#ahit oc levi
altblock-tm · 2 months
I’ve always held myself to the rule that nothing bad will ever happen to Levi (besides, well, the obvious) but I feel like I need an addendum
Nothing bad will ever happen to Levi UNLESS the harm comes from the hands of someone who loves him
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artblock-tm · 10 months
6 for Jaide/Levi, 17 for either Ichor or Outly (unless there's lore you don't want to spoil), 19 for the whole squad, 27 for Outly (specifically during the acts he's on your side), 49 for Ichor (Not Jaide doesn't count), and 43 if you'd like for any of them :)
(Also 48 for Jaide but we know how that'll go skwkjdnedn)
6. What do you think your OC was like when they were younger/what they would be like when they grow up?
When Jaide was a kid, she was quite sweet. A little shy and studious, but a nice kid nonetheless.
Levi didn’t get to live past his childhood, but he took after his parents in sweetness. He was a rather curious kid, but learned at a young age that suppressing his questions and bowing his head eagerly keeps him safe. If he had the chance to grow up, he would’ve been a very kind and loyal person.
17. If they had a storybook, like the ones presented in-game, what would it detail about them?
A storybook for the Outlander wouldn’t have much ‘story’, but instead would display the conditions of living in the underworld and give insight into why he acts the way he does :)
As for Ichor, a storybook for them might detail their journey to fill their grimoire and their eventual judgement and entrapment in the mask. Maybe it’s also tease Ichor’s one friend…
19. If your OC was on the Arctic Cruise, what would they likely be found doing? What would they say to Hat Kid/Bow Kid upon interacting with them?
Jaide rather wouldn’t go on the cruise… it’s much too cold for her taste. Maybe she’d be at the beginning to wave the kids off, but she wouldn’t actually get on the boat.
The Outlander, in all likelihood, is probably the cause of the disaster and mess that the kids have to clean up in Ship Shape…
Ichor came along since they want to travel! See more of what the physical world has to offer, y’know? And maybe to pester Snatcher some. They comment on the fascinating or weird things they find.
Karmin’s there for a vacation. She stays by the pool but doesn’t go in. If asked why, she’ll answer that she has a vendetta against water.
27. What would your OC's idle animation/s be? How would they react if Hat Kid/Bow Kid whacked them with their umbrella? (would they do the squeaky toy animation or would they give an appropriate reaction?)
The Outlander has slight motions of his ear/horn twitching and his tail curling, but when you’ve been still with him for a while, he’d have animations of him tapping his hands together and glancing around suspiciously, keeping watch for Jaide.
If you whacked him he would flinch and have various voicelines, like “Ow!” or “Hey, quit it!” or distressed hissing and growling.
49. If Hat Kid/Bow Kid had to fight your OC, how might your OC counter them and what would happen? 
Oh, that’s cute. There’s no way to beat Ichor! :) The battle would be over in a flash. The kids would respawn endlessly until Ichor figures their secret out and uses their timepiece stash to put a stop to it.
43. Share a favorite art piece or creation you have made or someone else made you with this OC!
48. Are there any other OCs that belong to you or a friend that your OC has a connection to?
Weeell, of course there’s your OC Sky, and there’s Ameya (idk their username off the top of my head </3), but I have an ongoing rp with the lovely @gracebeth3604 and @rubys-forest with their Amy and Queen, respectively.
However, I HAVE to mention @corrupted-tale, the og. Jaide has made a wonderful found family with all of Doll’s characters, like Taysa and Lune :)
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kuronatcher · 2 years
I finally did it and made proper References and rewritten the Story of Levi!Malou in the A Hat in Time AU “The little Contractor” - revised and rewritten as  Original Story “The Sun in the Sea” by @bittybattybunny​
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In a land far away, a young king was just about to marry the most beautiful woman in the land. A witch, a friend of the king but wanted to win his heart for herself because she was aiming for the throne, but all efforts were in vain and the ruler married the beautiful noblewoman.
After a short time, Malou was born through this connection. But shortly after birth, the revenge-seeking witch exchanged Malou for her own child.
The witch child was given the name Maria-Louise Maxwell Dusk - Maria Dusk for short - which was intended for the princess. The witch didn't want to change her name think up for the real princess. So she just shortened the name to Malou and gave her a surname of someone she knew, Burrell. So the real princess named Malou Burrell grew up as a simple girl. Only there was something that made Malou different from she had two Horizon Marks lines on both wrists. The witch who also told Malou that the woman found her orphaned, she explained that these lines are some kind of skin condition, nothing dangerous, but people don't like to see them and should keep their wrists covered at all times.
Malou was treated anything but nice by the witch and the people around her were no better. Only the witch's niece was always kind to her and the two quickly became good friends. Malou also gets her scarf from her, which she always wears from then on and only takes it off in an emergency, and she doesn't like that very much.
When the real princess was about 16 years old, she decided to go to the capital to look for work there because she wanted to show the old lady that she can do something. After a long search, she found a job in a well-known flower shop. It was a difficult start, but Malou proved herself and not long after, people started liking the young girl. Despite having a difficult childhood, she was always polite and friendly to everyone. Malou also had a beautiful singing voice that captivated everyone who heard her. Also, some people who were close to royalty were amazed that the new flower girl looked more like the royal couple than the princess herself.
After Malou had been working in this flower shop for four years, one day the "princess" came to the shop with her fiancé, a prince from a neighboring country. The fake princess was rather selfish and conceited and only wanted the prince to buy her the most beautiful flowers. Malou was amazed by this high visit, but she advised the prince as best she could and made the most beautiful bouquet of flowers she could make. The snippy princess wasn't really happy with the result, but was content with it.
After that day, the prince came to the flower lands every day to buy flowers for his future wife. But it quickly became clear that he was there to see Malou. People around him erhum warned him not to go to this store that often because it spreads rumors. But that was anything but easy for both of them fell in love with each other, but Malou knew that it wasn't possible and also tried to persuade him not to visit her anymore.
Of course, the fiancee noticed and was jealous as hell and quickly came up with a plan. She concocted a cursed sea slug potion for Malou, worthy of her "beauty". With this potion she went to the flower shop and talked to Malou about the prince, pretending to be friendly like the fake princess could. She offers Malou the drink as it was a hot summer day. Thanking and unsuspecting, the other young woman took the drink. But she noticed that it tasted a little funny. Shortly thereafter, the high visitor disappeared again.
Weeks later, Malou began to feel stranger and stranger. She was plagued by constant hunger and thirst and before long her clothes no longer fit and her skin slowly changing with yellow stripes and weird little purple scales, which also swallowed the red lines on her wrists. So she holed up in her small apartment. But one day, she couldn't stand it anymore in her four walls and went out late at night, dressed in a big cloth, for a walk, which was really difficult for her because her feet were almost impossible to separate. Malou arrived at the beach and when she saw the waves of the sea, it seemed to her that it was calling to her. A strong wind was blowing which caused big waves. Very slowly they approached the waves when suddenly her witch friend could be heard and was standing not far behind Malou. Her old friend was worried and wanted to visit her, but Malou wasn't in her apartment, so she looked for her. Frightened, Malou backed into the water, where she was swallowed up by the waves.
Then the curse began to use all its power. Malou felt every bone crack and grow. She felt her legs melt together, as did her fingers going from five fingers to four. She was full of pain and much slow to seabed. Malou stayed like that for a while, noticing that she can strangely breathe normally. underwater. Malou tried to grab her neck and noticed that her scarf was still in place. All her dresses had become too small to wear, only the scarf always fit as measured perfectly. After the pain subsides, she slowly opens her eyes. Everything she saw was a weird shade of yellow, like she had strange colored glasses on. But she could see everything clearly. When she straightened up, she took a closer look. She became a... mermaid? But she was colored all purple and blue. And as she looked around she noticed how everything around her seemed rather... small? Then it occurred to her that, besides mermaids, there are other larger creatures like this. Leviathans. She became a leviathan.
Not knowing that she was the child of a powerful witch, the fake princess had made the curse so strong that it became a Leviathan curse.
Without knowing how it happened, Malou tried to get used to her new body. Since she couldn't swim properly yet, she ate seaweed at first, later she learned that when she lay still, fish came near her and quickly snapped to swallow these fish.
Of course, the people who lived there quickly noticed that something big was lurking in the water, were afraid of it and reported this to the king. The king got to the bottom of this himself and went with some knights to the named beach where the new monster is supposed to live.
The knights initially stayed a little farther from shore, but were ready to fight. The king wanted to avoid a fight if possible and talk to the monsters when it was ready.
The king stood on the shore and called out to sea. Malou, who could now swim better, heard him and cautiously came to the surface. The guards were frightened at first by this 28 Feet tall monster that stuck its head out of the water and wanted to attack directly. But the king raised his hand to show that they should calm down. He saw that the fish monster was also startled by the screams of the knights and showed fear.
When the ruler tried to talk to the leviathan, Malou was silent at first, but then answered him. She couldn't explain why but she felt safe in the presence of the king. Everyone was amazed to see a speaking Leviathan. The man with the crown listened intently as Malou talked about where she came from and what happened to her. The king assured her that he understood her situation, but she could not stay here on this bank. People would be too scared and would kill her immediately, even if she meant no harm. Malou understood this. She was terrified of going out to sea, but at least it would be safe from humans - and vice versa. But just before she got ready to leave, the ruler wanted to touch her briefly. She cautiously stretched her head in his direction and the king stroked her gently. Then he whispered to her to come back in a few years, by then he will surely have found a solution to this curse. Malou nodded slightly with tears in her eyes and then removed herself from the shore. She looked back briefly and saw how the king and the knights waved her goodbye. She waved back and then disappeared into the sea.
In the open sea, Malou has settled in after a few difficulties. She learned to hunt, and if she happened to spot a Leviathan swarm, she always did gave a wide berth because she didn't want to deal with natural leviathans and was too afraid of being eaten by them. After 5 years she returned to the shore of her native land. Malou was a whole lot bigger, about 50 feet tall. She stayed near the beach because she was sure that the people would notice her and would call the king. But strangely enough, there wasn't a soul near the shore. No fishermen, no gatherers, nobody. But after a few days, an old man was on the shore and called out to sea. Malou thought it was the king and happily came to the beach - but it wasn't the one she expected. It was a much older man dressed like a fisherman. Malou asked if he had been sent by the king, but the man just shook his head sadly. He explained to her that the country she knew no longer existed.
When the Leviathan asked confused after a short pause what he meant by that, he repeated what he said. He explained to her that just before the wedding of the prince and princess, it came out that the princess was actually a child of a witch and because of misunderstandings, started a war with the country of the prince, which lost her homeland. All the people with the royal family were slaughtered. Then Malou asked what he meant by the princess and the old fisherman explained that after the birth the princess was exchanged for a witch child. That the princess grew up with the witch and was cursed at the end by the wrong princess. She looked at the old man in confusion, but then remembered that the transformation began after she drank a potion from the king's daughter. Then she slowly tied together what the human had told her one by one and began to cry and deny it. That couldn't be the truth. Never in her life. you a princess? Absurd. The fisherman just sighed and said that she won't find anything here and should go back to the sea But then Malou asked the man what he was up to, which surprised him. He said that he could hardly find anything to survive here and would move on. She nodded, said goodbye to the fisherman and retreated to the open sea.
The man laughed softly. It was actually a close friend of the king who promised him shortly before his death that he would take care of the leviathan girl when she came back.
It's been 200 years since Malou was cursed and started missing what it was like to have a permanent home. So she looked for a suitable place and found it quickly. On a coast she found a large cave where even she could sleep in and with 80'3 she was a fully grown Leviathan lady. So she quickly settled down on the coast. When Malou was sad or feeling lonely, she would start singing the songs she had learned as a child.
Another 300 years passed and Malou came into contact with humans again. For about 50 years, people have settled near the coast in the form of a village, and the Strange happenings in the vicinity were quickly noticed. But in contrast to back then, people were more fascinated than afraid. So Malou made acquaintance with a witch named Fuchsia, who wanted to uncover the origin of these rumors and dared to enter the cave, which was in a very dangerous place for pedestrians, and the waters there were also very treacherous. So Fuchsia borrowed some swimming gear and swam to the cave where Malou was lying in it trying to sleep.
The Leviathan was very suspicious at first and because she was a big monster, she also has more self-confidence than before. But Fuchsia was undeterred and wanted to know more about the cursed Leviathan and regularly visited her when she was done with her work. Fuchsia has her own small shop, which is also her home, closer to the coast, where she sold medicinal herbs and magic items. When the young woman didn't want to leave Malou alone, the cursed woman told her story. Fuchsia said she could help her, but she had to first research some things to know how best to help her.
It took two weeks for Fuchsia to find the right solution, so at night Malou came to the beach near where Fuchsia lived. Fuchsia warned her that it going to be very painful, but Malou just nodded. She was too excited to say anything. Then Fuchsia started the ritual, many threads on Malou could be seen which Fuchsia started to pull. Malou quickly noticed how her body felt contracted and ached. After a long tug, a naked woman remained on the ground, trembling in pain. The witch covered her with a large blanket and helped her to her house, which was not easy. Malou could barely walk and all her weight was on Fuchsia too. But it was done. Malou was human again. Well, almost, she still had her glowing gills, Fangs and a forked tongue. The young witch quickly noticed the red lines on Malou's wrists and explained to her that these were not a skin disease, but Horizon Marks. So she also did some research on her scarf, which also shrunk with the cursed Leviathan. It's a rare magical artifact that automatically adapts to the wearer.
Slowly but surely, Malou learned to walk again and to find her way around in this modern age. But she quickly found out that she wasn't completely human again. If she came into contact with water again as a human, she automatically transformed back into a leviathan. At first it was very annoying for Malou, but she learned to live with it.
As well as the fact that people in this village have made merch of HER with a weird sea slug shape and that she is apparently a tourist attraction.
Since then, Malou, who is now 525 years old, has been living with Fuchsia and helping out in her shop. But one day she meets a family on vacation who is more like her than she initially thought....
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artblock-tm · 1 year
DP I have a bad idea and I'm making it your problem
Do you have existing art of Jaide's family before the divorce and Vanessa? Sorry if it's somewhere in Masked I don't feel like looking for it wjfnbwbxb
I have some! Let me grab what I have.
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This one is older art of me practicing the storybook style- it's older since I have a much better art program now.
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This one is from when I was working on the storybook. Maybe I'll try again, now that my motivation is better, and I know how much better I can do now.
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This again! Ignore Shapeshifter. They're not part of the family.
That's it on the digital art front! Here's some traditional art. Well, the stuff you can actually see. I don't have a phone to take pictures with </3
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This again. lemvi,,,
Yeah no okay that's all I have. That's not much but I'll try and tell you about their designs!
-Jaide has the best of the refs, but I'll briefly go over what remains constant in her designs: vest, blue undershirt with cuffs on the sleeves, long skirt, and the gray cloak with the frills if she travels out.
-Even for a nobles' son, Levi's clothes are kinda basic. Just a basic shirt/tunic and pants, with some variations of collars or cuffs. He has blond hair (blond is a stretch. it's really yellow) and his bear mask is only for traveling out.
There's a forever lost page of the old storybook I used to work on that showed a better picture of Jaide's husband. If you look close in the background of the storybook page I did share- there's a painting with the happy family there.
-Jaide's husband has red, curly hair. He has a red shirt with some yellow stripes on the fluffy parts of the sleeves. He has purple puffed pants and brown boots that come to the knees.
I'm not great at describing clothes, sorry </3 And I can't give away too much about Jaide's husband! He's going to star in a oneshot that's going to come sooner rather than later.
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artblock-tm · 9 months
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Heiii hiiii!!! hello!!! Have a Levi :3
It’s the baby!!! :D
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artblock-tm · 1 year
ok, out of sheer curiosity, just how powerful are the masked characters?
this has been on my mind for a couple days now and i really need to know
I never define magic on a linear scale since it fluctuates, but that generally won't affect the ranking of how strong they are.
So! The ranking is based on magic power levels, from weakest to strongest. And since some characters have a dramatic power level change in the fic, those will be ranked too.
First off are the kiddos. Physically, they're the strongest, they have incredible knowledge of time magic, and they can respawn, but their magic ability comes out to a flat out zero. So they're at the bottom of the list.
Then we have Levi! All ghosts, including Dwellers, have a small amount of magic to exist as a ghost. So he places above the kids.
Next is post-Ichor-in-the-mask Jaide. She's still powerful! But just not as powerful as other ghosts, so that's why she's ranked so low.
On the same level are Snatcher and Moonjumper. They have the same magic level, but there's a huge dependency on who would win in a fight when it comes to what strategies they use, how they're feeling, etc. Snatcher's assertiveness can often bring him to victory over Moonjumper.
And then, with over double their power level, is Prince. He's ranked pretty high in terms of how much magic he has, but he's relatively weak magically. He barely knows about his own magic, and therefore has little control over it. He's very powerful, but lower on the list just because so many people are levels above him.
After him is Vanessa. As royalty, she was powerful, and that only escalated when she became a ghost. After all, she did manage to cover a whole city with ice, and curse the rest of the kingdom...
Next is pre-soul-feast Outlander. He's MILES above Vanessa. I cannot emphasize how powerful devils and demons are here.
Bonus since they've appeared in a oneshot! No one expects the Badgeseller! They don't often use their magic except for making badges. They don't fully feel comfortable using their magic, considering it's not theirs.
Ichor-in-the-mask Jaide comes next. Her relatively weak natural magic power plus Ichor's sheer power while dormant makes her one of the most formidable characters for the majority of the fic. She wins the bronze medal for this one.
Coming in screaming with the silver medal is post-soul-feast Outlander. Souls are relatively weak when it comes to demonic magic, but boy has he stacked up. Thank goodness he got his ass rapidly shredded in the fic, because a true demonstration of his magic ability would be terrifying.
And, at the top of the list, with little surprise, is Ichor. They have incomprehensible magical power. Outlander is a step up from most, but Ichor is several times more powerful.
Welp! That wraps it up for the Masked characters' power levels! Or at least the ones that appear in the fic...
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altblock-tm · 1 year
OC Fact #40
When alive, Jaide was much better with woodworking than sewing or playing an instrument or anything remotely "lady-like". She all but dropped it as a hobby when she became tutor for the prince, because that was when work practically consumed her.
Every so often she'd carve something new, though. Most notably were the doll and toy house, (later found by the kids in the purple rift for Halcyon), and the bear mask. She made both for Levi.
As a ghost, she's forgotten her passion for woodworking. But her interest in carving things never really went away; she did work for years to painstakingly make a home out of the cursed ice, after all.
Jaide wished she could've done the same to bring Levi out of the ice sooner. But that ice, somehow, was harder to break compared to the other ice, and she had to give up. It was as if Vanessa didn't want her to reach her son.
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artblock-tm · 2 years
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Suddenly I see why people complain about Tumblr destroying image quality.
Anyway. Round two of AHiT refs- OC edition!! You can see the Subcon Royalty refs here!
I also have one for the kids in the story!
You can read Masked here!
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artblock-tm · 3 hours
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OMG!!!!! HE HAT!!!!
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altblock-tm · 1 year
OC Fact #55
Levi's dad situation...is a little sad.
His mom, Jaide, was with them all his life. His dad? Not so much.
Everything was okay until one day, with little to no explanation given to Levi, his dad was packing his things. When Levi asked what was happening, all he got was a somber smile and an answer of, "You might not see me for a long time."
He didn't plead with his dad to stay, since he just assumed he'd be back. But when his dad walked out the door, he never saw him again.
What tipped Levi off to the true absence of his father was how sad Jaide was about everything. She did her best to be happy for Levi, but she couldn't truly hide how hurt she was around her son.
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artblock-tm · 1 day
Hiiii Art Middle name Block™. You can do this whenever you want for whomever you want I'm just leaving this prompt in your inbox for whenever. You should talk about your OCs
Alright, here it comes! Below the cut is a list of basic information for every OC that I have!
Please do not proceed unless you A) have a strong will, B) have a lot of time on your hands, and/or C) are as insane as I am.
This post talks about AROUND 70 OCS. THIS IS YOUR WARNING.
I have grouped each OC based on the story they belong to along with arranging them in alphabetical order for organization reasons. Let’s get started!
A Hat in Time/Masked
Ichor (they/them)- Kind of a spoiler character, but unfortunately that’s just how things wound up… but whatever! A chaotic, powerful, fun-loving devil with mysterious ties that are yet to be uncovered.
Jaide (she/her)- My very first AHiT OC! She is a very kind and warm character despite the chill that wraps around her home and her body. She carries a deep grief within her and needs a helping hand to overcome it. Her existence is to every au, btw. Masked just happens to be her bad ending.
Karmin (she/her)- A jack-of-all-trades AHiT OC, meaning that she isn’t meant to be confined to a singular story. She has the most in-depth lore in Masked, but she appears in other universes as well.
Levi- (he/him, they/them)- Jaide’s son! Unfortunately dead at 6 years old, he exists as a ghost by her side. His character has yet to shine through.
Outlander (he/him)- Masked’s main antagonist. Power-hungry, resourceful, and manipulative, Outlander will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Until a deus ex machina stops him, of course. Good thing we’ve seen the last of him! (Not.)
(Please note that there is one AHiT OC not included on this list because they remain a major spoiler for Masked. My plans shall come to fruition and you should get to know this character sooner rather than later, though!)
What I plan to do with this story: I’m rewriting it! Like a madman. Once the entire fic along with the released oneshots are rewritten, I will release more oneshots and further expand the story and lore. Masked fans are in for a treat, teehee.
Ambivalent Souls (name subject to change)
Attakai (she/her)- An eldritch being with deep ties to the ocean. Boundlessly kind and skilled in healing, she is deeply caring to the humans that serve other beings. The only one who seems able to boss her around is Thirio.
Epithymia (they/them, it/its)- An eldritch being composed from the darkness between universes. A side character to the story. Quiet and shy, they often wander worlds with their one friend, a young human named Uri.
Feil (xey/xem, zey/zem)- A skilled illusion caster who came to work for Thirio after xeir sibling, Xosi, was cursed. An arc antagonist.
Hare (he/him, they/them, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. Thirio’s formerly most loyal member. Lacking magic that other syndicate members have, he makes up for his disadvantage with his alchemical knowledge.
Krystll (she/her)- A former member of the syndicate. Her cheerful and friendly disposition covers the doubts and the guilt she carries thanks to her soul’s innate love magic.
Maroon- (he/him, they/them, she/her)- A strangely inhuman teenager. They claim Zerie to be their sibling and are very close with him. Maroon is often introverted but very sweet once you come to know him.
Midnight (she/her, they/them)- Another former member of the Syndicate, and a close friend to Krystll. Additionally, a former human thanks to past experiments done on her soul.
Nova (he/him)- An eldritch being born of a star. Married to Attakai, he one day mysteriously fell ill and perished, once thought to be impossible with eldritch beings.
Thirio (he/him, they/them)- An eldritch being of consuming darkness. He runs a branch of the syndicate dedicated to minimizing multiversal threats. He wields powerful psychic abilities and commands others with a cold sneer.
Tsumi (he/him, they/them, it/its)- Thirio’s son, another impossibility among beings. Tsumi prides themself in its strong moral compass and devotes themself to carrying out justice.
Uri (she/her)- Companion to Epithymia after making a wish to have a friend. Epithymia takes her with them wherever they go, since they are obligated to look after her.
Vipsi (it/its)- A former eldritch being, now contained in a small stuffed animal. Once a close friend to Nova, it lost its mind after glimpsing his future.
Xosi (they/them, he/him, she/her)- Sibling to Feil. A curse mangles their body and leaves them unable to speak. They are deeply attached to their sibling, despite zeir tendency to overshadow Xosi.
Zerie (he/him, they/them)- Proud brother of Maroon and similarly inhuman. Charming and sociable, Zerie takes pride in his sense of reason and his protectiveness, though some might argue that he is too defensive.
What I plan to do with this story: I have a decent idea of how most of it carries out- unfortunately, I have to rewrite the entire first arc. Maroon was the first OC I developed for this world and was inspired off a whim from X!Chara in Underverse. While I have come up with a different story, the first arc was entirely rooted in the Undertale Multiverse and even used Sanses as characters. I want to move away from that era, and if I ever want to do anything with this story, I need to change the first arc.
Ora and the Rift in Time
Butterfly Spirit (she/her)- The companion to the protagonist. The little spirit guides Ora on their journey and informs them on what is to come. Despite missing a large chunk of her memories, she is quite informative.
Choru (she/her, they/them)- Continually draped in nightclothes, this singer is constantly sleepy. She has a keen ability to spread her exhaustion with her singing voice, lulling people to sleep with haunting lullabies. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Lady Cris (she/her, it/its)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THE STORY. The Lady of the castle has a beautiful smile and raven-dark eyes. She’s the life of the land and the love of the Lord’s life. Serves as a major antagonist.
Jynx (they/them, he/him)- With their four arms floating about him, it’s quite clear to see why Jynx is constantly chained. They are quite, quite mad. Serves as a minor antagonist.
Ora (they/them)- The protagonist of the story! When the world was suddenly endangered by a rift in time, Ora grabbed their grandfather’s old sword and set out on an adventure to unravel the mystery and maaaayyyybe stop it. Whether or not they’re a hero is debatable…
Phember (he/him)- Hot-heated! Literally. This guy is made entirely of fire. It’s said that he died and was brought back to life as a fire spirit. He serves as the Lord’s right-hand man, and a minor antagonist.
Lord Teris (he/him)- Once the kind Lord of the land, he’s turned to destroying the world after a drastic encounter with grief. His eyes have a great sadness to them, and even the presence of his Lady Cris cannot cheer him up. Serves as a major antagonist.
Waya (she/her, they/them, it/its)- The galaxy itself, dressed in the garb of mortals. Normally a gatekeeper of the heavens, Waya has now sided with Lord Teris out of pity. Serves as a minor antagonist.
What I plan to do with this story: Honestly? This is the story that I’m closest to scrapping. I came up with almost every character on a whim after learning the basic plot of Super Paper Mario, and the main story is a direct rip-off of it. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to come up with much else to call it my own (but I did cook with my concepts of the rift and how Ora acts as a character). When I initially pictured this story, I framed it as a storydriven 2D platformer. I don’t think that idea will ever see the light of day, unfortunately.
Show Time (name subject to change)
Bi Solomon (he/him)- The brains behind BiCorp. As a Vix, he takes initiative in the development of his species in the form of developing his company. He might not be knowledgeable of the technology his company runs, but he is knowledgeable on weapons.
CEO (she/her)- The next CEO of BiCorp after Mr. Solomon. It was she who set up the signal that all TV-Heads now run under. Her actions have led to strengthen TV-Heads in society and oppress any Vixens. Only controlled TV-Heads have seen her in person.
Dislan (he/him)- A formerly controlled TV-Head employee of BiCorp. After having his connection to the signal broken, he has gone into hiding. He harbors deep anxiety, but is very caring to everyone around him.
Vexx (she/her)- The Vixen who broke the signal’s hold on Dislan. She has a quick temper and a strong will. She vows to overturn BiCorp’s unfair treatment of Vixes, even if it means taking the fight directly to the CEO herself.
(Please note that there are two OCs unlisted in this story. One of them goes by a nickname that I can’t remember for the life of me, and the other OC, Pix [she/her], belongs to a friend of mine.)
What I plan to do with this story: I could make such a cool comic out of this. You would not believe it. What I’ve told you is just scratching the surface of the story. I would sound like a madman if I told you how things developed. I’m insane actually.
And Then It Dawned On Him:
Day (she/her, he/him)- The deity of daytime.
Dhá-Aghaidh (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- A traveling merchant offering magical (potentially cursed) wares.
Gemi (he/him)- A penniless half-faun bard. Although he is not one to go bounty hunting, he joins Yazmin’s quest in order to get a cut of the profits. His talent far makes up for what he lacks in money.
Night (it/its, they/them)- The deity of nighttime.
Maeve (she/her)- A mercenary following Switch’s trail. She crosses Yazmin’s path and the two quickly form a rivalry.
Shift (mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use)- Switch’s familiar, a changeling.
Switch (he/him, they/them)- A kid fleeing from the prying eyes of the world. After suffering a curse changing him into a different monster with the passing of day cycles, he abandoned society. Thought to be a fey, the bounty on his head is quite high thanks to the number of people who have failed to capture him.
Vigor (it/its)- Vivian’s familiar, a Great Gray Owl.
Vivian (she/her)- A witch (but the rest of the world doesn’t know that). She’s the one who offered Switch’s bounty to Yazmin, but she certainly didn’t expect her to return from her mission…
Yazmin (she/her)- A wannabe knight hoping to prove herself after completing several bounties. Guided by a strong sense of duty, Yazmin lets Gemi join her on her journey. The two encounter Switch, then Maeve.
What I plan to do with this story: I’m really hoping to make this into a novel! I initially planned to release the first arc of this story as a teaser while I was rewriting Masked, hence why I’ve left out a lot of details in my descriptions of the OCs above. While I still plan to write the first arc and publish it in the next few years, I might be too busy with Masked to release the two at the same time.
Royal Sillies (placeholder name)
Queen Beatrice (she/her)- The beautiful queen of the kingdom. As someone who married into the family rather than being born from it, she possesses no royal power. However, her husband and all of her children do.
Eleina (she/her)- A teenage girl who enrolled in the castle’s academy program, hoping to study magic. She’s most interested in potions, but strangely grows close with many members of the royal family. She has an easily swayed heart and is easily flustered.
Prince Jay (he/him)- A flamboyant figure, he is easily the picture-perfect image of a charming prince. His gift allows him to speak with birds, so he is often surrounded by a flock of various different birds.
King Leonard (he/him)- The kind king of the kingdom. His gift allows him to see the future, which often leads to him forgetting the names of people he just met thanks to the wash of information in his head. Despite how scatterbrained he is, he’s hospitable to all.
Prince Ronan (he/him, they/them)- The shyest and most withdrawn of the royal family. Because of his ability to see and speak with ghosts, most assume that he is as terrifying as the undead. This is untrue.
Princess Suza (she/her)- Less of a picture of grace than her younger brother Jay is. As the oldest child second only to Ronan, she spends a lot of her time teasing the others. Her royal gift allows her to hit any target she aims for when she throws something, a skill that ironically renders her useless at archery.
Syph (they/them, he/him)- Eleina’s classmate and a lover of birds. They hope to study the magical properties of the kingdom’s birds further and grow close to Jay in order to do so. Additionally, they end up as Jay’s future romantic partner.
Prince Trell (he/him)- The youngest among the royals. He’s bubbly and polite, even though no signs of a gift have appeared for him. He doesn’t seem to mind.
What I plan to do with the story: Any “story” I have with these characters is quite minimal, actually. I made all of these characters for fun and I don’t really have a story attached to them (a rare occurrence for me). Hopefully I can worldbuild for them more, since I do like the concepts I have for them!
Godly Idiots/Demigod Dumbasses (placeholder names)
Dr. Aaron Kruger (he/him)- A doctor with a mild interest in archeology and theology. He’s a shadow of his former self.
Aéras (they/them, it/its, he/him)- The god of the sky and climate. Its mischief could not save it.
Alex (he/him, they/them)- A teenager who wakes in an alleyway with no memory of himself except for his name. It’s hard enough trying to survive, but he finds himself confronted with shadows of his past and a call to something greater than any can imagine.
Dásos (they/them)- The god of the wilderness. Their open-minded disposition could not save them.
Lux (she/her)- The goddess of light and life. After the tragic death of her fellow gods, she gains their powers and authorities in exchange for being trapped in the heavens. Her contrast doomed her.
Dr. Noah Richards (he/him)- A doctor who was college friends with Dr. Kruger. Now working as a pediatrician, he finds Alex and takes them in out of pity and confusion. He seems to know more about Alex than he lets on, but he is reluctant to speak of it.
Rynne (she/her)- A teenage girl, simultaneously the same and opposite from Alex. Serving as an antagonist, she hounds Alex throughout the story. Neither of them are aware of how deep their connections are to each other.
Skía (she/her, they/them)- The goddess of darkness and death. Her judgment could not save her.
Thala (he/him)- The god of the ocean and time. His foresight could not save him.
What I plan to do with the story: If you noticed me being extra vague in the descriptions of the characters, that is for multiple reasons! 1) While I am proud of this story and the potential it has, there are a lot of missing chunks thanks to the fact that it’s gone through major reworks. I am still not sure of the setting, along with major plot points and even what the theme will be. 2) A lot of my ideas are so goddamn complicated that it takes at least an hour to explain the few ideas I have. Marci would know. 3) This could be a BANGER visual novel and I don’t want to give anything away! I want to make art and slowly unravel the story and get people mentally ill over my characters :)
(This section is reserved for OCs that are not connected to a specific story/the story is unnamed, are fandom OCs, or are sonas!)
Artblock (they/them, he/him, she/her)- One of my sonas, the one with a leaf growing from their head! The literal personification of my artblock. Critter behavior.
Castarian (he/him)- A ghost who prefers to remain invisible most of the time. He’s quite friendly, but incredibly reserved and shy, especially when it comes to what he looks like. He has a complicated past with Drisco, and his feelings for him are similarly complicated.
Doodle (they/them, he/him, she/her)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. My sona that often serves as a self-insert! I’ve drawn them as an insert for Pokémon as well as Fate Grand Order- and I like to automatically slot them into stories.
Drisco (he/him)- A ghost trapped in a mirror. He’s delighted whenever anyone sees him and often challenges them to games… which most likely end up in their death. His past with Castarian leads to similarly conflicted feelings on the other ghost, but Drisco is much more determined to get his revenge.
Evelyn Mason (she/her, it/its)- Master Mason’s ex-wife. As a part-snake part-human beast, she has shapeshifting powers. She prefers to use these powers to disturb hunters’ traps and occasionally raze a town.
Ezra (any pronouns, including neopronouns)- An OC created for the game The Upturned. As the only janitor/maintenance worker/busyman/worker who does all the jobs in the inn, they are stressed beyond belief. Not that the measly pay they receive does anything to help. At least they get along well with the receptionist, Ik.
Guppy (they/them, he/him)- A spirit of a mermaid who died during childhood. They attach to Myrie and eat her emotions, which causes a lot of problems at first, though he is unaware what he is doing is causing her harm.
Master Mason (he/him)- Myrie’s eccentric tutor. He’s the one who taught her what she knows about magic, necromancy, mythical beasts, and how to interact with people (the latter of which was not taught well). He looks human but seems to have had an infinite number of previous students and refuses to tell her how old he actually is. Despite the mystery surrounding him, he stays silly :3
Myrie (she/her, they/them)- A sona who spontaneously developed a story of her own. While I still use them as a self-insert, Myrie’s main focus is with her relationship with Master Mason. She’s a capable student, but filled with her own troubles that only grow as Guppy latches to her soul and she learns more about Master Mason.
Narrator (they/them)- A story’s narrator who was abruptly personified within their very own story. They quickly discover that existence is pain when you’re an omnipotent voice driving the narrative trapped in an awkward mortal body.
Retros (they/them)- A Hollow Knight OC. They serve as the Herald to the Grimm Troupe, bearing a flame with them whenever they announce the troupe’s presence in a new town.
Sketch (she/her, they/them)- PLEASE NOTE THAT PRONOUNS ARE DEPENDENT ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. Another self-insert that spawned from a  spin-off of Doodle! Sketch will get a starring role in my Super Paper Mario fic, but I use them as a self-insert for Omori as well. Sketch has notably less roles than Doodle, but more thought put into them.
Quint (he/him)- A character that was originally meant to be part of the Godly Idiots world, but removed when I couldn’t figure out what to do with him. I am repurposing him for a project that I was working on with some friends, but little story surrounds him anymore.
What I plan to do with these characters: Retros and Ezra were made to fit the world and story of games, so I have little idea of any stories to proceed with for them. As for all of the other OCs, they aren’t exactly connected to a story, and are thus better suited for roleplaying (especially Drisco and Narrator). Maybe one day that will change, but who knows! After all, Myrie got a story… kind of. Because of her status as a technical sona, it’s hard for me to move her story forward. However, I have recently had EXCELLENT lore ideas for Master Mason and Evelyn, my most recent OC… hehe.
Weeeelllp, seems like that’s all of them! Since you made it this far, I’m really impressed! Thank you for sticking around as I ramble about my OCs. I know this was long, but this was only surface-level…. If you’re still interested in any particular OC, feel free to ask! I’m always happy to answer any questions, and if this post didn’t make it clear, I love rambling about my characters :)
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artblock-tm · 2 years
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Stupid memes of my ahit AU I forgot to post
You can read it here. Don't be fooled by the fact it's on Wattpad, it's actually good. Or so people tell me. (Fic's almost finished, by the way! I'm so excited!)
When I first made an Ao3 account I was going to transfer it but the format of Ao3 intimidated me so I decided I wasn't gonna use it until I became stronger
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artblock-tm · 2 years
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I'm so mad at myself for missing the anniversary of my fic-
but whatever. here's some art.
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kuronatcher · 2 years
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was in the Mood to draw Levi!Malou again  from TLC/ The Sun in the Sea by @bittybattybunny
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kuronatcher · 2 years
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Cocktail “Toxic Love Malou”
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kuronatcher · 2 years
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relaxing Leviathan
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