#aint smut but you freaks search that shit up
eccentriccowboy · 6 years
Assassin// pt. 2
Synopsis: Y/n goes for her next target, with the help of a little someone.
Pairing: Slow burn relationship between bestfriend!Luke and Y/N
Warnings: Swearing. Bad editing. Epic chasing scenes that might remind you of Fast and Furious except better.
Word Count: 2.2 k
Notes: i jammed so hard to killer queen while writing this FUCk. also i’m beginning to realize all of my plot holes whoops ain’t gonna fix thoses yEET.
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Well shit.
Of course your next target just so happens to be the strongest player in the game. Ashton has won a whopping six times, and if he didn’t place first he was usually runner-up.
Ashton seemed to always be in the right place at the right time, always getting his targets when they least expect it. And to add on to it, Ashton runs fast. Like, really fast. So if you were to ever catch him he can escape the old fashioned way by just running away. 
You knew you weren’t going to be able to catch Ashton alone. You were going to need some help. But that’s where things get tricky.
You could enlist the help of Michael, but he can’t do anything. Once you’re out of the game you can’t help the people still playing, you just get to watch on the sidelines. You could ally yourself with Calum, but he might be your attacker and then he’ll trick you and tag you. So you could enlist the help of Luke, but again, you don’t know who he’s got. If you wanna win you’re gonna have to figure out who has who. 
If there is one thing you love Luke for it’s how gullible he is. It’s endearing that he believes everything he is told. Hell, you could confess to him that you’re an alien from outer space and he’d ask to see photos of your planet.
You devised a simple plan. You would tell Luke that your target is Calum. Because if Luke doesn’t have you, and you have Ashton, that means the only other possible option is Calum. So if he says that you’re lying, well then you know you can trust him.
The only way this could mess up is if Luke does actually have you and realizes your plan and goes along with it just to trick you. But based off of year prior playing this game, you don’t think Luke is. 
Luke would be really great at this game, except he always makes stupid mistakes that eventually lead to his downfall. In 2017′s game, he accidentally left his Find My Friends app on, leading you right to him.
You’ve consistently been very smart when it comes to Assassin, yet you could never manage to win. You realized this year what you may have been doing wrong. Every year, you’d wait for your victim to come out in the open. Sometimes it was too late, and your attacker would get you first. This time, like you did to Michael, you’re going to make them come out into the open.
So with confidence in your plan and Luke’s gullibility, you enacted Phase One: Call Luke.
You grabbed your phone from the kitchen counter and quickly dialed your best friend. Your heart skipped a beat when he picked up, but you quickly put that thought to the side to talk to him. 
“Hey Luke,” you started off simply.
“Y/N, I swear if your at a police station right now and your tracking this call to see where I am I’ll have you know I’m at home where you cannot attack me,” Luke stated blatantly.
You laughed. “God Luke, that’s not a very warm welcome,”
“I’m playing this game to win, and your foolish plan will not get in the way with that,”
“Well, my so-called plan includes you. But it helps both of us.”
“What if you have me? And this is all a trick? You sick fuck.”
You laughed again. “Luke, oh my god, hear me out. I have Calum. I’m guessing you have Ashton so we should team up and get them out together.”
You could hear Luke’s confusion in his voice, you could picture his brow’s furrowing. “Wait no I have Calum, that’s impossible.”
You continued on with your lie “Um, no, I have Calum, you liar. You’re calling me a sick fuck when here you are lying to your best friend of over ten years just for a petty game? I’m disappointed in you,” you tried your best to contain your smile.
“No, no, no Y/N, I swear I have Calum, I would never do that to you,” Luke paused, and as he did you couldn’t help but feel bad for basically lying and taking advantage of this poor, sweet boy. But then again you want to win.
“Hey! Is this me catching you in a lie? DO YOU HAVE ME AND YOU WERE TRYING TO TRICK ME? OH MY GOD YOU ARE A SICK FUCK, Y’N!” Luke scrambled.
“Wait no! no, no no, no, no. I was checking if you were lying to me. I have Ashton!” you tried to explain.
“I don’t believe you,” Luke said.
“I promise, Luke. I’m trying to work with you because I need help getting Ashton out, I know I won’t be able to get him out alone. Please,” you begged.
Luke didn’t speak for a few moments, before huffing out a sigh. “Fine, but if we are working together we will meet at my place. I still don’t know if I can trust you.”
You smiled. “Good, see you in ten.”
You looked one more time outside your car window, left, right, in front, and the back, before taking one step out and rushing into Luke’s apartment building. Once reaching his apartment door, you pulled out your spare key and quickly got yourself inside, slamming the door a bit too harshly behind you.
Luke was sitting on the couch, his knee jumping eagerly. “Tell me, tell me, tell me. Let’s get out those bastards,” he said excitedly.
Usually you would tell him to relax, but right now you were filled up with just as much excitement. Luke doesn’t know it, but you’re gonna win the game.
You began to tell him the first phase of the plan, where you get out Ashton. Luke argued that he should get Calum out first, since he was risking his life allying himself with you, but you refused, bringing up how you created the plan. He grudgingly agreed, shaking his head and muttering about the things I do for you, causing you to giggle. God dammit he’s make it hard to hide your feelings. 
But you put your pent-up emotions to the side, you had bigger problems in life right now. And you sure as hell weren’t gonna let them get in the way of winning.
You sat in your car, waiting patiently. You’ve been here for the past 15 minutes, but you didn’t get bored as you had Luke on facetime, also waiting in his own car, about five parking slots away from you.
Except these weren’t your cars, these were rentals. You guys went big for this plan.
The plan was something you were proud of. You’ve learned throughout the years while playing the game that no matter the circumstances, Ashton doesn’t miss a yoga class. He does, however, switch the hour he goes out. He’s gone so far as to change gyms completely to attend a different class for a few games. But this time you planned ahead.
You may or may not have gone across town yesterday and asked the receptionist at each gym to see if a “Mister Ashton Irwin” had been attending classes there. After trying and failing at a few different gyms, one downtown finally said he had been going there for the past two weeks. You then gave your number and 50 bucks to the receptionist, telling her to call you when he arrived for his next class.
That was all it took for you to be sitting outside the gym now, waiting for your victim to walk out into your trap. You had Luke waiting in his rental car, waiting just in case things go bad. If all else failed, you would have Luke drive in front of the parking lot exit to block Ashton’s car. But honestly you doubt they will, you’re confident in your plan.
Just then, you see a sweaty tall man walk outside the gym. Your heart began to beat faster as you sneakily opened up your car door to crouch on the ground, crawling around until you had your eyes on Ashton, who was slowly making his way to his car in the parking lot. 
With every step your heart beat quickened, your nerves getting to you. Right as Ashton was about to turn the corner to get into his car you jumped out at him.
But he took a step back. His eyes widened in surprised before he realized what was happening. 
“Nice try, y/n, but not today,” he ran in the other direction, and you started to chase his around the gym’s parking lot.
Around and around you went, but he never slowed down. God dammit he was fast. You tried to catch him, but with his endurance and agility, which he swore he got from yoga, it was highly unlikely. You slowed down, and as Ashton reached his car, swinging the door open and showing you the finger before he closed it.
You didn’t hurry to your car, though, because you know Luke had already realized what was happening. He had taken the spot next to the parking lot exit, so he could quickly block it before Ashton could get out.
And that’s exactly what he did. Ashton muttered a curse, before he realized who was in the driver’s seat of this mystery car, realizing that you and Luke must have made an alliance. 
You thought this was it, and you started walking to the driver’s door in Ashton’s car. But suddenly, Ashton reversed and swiftly exited through the parking lot’s entrance, almost crashing into a car entering. The car honked at him, and you couldn’t help but let out a small cry of frustration. He got away.
Luke reversed, before leaning over to open the passenger door. “Get in loser, we’re going on a car chase,” 
You laughed, before stumbling into his car. Before your door was even completely shut he was driving away, speeding his way to get onto Ashton’s tail.
“Faster!” you urged Luke. You could see Ashton’s car, 2 ahead of yours. Luke swerved into the next lane, quickly going around the 2 cars to be behind Ashton.
When Ashton saw who was behind him, he only sped up, exceeding the speed limit greatly. He was forming a plan to lose you guys in a car chase, when all of the sudden, a cop car came speeding down, cutting off you and Luke and turning his siren on behind him. 
You’ve got to be kidding me. Ashton was being pulled over!
Ashton felt a pit in his stomach, but by law he had to pull over. He did as he was supposed to, knowing his game was over.
You two followed the cop car, pulling over behind them. You jumped out of the car, slowing walking over so as to not warn the cop of anything suspicious, and as Ashton rolled down his window for the police officer, you quickly opened up the passenger door and sat down.
“Hey, Ashton, everything alright? In any trouble?” you leaned over, rubbing both your hands over his shoulder in a fake caring way, eliminating him from the game.
“Dammit, y/n, first a ticket, and now I’m out of the game. That’s just cruel,” Ashton shook his head, before having his attention drawn back to the very professional police officer standing outside his window.
“Excuse me, Ma’m(or sir idk who you are or what you’re into), if you would please step out of the vehicle so I can deal with this man,” he said sternly.
You quickly apologized, shooting Ashton an apologetic glance before rushing back to the car. 
You tried to open the door, but it was locked. You looked at Luke, motioning for him to open the door, but he only opened the window. 
“I want to remind you that we have an alliance until I get out Calum, and only after than can you get me.”
You had forgotten that getting out Ashton means you get his target, and as Luke has Calum, that only means that you now have Luke. 
“Yes, I know. I wasn’t even planning on doing anything now, that would just be boring,” you joked.
Luke looked at you, then back at the road, before sighing and unlocking the door.
As he put the car into drive, he said, “The cop didn’t looked too pleased with you.”
“Oh definitely not. But you should have seen the look of despair on Ashton’s face!”
You began to tell him about what he missed while he was in the car. After, the car settled into a comfortable silence, until Luke once again pulled into the gym parking lot, where your rental car was waiting.
“Thanks for this by the way,” you muttered, leaning over to press a kiss to Luke’s cheek. You flushed as you got out of the car, walking quickly back to the rental before you could see Luke’s reaction. You didn’t know what got into you, it must of been from coming down from the adrenaline high. No matter what it was, you had to get it under control. You shouldn’t be in love with the man that you’re about to get out next.
taglist for Assassin: @cashtonspicelatte @curlious
@wrappedaroundcal @teenswithbrokensmiles @lu-fakebetch
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eccentriccowboy · 6 years
Assassin// pt. 3
Synopsis: Luke confronts his target with the help of y/n and her secret weapon.
Can you tell I’m not good at synopsis’?? that was god awful just read the god damn fic ok
Pairing: Slow burn bestfriend!Luke x reader
Warnings: None besides my lack of proofreading.
Word Count: 1.9 k
Notes: Im so so sorry this took so long to write life has been all over the place for me at the moment.
part 1 and part 2 here!!
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also i cant stop staring at calum leaning back on michaels arm and just wow what couple goals. and also ashton glaring back at them bc michaels touching his man.
As the number of players dwindled down Luke was beginning to become more and more anxious.  I better not mess up now, like I usually do, Luke was thinking, lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. I need another win. At least I’ve won twice, unlike Y/N.
Y/N. Fuck. She(He/they, idk who you are) is so focused on winning this year, it’s adorable. Part of me, the part that can’t stop thinking about her smile, or her laugh, or the way she says my name, wants to help her win; even if that means I lose. But the logical side of me is telling me that’s stupid, she hasn’t even shown she likes me back.
But she did kiss me on the cheek earlier today. Thinking about it made Luke’s heart clench tightly, a small smile at the memory tracing his lips. But she’s done that before, it probably wasn’t anything special, just a way of saying thanks. Luke reasoned with himself. But this one was different, it felt different. And she left so quickly afterwards. Was she nervous? Does she feel the same? 
Luke shook his head, his feelings getting the best of him. He should be focusing on how to get Calum out. He’ll deal with you later. Luke turned on his side, trying to get more comfortable in the hopes of finally finding sleep. After a long while, he drifted off to dream, the feeling of your soft lips against his cheek never leaving his mind, no matter his state of consciousness.
Luke woke early that morning to the sound of his phone ringing loudly. He quickly reached over to his nightstand, his heart clenching when he saw your name flash across the screen.
He ran a hand through his curls, even though you couldn’t see him, before pressing the ‘answer’ button.
“Yea?” he answered, his voice hoarse from his sudden awakening.
“Hey,” you replied, trying your best to not focus on how low and gruff his morning voice sounded. Damn it, he’s gonna be the death of you.
“Whya calling me so early?” he asked. “Not that I’m mad or anything, just like, wondering,” Luke cringed internally at his awkwardness, but thankfully enough you giggled.
“Well we’ve got Calum to get out, don’t we? Times a tickin’.“
Luke chuckled. “God damn, Y/N. You really wanna win this year, huh? You know this game could go on for weeks, really.”
You shrugged. “So what if I wanna be victorious a bit early?”
“Fair enough,” Luke agreed, “But what’s the plan? I can tell you’ve already made one up.”
You smirked mischievously. “Open up your door and find out,”
Luke’s eyes widened. He didn’t know you were already here. He quickly rushed out of bed, throwing on a pair of sweatpants before looking himself in the mirror and splashing water on his face.
He jumped to his door, opening up to see you and a guest waiting, smiling at each other. Luke’s jaw dropped, disbelief riding over him that you would go this far.
There in front of him stood Mali-koa, Calum’s sister, who he hasn’t seen in well over six months.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me, Y/N,” Luke laughed, bring Mali in for a hug. She laughed along with him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Once they stepped back from the hug, Luke ushered you two into his apartment, still in disbelief you’d go as far as to fly in Mali for this game.
Luke flopped on the couch, jiggling his knee in excitement, “I see you have brought a secret weapon,”
Mali laughed at that. “Is that all I am to you?”
The two of them dove into conversation, catching up like old buddied. They had grown up together, so seeing each other was always a pleasant occasion.
Meanwhile, you were a bit too busy trying to distract yourself with your phone to get your mind off of Luke, who was sitting two feet away. Shirtless.
It’s not like you haven’t ever seen him shirtless before, it just caught you off guard. Here you are trying to organize a plan to help him yet you could not stop staring at the line of silver necklaces that laid against his broad chest.
Mali and Luke’s conversation had drifted to this year’s game of Assassin. He had started to ask her about the plan, but apparently she didn’t know, either. 
This led to you, the Puppet Master, if you will. You began to explain the plan, a rather simple one compared to the amount of work(going through trash) it took to get Michael and Ashton out. For this one, you really just get to sit back and watch the plan unfold.
It started with a text. A short, quick one from Mali to Calum. Hey there, lil bro. Want a surprise gift?? You smirked as Mali sent it, waiting for Calum’s reply.
It did not take long for the response. Calum texted back a quick what? and just like that the plan was in action.
Mali revealed what was happening, or what Calum would think was happening. Wellll, I may or may not be in LA right now to visit you...
You giggled, knowing already that Calum won’t be able to turn this down. You kind of felt bad, taking advantage of Calum’s family connection just to win a game, or in this case for Luke to win, but to be fair, the Hoods were an easy-going family; And technically, you didn’t specifically tell Mali too come here to help trick her brother into losing, you more so just knew she was planning on visiting her brother soon and suggested she fly on the closest available day possible. 
Mali boarded the next possible flight right after you two talked, knowing it’d be hilarious to not only trick Calum, but get to brag about it afterwards. And hey, she gets to see her brother, who she hadn’t seen in ages.
Calum started screaming at Mali over text, clearly showing his excitement over her being here. After countless texts, blowing up Mali’s phone, she suggested the two meet up. Calum immediately agreed.
They agreed to meet at a bar that was close to Mali’s hotel, the plan setting in place perfectly. 
Luke started to get giddy with excitement, tricking his best friend bringing his great joy. He couldn’t believe he fell for this so easily.
Right when the three of you were getting ready to walk out the door, Mali’s phone rang. 
“Shit, it’s Calum.” Mali answered the call, her bright face slowly falling. “Gimme a minute, ok?” she told the caller. 
She put her hand over her phone, blocking out her next words. “He fucking remembered the game. He’s asking if I can just meet up with him at his place.”
Your face fell, the thought of the plan failing hitting you hard. But you did not get Mali to fly all the way over here just for a family reunion. Nuh-uh, Luke was going to get Calum out. 
Luke was as determined as you are. “Tell him his place is really far from your hotel, you’re tired.”
Mali quickly reiterated the lines, going on about how much she did just to get here. Calum hesitated, but reluctantly agreed.
“Fine, just don’t post anything about where we’re gonna be. And for the love of god Mali, don’t you dare fucking talk to Luke,” he said before hanging up the phone.
Mali laughed, the adrenaline of this plan settling in. “Let’s go get that bastard out.”
Kicking it in the passenger seat of Luke’s rental car was by far the easiest part of the night. The three of you had driven over to the bar, but you had stayed in the car, locked in and safe away from Calum, your attacker.
Meanwhile, Mali had walked into the bar, where she waits for her brother. Luke, on the other hand, was waiting in the men’s room, waiting for the queue from you to run and get Calum.
It wasn’t long until you saw Calum’s car pull up to the bar, right next to the rental. You slumped down in your seat, keeping your eyes trained on Calum’s body as he walked quickly into the bar, his head checking behind his shoulder, paranoid that Luke was here. And, oh boy, should he be.
You called Luke on facetime, wanting him to film when he got Calum out. He answered from the boys bathroom, and automatically knew what you were calling for. Excitement took over his features, and your heart warmed at his smile. You smiled back, and told him Calum had just entered the bar.
He kept you on facetime as he quietly opened the bathroom door and tiptoed his way around the wall, peaking around to see Mali and Calum hugging. Mali was smiling over his shoulder, her arms wrapped tightly around her brother, and as she opened her eyes she made eye contact with Luke, sending him a quick thumbs up.
Right as they were pulling away from the hug, Luke ran up from behind, placing both hands on Calum’s shoulders. Calum looked behind him, bewildered, before realization struck. 
“Fuck, No! You’ve gotta be kiddin me!” Calum wailed. Luke broke out in a fit of laughter, you along with him. Mali giggled as well, wrapping her arm around her brother’s shoulders. 
“Sorry, lil bro, Y/N’s got a devious brain, that one” Mali remarked, making you laugh harder over the phone. 
“Fuck you, Y/N” Calum laughed. “I was planning to get you out tomorrow,”
“Well not anymore!” Luke hollered, ecstatic over his win. 
“Well now you’ve gotta go up against her,” Calum reminded him, crossing his arms. 
Mali laughed. “Good luck with that, she seems pretty determined this year.”
“Now get out of here, let me enjoy some time with my sister without you asshole” Calum said. 
Luke said his goodbyes, before looking to you on facetime. “Alright, we only have the one car. So I say, I’ll drive us to my home, we can kick it there. No attacking the other. The game will start again tomorrow. Deal?” Luke questioned.
“Deal,” you agreed. “Let’s order some food.” you said, before hanging up and waiting for him to come back to the car.
Before he entered the rental, he reminded you of your deal, as if you didn’t just make it 30 seconds ago. 
“Yes, I understand. Now just take me home. I’m tired.” you replied, the adrenaline from your plan succeeding wearing off.
He got in the car, a small smile still on his face, making you smile a bit, too. You leaned against the car window, admiring the man seated next to you. You two drove in comfortable silence, until he finally said: “Thank you for today. The plan and stuff, it was- it was really cool.” He smiled, turning his eyes away from the road to face you. 
You smiled back, keeping eye contact until he had to face the road again. You kept looking at him, until you slowly drifted off to sleep in the passenger seat, only coming to consciousness once more later.  When Luke had tucked you into his bed, pressing a small kiss to your forehead, the feeling of his soft lips on your forehead becoming engrained into your memory.
thanks for reading!!
taglist for Assassin: @cashtonspicelatte @curlious
@wrappedaroundcal @teenswithbrokensmiles @lu-fakebetch @northangerpark
@summertime-acoustic @yasminesflowers @oh-annaa @that1girlmary
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