#ashon irwin smut
smuttyaf · 5 years
Heaven Sent
Call Me By Your Name; Inspired. 
You never want to let him go, and you never wanted the taste of him to leave your buds. You wanted him to stay and to live with you and the sun and by the banks of the sea where his loose curls will say hello to you and you will say hi back with your fingers running through his vanilla scented hair as you placed a kiss amongst his mop of hair. You wanted him forever.
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Words: 5.1k
Request: No
Rating: R 
(author note: this writing piece is inspired but the book and film, Call Me By Your Name. I absolutely fell in love with this art work and scripture. It really inspired me to write this piece and also to get back into writing. I hope everyone enjoys my writing, this is definitely one of my personal favorite writing.
please also leave feedback and let me know if your liked it, or loved it as much as i do! )
Soft fingertips gazed your skin as sunlight filtered through the small room, in poured the smell of the salt scented ocean that ran a few miles away from where you lay, your mind ran memories of the summer moments that kept your heart afloat in the daisy days that you have been having.
The floor boards creak in the sun abundant expense of your bed room as you lay limb in the soft hands that continue to expand over your body. From your neck, ribs, hips, thigh, to feet, creased every inch of warm skin and soft hairs that grew over your curved body.
“Are you awake?” He spoke into the once quiet atmosphere. You suck in a deep breath of air that you let slip out through your nose, your eyes peeling open and seeing the nude blanket covering the inches of your thighs as you turned your head up to look at the ceiling.
You let a quiet hum slip through your lips as the sound of his skin brushing against yours continues to echo in the four walls of the room. Cracks in the ceiling gave character to the bland space that had books covering most of the walls and furniture in it, there was music scriptures with pencils and pens scattered amongst the study desk that accompany your room, as well as candles and clothing articles also being scattered amongst the mess.
“Are you okay?” The voice continues, hands stopping below your stomach and feeling the skin there with their thumb.
You let another hum slip through your lips before letting your tongue slip out of your mouth and licking over your top lip before turning your gaze away from the cracked roof to peer into the lovers boy eyes next you that cuddle into your warmth, and you into his.
“Are you okay?” You speak to him, your eyes watching as his lengthy eyelashes cast a shadow over his under eyes as he also licks his lips and lets a hum slip out of his mouth.
His feathery blonde hair that curled loosely at the ends brushed up against the sides of his neck as his ears perked up in its effortless way as he continued to lie against you. His Adam’s apple bobbed once he lets his saliva breeze down his throat, his naked skin causing you to twist your body to lie on top of him and letting your lips press against the veins smooth amongst his skin.
Deep breaths lift from your lungs as you breathe in his cool scent. The smell of light lavender, mixed with the signature scent of the muskiness of his manhood, as well as his faint smell of sweat mixed along with your sweet scent. This smell is something you died for; you never wanted it to leave your nose. You wanted the smell to swaddle you up whole, wrap its arms around you and never let it slip between your fingers even though you knew it was slipping between your fingers at every passing moment as the days continue to come, you counting down mindlessly.
“This is my favorite moment,” The deep voice speaks, his chest thundering against yours as your body continues to lie in his as you press a kiss against the soft skin by his collar bones.
“With the sun,” You gently say, your fingers peeling away from your sides and running against soft skin of the blue eyed boy.
“The sun and you,” He breathed, his eyes never peeling away from yours as one of his hands come up and cup your jaw into his hands. Your fingers continuing to flow against his skin, never wanting the feeling to end as you feel the ripple and sag of his tissue. You never wanted the feeling to end.
You continue to look into his eyes as they hold so much endearment and passion in them, from the day you met to the heart wrenching feeling that caves in your chest and wanting nothing more than to crawl into his body and live there for the rest of your life. You felt as if you both were made for each other but you never said a word, you never said a thing, because you did not want to scare him off. You wanted him close, since you first saw him.
Blue fluffy shirt and mysterious eyes greeting yours as the sun continued to rise. Flashbacks of your first time meeting forever playing every time you stare into his sapphire eyes, you couldn’t help but keep drowning in.
It was the simple, “Hello,” with a firm hand shake that had you caving, and every single time you remember you laugh at it foolishly how easily he had you wrapped around his finger. It was so easy that you wonder if he knew. You wonder if he knew how easily you fell for him; could he tell when your fingers itched to be near his, or when you stuttered speaking once before asking him if he knew anything about the piano, or did he know when your eyes scanned every expense of his skin when it shown on the banks of the sea were you both would swim for hours on end. You always wonder, when did he know when you fell for him.
You could not help the smile that plastered on your face as you continue to scan every feature of his, every feature that you have kissed over many, many times on end, always wanting to know how his eyelashes felt between your lips or wondering if the end of his nose was really as soft as the rest of his body. You learnt the structure of his figure inside and out from the many weeks you spent together and loved every inch of his skin. From the light blonde hairs that grew out of his thick scalp to the craters in his feet that pressed against the wooden floor boards of this house that he called home for six weeks.
You love it.
Or did you love something more and was just too afraid to say. You were always afraid of asking because you always cared about what he thought. So you kept your mouth shut and your feelings at bay as you continue to breathe in the sea scent that flooded your room now, basically begging you to get up and let your body dive deep into the cool chill of the water and let it consume you whole just like your feelings.
“Let’s go swimming,” You smile, your fingers halting against his skin before pushing against it and rising your body up. You twist and carry the bedroom sheet with you as you let your head turn away from the beauty that lies in front of you to look out the window that shows the acres of trees and stones that you let your eyes reminisce on, during the many times you were here.
“You’ve barely spoken to me today,” Luke says, water droplets dripping down his shoulders as his hair mattes to his forehead; he lets his hands continue to roam over his body to dry the water on his skin.
“I’m thinking,” You say, your fingers brushing into the seeds of the sand as you look up at him, the sun ruining your vision for a moment before you turn it back towards the bank of the water.
“What are you thinking about,” He continues, his body lying down at the bottom of the towel by your feet as he takes them into his hands and begin to massage it. A small smile tugging at the ends of your lips as you watch as he turns his attention away from you and to relieve the knot in the bottom of your foot.
“It’s private,” You say, voice hush as the waves hit the shore and the feeling of uneasiness willows in your stomach.
“It’s private she says,” Luke lets out; you shake your head smugly before tearing your feet from out of his grasps. Luke lets out a laugh, turning onto his stomach and grasping his sunglass off of the towel and slipping them on.
“There is a lot going on Luke,” You state, your ankles crossing as you sit up, your hand coming down to draw little circles onto his back. Your teeth biting into your lip as you try to keep yourself at ease.
“There will always be a lot going on,” Luke says while his back curves into your fingers. You let a deep sigh slip out of your lips, of course. “There will always be something going on in this world. The world will never stop spinning, time never stops ticking, and the waves keep on crashing, but as long as I have you then it always feels as if… everything does stop.” Luke says, his head leaning into your calf and the palms of his hands lying against your ankles.
“Nothing ever really stops,” You say, tongue poking out of your mouth and scanning over your lips before looking down at the dirty blonde head.
“Stop thinking,” Luke sighs, his head shaking against your body and causing you to roll your eyes in annoyance.
“I can’t stop thinking if that’s the only thing on my mind.” You speak in exhaustion before you let your back smack against the sand. Your arms digging into the warm sand and letting it consume you, wishing that it would consume you whole.
“Stop thinking,” He continues, and you just shake your head and let another breath consume your lungs and slip out of your nose.
It was so easy for Luke to tell you to stop thinking, but he clearly wasn’t going through what you were going through and it figures. Your heart knew it was going to tear into strings as the days continue to count down where he will soon leave you in the mist of summer love, and you hated how it turn you upside down, feeling numb till you let your lungs fill with air and trying your hardest to never let it get to you.
Stop thinking.
But you couldn’t, you could never, and even once Luke left you still would not stop thinking. Thinking about the first kiss, the place you showed him where you would go when you wanted a piece of mind, thinking about the hands brushing against each other under the kitchen table or when you would walk past each other in the corridor, your eyes locking and speaking a hush language that only the both of you knew. Your thoughts never stopped floating in, and you couldn’t help it.  
“Stop thinking,” You whisper, your eyes closing as you swallow the aching in your throat as you feel your eyes brim with tears. You hope to god Luke wasn’t watching you.
But he was, he was watching the sand dig into your skin and seep into the nestle of your hair, your crimson one piece bathing suit clinging onto the curves of your shoulders as your eyes were closed and the sun kisses you.
His mouth open to speak but quickly falling shut as he watched your eyelids flicker while them being closed, something he noticed you did when you would worry.
Luke knew what was going on, he wasn’t stupid but he tried not to think about it, even though it was killing him inside. He knew what it was like to have flings, they come and go, hell, he had a few when he was a teenager when he would go to camp in Muskoka in Canada when he lived with his grandparents for a short while, so he knew what to expect but he did not imagine for this “fling” to hit hard. He would not even call what he and you had a “fling”; it was so much more than that.
He wonder what it would be like if he left, how he would see the world without you and he hated to even think about it so he acted as if it was the last thing on the brink of his mind even though he and you knew, that you were both counting down when you both were going to departure from each other’s presence.
“I know,” Luke says before peeling away from your calf and fixing his body to lie against you, his lips coming to pepper kisses against the temple of your forehead.
“Please… just stop thinking.”
It was the year of 1983 and during the summer months you spent it at your parent’s Cliffside mansion on the Italian Riviera. Every year your parents would sort through profile cards on guest who would stay with your family as the summer begin to wind down, the guests were never charged but they had to make the exception that they would have to help your father with his translations that he did for many authors and professors, as he was one himself.
You thought this summer would have been like the many other summers before but you quickly knew it wasn’t when Luke was drawn to you as you were to him.
You tried to brush the feeling aside and let your closed personality give him the hint that you really did not want anything to do with him. But he still tried.
He would get you to ride his bike with him into town to go pick up your fathers daily transcripts, or he would bring you down to the sea we’re you both would swim from sun up to sun down.
Soon you begin to learn every inch of his skin as he cracked your armored persona. You learned his scent and his style, you learned how to play the guitar by his steady hands guiding you through the strings, you learned how to catch your very first fish, and you learned how to love.
It came slow but crash landed and set a flame to everything you thought you knew about love. You never knew that love was slow and unpromising; you never knew that it rippled against your feelings before sending alarming waves to your heart. You never knew pressing your lips against the sweet cupid bow of his would cause this much pain that you were nearing.
You absolutely adored Luke and everyone could see that. They could tell by the way you looked at each other, the faint smiles you would share during dinner when an argument was at place and you two both knew well how it would end, they could tell by the way he followed you around and ask nearly every second where you were, only for you to be found by a piano or loafing out by the river reading along to the author, André Acinan.
They knew before you both knew.
They also knew before you both knew how it would end.
But this was something you did not expect in the mist of your summer here, you always expected to be ignored by the guest who stayed the last months of summer, always letting a small, “hi” and “bye” leave your lips whenever encountering with a guest but instead Luke always asked you what your thoughts were on certain things.
“What do you think about death?”
“It’s the only thing promised in life. It’s probably one thing I’m not scared about like most people, I have grown to welcome it.”
“What are your thoughts on about the afterlife?”
“I believe we leave and watch as life goes on, we never really pass on we just watch as life goes on without us.”
“What are your thoughts on about love?”
“It’s supposed to feel like something out of the movies, right, something that compels you to never want to be with anyone else but that other person and nearly dying if they ever leave.”
“Have you ever experienced it before?”
“Are you scared too?”
There you were letting the feelings crash upon like a boat lost at sea battling the chaotic waves of feeling so lost and not knowing where to turn. Where to look and where to find someone so they could hold you ever so close that you try to forget everything, forget this feeling, forget the way he felt between your finger tips, forget the way he smiles under your thumb before pressing a lonesome kiss to it. Just forget everything.
You wanted nothing more than to forget but your heart new better than that. Your heart welcomed that dying feeling to remember what it’s like to be human and what it’s like to feel for once in your lonely life of piano playing and inked filled words; to feel heartbroken.
Your heart was beating fast, as your lips beamed a cheerful smile your body dancing upbeat to the rhythmic music blasting through the speakers of the bar that you and Luke decided to go to since your parents wondered what the night held for you both.
The plan wasn’t actually to end up there but Luke has good ears and seemed to never turn away from music, you swore one time that he has bats ears; he could hear music from a mile away. You really admire it though. You admire everything about him.
From his infectious smile that lit up the room and your soul so easily that you found it so crazy how completely obsessed you were with a man you met only for a couple of weeks.
Your feet continue to move to the beat of the music as the alcohol that you consumed moments ago continues to fill your body up and leave you happy, something you haven’t been feeling recently due to traumatic heartbreak that will be accompanying you soon.
The softness of his hands wrapped around your waist and moved along to the beat of the music, you quickly turned around in his hold and leaned over and kissed him, your alcohol flowing body letting your hands roam to his neck and letting your fingers roam amongst your favorite part of his skin.
You never want to let him go, and you never wanted the taste of him to leave your buds. You wanted him to stay and to live with you and the sun and by the banks of the sea where his loose curls will say hello to you and you will say hi back with your fingers running through his vanilla scented hair as you placed a kiss amongst his mop of hair. You wanted him forever.
Your mouth opened and teasingly let your tongue dance with his as you continue to move your hips along to the beat of the music, you couldn’t help it. Once you had the taste of him on your tongue you couldn’t help but want more of it, to devour it.
“I want you,” You breathe against his open mouth your lips now pecking kisses along his chin and then running it down his neck. Luke’s arms wrapped around your shoulders as he brought you impossibly closer into him, you did not mind, you delve your nose into the base of his neck as your hands wrapped around his waist and dug your head deeper into him.
“I will always want you,” Luke whispers, the beating of his heart going through one ear while the other ear hears music pumping through the speakers. Once again you let your lips place a kiss on the expose skin of his neck before pulling away from his embrace and letting the hands that rested against your shoulder now grip in your placement before peeling you off of the dance floor and letting you roam amongst the streets of Italy.
Your fingers played within his as he walked you both to a destination you were unsure of, and honestly you were unsure of Luke yourself. Six weeks was a short amount of time to fall in love with someone and you did it but you let your mind wander and ask yourself; “Did you know everything about Luke?”
You knew a lot but you didn’t know everything. You knew that he liked waking up early in the morning to see the sun rise above the clouds; you knew that he liked to swim and he felt like the sea was really his home, he liked animals and he liked eating food that he didn’t really know anything of but wanted to try it anyways. You knew that Luke liked being tickled and when he was tickled for a long time his laugh would change and his face would turn from extremely red to extremely pale, you knew the freckles that caste down his back and you knew what his life was like back home.
You knew a lot and you wanted to know more and you wanted to ask him everything there was under the sun but your time together is soon coming to an end and you don’t even know if it’s even right anymore to ask such things. You don’t know many things, and you wished you knew more, you wished you had more time so that you could know more.
The stars shined above the both of you in your intoxicated states, your feet stumbling against the stones, as your body cuddled into his as your fingers dug into the emerald green button up shirt Luke had on, and continue to breath him in before he stumbled you both into a stairway, his lips running along your neck.
“I don’t want you to go,” You whisper, as his lips continue to kiss their way up your neck, your eyes closed as your fingers to dig into the skin of his shoulders.
Luke didn’t respond to your voice but instead planted a deep kiss on your lips, hoping that you can feel the sadness he felt on his end that he was leaving and he didn’t want to leave too.
“Please stay,” You continue once his lips break apart from yours but you let your lips travel back to his, his taste lingering on your tongue and causing you to moan out as your fingers release his shoulders and letting your fingers trail from his upper body to lower and soon heading to his groin.
Your lips brushed against his smooth ones, saliva coated and soft, and his hands feeling the softness between his fingers before he lets a groan slip out of his mouth as he feels your hand feel over his manhood.
The sound of your kisses echo throughout the atmosphere and you loved that, you loved that it was only Luke and you and it only ever felt like that. You loved the way he felt in your hand, soft and erect, the bead of his pre cum resting at the tip, begging to be tasted, begging to be engulfed with your sweet mouth and it soon was.
Your lips sucking on the sweat bead as a salty version of Luke sunk into your tongue before you completely took him into your mouth. Your throat welcoming Luke’s thick member as you swallowed him slowly, you wanted him to feel every inch of you, every warm salvia droplet that slipped onto his member and glistened with the shininess from your lip-gloss, you loved it.
You hummed with happiness as you continue to swallow Luke down, your tongue running along the underside and feeling the heavy veins pulse against your taste buds as you continued to go down on him and not stopping as his moans continue to fill the space you both are in.  
You loved hearing him fall apart under your spell. Hearing him release himself and relax and fall into your body for safety and comfort. You loved how he allowed himself more importantly, he always loved to run his thumb along your upper lip as you took him into your mouth deeper and deeper, feeling his shaft grow down your throat as if it was meant to be there. You loved it. You love the way he felt, causing you to struggle and causing your eyes to water as you couldn’t help but stare up at him in pure beauty as he moaned into the moonlight on how good you were to him.
“Heaven sent.” He would say every time, as he continue to take control and pump his erect cock into your mouth and never stopping even if you gagged. Spit ran down the sides of your cheeks and you didn’t mind, you continue to take him, swallow him down, spit and let your tongue twist and do the famous tricks that had him coming undone the many times like before, and you loved it.
You loved it.
Soon enough you felt Luke’s hand tear away from your upper lip and grasp you by your shoulders, your body straightening out against the wall before his hands came under your thighs and thrusted you up against it. His lips flying back onto yours and tasting himself on his tongue with ill shame. Your tongue danced with his so heavenly that you couldn’t help yourself but kiss so musingly along with him. Your fingers dove into his hair, his naked member rubbed against yours causing you to moan in his open mouth.
“Who told you to go bare today,” He hummed against your mouth, one of his hands peeling away from your thigh to grasp his member into your hand and rub it against your core.
You couldn’t help but moan against his lips before peppering kisses along his cheeks, moaning in his ear as he continue to tease you with himself, your body twitching as he continues to toy with your bundles of nerves.
“Please,” You moan, your fingers massaging his scalp as he pressed his lips into your neck and kissed the soft skin there.
He granted your plea and let his member slip into your drench core; he filled your tight walls as he continues to pepper you with kisses. Trying to kiss away your whines and high pitched moans as you still weren’t use to the feelings of him completely taking you up.
You let your head lay back against the wall as Luke continue to thrust his hips into yours, first sincere and soft before becoming hard and withholding, not letting the feeling of you draw him back, but instead let him cave deeper. He wanted to feel every inch of you and wanted to kiss your skin till there were bruises and bite marks there.
He loved feeling you drip against him as he quickly delved against your hips, he loved the feeling of you so much that he didn’t know what he would have done once he left, being away from you would feel like having a withdrawn from drugs, he didn’t know how he would stop himself from tasting your candy lips and feeling your sugar coated pussy in the hold of his shaft. He didn’t know what he would do.
So he held you tighter, let his nails dig into your thighs as he thrusted into you messily. His hips never stopping as soft moans littered through his lips.
You couldn’t help but moan yourself; you loved the way Luke made you feel. You loved how it had your spine tingling and breath feeling so short, you loved the feeling and you never wanted it to end.
You let your body willingly let Luke do whatever he wanted, you couldn’t but grow completely fond of how soft but yet rough Luke treated you. His lips would always attack your neck and make it look like a crime scene once the sun came up, you adored how your legs would struggle to walk because they ache do to his hips moving so rapidly, but you couldn’t help but admire how he never stopped making you feel something so compelling and so breath taking that it always felt like walking on the moon with him.
His hips continue to drum against yours and yours continuing to thrust into his, your moans flowing into the air feeling him continue to stretch you out in the sweetest way possible. You loved this feeling and you craved it wholeheartedly. You loved it; you wanted to live with this feeling forever.
You never wanted him to stop, even if your breath began to slow and your heart continued to pound against your chest that it almost felt hard to feel anything. Your eyes close dazedly as you felt the feelings of your orgasmic bliss come across you in a beautiful way. Your legs begin to twitch as you let Luke’s name tremble out of your mouth constantly as you unfold under his touch, under his gaze, and under the stars. Your back coming off the wall and arching into his chest as you feel his head lie against your chest, the feeling of his seed slipping out of you, the sensation pleasing you silently.
Your lungs welcomed the crisp air and you felt his curved lips press kisses against your skin, your name leaving his lips so lovely that you just wanted him to say your name all till you feel asleep.
“I’m gonna put you down,” And you felt his finger nails tear away from your flesh and place you back onto the cobblestone ground, your back brushing back into the wall and letting Luke’s body back into yours. You were still intoxicated, you did not know about Luke but you knew you were and you knew you wanted this moment to last together.
“You’re all that I want.” You speak into the crisp air, both bodies bruised with kisses and light scratch marks as you wrap your arms around his back, your fingers grasping onto the green clothing material as you held onto him sluggishly. Finally you open your eyes again, your orbs coming in contact with his blue ones.
“Please don’t go,” You say again, the alcohol taking apart your feelings and tearing them together and throwing them at your feet, telling you to look at the mess you made of yourself.
“Please stay.” You whisper as you watch Luke’s eyes close for a moment before peeling open again, his eyes brimming in the salt of his tears as he looks at you completely loss like he doesn’t know what to do with himself. And he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s lost, he scared, and sad, and feels everything that you feel right now.
That is all you’re asking him, and looking into his ocean eyes says everything that needs to be said in the close atmosphere.
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