#ah well! happy omovember!
a little going out to a movie theater for the first time in headspace, and them and their CG are caught offguard by how excitable and hyper they are to be in a "brand new place!" they're constantly looking around, excited by every little thing. they have to get popcorn and a soda, bc that's what all their storybooks and cartoon characters do when they're in movie theaters!
when they get to their seats, the previews are still playing, which gives the little plenty of time to get their wiggles out before the movie starts! however, with not much else to do while they wait, the little can't help but to start on their soda and popcorn, no concern at all for the amount they're consuming
by the time the movie does start, they've made a sizable dent in their salty popcorn, which of course led to them drinking plenty of their refreshing drink
their wiggling slows at the production company logos, finally sitting still as the movie is truly underway
until... all that soda sits heavily in their abdomen, taking almost no time at all to reach their bladder
this is their first little movie tho, and they don't want to miss anything!!
so, they stay seated, continuing to sip their soda and munch on their popcorn with less enthusiasm than when they started
it doesn't take long for their wiggling to start up again, but instead of being because of excess energy, it's now because they're attempting to shift any pressure off their bladder, which is slowly beginning to ache
this wiggling isn't very subtle. but, their CG is also trying to enjoy the movie - so when the wiggles start up again, especially if they're big enough that some popcorn may be spilling as the little adjusts and adjusts the way they sit, the CG, eyes on the screen, leans over and whispers to the little that "big kids can sit still through a movie - you're a big kid, aren't you?"
the little immediately stops their wiggling, blush hidden in the dark. they are a big kid, they are. they're potty trained and everything, big kid pants on - they're not a baby who needs diapers
except diapers sound pretty good right now
or, bare minimum, the pull-ups kept in their closet, for when they wake up with wet sheets or they're going on a long car ride or or....
or how their CG asked before they left if they wanted to wear one "just in case," but the little had shook their head innocently and said, "I'm a big kid!"
now aware that they can't just wiggle freely, the little reaches below their bag of popcorn and holds onto themself, hoping that they can last until the end of the movie
their legs still shift, but not enough to be distracting
uncomfortable, the little wishes they were at home - how they could pause the movie and go potty without missing anything
this isn't like home though, there's no pause button!!
they risk a glance at their caregiver, disappointed to see that they're fully engaged in the movie
the little doesn't want them to miss any of the movie either
they think about getting up and heading to the bathrooms, but they shrink in on themselves when they remember how far away they are, how'd they'll have to walk down the stairs, then walk down the hallway, then go use a stall all by themselves, wipe all by themselves, and flush all by themsleves, then wash their hands, then dry them, then come back to this exact theater
what if they get lost? what if they forget a step? what if the toilet flush is really really scary? what if someone tries talking to them?
no, no - they're simply too little to go to the bathroom all by themselves. they need their caregiver with them
but they'll be so disappointed to miss the movie :(
as the minutes drag on, their bladder aches and aches, all that soda the little kept sipping having to go somewhere
a whimper escapes from the little, and their caregiver's head snaps over to them
as they take in the sight of their hunched over little, one hand disappearing underneath their popcorn, legs twisted together, the caregiver hesitating grabs the soda from the cup holder and gives it a little shake
ice clinks against one another and the caregiver can feel that more than half has already disappeared
immediately standing to their feet, caregiver grabs the popcorn bag with one hand and their little's arm with the other, hauling them up
the little stumbles, but finds some relief that they no longer need to make a decision as their CG leads them out of the theater
a gasp is let out as all the movement causes the little's bladder to find some relief itself, big kid undies immediately getting wet
the caregiver doesn't slow down their pace, dragging, then pushing their little into the family bathroom, careful to lock the door properly behind them
when they turn around, they watch as their little is hunched over the drain in the ground, a pattering noise audible as the little is unable to hold it even for a few more seconds, the grown-up potty only a few steps away
as the caregiver leads the little out of the movie theater and into the parking lot, the little instructed to hold their bag of popcorn in front of them to hide the worst of the damage while they stand closely behind them, they make a promise/assurance to their little:
they'll catch the movie when it comes to home video
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