#ah to be a writer with a Wet Bastard of an Antagonist whom you against all odds somehow Don't Completely Hate
runawaymun · 1 year
6 and 11 for partake please :)
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
I don't really consider myself much of a twist writer, but one perhaps unforseen and unfortunate consequence that is in full force in this chapter comes from Elrond regaining his Music -- which has led to him really getting the strength of his Sight back at perhaps the best worst possible time for it. On the one hand I'm very glad that Elrond was able to heal in time for how close we're getting to Sauron's return. On the other hand it's very inconvenient for him to be wracked with The Horrors & saying Strange and Unpleasant Things to his boyfriend.
I do really hope that Gil's arc will come as a (pleasant and hopefully not too-out-of-left-field) surprise, but again I'm not going to force it if he simply Refuses to Develop. In any case I am beating him with a rolled up newspaper on the nose in a desperate attempt because he's one of those very troublesome antagonists who has a chance of turning out okay in the end if he actually is willing to admit he fucked up and put in a real effort to do better.
But like idk will he? That's the question of the last section of the fic & that's up to him.
11. was already answered here but I'll answer again for a different scene because I like talking about this fic:
It's a very smol scene. Like perhaps a sentence or so, but I'm very excited for the moment that Elrond actually decorates his room in Lindon :)
(ask game)
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