topokky11 · 2 months
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Aiconan hehe my favs
Partner in crime
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letitrainasunnyday · 2 years
Hello, I love your takes, and I agree to some of it, I want to ask something tho, I've read fanfics about Shinichi feeling so guilty of letting Kid go, and am I the only one who finds it OOC? I mean this is the guy who had no problems letting go of the culprits of the two attempted murder we've seen so far (Celebrities' Secrets, and The Tragedy of the Pier) after letting the victims decide whether to press charges. I just don't see how he'll beat himself up over something as petty as thievery (as Shinichi himself said it), or am I making wrong comparisons? I just think that Shinichi doesn't see everything as white and black, and would have no problem letting a harmless thief (with Kid's rule being no one gets hurt) go, except maybe his pride hshshs, but even that is debatable
But what do you think?
The answer to everything that starts with "I've read in fanfics" is always, automatically, never believe anything you read in fanfics. Especially KaiShin ones. They are incredibly biased in their interpretations of characters to fit ships that will never be, precisely because the characters are different to the ones they seem to be interpreting. This is also true of AiConan, ShinRan, and pretty much any other ship that people have written fanfic about. Fanfic is never real life. Hell, I've yet to read a single Conan one that gets characterization right --they never do.
Except that's kind of the point of fanfic, isn't it? To let your imagination run wild and free and take stuff and make it your own in whichever way you want --as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
Always in favor of fanfiction.
Never in favor of people taking fanfiction as gospel.
(Also, never in favor of taking everything I say as gospel. I'm just some freak who has dedicated her life to this anime and occasionally writes stuff she thinks about on the internet. Never trust me. I'm not Aoyama. He's the one person we can actually trust.)
So anyway, to answer your question, I think it's been established that the """"""rivalry""""" Shinichi and Kaito have has become something far from true, cold-blooded, and deadly. They're kids. Playing catch with each other. Much in the same way their parents did. Shinichi hasn't taken Kaito Kid seriously since that first encounter where Kaito established that he's never going to cross the two unforgivable lines Shinichi has: killing or hurting someone, and actually committing a crime. I don't actually think Kid has ever broken any laws other than, maybe, trespassing and impersonating an officer. Minor crimes. Nothing. He's literally just some dude who shows up to cause a little chaos, do some magic, then leave. All of that while wearing a monocle and a white top hat. Shinichi doesn't take him any more seriously than he'd take The Condiment King.
That, added to the fact that by now, Shinichi has enough clues about Kid's identity that he could've --if he hasn't secretly already-- figured out his identity but hasn't. Because he doesn't care. He doesn't actually want to put him in jail. He wants to know he's clever enough to solve his little riddles and eventually take his monocle off to find out (or confirm his theories on) who he actually is.
So no, I don't think Shinichi ever feels guilty about letting Kid go. Also cause we've seen him literally smile after Kid flies off. That's probably just some fanfic trope to establish some sort of deeply traumatized relationship between them that ultimately ends up in sex, I guess?
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fuon-yuuki · 9 years
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8649629/1/30-Days-With-Haibara This fanfiction is tearing me up, I'm such a masochist but damn it's always angsty fanfictions that are the best TT__TT
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shinjunosekai · 10 years
I can't help getting the feeling that the Detective Conan anime tries to force AiConan. Especially the Spanish dub. 
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