#agent mason x iris decker
agentnolastname · 3 years
write the fluffiest shit you can pull out of masons ass for me i’m not ok need a cheer up and you’re gonna prescribe me my medicine thank h very much
Wear It Like A Promise
Pairing: Agent Mason x Detective Iris Decker (f!OC) | featuring toddler!Millie
Prompt: Mason realizes that his clothes are missing one by one. He finds out why and does something about it.
Word Count: ~1.7k
Note: Thank you for the ask @withbeautyandrage! I hope this is fluffy enough to cheer you!
"Man, I'm so tired of you wearing the same clothes almost everyday," Felix sighs as he looks at Mason with what seems to be a frown as fake as his sigh, "Don't the agency give us enough allowance for that?"
Mason scoffs at this, and was just about to speak when a laugh tears from the other side of the room. Iris then strides through the doors with Adam following her closely from behind.
"Ask Adam the same thing."
"I would like to be excluded from this narrative." The commanding agent says, his eyes glaring at Mason's direction
At this, Iris finds herself laughing even more.
Oh, to be a human in the middle of this.
She shakes her head internally, making her way to the couch to sit beside her husband. Mason greets her with a smirk, gesturing for her to move closer. She responds to this by pressing her body to his side, she immediately felt his hand on her waist and a peck on her lips.
"Missed me?" Iris teased. Mason just shrugged at this.
"Iris, where did all his clothes go?" Felix asks, genuinely looking curious now.
"The laundry." She says and smiles, "It's not much, and they all look the same anyway."
"Yeah, you're right, you gotta buy him clothes that aren't maroon or black." Felix chuckles.
"Not everyone can be stylish, you know?" Iris teases Mason but he just shrugged at this. "I certainly don't mind his clothes though."
"Yeah, you like them off anyway."
"I think we've had enough of this conversation, don't you think so?" Nate suddenly chimes from the corner of the room.
Just then, Rebecca enters the room signalling for their meeting to start.
"Thank you so much for looking over her." Iris says as she gets Millie from Tina's arms. The toddler immediately lights up upon the sight of her parents.
"Oh, she's a sweet little girl." Tina says and smiles, "Besides, Cara here was having fun taking good care of her little 'sisters'"
Just then Cara comes up to the door, "Hi, Aunt Iris, and oh angry mister, hello!" Both Tina and Iris laughs at this.
"We should go now." Iris thanks Tina once again.
With their goodbyes now said, Mason follows Iris to the car, carrying Millie on his arms.
"Did you send the laundry out already?" Mason lays on the couch in their living room as he looks after Millie while Iris prepares for dinner. "Most of my clothes are missing."
"I already sent them out but it won't arrive until Monday." Iris shrugs and just continued preparing. It wasn't much since Mason only feeds on blood and Millie still eats baby food. So it is only her eating her awful cooking.
"Dada." Millie says suddenly crawling to Mason's way. The toddler smiles at him and tugs on his hands. He picks her up and placed her on his chest. "Gug, dada." (Hug, dad) She says and lodged herself on his chest. Mason's lips curled into a slight smile as he gently wraps one arm on his daughter.
"I didn't use a lot of clothes this week though. Where did they go?" Mason asked.
"You should ask your daughter."
"What can a kid even do with my clothes?"
"More than you can know." Iris just shrugs. "I'll let you discover it yourself."
It's night time. They are both preparing to sleep when Millie suddenly cried. Iris immediately sits up with wide eyes, suddenly remembering the fact that she forgot something.
"Shit." She says and immediately stands up from the bed, leaving Mason confused. Once she noticed this, she looked back at him and smiled. "You should go back to sleeping, I just forgot to put something in her crib."
"You sure you don't want me to do it instead?" He asked, worry evident in his voice. It must be because she haven't been sleeping much these days because of the training, and the increase of crime in wayhaven.
"I'm okay."
"Alright then." Mason just shrugs.
Iris leaves the room, but he noticed her getting something from their closet before she went out.
"Dada?" He heard from the radio a few minutes later. It was Millie's tiny sleepy voice. "Dada pwip." (Dad sleep) Mason gets up and decided to check on what is happening on the nursery.
Reaching the room in no time, he slowly and quietly opens the door, seeing Iris wearing his shirt and craddling their child to sleep. Mason relishes the sight, but he won't admit it anyway. So he just smirks and move to stand beside his wife.
"Can't put her to sleep on your own?" He teases, earning a frown from the woman.
"It wasn't my fault that she is such a daddy's girl." Iris says, rolling her eyes.
"I'll put her down, go sleep."
"No, i'm alright."
"You need it." Mason says, moving to stand in front of her now.
"I just don't want to give all the responsibility to you."
"And you are not. She is my child, as much as she's yours."
"Let's all just sleep together then." Mason cuts her off and takes Millie from her arms, exiting the nursery almost immediately and going back to their room.
Iris smiles as she watches Mason gently craddling Millie while walking. She follows them, not bothering to switch back to the shirt she was wearing earlier.
Together, they all slept wrapped in each other's warmth. And it was the first time Millie slept continuously the whole night.
The day ended pretty fast for both Iris since it was her day off and all she had to do is to bond with Millie. She's thankful that the toddler didn't make much fuss looking for Mason and pretty much just enjoyed playing with her toys. It was a wonderful day, well more so if Mason was there. Unfortunately, he had to drop by the agency today and do something.
"Hello," she smiles greeting Mason who had just entered their home. "How was your day?" She says and stands, approaching her husband just to give her a kiss.
"As usual." Mason says and shrugs. "It's already late, why are you two still up?"
"Millie was waiting for you."
"And you aren't?" Mason teased, pulling her into the couch to sit on his lap.
"You know it already." Iris says and laughs, and was about to kiss Mason when a tiny voice interrupted their moment.
"Dada. Mum mum." Millie says and smiles up at them, holding her hands out for them to reach. Iris laughs at this and gets off of his lap to carry the toddler and placed her to sit in the middle. "Pwip." (Sleep)
"Alright, let's tuck you to bed now." Iris says snd carries the child. Surprised at Mason standing up and following them behind.
"Go rest. I'll wait until she falls asleep." Mason says, leaving a quick kiss on her temple. Iris just nods and exited the nursery.
Walking into their bedroom, she realized that she forgot to take Millie's dirty bottles from the nursery so she went back immediately. Only to see Mason craddling their child in his arms, and talking with her using a gentle voice even Iris had rarely heard before.
"You make your mom lose sleep whenever you look for me. It's alright to have favorites but don't show her okay? She will be competitive." With a chuckle, Mason looks at his child closely, realizing just how much she looks like him, and really got nothing from Iris except the blonde hair. "I'm gonna give you something that will make you less of a whiner."
Iris watched as he reached for his pocket, bringing out a bracelet with what seems like a small crystal on it. He wraps it around Millie's right arm and the toddler laughs at this.
"You like it, sweetie?" Mason asks and brings Millie up just to look on her happy face.
"I think she does. Also, sweetie? Really?" Iris smiles and moves to sit on the chair's armrest, her side leaning against Mason's shoulder. "You got her a crystal."
"It has my scent." Mason says and she immediately understood what it meant.
A few minutes later, Mason is tucking Millie who is finally asleep under her blankets. Iris stands on the side, waiting for him to finish so they could both go back to their room. When he does, he saunters over her direction, wearing that smirk on his face.
"Think I had forgotten about you, sweetheart?" He suddenly says and his hand retrieves something from his pocket again.
It was a necklace, looking the same as his. A black chord with a crystal that hangs on it.
"What do I need that for?" Iris asks, looking confused.
"So you won't miss me anymore."
"I don't." Iris says defensively and rolls her eyes.
"Sure you don't."  Mason chuckles, moving to put the necklace on her neck. And once he finally did, Iris felt something in her stirs, she isn't sure what, but it's not like she still needs to know. It's a gift from Mason, and she will always be thankful for it.
"And this what?" She asked holding the crystal in between her fingers.
"So you'll always have a part of me."
"What, are you now a crystal?" Iris says earning a scoff from the man that is standing in front of her. "Kidding aside, thank you." She says and slips her arms around his neck.
"I'll protect the both of you no matter what. I promise." Mason says, wrapping his arms around her waist. His smirk now long gone, and his eyes are looking at her with much intensity.
"I don't doubt that." Iris says and leans in to kiss him deeply. Only moving back a few seconds after. "She might wake up."
"She won't." Mason says and pulls Iris into their bedroom.
Iris wakes up the next day with dark circles around her eyes, going to work sleep-deprived.
Taglist (twc related content): @introvertgalsworld @freckles-spangledvampire @anotherbeingsworld @temptress-of-death-and-desire @starrystarrytrouble @pearlsandsteel @blossomanarchy @nathanielhsewell @oxjenayxo @agentmasonjars (please tell me if you wanted to be added or removed from this taglist!)
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agentnolastname · 3 years
#1 and 17 in the fluff prompt for Iris Decker x Mason plz 😌
Prompt: 1. “how much did you drink?” and 17.“you promised me a cookie!”
from this ask!
Pairing: Agent Mason X Detective Iris Decker (f!OC)
Note: MAAM thank you for this ask i've been wanting an excuse to write a drunk detective fic ✋🤩
"Mason! You're here!" Iris immediately ran to him the moment he entered her apartment. Mason's nose crinkles at the strong scent of alcohol floating around the room right now. He had always been a fan of beer, but how many did she even drink to be as drunk as this?
"Just how much did you drink?" He denies and guides the detective into the nearest sofa. He was supposed to place the detective beside her, but the woman had immediately straddled his lap the moment he settles into the couch. "You said you'll behave." He says but circles his arms around her waist anyway. Their faces are so close to each other, and she reeks of alcohol, Mason wonders why his senses aren't even going into an overdrive right now. But does it matter? It doesn't. Especially when their position allows him to see her face close and upfront. Beautiful.
"What? I'm behaved, sunshine." Iris tries to roll her eyes but failed, her eyes only fluttering close because of the gesture. "Why don't you wanna kiss me though. You always wanted me, Mason." She whines and rests her forehead on his, eyes still closed, and her lips into a pout.
"And you were sober every other nights I had you." Mason says and leaves a kiss on her cheek instead. "Now that's a kiss. Rest."
"Seriously? Mason, you kissed... my cheekies!" Iris laughs, one that made Mason flinch a little. "I don't want to rest though because I am hungry." With this, her lips is suddenly back into a pout again.
Mason looks at the coffee table in her apartment filled with an empty bowl of instant noodles, and empty packets of biscuits, "Hungry?" He asked confusedly. Iris had always been a light eater, and he's sure the amount of snacks on the table would have been more than enough to make her full.
"For you." Iris says and giggles. Mason sighs and stands, carrying her like a delivery box in the process and bringing her into the bedroom. "See, I knew you couldn't resist me."
Mason kept quiet until they finally reach the room, he placed her on the bed quite gently. Then he walks into her closet and grabs one of her sweaters. He hastily changed her clothes and threw the ones reeking of alcohol in the bin before he climbed into the bed and held her on his embrace. Placing Iris' head on his chest, one of his arms wraps around her body.
"What? You said no cuddle!" Iris says immediately, looking up at him with a grin on her face.
"Should I just go then?" He says with a scoff.
"No, but I am hungry."
"When you're rested a little bit, you can have anything."
"A cookie."
"A cookie then, sweetheart." With this, Iris just smiled into him and closed her eyes. For a few minutes at least.
Barely ten minutes had passed when she suddenly opened her eyes, "You promised me a cookie."
Mason laughs at this, like actually laughs. Iris is so drunk in his arms, he doesn't even know if she would remember all of this tomorrow. Drunk Iris pouts a lot, cute. And it's something he could use to tease her. He shrugs after a few seconds.
"Since you rested, I guess it's only fair to give you your cookie then."
With this, Mason stood, leaving her to get her jar of cookies from the kitchen. When he came back Iris is smiling, a wide toothy kind of grin he rarely sees on her. She looks beautiful like this, messy and just happy-looking. Far from her usual intimidating look. He approached her and gave her the cookie and the box of milk he'd got from her refrigerator.
"Thank you," She says just as Mason hands her a cookie. She happily bites on it. "You know what, I like you."
"Like me? That's an understatement, sweetheart."
"I know but like I always piss you off. Because I am annoying." Iris says and for the umpteenth time that night, pouted.
"Annoying, yeah somehow, but you don't piss me off." Mason says and hands her the milk after she finished a cookie. "Murphy pissed me off. The trappers pisses me off, but never you."
"Aww careful, sunshine, your soft is showing." She says and tugs on his shirt a little.
"That's just pushing your luck too much, sweetheart. Now eat."
A few more cookies, and half an hour later, Mason finds her head resting on her chest again, his hands wrapped around her. He stares at her, admiring the way she looks so peaceful everytime she sleeps. And for the first time ever, he considers staying in for the night. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea afterall.
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agentnolastname · 3 years
Pairing: Agent Mason X Iris Decker (f!Detective)
Plot: Iris thought she had ran out of wishes, but feeling as if her life is ending with Mason by her side, makes her wish for one more thing. And it is by far, the greatest wish she had ever had in her life.
Genre: Soft Angst (?)
Word Count: ~820
Song Inspo: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
"And I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow"
Her eyes immediately shoot up, hearing the voice the first time in her life ever. It still sounds like him, but it still is different, and oh my god, is he really singing? Is the really doing it? And for me? Iris' eyes remained glued into the man's own, staring back at her with much love, much earnest.
"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now"
Fic under the cut!
"How about you sing for me?"
It was a few seconds of quiet with Mason just staring back at her weak eyes. She'd jokingly asked for it just to lighten up the mood, and she is certain that he knows it. But Mason stared at her with searching eyes, as if he would actually do it if she'd ask seriously. Iris smiles to get rid of the awkwardness.
No, I don't want to force him into doing anything. She thought, and pressed herself further into Mason's embrace, putting her head in between his neck and closing her eyes.
"I love you." She says nonchalantly, like she always does whenever she feels like it. Iris can't see it, but she knows it. He is smiling, like he always does, too.
"I do too, sweetheart." Mason says before planting a kiss on the top of her head. "Always."
Iris was about to sleep, her eyes feels so tired already, and Mason's body feels so warm against her. She is in her happy place. And at this moment, she could wish for nothing more. Or so she thought.
"And I'd give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow"
Her eyes immediately shoot up, hearing the voice the first time in her life ever. It still sounds like him, but it still is different, and oh my god, is he really singing? Is he really doing it? And for me? Her eyes remained trained to the man's own, staring back at her with much love, much earnest.
"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, and I don't want to go home right now"
He'd always tell her that she was her peace, but little did he know that him being on her side had always brought her a certain sense of tranquility too. Iris never felt like home before, especially with Rebecca being constantly absent in her life. Meeting Mason and being with him all the time changed things though– he has became her home.
"All I could taste is this moment, and all I can breathe is your life"
He is her constant rest from the world, just as much as she is his. When they look each other in the eyes, it always feels like the first time. When they touch, the butterflies in her stomach still go wild. She was all about Mason, and he loves like she is his whole world. Frankly, she would want to be with him forever, but she is only human.
"And sooner or later it's over, I just don't wanna miss you tonight"
And their relationship was built, but it was always meant to break at some point. And she can feel it, that time can be anytime, might be soon. So her plan is to savor every moment, until it lasts. She feels selfish, knowing damn well that her being gone only means that Mason would be back to how he had always been before. As he said, his senses were relentless, and he was restless.
But Iris you could only do so much.
Mason stops singing just as her tears fell on his skin. He inches his face closer, used his hand to caress her back, and the other lifts her chin to see her face and wipe the tears in it.
"Why are you crying?"
"Because you are singing."
"My voice is so good it made you cry?" Mason jokes despite the worry visible in his eyes.
"Yeah, I think so." Iris laughs a little, "but also because you are singing my favorite song."
"Iris," Mason says, her name sounds so beautiful coming from his lips, "your favorite song is Iris?"
"It is, my song for you." She says, "When everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am." singing the last line of the chorus in between breaths.
"I know you." Mason looks at her and smiles, a gentle one. "I know you so damn well, sweetheart. But you are full of surprises, and I want to know more of you, so rest. I'll be here when you wake up."
If tomorrow, I still am able to, I'll tell you just how much I'd want to spend the rest of my life with you.
"That's good then," Iris says and returns the smile back to him. Everything in her begins to feel tired already, her body is screaming for rest. And with the last of her energy that day, she once again tells him how she always have felt for him. "I love you, Mason."
The fight yesterday wasn't easy at all, despite a year's worth of training with the agency. Iris was badly hurt because of the trappers, and she was bleeding to death when it all ended. She is lucky to even be alive at this hour. Being in that almost-death situation has made her feel a certain throb in her chest, and it's not because she fears of her life.
God... if you hear me, I have one more wish.
"I love you, Iris. Forever."
Please let me be with him until the longest I can be.
And that was the last thing that she heard of, along with the peck on the lips she last felt before her eyes fluttered close, completely.
Taglist (twc related content): @introvertgalsworld @freckles-spangledvampire @anotherbeingsworld @temptress-of-death-and-desire @starrystarrytrouble @pearlsandsteel @blossomanarchy @nathanielhsewell (please tell me if you wanted to be added or removed from this taglist!)
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agentnolastname · 3 years
30 fluff for mason and mcs kid :)
Thank you for this ask, @withbeautyandrage! You gave me yet another reason to write a soft!mason fic.
Prompt: 30. “detention? again?” from this ask!
Pairing: Agent Mason X Iris Decker featuring their daughter, Millicent (Millie).
Note: Hello! I'm writing Millie for the first time! I'll introduce her later in some fics but for now, here she is! This is so soft, Mason's snark literally yeeted out of the window but hey here it is.
Iris was in the middle of a case discussion with Unit Bravo the moment Douglas peeked his head inside her office. "Detective Decker, there's a call for you." And then he leaves immediately, going back to his desk.
"Continue discussing then, I will be quick." She said and the team only nods. It has been years since they started working together, and by now, the team already knows that she is capable of catching up. So they continued discussing as she steps out and answered the telephone.
"Detective Decker, speaking."
"Greetings, detective! This is Mrs. Dawson's secretary, calling for your child, Millicent." The mention of Millie's name made her heart skip a beat.
"Did something happen, is she in danger?" She asked.
"Nothing of that sort! She have done something unruly though, and almost hurt a classmate. So i'm wondering if you have the time to come today?" The secretary asked politely.
"Of course. I'll be there." With this she hangs up, hastily returning into her office just to gather her things. The team looks at her expectantly, waiting for her to speak. "It's Millie. I have to go down and fetch her."
"The kid did something again?" Mason asked, but didn't wait for her answer. Instead he stands and slings his arms on her shoulders. "I'm coming with you."
"Tell Millie I said hi!" Felix quips before the two of them left the precinct.
The drive wasn't long. They arrived in Wayhaven Elementary, and they were immediately greeted by kids. Mason's just glad that Iris is by her side or else he would be too overwhelmed of the noise to even get out of the car. Together, they entered the school premise and head into detention where they saw Millie sitting with two other kids, along with the principal and their homeroom teacher.
"Detective Decker, Agent Mason." The principal greeted, "I'm glad you could both join us. Now if you may, i'd love to have a talk."
"Can the children just wait outside?" Iris asked, her eyes immediately meeting Millie's, and the kid mouthed her a little thank you.
"Of course."
"Oh, Rain, let's go I'm gonna introduce you to my dad!" Millie excitedly said and grabbed the kid sitting beside her before approaching Mason and jumping into his arms. Mason picks her up, and moves out of the room with the other kids following him outside, leaving Iris to talk with the Principal.
Once out, Mason sits on the bench nearby, Millie sits beside him. The five-year-old had introduced her friend before the kid went away to play with the others on the field, leaving Millie and Mason alone on the bench together. This time, Mason looks at his child.
"Detention? Again?" He asked and for a moment, Millie's eyes looked scared, so he decided to follow up on this. "What happened, sweetie?" He asked, using the nickname he had always used on her whenever he wants to talk to her and teach her a thing or two.
Millie is smart for a six-year-old, and scolding her would just make her scared of making mistakes. So both Mason and Iris takes time to talk with her and correct her with kindness everytime. Unless she does something entirely wrong, then they will reprimand her, but if it's something they could make her understand, then they will talk it out.
"Cheryl was stealing away Rain's food and I told her that she shouldn't do that because it's bad, and I did it nicely, dad! I promise." Millie said and raised her right hand to swear. Mason just nods at this.
"And then what happened?"
"She laughed and said i'm a whimp because i'm small so I pushed her because I want to show her that I am strong." Millie smiled, a timid one, as if gauging what his reaction would be. Mason almost laughed at this. It's funny how she looks like him, but she definitely acts like Iris.
Yes, this is indeed their kid.
"You aren't wrong for defending your friend, that is brave of you." Mason says. "But you shouldn't push other kids." Although I would have done the same. Mason shrugs his thought away.
"I know, dad. And I won't do it again." Millie trails off and grins, "I'm just happy you both are here!"
"And what are you so happy about?" Mason asked, raising one of his eyebrows unconsciously.
"So that everyone knows I have the coolest parents." Millie says and hugs him from the side. This makes Mason smile.
"And why do you two look so happy?" Iris asked, approaching the two of them, holding yet another detention paper on her hands. Mason just shrugged while Millie comes to hug her as well.
"Because you are finally out and we can go home, mom." She says and smiles.
"No, no, don't use that smile on me, we will talk later." Iris says before gesturing for Mason to stand now.
"Okay with me." Millie smiles before she reached her hands up for Mason to pick her up. Together, they walked out of the school
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agentnolastname · 3 years
fluff prompt 10 for any pairing!
hello, jen! thank you for this ask, @oxjenayxo ! i hope you like this pairing but if you want another, don't hesitate to tell me please! i love this prompt so much.
Plot: 10. “yeah, okay, but i’m cooler." from this ask!
Pairing: Agent Mason x Detective Iris Decker (f!OC)
Prove It.
Iris is sweating so hard the moment her final kick landed on the dummy that stands in front of her. Just as her foot touches the ground again, Felix clapped loudly and continued cheering for her.
"Sick moves, detective!" Iris just smiles before her body falls on the soft ground of the ring.
She had been training since the morning, and the team all decided to watch her today. Felix and Nate joined because there really wasn't much to do today, Adam was there to train her and give her a few tips, and of course, Mason. He stands there on the corner of the training room, his eyes barely leaving her since she had started.
"What can you say, A?" Iris asked just as she stands and gets off the ring. She uses the towel Nate had given her to wipe the sweat out of her face.
"You did well, detective. Let's continue this next week." Adam gives her a small nod before he turns to leave the gym.
"Go take a rest, Iris. You deserve it." Nate says before he leaves the room to follow the commanding agent.
Now there's only her, Felix, and Mason in the room.
Mason leaves the corner and saunters to her direction, just as Felix pats her shoulder and smiled at her.
"You are a very fast learner! And you do the moves so good, detective!" Felix says and shows a thumbs up to prove his point.
"I agree." Mason cuts in, and Iris' attention was immediately on him. She tries to sense sarcasm in his tone, but there's nothing. Oh well, he can be genuine, but it still surprises her whenever he is.
"I know right, she's cool!"
"Yeah, okay," Mason just shrugged and stared at her, "but I'm cooler." Smirking, he moves to sling his arms around her shoulder.
"Prove yourself then." Iris said provocatively.
"Are you challenging me, sweetheart?" Mason says teasingly, looking at her from the side.
It was only then that she realized just how close they are. And Iris can't help but to smirk back at him, staring back at his eyes, letting him know that she loves challenges as much as he does, "That is if you can even match me."
"Don't think I'll go easy on you." Mason purrs and moves away from her, taking off his jacket before he moves to go up on the ring, eyes never leaving her, smirk never faltering. "How about we settle it out then?"
"Oh, you never know what you're asking for, sunshine."
And before even Felix could process what was happening before him, two beings are sparring on the ring. It's not that he is complaining, but he'll very much prefer to have a popcorn in his hands at that very moment.
so who do you think would win in this fight? 🤩
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agentnolastname · 4 years
Number 15!! Mason x Me (jk 😂) I mean the detective 😂 make it fluff pls don't hurt me HSKSJSHS
Thank you for the ask 🥺❤ And i'm not sure if this is fluff but XISJXJJZX
Pairing: Agent Mason x Iris Decker (MC)
Prompt: Trembling Hands (from this ask!)
When she agreed to sleep with him, Iris already knows how it was gonna end. She knows that for him, she is nothing more than another fling. So when she agreed to go on a date with Bobby, she didn't know it will lead them into this moment. They stand at the middle of her room, tension-filled air wrapped around the two of them. Iris has a frown painted on her face, and Mason stood in front of her with an expression she couldn't quite place.
"Why are you so mad about it? We didn't even do anything but date!" Iris says, voice a little raised.
"I'm not mad!" Mason scowls turning away and taking the seat in the corner of the room.
"Yeah, well, keep on telling yourself that, Sunshine." She says rolling her eyes as she gets her bag from the bed. "I'm leaving."
"What, you're really gonna go on that date?"
"Why not?"
With this, Mason crosses his arms and sinks further into the seat, his forehead creased and his brows pulled together. Iris grins walking to stand in front of him.
"You're jealous, aren't you?" She teases, a playful grin still plastered on her face. Mason didn't answer, instead he looks away. "You can just tell me if you don't want me to go."
"It's your decision to make, sweetheart." Mason finally speaks, his voice devoid of snark that usually accompanies it. "I'm just saying you have better things to do here." This time he smirks as he faced her.
"We always do things that are better, but it's not what I need." Iris says, her voice slightly softening. "I want to feel, to date, not just sleep around."
"And you'll get that with him?"
"Maybe. Someday."
"Sure." Mason says, teasing.
"Stop teasing me!" She says, blushing. "I know that you are sensing my feelings and I'm telling you to stop because it's embarrassing."
"You think it's embarrassing that your pulse races when you're with me?" Mason teases, his eyes unusually bright.
"Yes because I know that you don't do feelings."
"How can you be so sure?"
Iris was taken aback. Her head starting to become cloudy as Mason's facial expression became softer. There was a brief moment of silence before Iris decided to break it, "And you mean exactly what?" Mason just shrugs.
"You'd think I'd hang here like this if you're just one of my flings? Think again, Sweetheart."
"Oh yeah, 'cause you exactly made it clear to me." Iris snaps, rolling her eyes in the process. She holds her hand together to stop the trembling caused by the sudden rush of adrenaline in her system. "Should I be glad that I mean more to you than everyone else or..." she trails off, catching Mason's grey eyes softly gazing at hers.
"I think you are already feeling more than glad, Sweetheart."
Iris hits him slightly on his arm and casually sat on his lap, "You should've just told me this sooner, now I feel bad about calling Bobby and cancelling."
"And you don't have to."
"What do you mean?" Iris asks, confused. Mason didn't answer, instead he shrugged, smirking in the process. Realization dawns on Iris in mere seconds. "You sneaky ass!"
"What? I did you a favor, sweetheart."
Iris didn't say anything else, instead she leans back on his chest as his arms wrapped around her by instinct. Mason's not someone who's big on romance, but he can surely get used to this.
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agentnolastname · 4 years
Pairing: Agent Mason X Iris Decker (MC)
Summary: Iris wakes up with her head still on Mason's chest for the very first time ever. Since then, something just changed between the two of them.
Song Inspo: Fallin' All In You // Shawn Mendes
Taglist: @mrs-raleighcarrera @bisexualdumbassstuff @anotherbeingsworld @starrystarrytrouble (please tell me if you want to be added or removed from this taglist;;)
Note: this is a self-indulgent fluff fic and this is just how i picture mason in a deep relationship with the detective ;-;
The rays of sun wakes Iris up from her sleep. Moaning a little, she attempted to shift to her left, only noticing that there's something heavy on her back. Her eyes immediately opened, landing on the man that is laid beneath her, his arm resting over her waist and his other arm perched on his eyes blocking any of the light that passes through her blindless window. Iris blinks once, and then for a couple more times trying to figure out if this is still a fragment of her dream. Only to realize that this is indeed reality when the man groans.
"You're still here." She says, still lying on top of his naked chest, their bodies hidden under her thick white duvets. Mason just nods slightly and pulls her tighter into his embrace. "I thought you never stay the night on a fling's house?" Iris asks reluctantly, afraid of what he will answer, too.
Especially when this isn't the first time they slept together. She's afraid that this night is no different than the others, except for the fact that he didn't leave her alone in the morning.
Maybe he was just too tired to get up today.
And what if he is? She shrugs, holding her thoughts inside her head. She decided to dwell into the comfort that wraps them despite the silence that looms over.
A few minutes passed before Mason finally wakes up completely, only lifting his arms a little to meet her gaze, "You should really put blinds on that goddamn window." He says, the snark in his voice present despite the unusual softness of it.
"I just keep on forgetting. I love the sun."
"I don't." Mason shrugs and pulls the duvet until it covers them together, blocking the bright lights, his now free hand landing on her hair as he plays with it softly.
"It's my room though. So you can say your complaints all you want but I won't be blocking my window, sunshine." She says, smirking as his lips curves into a frown at the nickname. "It's not like you are always gonna sleep here anyway."
"What if I am?"
With that, both of their expressions suddenly becomes serious. Iris felt her breath hitch at the sudden statement. They're just there staring at each other, unmoving. Until Mason groans and looked away.
"This is why I hate emotions."
"What? I haven't even said anything yet." Iris says, taking his face in her hands and moving his gaze back to her. "And what about staying and emotions, hmm?" She teases, wide grin plastered on her face.
"Are you expecting me to answer that?" Mason scowls. "You're smart, figure it out."
"So are you gonna sleep here later or?"
"Sure." With that Mason leaves a quick peck on her lips before he stands up, carrying her out of the bed. "Come on, I'll drive you to the station."
"You're driving my car?"
"What else? Hurry up."
With that, he stopped in front of the shower and dropped her gently to her feet, leaving her to get ready. In after just a few minutes, Mason is driving her to the station.
"You done yet?" Mason strides inside her office holding a cup of cold coffee in his hand.
"You drink coffee now?"
"No, it's obviously for you." Mason says frowning and taking the seat in front of her, placing the coffe down on her desk.
"Thank you, I needed this caffeine boost." She says as she sips from it immediately. Mason's eyes landing on the paperwork stacked on her desk. "Yes, I have to finish all of this tonight. Yay me for being a procrastinator." She says sarcastically making Mason's lips curl into what seemed like a contained smile.
"Take a break for now, you've been at it the whole day." Mason says leaning back on the chair. The statement made Iris sigh as she drops her pen. She ducks her head on the table.
"I feel so sleepy already."
"If you need some help, you just gotta ask, sweetheart." He says, voice concerned and void of his usual teasing.
"Are you offering?"
"Me doing paperwork? No way." Mason scoffs and folds his arms. "How about you do these at home instead? It's late, and the chairs suck."
Iris sighs as she brings her head up again, looking at Mason in front of her.
"Help me carry them then?"
They take turns in the shower. Iris went first and once she's done, Mason went next, changing into the shirt Iris offered him despite it being colorful and not to his liking. He lit a cigarette for a while before he went out of the shower, only to see Iris peacefully sleeping with her head perched on the stack of papers. A smile creeps up Mason's face as he approaches the figure.
He sits on the floor beside her and just watched her sleep for a few minutes, before he decided to carry her into the bed. Iris stirs from her sleep a little, but she didn't wake up. Mason gently places her into the bed and slide beside her, tucking her into his embrace.
The night was young, yet Mason finds himself drifting to sleep to the comfort her heartbeat brings him.
The next morning, Iris wakes up to an empty bed. She kept her eyes close, afraid that everything that happened yesterday was a dream. She closed her eyes tighter, remembering what happened yesterday.
Mason staying through the night and him driving her to work. He brought coffee for her to drink when he fetched her to work. And she remember going back home with Mason on her side. The last thing she could recall is the way she fell asleep and the feeling of someone carrying her to the bed and snuggling her to sleep. She knows that for sure, it's him. Mason always had this mysterious scent she could always recognize.
She sighs, thinking of whether all of yesterday was her fever dream.
My brain could not be making that up.
She shrugs finally giving up and opening her eyes. Only to see Mason's back facing her. He sat on the floor, her portable work table in front of him.
"Awake so early, sweetheart?" Mason asks, facing her. One of his hand holding a pen and the other holds one of her case files.
It was then that she noticed that it's only three in the morning. And is he filling the paperworks?
"You don't have to do that." She says groggily as she stands up, approaching the man. "Come on, let me continue it."
Mason drops the pen and moves back instead of shifting aside. "What?" He asks when Iris raises a brow at him. "My lap is a lot more comfortable than the floor."
Iris shrugs as she sits on his lap, she yawns and takes the pen in her hands, realizing that Mason almost had finished most of her paperworks.
"Didn't know you had this in you, Sunshine." Iris teases as she leans back on his chest. "Thank you."
"Words are empty. I can think of plenty of ways you can thank me, Sweetheart." Mason says suggestively earning a chuckle from the woman between her arms.
"Sure, but let me finish this and rest a bit first. My stamina's not as big as yours."
"Oh, believe me when I say I know."
They shared a chuckle before Iris continues doing the remaining paperwork. Mason just watched her, hands wrapped around her waist and his chin perched upon her shoulders.
Just like that, they started a new daily routine together, and it's sure to last for a long time.
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agentnolastname · 4 years
#24 For A's route and #49 for M's route please 😌
Thank you for the ask, Vivi! 🥺❤ Also I enjoyed writing these prompts so it's more of a drabble rather than microfics 🥺 I hope you enjoy reading!
Pairing: Agent Adam du Mortain x Detective Irene Sinclaire
Prompt: Tender (from this promptlist!)
"I still can't believe you enjoy reading." Irene sat in front of Adam as he reads a random book he found on the warehouse's shelf. She likes to believe it's from Felix, because who else would read a book about unicorns in this household? The only thing she isn't sure about why she finds Adam holding it though. "And I still can't believe you are avoiding me."
At this, Adam heavily drops the book on the table, his eyes immediately fixating on her as he leans back to his seat, crossing his arms in thr process. "I'm not avoiding you, detective."
"Yeah, just punishing me, pretty much the same thing." Irene rolled her eyes as she mirrors Adam's movement from earlier. She leans back to her seat and crosses her arms as well, her eyebrow raised. "Come on, it was a month since I was bitten, i'm alright now!"
"It doesn't change the fact that you did not listen to me that day." Adam says, his tone stoic as usual.
"Oh come on, I only did that to save you! They wanted me anyway." She shrugs, suddenly leaning in to the table. "And I wouldn't just leave you out there, what would Unit Bravo think of me if I left you?"
"They will be happy that you are safe." Adam says, the softness finally catching on his voice. "Like I would have."
"But I'm safe and you aren't happy."
"Because you were in danger because of me!" He scowls, standing up and slamming his hands on the table leaving a dent. Irene was slightly taken aback, but she maintained composure. She's not one to back down, and just this won't be enough to weaken her resolve, no. Instead she eyes him, just waiting until the latter finally looks away, going back to sit on the chair. "I was so worried about you."
"If you really care about me, you will show me how much. Words are rather empty without action." Irene teases despite her remembering how Adam acted on the night she was bitten and stabbed.
She was expecting that he'll frown, turn away, and stomp his way out of the living room. Besides, it's the reaction that fits him, but instead, Adam's expression softens as he looks at her intently. His eyes filled with that familiar longing. Adam never says a word. Instead he extends one of his arms to touch her face with a gentle hand. His hand remained on her face even after a few minutes, Irene stays still despite the erratic beating of her heart inside her chest.
"I care about you, detective." He says, voice low and tender. "More than you could possibly know."
And then he reluctantly pulls back, standing up from his seat and walking away. Irene watched him leave once again, yearning for him now more than ever.
Pairing: Agent Mason X Detective Iris Decker (MC)
Prompt: Nightfall (from this promptlist! )
"Day's finally over!" Tina says, excitement evident in her voice. She stands and stretches immediately once the clock strikes seven. "We should all go home early today, it's too dangerous even for us lately." She says and picks her things up saying her goodbyes to everyone.
Iris watched as each one of her colleagues leave the station, Verda being the last one to leave before she finally realizes the station is dark and empty.
Fear creeps up her spine at the sudden thought of the increased deaths in the town these days. The thought of crimes usually excites her, but since the incident with Murphy, she finds herself being afraid of it despite her burrying the experience deep down. Iris sighs, shrugging her thoughts away as she moves to turn the electricity off.
Stepping outside the station, she pulled her coat and hugged herself as the wind hits her frame. Iris looks around making sure that there aren't anything before she starts to walk approaching her car. She makes slow steps as a figure looms over the front of her car, the night so dark she couldn't even see the figure clearly. She checks her gun and pepper spray, proceeding to approach the figure when she made sure that they are present.
One... two... thre-
"Ah!" She screams so loud as her eyes shuts tight when the figure suddenly turns to face her. Her heartbeat so loud, she can hear it on the silence that looms ever. Well, the silence didn't last long as she heard a chuckle. She knows who exactly it is. "What the hell, don't sneak on me like that!"
"You're the one acting stealthily behind my back." Mason says, a teasing smile still spread on his lips.
"Don't even pretend you didn't know it was me, you know how I smell!"
"Yeah, your scent is amazing." Mason chuckles once again. "It was fun startling you." He says not realizing the frown on her face. It was only after a few seconds he noticed it. "Something wrong?"
"You're an ass, you know I get startled easily and yet you did that and I-" Iris says her voice waivering. "-I am so scared my heart won't even stop pounding until now." She says as tears suddenly streams down her face. Mason was taken aback by her sudden outburst.
"I didn't know it will affect you so bad." Mason says as she pulls her into a hug, wrapping one of his arms around her and the other landing on her head. She lets her head on the crook of his neck. "If I have known I wouldn't have done that."
"I'm sorry, it's not even your fault I'm crying, I'm just so... scared... Murphy..." Iris says in muttered breaths. Mason can feel her rapid heartbeat. Suddenly, he feels so bad that he did it.
"Ssh, it's okay, Murphy isn't here and even if he is, I won't let him harm you." Mason says. They just stood there on the pavement, Mason keeps her close as he continuously slides his hands on her back. He waits until he can feel her heartbeat calm already. "Come on, I'll take you home. I'll do this from now on." Iris just nods at him as they made their way to her car.
Iris doesn't know how Mason can just erase her worries like that, but she's surely thankful he's willing to do so everytime.
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