREAM DEATH and Entry Number One , Journal One: ANOTHER SUN
Mosaic Art & Literary Journal, Vol 60-- Poetry Editor- in- Chief, Under Jonny Rodriguez.
26 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 07:29:07 GMT
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Doing @neil-gaiman 's All Hallows Read! I hope I get some trick or treaters!! 🦇🎃
28 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 01:11:30 GMT
I wanted a Crone shirt so I made some stuff:
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You can find all of these here (click 'shop all products to see everything)
38 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 07:07:10 GMT
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savetopnow · 6 years
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hermanwatts · 5 years
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Super Heroes (BBC): Is it embarrassing for adults to like superheroes? According to Alan Moore – creator of the Watchmen series and widely considered one of the greatest comic book writers – it is. He says superheroes are perfectly fine for 12 or 13-year-olds but adults should think again. “I think the impact of superheroes on popular culture is both tremendously embarrassing and not a little worrying,” he says.
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Westerns (Crimereads): Some of the difficulties the fiction magazines were experiencing were due to a prewar invention: the paperback book. The Western “dime novels” and “railway novels” (so named because they were sold in train stations) of the nineteenth century were early experiments in this form. True success, however, had to wait until the 1930s, when a pair of innovations were introduced: an effective glue strip used to bind the book together and the adoption of a distribution model invented by magazine publishers.
Fiction (Goodman Games): What makes those stories pastiche instead of fanfic, I suppose, is that many of these writers were paid to write it and the result was distributed widely. You would assume that meant that the work was well-edited and had some kind of consistency, but a lot of people, me among them, would tell you you’re wrong.  Some writers don’t quite get the character, or want to change him, or don’t understand that he actually does change, age to age, and is capable of greater subtlety/humor/intellect than is popularly assumed (just as REH’s writing is more complex than popularly imagined).
Men’s Adventure Fiction (Paperback Warrior): “The idea that genre fiction is somehow inferior in quality to so-called mainstream fiction, and is not as literary, is artificial bull-puckey,” Hayes said. “Mainstream also is genre, psychological studies, social issues, etc. are all genres, and most of that is not as entertaining as other genres. Entertainment is the primary objective of all fiction, the other, lesser goal being enlightenment, which should never dominate the story. If you have a cause to espouse, the proper literary form is an essay or a non-fictional book.”
Pulp Magazines (Dark Worlds Quarterly): I’ve been spending a lot of time amongst the Pulps lately. And it begs the question: what is the appeal of these old, flaking, brown books? One thing strikes me immediately, the collector’s mania that says, “I want them all!” Since Pulp magazines are no longer produced it is a finite proposition to own a “complete Weird Tales” if not a cheap one. But this doesn’t explain everything. The idea of a rare magazine or comic sealed in plastic, unreadable, priced at, say, $1000.00, makes it no more interesting than a rare coin or a bearer bond.
SF RPG (Trollsmyth): Treasure is easy in fantasy realms. Usually, it’s great piles of gold coins, gleaming gems, and works of art. Back in the middle of the 20th century, when the future was nuclear, space powers feuded over fissionables the way 20th century powers fought over oil. Later, when the power of the future shifted from fission to fusion, He3 became the thing to fight over.
A. Merritt (DMR Books): What a difference a century makes, eh? A well-respected book reviewer for “The Newspaper of Record” published that glowing endorsement for the very first hardcover edition of A. Merritt’s The Moon Pool. As I’ve explained elsewhere, the book itself was a “fix-up” novel merging Merritt’s original novelette of “The Moon Pool” with the novella/short novel, “The Conquest of the Moon Pool”. Let’s see what else the reviewer has to say…
Pulp Fiction (Grey Dog Tales): This book opens with an excellent and very informative introduction by Garyn G. Roberts Ph.D., in which he gives a very detailed background of Farmer’s love for and relationship with Pulp fiction. Without wanting to repeat too much of the information in that introduction, it’s worth mentioning here that Greatheart Silver was Farmer’s homage to the great pulp heroes of the 1930s.
Gaming (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog): Long, long ago I heard rumor of them in the introduction of GURPS. Elements of Melee and Wizard are of course baked into the classic Second Edition GURPS Basic Set and first edition GURPS Fantasy. But strangely enough, the group of high school buddies that went hog wild playing Car Wars and Ogre and Illuminati somehow never went beyond doing anything else beyond creating a few 100 point characters with those gaming materials that were supposed to be Steve Jackson’s magnum opus and the ultimate testament to his design genius.
H. P. Lovecraft (Slashfilm): During an interview with Coming Soon, SpectreVision’s Elijah Wood and Daniel Noah revealed tentative plans for a Lovecraft trilogy, adding that Color Out of Space director Richard Stanely might be involved as well. Wood and Noah said that if there’s “enough of an appetite for these things, and we can keep them going and make at least three of them” because Lovecraft is “such an important voice in horror.”
Folklore (Blog That Time Forgot): Ah, that most feared & beloved of Scottish beasties, the Wild Haggis. Elusive yet ubiquitous, they’re rare enough to be seldom seen in the wild, yet populous enough to feed 5.4 million Scots every Burns’ Night. Some say they are small furry mammals, others that they are little birds with vestigial wings; some say their right (or left) legs are longer than the others to facilitate mountain navigation at the cost of reproductive opportunity, while others suppose that they have only three legs, or even no legs at all; there are those who compare their call with the drone of the bagpipes, and others who equate it with a whistly twittering.
Small Press (Rawle Nyanzi): There’s a particular short story magazine that chugs along like a little engine that could. In spite of financial challenges and some less-than-stellar sales figures, it keeps on keeping on through periodic crowdfunds and targeted marketing. I’m talking about Cirsova, the Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense, founded in 2016 by P. Alexander, a Twitter buddy of mine who did the interior formatting for both of my novels Sword & Flower and Shining Tomorrow.
RPG (Goodman Games): The third book in the Alphabet series is now ready for pre-order! The Cthulhu Alphabet is an organized book of madness that you can incorporate into any role-playing game, Dungeon Crawl Classics or otherwise! The Cthulhu Alphabet is a collection of random tables to inspire your role-playing game, structured around an abecedarian theme. If you are a player navigating an uncaring universe, a haunted setting, or a horror-filled dungeon, you will find new ideas for your character and adventures.
Tolkien (Tolkien and Fantasy): I’m using the term “Tolkienian resonances” in this post’s title to refer to some things that predate Tolkien’s own relevant works, but are certainly not influences. They could perhaps be called precursors, but that seems too expansive a term. In any case, a few of these works with such resonances are interesting, and I recount them here. First, there is the discovery by Mark Hooker of the poem “The Orc and His Globular Island.” Hooker wrote about it in the November 2019 issue of Beyond Bree. The poem is interesting not only for its use of the word orc, but for the orc’s similarities to Gollum in The Hobbit.
H. P. Lovecraft (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): Despite enjoying him as a good read, Lovecraft left Williams out of SUPERNATURAL HORROR IN LITERATURE, his monograph surveying the field, which he was expanding and revising at the time. Doubtless Williams did not make the final cut because Lovecraft had concluded that CW was really not a horror writer at all and also that only committed Xians wd fully appreciate these novels (Lovecraft himself was an atheist and nihilist).
Tarzan (DMR Books): As I stated this time last year, a significant portion of Tarzan fandom considers November 22 to be the ape-lord’s “real” birthday. That’s fine with me. It makes a perfectly good excuse to talk about my favorite works of Tarzanic art. I considered going through my faves in the order I first discovered them, but it was long enough ago—and much of it was in a fairly short span of time—that I decided to go chronologically as they were first published. Thus, the iconic cover for the first McClurg edition of Tarzan of the Apes has to start things out.
Pulp Art (Dark Worlds Quarterly): The first Pulp magazine to offer robot stories was not a purely Science Fiction mag but Weird Tales, which featured the first robotic brain, giant robots and robot despots in Edmond Hamilton’s “The Metal Giants” and Ray Cummings’ “The Robot God”.
Fiction (Don Herron): The other day Brian Leno mentioned that he’d heard good things about the novel Relic by Preston & Child — but even more specifically, he got the major tip-off from me.  I found the novel much, much better than the movie and could not believe that the movie cut out the role of Pendergast, an FBI guy who for all practical purposes may as well be Sherlock Holmes. My god, the best character. I could not believe it, and I still cannot believe it — who’d buy rights to The Hound of the Baskervilles and then delete Sherlock? What genius does that?
Ian Fleming (Mystery File): Thunderball was the eighth James Bond novel and followed a break after Goldfinger where the new James Bond had been a collection of short stories, For Your Eyes Only. In fact Thunderball was the result of the author’s dwindling enthusiasm for his creation after a series of bitter disappointments about Bond’s screen fortunes. A proposed Hitchcock film of From Russia With Love had fallen through (Hitchcock ended up doing North by Northwest instead), and while sales for the Bond novels had rocketed with Doctor No and Goldfinger, the television series pilot “Commander Jamaica” that fell through had become the plot of Doctor No.
Weapons (Pulp Rev): Swords are cool. That alone would be enough reason to include swords in fiction. And you can’t have a street samurai without a sword. But my preferred aesthetic, that of the military technothriller, demands greater justification than just ‘cool’. And for good reason: soldiers must justify every piece of gear they carry on a mission. Unnecessary gear just slows you down and takes up space.
Sensor Sweep: Alan Moore, Louis L’amour, Conan Pastiches, Robots published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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samheughanfansite · 7 years
New Post has been published on Sam Heughan FAN
New Update has been published on http://sam-heughan.com/2017/03/10/videopress-outlander-star-sam-heughan-recalls-his-acting-roots/
Video/Press: Outlander star Sam Heughan recalls his acting roots
SAM HEUGHAN has recalled his days studying at Glasgow’s ‘Royal Conservatoire’ performing arts academy, describing it as a “terrific experience”.
The Outlander star, a BA Acting graduate from the Glasgow institution, has been recruited alongside former alumni as part of a drive to attract the nation’s next generation of performing artists.
In a 4 minute interview shared by the Royal Conservatoire via Youtube, the actor recalls his formative years and reveals the invaluable lessons learned and friendships forged while studying for his diploma.
The Royal Conservatoire’s campaign arrives hot on the heels of the announcement that the institution is now regarded as the world’s third best college for performing arts.
Past alumni of the Scottish academy include household names such as James McAvoy, David Tennant, Katie Leung and Alan Cumming.
And Sam Heughan has no doubts that the time he spent at the institution has led him to where he is today. The actor said: “I had a terrific experience at the Royal Conservatoire, being here on the stage is where it all began for me. My training gave me opportunities to work in Scotland, the UK and now in America where I spend a lot of time.
“The Royal Conservatoire knows and understands this industry, the teaching staff have great relationships and partnerships with national theatre companies, directors, agents and casting agents.”
However, it wasn’t all plain sailing for the 36-year-old; Sam’s first audition didn’t quite go to plan: “I auditioned for the Royal Conservatoire twice. My first audition was very bad – I had no idea what I was doing but it instilled in me that I had to come back the next year and try again.
“If you don’t get in on your first attempt, it’s a test of character. In this industry you need to learn to take on board productive criticism.
“I needed to work harder and come back better – so when I auditioned the second time, I was determined I was going to get in. The audition process is not as scary as you might think. It was a really rewarding experience and then when I was offered a place, it was sheer elation.
“Thanks to drama school I made a core group of friends so that no matter where I am in the world, there is always a contingent of Scottish actors and familiar faces.”
Principal of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Professor Jeffrey Sharkey, said: “Scotland’s national conservatoire is one of the world’s top 10 performing arts institutions, ranked alongside great international establishments such as New York’s Juilliard and the Vienna Conservatoire.
“Students come from across the globe to access the high quality education on offer right here in Glasgow.
“We offer students a distinctive learning experience along with a strong belief in the transformative power of the performing arts, which allows us to be one of the most inclusive, diverse and collaborative institutions within Scotland as well as internationally.
“We welcome students from across Scotland, the UK, Europe and beyond to begin their learning journeys with us in September 2018.” – Source
#SamHeughan #Outlander
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-18 16 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
Nintendo Shining The Light On Indie Games Next Week
Fortnite Just Pulled A Weapon Due To A Bug
How Doctor Strange And Iron Man Will Interact In Infinity War, According To Benedict Cumberbatch
Instinct Review: Alan Cumming Isn't Able To Save CBS' Latest Procedural
Clarissa Explains It All Revival In The Works At Nickelodeon, Presumably To Finally Explain it All
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Black Panther' Star Chadwick Boseman to Host Saturday Night Live
'The Batman' Movie to Reportedly Go Into Production in 2019
Fan Recreates Hilarious 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Ending With 'The Last Jedi' Footage
'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer - Does Shuri Show Us a Dead Vision?
'Avengers: Infinity War': Thanos Draws Comparisons To "Savage Patrick"
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
RED SPARROW: A Sultry, Seductive Star Vehicle
Film School Rejects
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
‘Flower’ Review: Zoey Deutch Shines In a Highly Atypical Coming-of-Age Tale
The Great Big Irish Actors Appreciation Post
What My Experience With Cancer Helped Me Understand About ‘Annihilation’
Reddit Movies
Best Korean film to watch after watching and loving Oldboy?
'Creed 2' Has Begun Production
Official Discussion: Thoroughbreds [SPOILERS]
'The Batman' Film to Go Into Production in 2019
Shia LaBeouf will play his father in 'Honey Boy', a movie about himself
Roger Ebert
A brief note on depression
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
Screen Rant
15 Secrets Behind RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars
Benedict Cumberbatch Says There’s No Word On Doctor Strange 2
Agents of SHIELD: Old Enemies Return in ‘The Devil Complex’ Trailer
20 Times Degrassi Went Too Far
18 Crazy Secrets No One Knew About Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s Marriage
Slash Film
‘Ready Player One’ Almost Had Another Classic Movie Reference, But Spielberg Axed It [Updated]
‘Wildling’ Review: A Creature Feature About the Fear of Teenage Sexuality [SXSW]
‘Walking Dead’ Season Finale and ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Premiere Will Play In Theaters
‘Isle of Dogs’ Featurette: See The Work That Goes Into Creating These Very Good Dogs
TV Bits: ‘Family Guy’, ‘Sabrina’ ‘Camping’, ‘The Sinner’, ‘Valley of the Boom’, ‘Elvis Presley: The Searcher’
0 notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-18 13 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
Nintendo Shining The Light On Indie Games Next Week
Fortnite Just Pulled A Weapon Due To A Bug
How Doctor Strange And Iron Man Will Interact In Infinity War, According To Benedict Cumberbatch
Instinct Review: Alan Cumming Isn't Able To Save CBS' Latest Procedural
Clarissa Explains It All Revival In The Works At Nickelodeon, Presumably To Finally Explain it All
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer - Does Shuri Show Us a Dead Vision?
'Avengers: Infinity War': Thanos Draws Comparisons To "Savage Patrick"
Benedict Cumberbatch Doesn't Have Any Idea About 'Doctor Strange 2'
'Avengers: Infinity War' Collage Compares Comic vs. Movie
'Leprechaun Returns' Announced, First Teaser Released
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
RED SPARROW: A Sultry, Seductive Star Vehicle
Film School Rejects
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
‘Flower’ Review: Zoey Deutch Shines In a Highly Atypical Coming-of-Age Tale
The Great Big Irish Actors Appreciation Post
What My Experience With Cancer Helped Me Understand About ‘Annihilation’
Reddit Movies
Black Panther seen as too 'politically correct' for China as ticket sales collapse
'Creed 2' Has Begun Production
Official Discussion: Thoroughbreds [SPOILERS]
'The Batman' Film to Go Into Production in 2019
Shia LaBeouf will play his father in 'Honey Boy', a movie about himself
Roger Ebert
A brief note on depression
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
Screen Rant
15 Secrets Behind RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars
Benedict Cumberbatch Says There’s No Word On Doctor Strange 2
Agents of SHIELD: Old Enemies Return in ‘The Devil Complex’ Trailer
20 Times Degrassi Went Too Far
18 Crazy Secrets No One Knew About Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s Marriage
Slash Film
‘Wildling’ Review: A Creature Feature About the Fear of Teenage Sexuality [SXSW]
‘Walking Dead’ Season Finale and ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Premiere Will Play In Theaters
‘Isle of Dogs’ Featurette: See The Work That Goes Into Creating These Very Good Dogs
TV Bits: ‘Family Guy’, ‘Sabrina’ ‘Camping’, ‘The Sinner’, ‘Valley of the Boom’, ‘Elvis Presley: The Searcher’
How ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Celebrates Femininity and Young Womanhood
0 notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-18 10 MOVIE now
Birth. Movies. Death.
SXSW 2018 Review: TAKE YOUR PILLS Shines A Light On An Alarming Problem
Is Denis Villeneuve Still Making a DUNE Movie? Nope! Now He’s Making TWO Of Them
FIRST MATCH Trailer Takes A Girl’s Troubles To The Mat
Wes Anderson And Bill Murray: A Cinematic Rapport
Book Review: S. Craig Zahler’s HUG CHICKENPENNY Is A Touching Gothic Parable
Film Review: The Square
Banking on a box office hit
DVD Review: The Barefoot Contessa
Film Review: A Prominent Patient
Film Review: Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story
Cinema Blend
Nintendo Shining The Light On Indie Games Next Week
Fortnite Just Pulled A Weapon Due To A Bug
How Doctor Strange And Iron Man Will Interact In Infinity War, According To Benedict Cumberbatch
Instinct Review: Alan Cumming Isn't Able To Save CBS' Latest Procedural
Clarissa Explains It All Revival In The Works At Nickelodeon, Presumably To Finally Explain it All
Cinema Scope
Madame Hyde (Serge Bozon, France/Belgium)
The Green Fog (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson, US/Canada)
Cocote (Nelson Carlo de Los Santos Arias, Dominican Republic/Argentina/Germany)
The Uses of Disenchantment: Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water
3/4 (Ilian Metev, Bulgaria/Germany)
'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer - 7 Best Lines
'Avengers: Infinity War' Runtime Officially Confirmed
'Avengers: Infinity War' Is A Personal Journey For Russo Brothers
'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer - Does Shuri Show Us a Dead Vision?
Watch the Teaser for John Williams' Score-Only Version of 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'
Film Comment Magazine
SXSW Interview: Eugene Kotlyarenko
Film of the Week: 12 Days
SXSW Interview: Lauren Greenfield
Deep Focus: Tomb Raider
Queer & Now & Then: 1932
Film Inquiry
SXSW Review: Short Films
SXSW Review: PROSPECT: A Slow-Burning, Atmospheric Hard Sci-Fi
AGAINST THE NIGHT: A Thoroughly Dull Horror Effort
THE FORGIVEN: Whitaker & Bana At Their Respective Bests
RED SPARROW: A Sultry, Seductive Star Vehicle
Film School Rejects
Brett Haley and Nick Offerman Talk Music and ‘Hearts Beat Loud’
Watch ‘Tomb Raider,’ Then Watch These Movies
‘Flower’ Review: Zoey Deutch Shines In a Highly Atypical Coming-of-Age Tale
The Great Big Irish Actors Appreciation Post
What My Experience With Cancer Helped Me Understand About ‘Annihilation’
Reddit Movies
Cinematography in 'Game night'
"Awakenings" (1990), a beautiful, moving film about waking up from a long slumber and realizing life has moved on without him. Robert De Niro and Robin Williams give two stellar performances.
What is the shortest amount of time between two movies featuring an actor portraying the same character?
St. Patrick's Day Film Review - Song of the Sea
Uncensored bloopers from classic movies of the 1930s and 1940s
Roger Ebert
A brief note on depression
Oscar Flashback: At the Oscars Without You: A Letter to Roger
The Unloved, Part 51: "Mademoiselle"
Leonard Doyle (1928-2018): Longtime Ebertfest Greeter at Virginia Theatre
Celebration of Life for Mary Frances Fagan to be Held April 14th
Screen Rant
Agents of SHIELD: Old Enemies Return in ‘The Devil Complex’ Trailer
20 Times Degrassi Went Too Far
18 Crazy Secrets No One Knew About Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s Marriage
15 Worst Things Harley Quinn Has Ever Done To The Joker
Exclusive First Look: Green Arrow Premium Format Figure
Slash Film
‘Wildling’ Review: A Creature Feature About the Fear of Teenage Sexuality [SXSW]
‘Walking Dead’ Season Finale and ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Premiere Will Play In Theaters
‘Isle of Dogs’ Featurette: See The Work That Goes Into Creating These Very Good Dogs
TV Bits: ‘Family Guy’, ‘Sabrina’ ‘Camping’, ‘The Sinner’, ‘Valley of the Boom’, ‘Elvis Presley: The Searcher’
How ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Celebrates Femininity and Young Womanhood
0 notes