#ah that sweet sweet qpr meet ugly
kindofwriter · 3 years
Can I offer you some: ‘Ep 25, The Gang Meets Wilde’
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Pt. 2
I guess I swung wildly between ‘brandy’ and ‘whiskey’ when writing this and didn’t notice, oof.
Transcript under the cut:
HAMID: I don't, I, I don't think so... Um, hello?
HAMID presses his finger tips to the door, swinging it gently inwards but not fully opening it. SASHA instantly flattens herself against the wall, drawing a dagger and clutching it to her chest.
VOICE (O.S.): Oh, hello?
VOICE (O.S.): Oh, hello?
VOICE (O.S.): Oh, hello?
VOICE (O.S.): Oh, hello?
BERTIE: Oh! Hello!
SASHA and ZOLF both give BERTIE a glare. HAMID reaches out to push the door further, but stops before he does.
BERTIE: Hello! Hello!
ZOLF elbows BERTIE in the waist.
ZOLF: Who on Earth are ya?
VOICE (O.S.): I could ask you the same question, I suppose!
HAMID steps into the apartment, pushing the door wide open as he does so. ZOLF and BERTIE step in behind him.
OSCAR WILDE is lounging by the hearth, looking only slightly uncomfortable in a halfling-sized chair. He's human, average height and average build, with plump, youthful features. His hair falls the nape of his neck in glossy, brown waves that shimmer every time he turns his head; he's clearly wearing an illusion.
WILDE is dressed in a manner that's almost garish: peacock patterned waistcoat, scarlet, French-style suit, red shoes, and yellow socks, but between his good-looks and his charisma he completely pulls it off. In one hand he holds a glass of HAMID's whiskey, and in the other a note pad.
WILDE: So sorry I, uh, got here a little early, thought I'd just wait it out.
WILDE smiles winningly at the party. BERTIE reaches up to lift the grate of his armour. HAMID looks confused. ZOLF frowns, then grabs hold of his symbol. A low sound, part way between a hum and a growl, emits from his throat, reminiscent of wind battering across the top of a lake. For just a moment his eyes glow, then WILDE's notebook bursts into flames.
WILDE: Ooh, ah!
WILDE drops the pad, shaking his hand. It's burnt to a crisp before it hits the ground. Looking at its smoldering remains, a faint smile twitches at WILDE's lips.
WILDE: Fantastic, that'd be you... Zolf? Yes?
CUT TO SASHASASHA is still pressed against the wall, head turned to the side so she can listen in. Her face is stony, but she looks poised for a fight.
WILDE: So, that must be Zolf.
ZOLF scowls and looks away from WILDE.
WILDE: And Hamid, and Sir Bertrand, yes.
BERTIE: Hello.
BERTIE steps forward, obscuring WILDE's view of everyone else. Between his height and his breadth he towers over WILDE, who immediately starts to look a little flushed.
WILDE looks BERTIE up and down in a meaningful fashion. He then glances away for a moment to meet ZOLF's eye, just to make sure he's catching what WILDE is doing. BERTIE looks a little affronted at the loss of attention.
WILDE turns and begins to pour another glass of whiskey from HAMID's decanter, then offers it to BERTIE.
HAMID: Um, who might you be?
BERTIE: Pleasure.
BERTIE takes the drink.
ZOLF: Is there a compelling reason why, um, I shouldn't shove this trident up your bum?
Now WILDE does turn away from BERTIE, looking right at ZOLF. It's difficult to tell whether he's red with annoyance, heat, or still recovering from his intense eye contact with BERTIE.
WILDE: Oh, that's not very- You wouldn't want that getting out, would you now? Honestly!
BERTIE (CLEARLY TRYING TO WIN WILDE'S ATTENTION BACK): Well, you haven't been formally introduced, which I think is part of the reason.
ZOLF (MUTTERING): Well, also, you'd be dead, so it wouldn't be going anywhere.
BERTIE has clearly failed to hold WILDE's attention, as he watches ZOLF with a quirked eyebrow. There's no hint of the 'bedroom eyes' he'd tried on with BERTIE, but there's definitely some kind of passion in that gaze. However it seems, more than anything, like the passion to argue.
HAMID: You, you, you appear to be in my apartment uninvited.
WILDE: I do apologise.
WILDE actually looks at HAMID for the first time.
WILDE: I was just hoping to get hold of you, and, well, I thought this was the best place. I mean, you have been staying here most nights, haven't you?
WILDE: Well, there we go then, I, uh, I thought you might enjoy the company.
WILDE once again makes eyes at BERTIE.
HAMID: Next, next time it might be nice of you to wait for an invitation.
WILDE: I, I do apologise, I, I did knock!
HAMID sighs deeply.
HAMID: Not quite the same thing, is it?
WILDE (EVASIVELY): I suppose not. So! This is all very exciting; I'm noticing you're all looking a little worse for wear-
HAMID smooths a hand over his waistcoat.
HAMID: I, uh, I would dispute that, thank you.
WILDE: Well, let me re-phrase: not all of you. I'm, I'm noticing, um-
WILDE glances at ZOLF, who seems to be the only one in the room not trying to capture his attention.
ZOLF (GRUMPILY): No, I always look like this.
WILDE: One of, one of your party's missing?
WILDE: Oh, I'm fairly certain that the girl-
ZOLF (INTERRUPTING): No, nope, who? What?
WILDE: The girl is. Hmm, yes. Quite. So, where have you been? How was today? I'm quite fascinated, actually.
HAMID (FIRMLY): Why don't you tell us why it is you're here?
WILDE: Well, I just thought it might be a good idea for you to sit down and, y'know, really, really share, y'know? Really explain things by yourselves, because people want to know. You know?
WILDE gives HAMID a very smug look.
HAMID: Are you a reporter of some kind?
WILDE: Mm, yeah, of a, of a kind. I, I, I sell my stories to whoever's interested, really. And a lot of people are very interested-
WILDE turns away from HAMID and begins to pour more glasses of whiskey. HAMID seems unfazed by this.
WILDE: I just, a lot of people are very interested-
BERTIE: Well, you know-
BERTIE shoves his glass between the decanter and the glass WILDE was filling, effectively giving himself a top-up.
BERTIE: I, I have been looking- I very much have an opening for a biographer.
BERTIE raises an eyebrow at WILDE, still leant across him from filling his glass. WILDE smirks.
WILDE: Well, we would have to closet ourselves away for a significant amount of time to really go over, go over the details. The nitty gritty, as it were.
Behind them, ZOLF scowls, clearly picking up on their queer-coded language, but immediately looking down on anyone who would willingly flirt with BERTIE. HAMID shuffles his feet, waiting innocently for the pair to finish talking.
BERTIE: I, I assure you, I have some extremely fine details to share with the appropriate young scholar.
WILDE turns, two new glasses of whiskey balanced in one hand.
WILDE (WITH A CHUCKLE): Presumably you mean of quality, not diminutive.
BERTIE joins in with his chuckle, but it quickly becomes mean, eventually devolving into a deep growl. Suddenly looking a little uncomfortable, WILDE moves away from BERTIE and offers a glass of whiskey to ZOLF. His face is soft; clearly he's looking for a little sympathy.
ZOLF refuses to take the whiskey, and scowls again at WILDE.
HAMID takes the glass offered to him, so WILDE drains ZOLF's.
BERTIE: My details are distinguished by their quality and their quantity.
WILDE (LESS SURE, BUT STILL PLAYING HIS PART): Indeed, I mean, that, that's a lot of the reason that I'm here. I've been hearing so much interesting- I mean, your deeds with Other London? And especially, I mean- Did you, did you manage to catch whoever it was with the antiques store?
SAHSA grimaces; tightens her grip on the dagger.
WILDE: I heard that was, heard that was a bit of a problem, no?
An awkward silence hangs over the room for a moment as ZOLF and HAMID give WILDE a look that tells him that was in poor taste. BERTIE enjoys his whiskey.
HAMID: Uh, l-look, Mister Wilde, I don't-
WILDE: Sorry that was, that was, that was rude of me. Clearly I was treading on  a nerve. I'm so sorry.
BERTIE raises an eyebrow, seemingly losing some respect for WILDE as he apologises.
HAMID: I don't, I don't mind telling you about, uh, what we've been up to. As I'm sure you've seen in the press and will see again soon, we are not averse to sharing our story. But I really must insist that you tell me what it is you do, and why it is you are here specifically.
WILDE (JUMPING IN): It is so generous of you to donate so much to the natural history museum, as well-
Suddenly WILDE is knocked off his feet, backwards into HAMID's chair, dropping his glass as he does so. SASHA looms over him, the tip of a dagger pressed lightly to his throat. WILDE is surprised, but not afraid.
SASHA: What do you know about the antique store?
WILDE smiles, just slightly.
WILDE: Well, I was hoping you'd be able to tell me, all I know is that you were there.
SASHA (UPSET, BUT IN HER OWN WAY): What, what do you know?
BERTIE steps forward, placing a hand on SASHA's shoulder.
BERTIE: Now, now, Sasha. If there's any blade to be held to this young man's throat I feel it should be mine-
SASHA shrugs BERTIE off with such force he actually has to remove his hand.
SASHA (CLEARLY AGITATED): He, he knows something about what happened to Gusset. He, he knows who trashed Gusset's store!
WILDE (WRIGGLING BENEATH THE DAGGER): No, no, that's not what I said.
SASHA: Oh, really? So, you know-
WILDE: I was curious-
SASHA: So how did you know about that? Because we didn't go to the press about that.
SASHA pressed slightly with the dagger. WILDE leans further into the chair to avoid getting nicked.
WILDE: Well, y'know, some people are observant, and some people, y'know- I mean, where do the press find these things out?
SASHA: Well, but- Usually, Hamid tells them!
For just a moment SASHA alleviates some pressure from WILDE, and it seems as if she might wheel around to threaten HAMID. Then she looks down at WILDE and re-applies the pressure; she trusts HAMID.
WILDE: Well, usually doesn't always cut it-
SASHA: That's how journalism works!
WILDE takes a moment to allow his eyes to drift back to BERTIE.
WILDE: Some deeds will just speak of their own accord.
SASHA begins to press the tip of the blade to WILDE's throat. Once ZOLF realises what she's doing he steps forward slightly, poised to pull her off.
SASHA: What do you know about who trashed Gusset's store?
WILDE: I don't know what to say. I know that you went in there, and you, uh, had a bit of a conversation. It looked very amicable, and then you headed on your way.
WILDE catches sight of ZOLF, stood behind SASHA with an arm outstretched. He visibly relaxes, allowing a huge grin to spread across his face.
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