#agent four has a weak spot and it is zapfish
inkblots-agent-four · 4 years
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“Still kinda salty that someone wouldn’t let me keep Zappy, but yeah.”
[The Summer Before Arc: 1/?]
Transcript under the cut!
drmedic0490 asked: How’s being an agent going?
mirruno-zelia asked: So, how’s the rescuing zapfishes going?
Marie (Gray Green): Zapfish sighted!
Agent Four (Yellow): Huh?
Marie: *sigh* It’s straight ahead, Four.
Four: Ah.
Four: This thing?
Marie: Yeah, just shoot that thing around it.
Four: Gotcha. (Looks like a Rainmaker shield...)
Marie: Great job. Let’s bounce.
Marie: ...Agent Four? 
Marie: Wha-
Four: Eeeee! <3
Marie: oh.
Four: You’re so cute!! 
Four: Who’s a good Zapfish? That’s right, its you!!
Marie: Agent Four, please-
Four: What a cutie pie!
Marie: Just... please just get back here right now.
Four: Marie, I’m going to keep him.
Marie: *sigh* You can’t.
Four: Why not?
Marie: We have to return him.
Four: Awww... (But he’s so cute...)
Marie: I know. I know.
Four: It’s been going okay.
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