#afterhours cw mind control
afterhoursfic · 3 years
Okay but Regis as Geralts sugar daddy and Dettlaff as Eskels.
Just Geralt and Eskel being absolutely spoiled and doted on and happily spending half the time on their knees warming their cocks or getting fucked into a mattress.
Also Regis and Dettlaff are very happy to watch Geralt and Eskel spend some time together and put on a show for them. Maybe even hypnotise them a little, it doesn't really take or last long on them but they will play it up and do whatever they say anyway.
But I'm highkey into Dettlaff/Eskel now because they bith keep to themselves, shunned by society and just feel they'd like to live alone in the country together. Also Dettlaff going off on anyone who's horrible to Eskel? Yes please, also monsterfucker Eskel? Who will very happily get fucked in Dettlaffs true form is also sending me.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Hello, I saw that your prompts are open and thought I might add some. How about using Yrden for non-con? Using it for bondage where Geralt doesn't want to leave any marks on his bard but wants for him to stay in place to fuck him raw.
I love axii but I think Yrden has some potential.
Ps: Don't think how combining those two could give Geralt total control over Jaskiers body and mind ;)
Warning: non con, mind control
Geralt likes a challenge. It was challenging enough having Jaskier travel with him, and then even more so not doing anything with him, he wondered if the bard knew how close he’d come to being pinned somewhere and Geralt forcing his cock down his throat.
The only issue was that Jaskier was helping his reputation, plus he knew Jaskier would be difficult and would likely end up littered in bruises and bites that all the townsfolk will notice and comment about, with enough attention Jaskier might just admit to everything. The thing is he wanted more than just a taste, he wanted Jaskier for himself which meant planning.
He could just use axii, true, but where was the fun in that? It was easy and simple and Jaskier would be half out of it which meant he wouldn’t genuinely get to see what he looked like, if he screamed or cried when Geralt finally got to fuck him.
He got his answer when he was hunting a noonwraith and watched her slow and get stuck in his yrden trap. In all honesty, he got distracted by it, watching the way she howled and struggled, and he couldn’t help but imagine it was Jaskier instead, begging to be let free as he lay there naked and sobbing, bound and unable to do anything, just without the rope marks, and Geralt couldn’t help but squeeze his cock for a minute just to the thought of it.
Unfortunately, he became a bit too distracted which meant the noonwraith managed to get a couple of good swipes at him before he managed to finish her off. A dose of swallow and he walked a roundabout way back to town to get his reward and then to their camp to allow it to heal a bit, but he didn’t bother cleaning it, he wanted Jaskier to see it and to fret and worry and get close until it was too late.
Truly Geralt would be better off waiting to do this when he was at full strength and they were truly away from civilization, but he doesn’t think he had the willpower to wait tonight, it was either yrden or Geralt was going to force Jaskier down and take what he wanted there and then.
Predictably, Jaskier rushed over to him when he came into view, worrying and chastising him as he helped remove his armor and clean and dress the wounds, not that they needed dressing, but he liked Jaskiers hands on him, it sent a silent thrill through him and he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from pulling Jaskier into a rough, biting kiss.
The rest of the night passed easily enough, they ate, Jaskier played, and Geralt slipped himself a decoction to strengthen his signs, and then without much preamble, he stood up and told Jaskier to strip. Sure, he could do it himself, but he will definitely rip and tear Jaskiers clothes apart and he didn’t want Jaskier to completely hate him after.
He’s sure he hears a string snap when Jaskier stops playing and turns to look at him as if he grew a second head “Excuse me?”
“I told you to strip, I’m not gonna say it a third time”
“And it’s a late spring evening, even if it wasn’t ball achingly cold I don’t see a dame here for me to plow-“
“Who said you’re going to be doing any fucking” That made Jaskier pause, even more so than he had before and he even put down his lute, for the first time since they’d met he smelled just the slightest hint of fear coming off of him “For the last time Jaskier, strip”
Maybe it was the way he was stood, or the hard edge to his voice, or maybe that Jaskier had finally caught sight of his eyes, dark as pitch, but Jaskier slowly moved trembling hands to undo the laces of his shirt.
He’d barely shrugged it off before Geralt got bored, grabbed onto the waistband of Jaskier’s pants, and ripped them off before shoving Jaskier back onto the floor, ignoring Jaskier's shouts as he forced him onto all fours and cast Yrden.
He stepped back to admire his work, watched Jaskier shiver, the only movement he was allowed as he watched Jaskier’s jaw and hands clench, unable to even scream for help, and Geralt could hardly hold back his groan and had started to unlace his pants as he watched a tear track down Jaskier’s cheek.
It was easy to force himself between Jaskier’s legs, to shove a spit slick finger into his hole as prep before he spit onto his hand to slick up his cock, could just hear Jaskier’s cries muffled behind his mouth as he pushed his cock in with a moan.
He was so godsdamn tight, almost too tight, as he slowly fucked his cock deeper into him, feeling Jaskier’s hole clench impossibly tighter around him and he hissed out a swear as he started to fuck him properly. Deep, hard thrusts that made him want to cuss every time he sank into that tight, hot heat that made him growl as he curled possessively across Jaskier’s back, snarling as he tried to fuck himself deeper into the other man.
The whole point of Yrden was so he didn’t have to hold Jaskier down, and yet he had to clench his hands into the dirt to stop them from grabbing at Jaskier’s hips, his ass, his neck, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from leaving purple bruises across his skin for all to see.
He didn’t even realize Yrden had started to fade, just felt Jaskier start to move a little more, his struggles get stronger as he tried to move his hips away from him, then towards him, anything to try and ease the discomfort of getting fucked into the dirt, but Geralt was too far gone to realize.
He lamented for a minute that he didn’t have Eskel’s skill with signs, nor that his brother was here either, he was willing to give his brother a turn at Jaskier’s hole for a decent Yrden, but he was too desperate to fuck deeper into his hole, could barely form axii as he growled into Jaskier’s ear to ride his cock.
There was a moment of hesitation where he heard Jaskier whimper, watched him bite his lip to keep back a sob as more tears tracked down his cheeks, but then Jaskier braced himself and rolled his hips, letting out a small experimental moan before he did it again and Geralt threw his head back, teeth bared and itching to bury into the skin of Jaskier’s neck as he began fucking into Jaskier with abandon.
He knew he was being too rough, could smell the blood in the air, and knew Jaskier would be limping for days after, especially when he was going to do it again tomorrow night, and the night after that as well, and as many nights as he wanted because now that he’d had a go of his ass once he had no intention of letting him go now. Even if it took him axiing the bard to stay, he was definitely going to make him present every night.
It was with that thought that he came with a shout, sinking his teeth into Jaskier’s neck for a second before he pulled back with a start, licking at the teeth marks already embedded in his neck as he rolled his hips to fill him up with every drop of come. When his pleasure started to ebb away he realized Jaskier was scrambling in the dirt, trying to find purchase to pry himself away, but he wasn’t done yet, was already beginning to fuck himself into Jaskier again, ignoring the obvious whimpers of pain coming from him as he pressed another Yrden into the ground, heard the bard choke on a cry when he once again froze in place.
It was easy to keep Jaskier in place, to fuck him over and over until he realized the low groans were coming from Jaskier, could feel his hole clench around his cock and the way his stomach filled out, full of come and no doubt cramping in pain, and yet Jaskier couldn’t even reach a hand down to soothe the ache, could just lay there as he was made to take every drop of come Geralt forced into him.
Maybe in the morning he’d take a couple of goes at his mouth to really fill out his stomach, watch him limp and waddle out on the path tomorrow as come leaked out of him from both ends, maybe even stick Yrden on the path and force Jaskier to stand there as he fucked him all over again for anyone to see. Maybe he’d even force axii on him so everyone could see how much Jaskier enjoyed being on his cock and label him the witchers whore for all to hear. He definitely wouldn’t be escaping anywhere after that, wouldn’t get anyone to offer him any aid when he had the witchers claim on his neck, stomach full of come and leaking down the back of his thighs.
Eventually, he wouldn’t even need the signs, wouldn’t even need to tell Jaskier to get on all fours, he would just stick his ass up whenever they stopped for the night to get fucked, could even sit Jaskier on his cock as they rode Roach, keep him stretched open all day so he didn’t have to bother to give him a finger of prep. Maybe tomorrow he wouldn’t bother with even that, just push Jaskier’s face into the dirt, tug his pants down past his ass, if he had the patience, before he shoved his cock in. After he’s already bruised Jaskier’s throat with it of course. 
He’s happy not to prepare Jaskier because all he wants is a hole to fuck, but that doesn’t mean he wants to chafe his dick in the process. Yes, from now on he’ll use Jaskier’s throat to slick up his cock, it’s not like he’ll be doing much singing anyway, he’s much better getting fucked on his cock instead.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Just a quick aside from the witcher, I don't know if any of you know the show sense8 but thats prime real estate for non-con/mind control/manipulation stuff 👀👀
All Im saying is what if Eskel then had acess to pretty little Jaskier, who screams so pretty under him
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Hi! Little question, am I the only one who loved stories where there's a twist at the end? For instance, a story where the witchers have Jaskier at the Kaer all naked and permanently ready to service them in every way and it's explained how it happened through axii or magic or the likes and then at the end the POV changes and J tells us how he manipulated them into thinking/doing this and it was all his plan to have them sexually satisfy him. Or something along those lines. ^_^
I do love a good twist, although I dont think theres a lot, if any, work like that for the dark kinks, although you do have an amazing idea anon.
Just Jaskier being purposefully flouncy and annoying and him asking/paying people to flirt with and get chased out so Geralt sees him a nuisance and he just has to Axii to him. It's designed to stop Jaskier seeking people out because why would he when he has Geralt there to fuck him.
Underneath it, Jaskier is just about aware of the command that makes him present his ass when Geralt tells him too and just knowing that, that he's finally got Geralts frankly huge cock fucking him whenever he wants and he's basically horny all the time. Its the best feedback loop because Geralt must smell it on him, see the strain of his cock in his trousers and the growing wet spot from his pre and he knows it drives Geralt wild, can see his nostrils flare before pulling him aside to fuck him senseless.
It gets better when Geralt invites him to Kaer Morhen for the winter. He plays off like he's busy, that he has a standing appointmemt with a lover and his cock twitches when he sees Geralt form the sign and tell him that he will be coming to Kaer Morhen and that he's going to be eager bitch for his brothers cocks too.
In Jaskiers opinion they can't get to the keep fast enough and they're not even through the door before his mouth is watering and his hole clenching around nothing, desperate for something inside him before Geralt makes quick work of his clothes and shoves him towards his brothers, and just from the glimpse of their cocks straining at their pants he knows he's in for a treat.
Maybe every now and then he'll pretend to struggle a bit, pretend as if Geralts commands are wearing off (they're not) and that's when he's treated to Eskels axii which feel so much stronger than Geralts just so he can get them to be rougher, man handle him a bit more, leave bruises and bite marks and fuck him till he can't walk without limping or hissing in pain.
Just the witchers thinking they're keeping Jaskier out of trouble and got themselves a nice little bitch to keep them entertained whilst Jaskier is getting the best dick this side of the continent.
I know I haven't really written a story and there isnt really a twist but theres no way I could pull something eyebrow raising like that 😂
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Geralt comes back from a hunt to find Jaskier and Ciri teasing each other or just being playful and they go to stop messing around but Geralt axii's them to pursuit it further and do it like he isn't there and he watches as Jaskier ends up plowing into her and she screams for more. Maybe it's not enough and Geralt ends up axii-ing them to keep going, to get Jaskier to eat her out after he's cum in her and to fill her again and again and Geralt gets off on his fav 2 people finding pleasure
So this is technically the half way point of the fic week so have you been enjoying it so far? or not so much? :’D
It had been an easy hunt, refreshingly easy almost, as what was thought to be a werewolf turned out to just be an extra aggressive pack of wolves, easily dispatched and left his blood thrumming under his skin for an outlet.
He tried to scout the area to find any more wolves or even wild dogs he could kill just to take the edge off, but after half an hour of nothing, he resorted to just heading back to camp and just hoped Ciri had managed to hunt something decent for dinner, that was if Jaskier hadn’t eaten it all already.
It had been strange, but pleasant, coming across Ciri on their travels, and she had gladly joined them on the path for a time, but it had been even stranger to see her and Jaskier embrace like old friends, almost like lovers before they seemed to remember he was there and pulled away with sheepish looks.
The next few days had been just as strange. The two slept side by side, in separate bedrolls of course, but they were usually sharing one come morning, and the evenings they were spent huddled together in conversation talking about their travels and health, their plans for the future, and about meeting for the solstice. A couple of times he swore he could see them holding hands, of Ciri’s sword calloused hands tracing marks on Jaskier’s lute calloused ones as they snuck gazes at each other in the dying firelight.
He wasn’t sure how he felt. At first, he was angry, traveling with Jaskier as long as he had he knew his dangerous reputation of sleeping in the wrong beds with the wrong people, but he couldn’t pinpoint when, but things had changed. He still flirted and left several people flushed and aroused in his wake, but he never went through with it, in fact, he didn’t know when was the last time Jaskier had taken someone to his bed.
He wanted to be mad, to be the protective father figure to Ciri, but even he couldn’t deny that she looked happy by Jaskier’s side, an almost childish youth to both of them when they were together, and wasn’t that what he wanted? The people he cared about most to be happy and healthy?
At least that’s what he thought as he approached the camp, until he heard the faint whispers between his two companions and some other noise he couldn’t place, made clear when he passed through the treeline to see Ciri sat on Jaskier’s lap, his hands down the back of her pants, grinding them together whilst they made out with each other.
Whilst he suspected something was going on between them, it was different seeing it happening right in front of him, but he felt frozen in place as he saw Jaskier pull away from the kiss, flustered in a way he’d never seen before he went to nibble at Ciri’s ear, and he felt his traitorous cock twitch when he heard her moan.
“I promised you the solstice Ciri, best we don’t go any further tonight” He could practically see the pout on Ciri’s face at Jaskier’s words, but that didn’t stop the girl pleading with him anyway, snaking a hand down to rub at Jaskier���s cock, he guessed, and sure enough he saw the bard’s eyelids flutter closed and let out a strained groan.
“C’mon Jaskier, he’s hunting a werewolf miles away, he won’t be back for an hour at least” Both he and Jaskier were fixed on Ciri as she moved down his lap so she could begin to lick at the head of Jaskier’s cock, and it was his fist in his mouth that stopped his moan from being heard.
Jaskier just stroked a hand in Ciri’s hair and let her continue for a minute as she began to suck at the head of his cock before pulling away for a couple of teasing strokes with her tongue, and it was then that Jaskier pulled her away, a chuckle on his lips as he kissed her “Then you underestimate him, my dear, I’ve traveled with him for years and I can bet you he’s on his way back now”
The news however didn’t deter Ciri, who simply smirked into the kiss before getting up on her knees and began to pull her pants down below her ass before positioning herself just over Jaskier’s cock “Guess we better be quick then, shouldn’t be a problem for you old man”
In the next moment Jaskier had rolled them over so that he was on top, a smile on his face as opposed to Ciri’s put out one, clearly, this had happened more than once and he watched as Jaskier carefully put his cock back in his pants before he kissed Ciri’s still exposed hip.
“I told you we’ll wait until the solstice, you’ve gone longer without my cock before” He could see the protest already on Ciri’s lips, but Jaskier is quick to kiss them away before she can voice them “Besides, I don’t intend for Geralt to castrate me tonight if he catches me having my way with you”
The clearing is filled with the sound of both of their laughter, and he feels reassured by it almost, knowing that the both of them are truly happy together as he watches Jaskier pull Ciri’s pants back up before a hand in his hair is pulling him down for a kiss.
“It would be a shame to lose such a beautiful cock, although I think half the continent will hunt Geralt down if they found out”
“And we wouldn’t want that, I put far too many years into improving his reputation for it all to be ruined in a fit of fatherly rage” their snickering was quickly replaced with the sound of their kissing, if it could even be called that, more a mess of tongue and teeth, nothing more than pure passion, and again he felt his cock twitch at the sight.
He lowered a hand to try and readjust himself in his pants and give his cock a squeeze to try and deter it from getting any harder at the sight of his best friend and daughter getting off together, but he couldn’t help but watch the fluid way they moved together, one that spoke of practice together and he was all the more curious just how long the two had been together.
He must have made a sound or something, for the next thing he knew the two of them were tearing away from each other and getting to their feet, and even just where he was stood in the treeline he knew Ciri had seen him from the red in her face and how she kept avoiding his gaze even as she tried to ask for details of the hunt.
The gnawing feeling of guilt began to eat away at him, he had intruded on a personal moment between the two of them, one which made them uncomfortable and would likely mean they wouldn’t seek comfort in each other whilst he still hung around.
Besides who was he to meddle in their affairs, they were happy and so he’d give them what they both wanted, and totally had nothing to do with the half hard cock already straining at his pants.
They didn’t even notice as he performed the sign, just stared at him as he told them to pretend he wasn’t there, that he wouldn’t return until the morning and the effect was instantaneous. Immediately they went to each other and began to make out, any finesse to their actions gone as Jaskier nipped at Ciri’s bottom lip which caused her to moan and press closer against him.
He watched as Jaskier began to undo the laces on Ciri’s shirt and moved to kiss along her neck as he pushed it off of her before moving to his knees to start tugging her pants down “I know I promised you the solstice love, but given the situation, it would be such a waste not to fuck you like you’ve been begging me too”
“I do not beg, bard” He heard Jaskier’s chuckle, muffled from where he was pressing kisses along Ciri’s hips before venturing lower to lick up her clit and watched as Ciri shuddered with a muttered swear.
“And yet you were ready to write odes about my beautiful cock, you’ll have to beg if you want it so bad”
“You’ll have more luck asking the grass to change color”
“We’ll see about that Ciri” It’s then Jaskier got to work, lifting one of Ciri’s knees to hang over his shoulder before eagerly licking at her cunt, the only sound in the clearing being the slick sound of Jaskier licking and sucking at Ciri’s clit accompanied by her moans and the bard’s growls.
He watched as Jaskier first teased one finger along her folds, taking a break to rub at her clit before teasing her hole with it, a smirk on his face as he pressed it in as he watched Ciri’s back arch at the intrusion. He must have done something, moved his finger in some way, or teased it somewhere because the next thing Ciri’s legs jerked and her breath caught before she was shaking through her first orgasm.
“Something you want to say, love?” He could hear the mirth in Jaskier’s voice and could imagine the smirk on his face, especially when Ciri hooked her knee behind his head to shove his face into her cunt again.
“Put your mouth to good use, bard”
“As you wish, your highness” Jaskier didn’t give her a chance to make a rebuttal as he put his efforts into getting her off, sucking at her clit as two then three fingers fucked her to get her through a second then a third orgasm that she was still shivering through when the first rattled please escaped her lips.
He ignored whatever happened next because he was struck by how beautiful Ciri looked, sheened in sweat under the light of the moon, chest, and legs shaking as she bit her lip to try, and fail, to keep back her whines as she shuddered through a fourth orgasm.
That was when his eyes flickered to Jaskier, who was prowling up Ciri’s body, taking his time to lave over one nipple to enjoy the hitch in Ciri’s breath before he moved to her other nipple, tugging it with his teeth until a hand in his hair forced him up to Ciri’s mouth, able to press a quick kiss to her jaw first before flicking his tongue into her mouth.
He saw the muscles in Jaskier’s back bunch and move, watched as Jaskier’s legs forced Ciri’s open wider until she was splayed obscenely, her hands pulling at his hair and scratching down his back whilst her teeth tugged at his ear. Over the sounds of their panting and the slick sound of Jaskier working Ciri’s cunt, he could just about hear the moment Ciri finally begged.
“Please Jaskier, please fuck me”
“What was that Ciri?”
“Don’t play, just get your cock in me, need it” Geralt couldn’t hold back his swear as he grabbed his cock, and squeezed it through his pants, the fabric already wet with pre that was starting to leak down his thigh. He saw them freeze and for a moment he thought that they had heard him, but a quick flash of axii and a bit of suggestion and Jaskier was back to teasing the tip of his cock around Ciri’s hole whilst she tried to use her legs to force him inside her and stop the whole game.
He didn’t see who won, didn’t care when he got to watch Jaskier with his head thrown back and a low groan in his throat slowly grind his cock deeper and deeper into Ciri as she swore and tried to pull him closer.
When Jaskier was fully seated, Ciri pulled him down for a kiss which was more of a messy meeting of tongues as Jaskier started fucking her, quick and hard and dirty and nothing like he’d seen them act that night, not the slow practiced movement of lovers but something to get them off as quickly as possible.
He hadn’t even realized his hand has made its way into his pants, just that he was jerking his cock whilst Jaskier fucked into Ciri, whose back was arched, breasts held tantalizingly close to Jaskier’s mouth and he was only a little jealous when he saw him begin to bite on one nipple and only with Ciri’s hand in his hair did he move to the other one.
It wasn’t long before both of their breathing became ragged, Jaskier telling Ciri to come, to be a good girl and listen to him, and she did with a whine, Geralt watched her body shake, and Jaskier pull her closer as he fucked her through it, even after she began to groan when her pleasure edged with pain. He would intervene but it was clearly just what they did, Jaskier getting her to come over and over until she was limp and sore, and even then, begging for more, frankly, he was surprised Jaskier had the stamina to keep up with her.
Yet he watched Jaskier fuck her through a second orgasm, which had Geralt bite his knuckles as he leaned against the nearest tree to catch his breath as his come spattered over the forest floor, obscenely loud to him and yet the other two paid no mind, Jaskier’s thrusts growing sloppy and desperate, letting out small growls as he tried to hold onto his control.
He watched Ciri move her leg and in a quick movement had flipped them around, a move he had taught her, and that had Geralt swear as he grabbed his cock again, ignoring the ache as he began to jerk himself off to the sight of Ciri eagerly bouncing on Jaskier’s lap, small moans leaving her lips as her tits bounced until Jaskier put his hands on them, thumbing and pinching the nipples before pulling Ciri down to kiss.
In a matter of seconds, it was over, Jaskier let out a shout as his hands clawed at her hips, leaving dents in her skin as she rode him through it, never losing pace even when he whined ‘no more’ which quickly turned into ‘yes just like that love’ and ‘faster princess’.
He had always admired Ciri’s stamina and he did so now as even with sweat coating her and hair clinging to her forehead and a loose smile on her face, she continued to ride Jaskier like it was the only place she wanted to be. He came before they did, Jaskier lifting his hips to meet hers with every thrust until the slap of their skin was the only sound for miles around and it was so obscene, so dirty and yet it was them, his best friend and his daughter in love with each other and so desperate they would have done it in the forest despite him, well they did but before he axiied them.
They didn’t last long after that, first Ciri and then Jaskier let out groans as they came for what felt likes hours before they settled, chests heaving and sweaty as they came down, smiles mirrored on their faces before they met for a messy kiss and let their heartbeats slow down.
Geralt was just about to leave them, to make some excuse to leave, not like he needed one, but to give them privacy to clean up and so he could jerk himself off a couple more times and take the edge off before rejoining them. However, he hadn’t even turned around before Ciri was pulling off Jaskier’s cock, come already dripping out of her and onto Jaskier as she moved over his body until she was straddling his face.
The last thing he saw was Jaskier’s wolfish grin before he put his hands on her ass to bring her closer, to grind her cunt against his tongue, and watched as Ciri tugged at Jaskier’s hair, each pull getting another growl from the man as he edged her towards another orgasm. Well, it gave him an excuse to stay and jerk off here, maybe with a bit more axii he’ll help clean up and look after them later and hope they don’t notice his come staining the ground when they leave tomorrow
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Help I think I've fallen into a fandom that has no dead-dove writers yet! (except maybe for dismemberment, but that's not my thing so I didn't look). It's mentioned in that canon that when a certain race make someone ingest their blood, it can be used to track them, torture them, used during sex and to brainwash them, yet in canon only the first two are used and in fanfics the third too, but so much wasted potential! Imagine if this existed in the witcher fandom, the fics would be amazing ^_^
Warning: non con, dub con, mind control
Its a shame there arent any dead dove blogs, but that means you can make that space if you want to 👀👀👀
And that concept definitely has potential!!
It could be used as its own torture the witchers could capture Jaskier torutre him and make them into their little sex slave only to leave him in loose knots one day. Jaskier isn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth so he escapes only he doesnt make it far out of the keep before he swears he hears footprints after him, only he never sees them. They track him through the wilderness, maybe even let him catch sight of a village before they catch him, pin him to the ground and force his mouth closed as they fuck him into the dirt and remind him just who he belongs to.
And the brainwashing thing too! Like therss always axii, but its tedious to keep repeating the sign and their blood stays in his sytem for ages. After they have their fun of chasing him through the woods and dragging him back kicking and screaming only to shut him by fucking him on either end, they want nithing more than eager bitch desperate for their cocks. So that's what they get, Jaskier who is just happy to be passed around and a cock shoved into him and whines when he's not being filled up by someone. Sometimes they let him be himself, let him rub himself raw on the ropes tying him to the bed and scream himself hoarse whilst they fuck him until hes tired and so filled with come his belly aches before a bloodied wrist is pressed to his lips and the next minute he's begging for a cock to fill him up even more
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
What if there are side effects to using Axii when the witcher is cumming inside their subject. (Really let the message penetrate, put the "fuck" in mindfuck.) What if it makes it so that the subject (most likely Jaskier ^_^) obeys every command given by that witcher (most likely Geralt ^_^) when they're cumming in them, or even just when they're inside? Like a sort of Pavlovian response. Probs makes it so easy for the witcher to make the other his perfect sextoy.
Okay but these are some great thoughts, thanks for sharing anon!
Of course Geralt never knew the side effects because he only ever used axii to get someone to talk about a contract, but one day when Jaskier is walking around their small camp buck naked in the sun as his clothes dry, bending over far too many times to be innocent, he can't ignore the hard line of his cock anymore and axiis Jaskier to lay on the bedroll with his legs spread wide.
After some scant prep he's pushing his cock into Jaskier and after a few more seconds starts roughly fucking him. He tells Jaskier to moan and beg on his cock, feeling the mans legs wrap around his waist, heels digging into his back to drive him harder and faster and he knows he's not going to last long. Geralt also can't help but talk, telling Jaskier how good he looks on the end of his cock and how desperate he is for it, that he'd be fucked every night if he could, all the while Jaskier is chanting a mix of yes as Geralt comes in him with a growl, he finish Jaskier off as well cause he's not that horrible and he settles himself with that being it, his itch sated and for it to never happen again.
So he's surprised the next night when they settle in camp and Jaskier immediately strips to lay on the bedroll, holding his legs up to show off his hole as he begs for Geralts cock. Axii isn't even in play here but Geralts not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and quickly pulls his cock out of his pants. He does use axii just to reaffirm to Jaskier that he wants to be fucked and again its not long before he has Jaskier on his hands and knees as he gets fucked hard and rough into the dirt and again Geralt can't help but talk, telling Jaskier how he was worse than a whore begging for his cock and that he wants to show everyone what a witchers slut he is.
He and Jaskier come not long after and then he has to hunt for dinner, but his return to camp seems to signify something to Jaskier who all but drops his lite into the mud so he can get naked and show off his used hole again, begging for another round and Geralt just can't refuse.
It continues like that for days, as soon as they make camp Jaskier naked soon after and whining for his cock and Geralt doesn't think to question it, or the fact when they're on the road, when merchants with their caravans pass Jaskier greeets them before he will start pawing at his laces to try and work his cock free and it takes all of Geralts effort to hold him back, but once they're gone Jaskier efforts stop and he returns to whatever the hell he was doing before and he just understand why.
He finally learns what's happening one evening when they settle in an inn, Geralt had already fucked Jaskier quick and hard into the floor and now they were downstairs where Jaskier played his set. Afterwards though he ignores shouts for an encour to practically skil over to his table, dropping his lute to start shedding his clothes and then his pants. At first Geralt is too shocked by what's happening but when Jaskier starts jerking him and takes a seat on his lap he has to axii him, gets him to cover himself before dragging them to their room, under axii he asks Jaskier what the fuck that was and Jaskier just pouts and says he wanted to show everyone what a slut he was for his witchers cock, wanted to ride him so everyone knew how desperate he was for a cock in his hole, how only Geralt could satisfy him and in a second Geralt is on him and fucking him with long deep thrusts that make Jaskier speechless and dumb on his cock.
He knows now it happened unnder axii, different commands yes, but something seemed to stick when Jaskier was on his cock and he couldn't help but purr at the bard, still on axii as he got fucked that he must feel so empty all the time without his cock in him, that he's so desperate all he has to do is slide his cock in and Jaskier will come from the stretch.
He emphasizes that by slowly pushing his cock into Jaskier and instantly the man shudders and cries out as he comes across his chest, the sights enough to push Geralt closer and he's soon quickly fucking into Jaskier to chase his release, the groans of their bed probably heard in the tavern before he comes with a long groan in Jaskier.
He does alter the command about Jaskier wanting to show off to others because he can't afford to lose contracts when Jaskier pulls his pants down past his ass and tries to work Geralts cock out of his pants so they can fuck where they stand talking to the Ealderman.
He knows it's wrong but he can't deny how good it is to have a nice, willing hole to fuck whenever he wants with Jaskier none the wiser as to why he always has come leaking out of his ass.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
A curse that makes Jaskier walk up to people, literally anyone and everyone and kiss them and sometimes it's bad depending on who it is but sometimes it's bad because the person takes it further even if Jaskier doesn't want to
Warning: non con, mind control
So it was kinda Jaskiers fault, he may have been flirting around the tavern, a couple of months in the wilderness with quick jerk offs under his bedroll meant he was ready to go after anything that moved, except one woman in the corner who looked as if she hadnt washed in weeks and even then slept in the bushes. He may be horny but he had some standards.
Well turns out she was a witch who didn't take too kindly to being ignored and so the next morming when he wakes up to Geralt entering the room and he struggles out of bed to get up and kiss him.Geralt almost punches him but Jaskiers apologetic because really where the fuck did that come from, so they put it behind them and go downstairs.
Only when he catches sight of the barmaid hes walking over to kiss her and he rightfully gets a slap on the face before the barman is coming around, her husband apparently only Jaskier kisses him too and they're all too stunned to do anything until Geralt pulls him away with a smirk before he actually gets hurt.
But yes Jaskier would get into so much more teouble just brazenly kissing other men and women, even when they're obviously married, but its worse when they kiss him back because he's stuck there, his tongue teasing into their mouth until they pull away and normally he has to make a speedy exit.
A couple of times he gets punched, anothed few he gets propositioned to go somewhere private which is quickly declined. One time he'd even kissed the alderman giving Geralt a contract, the man had almost punched him then, but when Geralt had left and it was just the two if them the man gripped his ass painfully hard and told him to come back after dark to kiss something else if he was so eager for it.
He declined but that didnt stop the man sending a couple of guards to collect him late at night and escort him to the aldermans house, seeing him again he couldnt help but kiss him and cussed himself for giving an open invitation for the man to slip his tongue whilst rough hands gripped his waist and ass and the command to keep quiet else he lose his tongue.
That was the first of many instances, of people he caght sight of and kissed only to be dragged out for a 'fight' which was actually him being shoved to his knees outside and get face fucked, crying and gagging the whole time until they came down his throat and warned him against being so inviting again lest they get the wrong idea.
Of course if theyre in town more than one night he's helpless as he goes to kiss them and spends most of the night pressed against the taverns wall outside as his ass gets fucked.Jaskier tells Geralt something is very obviously weong but he doesnt notice it. Says his medallion doesnt hum and Jaskier being his usual flirty self, if he doesnt like the attention then he should stopwhich only angers him more, but its probably to do with the way he gretts Geralt with a kiss every morning and each time the witchers hands wandered a little further south
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
(mind control anon) i think it was geralt using axii on jaskier to turn the bard into the perfect slut, making jaskier crave geralt’s cock that kind of thing. then once jaskier is the perfect slut under axii, geralt takes him to kaer morhen to figure out a way to make it permanent and for the other wolves to use the bard of course.
Warning: non con, mond control, somnophilia
Oh wow a great idea anon, thanks for resending that to me!
It's so easy for Geralt to axii Jaskier. The first time, it's been ages since he got off with someone else and Geralt is horny with noone to spend it with so he axiis Jaskier to sucks his cock and it's sloppy and wet but Geralt comes way too fast.
Af first hes a bit guilty but Geralts desperate to take the edge off so he works with hand and blow jobs for a bit until one night when Jaskiers stripping naked to go bathe and Geralt just can't handle it anymore and axiis Jaskier to prep himself and fast.
Jaskiers just about to slip in a third finger when Geralr shoves his cock in Jaskier crying out as he quickly pulls his fingers out. The pain lost a bit of control from axii so Geralts casting it again and again after he fucks Jaskier through his first orgasm and the n another and anothers until Jaskiers a limping come soaked mess before sending him to bathe.
After that first time fucking him Geralt just can't get enough and he has no issue using axii, using it so often and with so many commands Jaskier almost does some stuff consciously, like one day when Geralt woke up to Jaskier mouthing around his cock but he could see the furrow un his eyebrow as if Jaskier was wondering why he was doing it, and a quick axii fixed that and had Jaskier pull his cock out to suck him off properly. Or the time when Geralt pulled Jaskiers pants down to find his hole already prepped and when Geralf asks Jaskier just pretends its a normal question as he says he just wabted to be ready for Geralt, why waste time with prep.
Eventually Geralt doesn't even need axii anymore, they'll get to a clearing to make camp and Jaskier already giving him a handjob. Jaskier doesn't questiin why they sleep in the same bedroll or why he always has come leaking out of him every morning, instead he just fingers his hole and whines about empty he feels and of course Geralt has to go and help him. Just in time too because winters coming and Geralts not letting Jaskier go and ruin all the work hed put in as well.
Plus he knows his brothers will appreciate having Jaskier up there to use and get rid of all their pent up energy, plus he can't wait to see the absolute mess they make of Jaskier because his brothers are definitely backed ul and come a ridiculous amount.
Not to mention the axii commands they'll add onto him, he knows Eskel will eventually have Jaskier sit on his cock with virtually no prep and Lambert will probably do some more sadistic tendencies
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Ahhhh I love your posts! Can you do geralt axii’s jaskier to rely on him more and more for simple things, eventually needing him to dress him, tie his shoes, feed him, bath him, etc?
Warning: non con, mind control
At the start Jaskier is clearly so clueless about travelling, he can't build a fire, forage his own food, hell he doesn't even have the right shoes to walk in all day.
So naturally all of it falls to Geralt and it should annoy him having to spend so much time coddling him but he likes it? Likes to feel needed and just seeing how grateful Jaskier is everytime he lights them a fire or hands over some food just sends a small thrill through him.
It doesn't last long though, it's only a week later that Jaskier starts collecting wood for their fires and building up the fires, and then he's asking how to light them and Geralt frowns the whole time he explains it. But then when they're walking Jaskier points to various flowers and berries asking if they're safe to eat and Geralt grumbles every answer.
The kicker is when they finally reach a decent town and Jaskier comes running up to him with new boots, sturdy boots, as well as a decent cloak and some thicker clothes, ones which mean he'll no longer plead with pretty blue eyes for an extra blanket or to sleep next to his bedroll anymore.
Geralt should be happy, it means more free time to look after his swords and take of potions/contracts, but it feels wrong, Jaskiers not built to work, he's meant to look pretty as he strings together some pretty tunes.
So that night when Jaskier asleep he tears part of the sole off of one of the boots and naturally Jaskier is distraught the next morning and is ready to go back to the shop to get it fixed. But its early, Geralt made them leave early before anyone else was awake for this reason, and with a promise that he can fix it on the road, Jaskier puts on his old boots, the ones worn thin and make his feet ache after an hour and will have Jaskier begging to come up on Roach.
He never does fix the boots, but a brief axii has that but slip out of Jaskiers mind, especially any knowledge of fires or hunting. In fact Jaskier just sits rather helplessly on his bedroll and strings his lute whilst Geralt does all the tasks, and it's just like old times but now its not enough, he needs more and wants Jaskier virtually dependent on him.
The next night he has Jaskier in his bedroll because he can't sleep in the cold with monsters about, there arent any, but Geralt just holds him close and lulls him back to sleep.
The next day when Jaskier complains about sore feet and pouts far too prettily Geralt caves and lets him up on Roach, an arm tight around his waist to hold him still because he's so expressive when he talks he'd fall off otherwise, at least thats what he put in the axii command.
Now he feeds and holds Jaskiers waterskin when he wants a drink because Jaskier has to keep his hands safe from damage if he wants to play his lute and he just thanks Geralt profusely everytime for the consideration, even when they're in public he'll feed Jaskier, ignoring the patrons whispers around them before Jaskier bounds on stage to perform.
Then Geralt starts bathing him, in rivers its so he can keep a close eye in case of drowners and in taverns Jaskier tends to fall asleep in the tub and hes just there to make sure Jaskier doesn't drown. He doesnt even question why Geralt is the one soaping him up and washing his hair but he's grateful anyway.
And of course in the mornings Jaskier always struggles to wake up so it makes sense rhat Geralt dresses him and they can leave early, Jaskiers just grateful he wont be left behind and Geralt just tugs him closer on the bed so he doesn't fall off the edge.
Then one evening when Jaskiers practicing his lute a steing snaps and cuts his hand. Geralt is there immediately of course to tend to it and well Jaskier shouldn't play anymore if he's going to hurt himself and Jaskier can't help but agree.
Eventually Jaskier just ends up sonething pretty to admire and someone to look after. He has so many axii commands on him he doesn't think he could properly remove them all, Jaskier would always be dependent on him for something, but right now he wraps his cloak around Jaskier on roach because the silly bard forgot it at an inn, its just as well Geralts happy to lend his.
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
Geralt gets tired of Jaskier sticking his dick where it shouldn’t and relying on Geralt to save him when the inevitable consequences of it arise so after scruffing the bard like some wayward tomcat, he axiis him into only wanting to get fucked by Geralt. It keeps him out of trouble and Geralt out of the overpriced brothels and into a willing hole that only gets off with Geralt’s cock splitting him in half
Warning: non con, mind control, dub con
Once again I got carried away but I hope you enjoy it, I had fun writing it :D
I’m gonna try and get another prompt out tonight but n promises
He supposed at this point he shouldn’t be surprised at seeing Jaskier practically running into the inn, Doublet half fastened and chemise hanging half out of his pants, skin flushed and a far too pleased grin on his face.
The bard doesn’t even have to say a word as he quickly spots where he’s sat in some dark corner and plants himself on the bench next to him and grabbing his half-empty tankard, acting as if he’d been here the whole time. It didn’t take a genius to figure out Jaskier stank of sex and sweat, hell he could still see the slick of whatever woman he took to beds cunt still on his lips before drinking from his beer, and sure enough, a bunch of young farmhands came crashing through the inn door and immediately made their way towards them.
The insults were pretty fast to fly, Jaskier brushing each one off to try and feign his innocence whilst the group of men were getting ready to haul the bard somewhere outside, likely beat him within an inch of his life and leave him in a ditch for taking their sister’s maidenhood. At least that’s what he thought the general conversation was about.
Personally, he was sick of it at this point, every city, town or hovel they went to, Jaskier always managed to get them in some sort of trouble, usually under the skirts of some daughter or wife, sometimes both, and he was sick of the way the bard practically flaunted it, getting caught, and often getting them both kicked out of their already paid for beds that night.
The worst part was the way Jaskier always found a way to involve him, most often he had to step between said pursuers from actually beating up the bard, no matter how tempting the thought, but if there was one thing he hated the most, it would be getting involved in the affairs of men, especially in the relation of relationships so quickly broken.
That was the main excuse he told himself, and his ire towards the whole ordeal definitely wasn’t because of Jaskier’s dalliances in closets, alcoves, and sometimes stables, about how easy the bard found company no matter where they went and yet he had to content himself with the hesitant touches and barely concealed disgust from overpaid whores.
Frankly, it had been far too long since he’d had even semi-decent company and his skin itched, for something, for some sort of relief and after eyeing Jaskier beside him for a moment, the bard still arguing that he was here the whole time and not in their sister’s bed, a solution to not only his problem, but the ones Jaskier caused as well suddenly struck him, and he only berated himself for a moment for taking so long before he finally intervened.
All it took was for him to stand up from the bench so he could now tower over the farmhands, a sharp edge to his eyes and a hand on the hilt of his steel sword before the men are fumbling over each other to get away from him first, all whilst Jaskier laughed beside him and whooped when the last of them finally left the tavern.
The bard’s joy was short-lived, in fact, he’d only just started telling him off for waiting so long to intervene, but he wasn’t listening, instead, he just grabbed at Jaskier’s collar and hauled him up from the bench and then to follow him out of the inn and down the street at the tavern.
The whole walk back Jaskier was shouting at the treatment and tried to pull away, but he held firm even as one hand hit him in the face (which the bard had called an accident, naturally). So when he felt the fabric tear a little under his hand instead he grabbed at Jaskier’s hair and pulled it tight so that Jaskier was forced to look up at the sky whilst he walked them to their beds, the bard now completely reliant on him if he wanted to avoid crashing into things or slipping into the mud.
There was something heady about having Jaskier so easily under his control and that feeling followed him into their rooms where he promptly shoved Jaskier forward whilst he turned to lock the doors.
He ignored Jaskier’s protests at the treatment, and later his apologies for getting caught, again, when finally he had enough and put his plan to work, his hand making the sign before he even consciously realized he was doing it until the bard went lax in front of him as he fell silent and awaited instruction.
“From now on, you can only come on my cock” Something easy but would no doubt make Jaskier’s time with others less enjoyable. Whilst he craved to bend Jaskier over the bed and to fuck him into the mattress and really test how strong the bed frame is, a bigger part of him want Jaskier to come crawling back to him, pleading and desperate to get on his cock, but that didn’t mean he shouldn’t get anything now “Right now you’re gonna suck my cock and come when I do”
What followed was perhaps the best blowjob he’d ever gotten in his century of living, he didn’t know if Jaskier had any experience with men, but given how sloppy and wet it was coupled with the occasional grazing of teeth and the way Jaskier would gag when he forced himself too far down, suggested he wasn’t, but it was perfect all the same.
He came embarrassingly fast, shoving his cock to the back of Jaskier’s throat and enjoying the way the bard moaned and convulsed around it as he came, squirming as if to get away only he didn’t, and he watched his come spill out past his cock and Jaskier’s lips and down to his chin.
When he pulled away he didn’t even have to say or do anything before Jaskier was trying to lick and get every last bit of come into his mouth, an overly pleased look on his face, and sure enough, when he looked down he saw the growing wet stain at the front of Jaskier’s pants. He scooped up the last remnants of his come on Jaskier’s face with his thumb before pushing it past the bard’s lips, unable to help his moan when he felt Jaskier suck at the digit of his own will before pulling out as he felt his dick twitch again.
He quickly sent Jaskier to bed, not even allowing him the decency to clean up the mess in his pants, there was supposed to be some punishment in this after all, given the amount of time Jaskier had come to him expecting protection from whatever new stupid mistake he had made.
After that, he makes it his mission to direct them to every settlement he can to watch as Jaskier outrageously flirts with a number of women until finally he’s lead away to some corner and he makes sure to follow so he can at least keep an ear out.
He knows the bard is good In bed, had heard him through walls for years now and now’s no different, he still eagerly gets his partner off, he hadn’t stopped Jaskier from being able to get hard and as he hears the man fucking into his lover of the hour, he can’t help but think he needs to change that as he hears the girls come over and over and yet Jaskier get no relief.
Every time he could smell the sweat pouring off of Jaskier’s body as he kept fucking over and over, desperate for his relief and yet finding nothing until finally, the woman pushes him off, too overstimulated to carry on as she rights herself and leaves him there with his dick still hanging out, flushed red and dripping in pre, but no closer to release.
It’s then that he’ll listen to Jaskier try and jerk himself off, stripping his hand over his dick so fast he’s surprised his cock isn’t chaffed from how desperate and eager he is for something, but still there’s nothing.
When he hears Jaskier all but growl and huff and lament whatever curse had struck his dick he’ll go back to their table where a minute later Jaskier would again join, arousal pouring off of him mixed with frustration and pure need, the thick line of his cock very obvious in his pants as he refuses to sit still in his seat whilst they finish their drinks and finally head to bed together.
It carries on for a couple of weeks with Jaskier only getting more and more frustrated as instead of taking women to bed as a mutual pleasure, instead, he can feel it become entirely selfish, the bard looking for a way, any way to get himself off, with his partner’s pleasure not even being an afterthought to him until he’s finally stopped and sent on his way.
He can tell the bard is close to his breaking point so he ventures them further from civilization and deeper into the woodland. If Jaskier notices he doesn’t say anything but most of the night he’s aware of the sound of slick skin and huffed grunts as Jaskier jerks himself off in the bedroll next to him and still gets no closer to his relief.
He’s the one to break first, tired of hearing Jaskier seek pleasure in the same way over and over with little result and instead deciding to offer a new solution, the last couple of weeks had been just as much as a torture to him with the constant scent of arousal, need and desperation clinging to Jaskier he’d been hard-pressed not to shove him onto the nearest surface and fuck straight into him to give them both some relief.
It happens one night when once again they’re both awake later than they should be, with the slick sound of skin slapping together as he listens to Jaskier futilely try to get himself off. He’s surprised Jaskier had lasted this long and hadn’t come to him sooner desperate for some solution, even if it meant going to a sorceress or one particular sorceress at that.
But finally, tired of hearing and smelling and seeing, he’s desperate to touch so obviously turns to face Jaskier and speaks into the otherwise quiet night.
“Need a hand bard?”
Everything stops then and he watches Jaskier freeze in front of him, clearly not expecting to have been caught, until finally he just lets out a whine and despite not being able to see him in the dark, turns his head to face him anyway “It’s no use, my dick’s broken, clearly the Gods have seen to punish me-“
“You just need to be fucked”
There’s a tense moment of silence where he can’t help the smirk on his face before he hears Jaskier sputtering in between protests, clearly outraged at the idea “Geralt, my dearest friend, sex isn’t the problem it’s…getting to the end that is” All he did was snort but he felt a hand slap somewhere at his chest “I’ve been denied the sweet taste of release for weeks now, so forgive me if I’m not myself because I’m sure some old hag has it out for me and has decidedly ruined my life in the worst possible way”
“Stop being dramatic, I told you you just need a cock in your arse, or specifically my cock”
He heard Jaskier scoff and had already started to form the sign when Jaskier began to speak again “Geralt, I don’t think-“
“Well I think you’re desperate to sit on my cock in the next few seconds”
Sure enough, he’d barely drawn away the signs power when he felt Jaskier straddle him and his hands pawing at his clothed dick, already hard from having watched Jaskier try to jerk himself off for half the night, whilst his own hands came to rest on the bard’s hips, a smile already teasing his lips as he watched Jaskier roll his hips, desperate for friction as he let out small desperate moans.
“Please Geralt, please let me sit on your cock” He just gave a questioning hum and a quirk to his eyebrow as an answer and rolled his hips up to meet the bard’s, earning a groan from the other man before he continued with his pleading “I need it, need you to fuck me open so I feel it for weeks”
He lets Jaskier carry on like this for another minute or so, and without guidance watches him move down his body until his head is by his clothed dick, trying to suck at the head of his cock through the leather whilst he tried to get a hand on it to stroke him, all the while babbling at how he needed to feel his cock, to have it fuck him so well, so full and deep he practically chokes on it, and that’s all he needs to give Jaskier the go-ahead to pull him out of his pants.
Jaskier almost tears the leather trying to pull out his achingly hard cock, but at the first reveal of skin Jaskier is already licking and sucking at it as if it’s the sweetest tasting nectar and moaning at the taste, even whilst he still struggles to pull him out.
Eventually, they get there and his cock is standing proud, hard and thick and leaking precome, not even having to prompt the bard before he’s lapping at the length of it, rubbing his face across the skin so precome spills across his hair and face before Jaskier is all too eagerly shoving it as far down his throat as he can, moaning at the taste and still sucking his cock even deeper even as he begins to gag once it reaches the back of his throat.
As good as it is to have the bard’s mouth on him he’s all too desperate to feel the tight clutch of Jaskier’s ass instead and given that he’s dangerously close to coming just with a few swipes of his tongue and the feel of warm, wet heat around his dick.
He’s quick to pull Jaskier off and rolling them so that Jaskier is on his back, legs splayed open and wide as he fills the space between, thrusting his hips a little so that his cock rubs against Jaskier’s ass and gods is he tempted to just push in then, to hear the bard cry out and feel his hole squeeze around him as if coaxing him to come into the tight clutch of his hole and milk his cock dry, but that would be for another night, he wasn’t that much of a monster.
Even so, he only had the patience to slick two of his fingers with spit, quickly pushing in one and then the other whilst Jaskier writhed into him, letting out small grunts and moans at the mix of pleasure and pain until he curled his fingers to hit Jaskier’s prostate, watching as his dick twitched and his back bow under the feeling.
His cock was still wet with precome and spit so after pulling his fingers out quickly lined his cock up, ignoring whatever nonsense was falling from Jaskier’s mouth as he began to push in. He hissed purely at how tight Jaskier’s hole was and all it had taken was his cock head to push past his rim when suddenly Jaskier was shuddering under him with a cry and he watched thick ropes of come covering the bard’s chest, even reach as far as his cheek as he came at just the first hint of his cock and he had to use all his strength not to push him and feel the clench of Jaskier’s ass milk him to completion as well.
Jaskier’s orgasm seemed to stretch on over minutes, clearly, weeks being desperate and on the edge had their toll and he couldn’t help but reach a hand forward to rub the come into the other man’s skin and his chest hair, all whilst Jaskier fell lax under him, a dopey and content look on his face whilst looking at him as if he was the best thing to exist.
“Seems I should listen to you more Geralt, it appears you’ve cured me of my affliction”
“Shut up bard” He went to push in again, but he’d barely gotten another inch in when he heard Jaskier hiss and hands shoving at him in an effort to push him away but he was unmoveable and heard Jaskier laugh nervously for a moment.
“Thank you for your help Geralt but it appears I don’t need you anymore-“
“Don’t you want to make sure you’re truly cured?” he could see Jaskier think about it for a moment and he was ready to use axii again, but the bard just shrugged and instead moved his legs to wrap around his waist and his arms around his shoulders, pulling them closer.
“Wouldn’t hurt to make sure, just go slow, I’m a little ah ah”
He’d stopped listening to Jaskier and as soon as he was given the go-ahead and soon shoved the rest of his cock into Jaskier, feeling the vice-like grip of it around him and he had to stop otherwise he would finish all too soon and he wanted to make good on the bard’s words to make sure he felt the feeling of his cock in his ass for weeks.
As soon as he had himself under control he quickly began fucking into Jaskier, listening to his pained grunts and short cries as all he could focus on was the tight heat around his dick, barely noting that Jaskier was hard again even as he grunted in pain, and was almost animalistic as he drove into Jaskier’s hole, growling above the prone body under him as he got closer and closer to his release.
He’d batted away Jaskier’s hand when it reached for his now drooling cock laying against his abdomen, it wouldn’t help anyway, the bard’s release purely reliant on his cock driving into him and he only angles Jaskier’s hips slightly so he can push in that much deeper, but it’s enough to have Jaskier choking on his tongue with another orgasm, and this time he can’t stop himself from coming again after a handful more thrusts, shoving in as deep as he can and throwing his head back with a mix of a snarl and a groan as Jaskier’s hole milks him of every drop of come he has.
He doesn’t stop there, he’s still hard when he’s finished coming and is quick to start thrusting again, ignoring the weak protest under him, but he just raises his hand and performs axii, feeling the body under him loosed under the signs thrall.
“From now on you can only get hard thinking about my cock” Jaskier just moaned in response and whined when after two orgasms his dick was getting hard, it was hard to avoid thinking about his cock when it was fucking into him after all.
He manages to fuck Jaskier through another orgasm, at which he passes out, but he doesn’t stop fucking him, still eager for his own release and fuck he’s never felt anything better than the tight clutch of the other man’s ass around him and he spends most of the night fucking into him, coming over and over again until Jaskier’s belly is slightly swollen from it. Even unconscious Jaskier manages to come for a fourth time and it’s only when the sky begins to lighten that he finally pulls out and watches his come leak out of Jaskier’s puffy and red-rimmed hole, already making a mess under him as it leaks out to spill down his thighs and into the bedroll.
They don’t speak about it the next day, Jaskier is all too happy to act as if it didn’t happen and that his dick is magically cured of its curse, even as he limps beside him, letting out a hiss now and then and tries to rub at his lower back, his ass, anything to help, but given by the bard's mutterings nothing works.
He’s quietly smug when he can scent the smell of arousal from Jaskier their entire journey to the nearest town, and sure enough, when he looks he can see the bard’s dick is hard in his pants, likely thinking of the past night but he’s sure it will only be a matter of days before Jaskier comes back to him, desperate again.
Of course he’s right, it takes two days where Jaskier successfully wooed nearly every woman into taking him to their bed or cupboard but when it came down to it would hear them shout and huff at his impotence as they shoved him away and told him to leave.
He’s nursing a tankard of shit ale when he feels Jaskier sidle up next to him, can smell the shame and arousal clinging to him as the bard leans closer to whisper at him.
“Geralt, dearest friend of mine, do you think we could- the other night-“
“Spit it out Jaskier”
“Can you fuck me again? It appears my curse hasn’t lifted just yet and-” He doesn’t wait to hear whatever else Jaskier has to say, just stands up and makes a move towards their rooms, Jaskier quickly trailing after him and he can smell the other man’s lust only get stronger as they get closer to their rooms with a door finally locked behind them.
He turned around and with little preamble began shredding his layers of armor whilst Jaskier eagerly discarded his own clothing and when the bard was finally naked couldn’t help but smirk as he moved closer to him, his hands resting on the man’s ass, giving them a firm squeeze as he trailed a finger just to tease at Jaskier’s rim before he spoke.
“I did tell you only my cock can make you come” He feels Jaskier shudder under him and then a tentative hand around his dick, slowly stroking him to hardness as he pushes them both back until the back of Jaskier’s knees hit the bed and he falls back, him quickly following after.
“Maybe we should go see some-“
His hand is already outstretched and soon Jaskier’s eyes are glossy under the sign’s control “You’re desperate for my cock, begging for it all the time until I finally fill you”
The effect is instantaneous, pleas start falling from the bard's lips as Jaskier tries to move his hips down and angle them so he can wrap a hand around his dick and guide it to his already slick, barely listening when he hears Jaskier tell him how he opened himself up earlier desperate for something to fill him until he realized only Geralt’s cock could do that for him.
He can’t help but groan and shove forward with a deep thrust, instantly setting a harsh pace that has the headboard to their bed crashing against the wall and Jaskier wailing on his cock, no doubt letting everyone know downstairs just how good and thoroughly he was being fucked, and he couldn’t help but thrust faster, letting out small grunts as he tried to fuck into him faster and faster.
All he can hear is the sound of their skin slapping together and Jaskier’s shouts for more, to be filled with his come and he’s quick to fall over the edge into his first orgasm, only slowing down a little to milk every clench of Jaskier’s hole before he’s fucking with fervor again and soon coaxing himself and Jaskier into orgasm together, and much like their first time he just keeps going, forcing Jaskier’s legs up so that they’re over his shoulder and folding the man in half as he redoubles his efforts and quickly has them hurtling both into another orgasm.
At some point when Jaskier appears no longer lucid and is just whining with the occasional plea, managing to come again even if at this point it’s mostly dry, but still, he doesn’t stop and doesn’t listen to the banging on the walls and at the door telling them that they need to leave, instead he just drives faster into Jaskier, feeling sweat on his brow as he once again empties himself into Jaskier’s hole, now puffy and loose even as it still tries to clench around him and keep him and his come inside just a bit longer.
Eventually, he collapses beside Jaskier, exhausted in a way he hadn’t been in decades and even as tired as Jaskier must feel, he can’t help but laugh when he feels a hand wrap around his softened cock and move to stroke it before he batted it away and told Jaskier to go to bed.
Sure enough, after that Jaskier is insatiable and luckily he has the stamina to match. In the beginning, he’d make Jaskier walk beside him on Roach, but as the cloying smell of Jaskier’s arousal only got deeper the longer they walked, and the hands on his thighs whilst Jaskier begged them to stop only for a moment so he could get fucked, meant he soon had Jaskier riding on Roach in front of him.
It was all too easy to push the back of Jaskier’s pants down to expose his ass but keep his dick enclosed, and even easier to slide his cock into the bard’s hole, now always slick and loosened with how often they fuck, and that’s how they spend the day.
The contact isn’t enough to get him off, but just having his cock in his hole is all Jaskier needs to come with a shout and have him staining his pants. Sometimes he’d coax Roach into a trot just to make Jaskier bounce a little in his lap and have him add to the growing stain as he then slows them down again and takes far too much delight when he sees Jaskier hang his head in shame as other travelers pass by and see the stain on his front, making it all too obvious what they’re doing.
It’s usually after such an occasion that he’ll pull them aside, just within the treeline and fuck Jaskier into the dirt or against a tree, a hand over his mouth to muffle his shouts until finally, he comes.
Despite all that Jaskier still isn’t satisfied and playing his lute in the evenings, for the most part, had turned into hanging off his cock, whether that was when they were deep in the woodland or at a tavern.
Taverns either meant Jaskier was very obviously under the table sucking his cock, or just warming it, even that had been enough to get him off a couple of times. On the rare occasion when they were in a town sleazy enough, he would pull Jaskier onto his lap and with one arm around the bard’s waist would fuck him right there for all to see. Some did but were too scared to approach, but for the most part, they remained unnoticed and the more it happened the bolder he became as all Jaskier did was beg more and more for his cock, until he was the reason they were getting kicked out of towns.
Not that he cared, he no longer needed the disappointed touches from whores and the like, not when he had his very own, enthusiastic, and begging all hours of the day and night to be filled with his cock.
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
Okay I'm back on my Geralt/Eskel bs.
But what about after the second set of trials Geralt has the mindset that he has to/is the best, and he is, at everything but signs and it pisses him off everytime he watches Eskel launch someone from one side to the other.
So maybe one night Geralt ties Eskel to the bed whilst he's asleep and fucks him for the whole keep to hear, to know that Eskel is just his bitch because noone can best him. Of course Eskel wakes and tries to break out but can't, has to lay there glaring daggers at Geralt as his dick gets hard and leaks over his stomach as Geralt fucks him hard and brutal until they've both come, Eskel reluctantly though.
Geralt frees one of Eskels arms before going to bed, half expecting to be hit with Aard or igni on the short walk but he's left alone and he thinks thats it, that Eskel learned his place, that every other witcher knows that Geralt has made Eskel his bitch, that he truly is the best.
That lasts until morning, he catches a brief glimpse of Eskel across the hall and only has a second to recognize the smug glance and a flick of the other witchers wrist before he finds himself enthralled. Eskel used axii. He walks himself to Eskel and fall to his knees as the other witcher unlaces his breeches and he doesn't hesitate before he's sucking it down with too much vigour. He chokes and drools and nearly throws up a couple of times, the hall silent but for the sound of him moaning like a whore around Eskels cock as he gags and sucks before he pulls off with a wet pop only to feel rope after rope of come hit him across the face. Eskel leaves him there whilst he heads to training, purposely making him late before relasing the signs hold to make sure he gets a bollocking by the instructor, a new plan already in his mind.
They carry on like that for a couple of decades, constantly trying to one up each other in more and more creative ways, until a few more decades on the path and the massacre of Kaer Morhen sober them up a little and they become a bit more like pack.
That doesn't mean that some nights Eskel doesnt wake up tied up and being fucked into like his life depended on it by Geralt, or pinned to the courtyard, his pants shoved down unceremoniously before being fucked for the whole mountain to hear. Similarly some mornings Lambert walks into the hall to see Geralt riding Eskels cock like he's desperate for it, a white haze around him showing axiis hold, and promptly walks back out as he hears Geralt beg for harder and deeper, or some days Eskel will aard Geralt into the nearest wall, the shock dazing Geralt for a moment and leaving enough time for Eskel to grab him by the hair and force his cock in his mouth.
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
I've been thinking about a certain scenario but with 2 groups. Either Geralt, Jaskier, Yennefer and Ciri or Geralt, Jaskier, Lambert and Eskel. Basically, they're captured and through a mix of potions or just wearing them down, their captures make them essentially have a foursome- almost willingly. It's purely entertainment for those in power but for the gang, it becomes a desperate need. Please give me your thoughts on this 😊
This is such a good idea!!
The first group is so good cause there's already so many feelings between them and a lot of love/affection and I imagine with them they would definitely have to be worn down because Yen wouldn't take anything funky. And there would be so many conflicting feeling, they try to fight it but Ciri is still honing her skill, Jaskier is only human and Geralt can only struggle against the magic for a bit before he succumbs. Once they're under it's far too easy to do the persons bidding, Yennefer fights it for a bit but she hears a moan and turns to see Geralt and Jaskier dp ing Ciri and her control breaks and suddenly Geralts tearing off her dress as Jaskier eats her out and theres just a need between them to touch, of affection everything and there are a couple of soft moments during the fourway, like when Yen slowly rides Geralt a hand in his hair and a smirk on her face as their pleasure builds, of Geralt bodily covering Ciri as he rolls his hips into her in an effort to keep her from their spectators view and when Yen gently strokes a hand through Jaskiers hair as he eats her out for what feels like hours, the soft moments dont last long as with another burst of magic their back to their frantic, desperate need an md go on long into the night until their captor gets bored.
With the second group I definitely think they unknowingly bought some herb from a herbalist to put in their potions to effect the witchers and what do you know Eskel and Lambert happen to run into them at the same time.
Jaskier just thinks he's having the time of his life, he's not effected yet and the other witchers are hot, but they clearly know Geralt given their medallions, a swig of water later and oh no Jaskier is also under.
Theres obviously the live and trust between the witchers but the other two only know Jaskier through stories and probably a more animalistic edge when they fuck him, snarling and drooling over Jaskier back while Geralt strokes a hand through his hair and that night Jaskier truly learns how much stamina witchers have as he gets fucked on some lords floor to the point he can barely move without wincing but it just means he can't get away from the witchers when they want another go at his hole
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
What about Geralt slowly using axii to make Jaskier crave wolf dick. Starts with small suggestions until Jaskier is so desperate for it and so ashamed but god, he want it so badly. Trying to hide it from Geralt because he knows it's wrong but he's just so hard from the thought of it. And Geralt just keeps using axii until one time when he pretends to go on a hunt but he's set it up so a wolf is near and with that little push he gets Jaskier to slowly go all the way and Geralt secretly watches
Warning: beastiality, mind control, dub con, non con
This prompt only came in today but I loved it so much I just had to write it, thank you anon! 
I’ll probably work on the other prompts several at a time so I can post a few together later in the week, but you’re still welcome to send them in.
He doesn’t know how the thought first came about to get Jaskier addicted to wolf cock. It could be Jaskier’s never-ending questions about his own anatomy and whether he shared certain traits from his school’s namesake, something he doesn’t answer but still doesn’t stop the bard from trying to figure out. Or maybe it’s just the fact that he wants to see Jaskier degraded and begging with a wolf cock stuffing him full so he’s screaming, regardless he hasn’t decided which one it is.
At first, he tried to temper those thoughts, let them be nothing but fantasies he could jerk himself off to in the dead of night, but that changed one day when they were traveling through the woods and came across a small pack of wolves.
They both heard them before they actually found them and it was all Geralt could do to keep up his composure when Jaskier asked him if he could axii them, just for a bit whilst he got close to examine the beasts, and he barely had the mind to do so before Jaskier was walking a little too excitedly towards the pack for ‘research’.
He watched the bard stroke at them and barely muffled a moan after he made one wolf begin to nose at Jaskier’s crotch, which was pushed away playfully before moving to the next wolf. After having worked around the pack, lingering especially at a grey wolf that was so pale in color that it may as well have been white, and wasn’t that a thought, Jaskier getting fucked by a white wolf, his moniker, before the bard let out a hum and deemed them ‘big dogs’ as he moved to let Geralt finish his work of dispatching them.
He somewhat regretted not getting the animals to simply take the bard then and there, it would have been all too easy for the pack to get him to the ground and tear off his clothes, but he knew Jaskier would have fought, would have called for his help and would likely leave with several choice words if he had just stood there with his dick out through the whole thing, no he had to be smarter than that.
It started off small, first, he used axii to make Jaskier a little more curious about wolves, about their pack structures, maintaining territory, just small things that eventually culminated with the bard pulling out some wolf related book to read every night, sometimes a bestiary, others just a storybook, but all revolved around wolves, and if Jaskier was curious as to why he had garnered such an interest in the beasts, he never voiced it.
Slowly it grew from there, moving more into how wolves mated, how they fought for the best bitch before knotting her, and filling her with pups. What started off as idle curiosity he gradually filtered in arousal, enjoying the way he could smell a spike in arousal from the bard whenever he got to a particular part in his book he could only guess involved mating, or whenever they heard a wolf’s howl during the night.
He starts pushing the boundaries a bit more then, purposefully seeks out wolf packs to skirt near, just so they could hear them growling and often howl to one another, whilst beside him he could not only smell the arousal pouring off of Jaskier, but could also see his flushed cheeks, the way he bit his bottom lip as if to keep in a moan and, most notably, the tent he was sporting in the front of his breeches which he would usually try to cover with his lute as Jaskier’s eyes would skirt between where he sat on Roach and whatever direction the nearest wolf howl had come from.
At those moments it was hard to keep himself in check, the bard already looked debauched and as if he would leave the path at any minute in search of the wolf, which meant that he always found his dick straining beneath his leathers.
Oftentimes he would slow Roach’s pace to an amble and draw out how close they were to the pack, sometimes he even walked them close enough to see the animals and he would often stray a hand to rub at his cock whilst he saw Jaskier try to secretly get himself off by either rubbing against his lute case or from a loose hand he would try to play off as scratching at his hip or stomach.
One time he had them venture close enough to a pack so that he could axii them and made them fuck as they walked past. Jaskier never said how unusual it was that the wolves were so unbothered by their presence, but he did see the large wet spot on the front of the bard's breeches showing he had more than enjoyed the sight.
Comfortable that his work over the last couple of months had finally gotten to the point where Jaskier would let a wolf mount him should the opportunity arise; he doesn’t hesitate to test it out.
First, he manages to slip some wolf pheromones into Jaskier’s shampoo and bath oil, it was a female in heat he’d killed, all so he could cover Jaskier in her scent so that the bard wouldn’t be harmed when a wolf came up to him. True he could just use axii to get the same result but fuck if it didn’t make him hard thinking about Jaskier getting fucked by a wild, untamed beast. Of course, he would be there to make sure nothing bad actually happened, but he would much rather just enjoy the view of his bard being mounted and knot.
Despite the lack of contracts in the area, Jaskier doesn’t even question when he says he’s going out for a hunt, the bard reeking of eagerness and arousal as a wolf howled in the distance, and he knew as soon as he left that Jaskier would be ass up trying to work four fingers in himself to emulate a wolf’s knot. That was something he'd only recently learned when Jaskier had been absent a little too long going o the bathroom, and he's not proud to admit he'd come into his leathers at the sight and sound of Jaskier begging for a knot, but it’s good that he was preparing himself at least.
It’s laughably easy to find the small pack of wolves, only five of them, and after dispatching the two females, they wouldn’t need them now that they would have a new bitch already waiting and eager, he axiis the other three to follow him back to the camp.
He lifts the sign as soon as he catches Jaskier’s scent downwind, mint and honeysuckle and something dirtier, muskier, that came from the pheromones the bard had unknowingly doused himself in, and keeps his distance as he watches the three wolves also catch the scent and eagerly chase after it, red cocks already beginning to peek out of their sheaths at the scent of a female in heat.
By the time they reach camp Jaskier is moaning on three fingers, trying to work them deeper before he realizes he’s not alone and watches the bard turn, only for his dick to twitch and drool precome at the three wolves slowly stalking closer to him, heads bowed low to smell at him.
In the treeline he begins to palm his rapidly hardening cock as he watches the wolves smell around and over the bard, from his face to his neck and down to his balls and hole where he hasn’t even bothered to pull out his fingers, instead working them faster into himself as he watches Jaskier’s gaze fixate at one of the wolves now fully unsheathed cocks.
He has to quickly squeeze his cock tight when he hears Jaskier ask which one of the wolves wants to knot him first and suddenly one of them is mounting the bard, Jaskier barely able to get his fingers away in time before the wolf is humping against him until finally the tapered head of its dick is pushed into Jaskier’s hole.
He knows when it happens with the long groan from Jaskier and the cry of ‘Alpha please’ before the wolf is fucking into the bard with abandon, leaving Jaskier writhing and crying out in pleasure or pain, probably both, the cries mixed with the sound of the wolf’s balls slapping against Jaskier’s and the loud snarls and pants of the two other wolves eager to get their turn.
His eyes fixed on the show in front of him, he quickly tugs at his laces and pulls out his painfully hard dick, already wet and slick with precome as he quickly starts to stroke himself with the alpha’s thrusts.
It’s then he watches Jaskier, still being jostled by the alpha fucking into him, reach up a hand to stroke at one of the other wolf’s pink dicks and lean up to try and take the tip into his mouth, only stopped by the sound of the alpha snarling above him, drool falling across Jaskier’s back as the alpha's tongue hung out of its mouth as it continued to fuck into the bard.
He tries to hold back, wants to draw out his pleasure, but when he hears Jaskier shout and watches the wolf’s thrusts become a lot more stilted and fixed he knows the bard has taken its knot and he can’t help but spill over himself as he watches the wolf tug Jaskier even closer before throwing a leg over and gives shallow rapid thrusts as it pumps Jaskier full of come, and fuck he wished he had a dose of Cat to better see where the man is stuck on the animal's knot.
Jaskier’s moans don't stop, instead encouraging the wolf to fill him with come, to stuff him full of pups, and the words quickly make him hard again, a new record.
Now he has to cast axii, it’s unlikely the alpha will give up the warm clutch of Jaskier’s hole and he wants to watch the bard beg and cry on the other wolf’s knots as well.
He almost regrets making the alpha pull out of the bard what with the pitying whine he lets out, but then immediately after a second wolf is mounting up and in a couple of thrusts has managed to catch on Jaskiers rim and is hunched over the bard as it brutally fucks into him, it’s claws scratching down Jaskiers sides as it shoves him down onto its cock.
His breath catches when he sees the third wolf roll over in front of Jaskier, pink cock exposed and slick with the wolf’s precome and he can’t help but bite his knuckles to keep back his groan as he watches Jaskier lean forward to begin licking at the wolf’s cock, a lewd moan leaving the bard’s mouth after the first taste before trying to grab at it and get more of the thick cock into his mouth.
He’s stripping his own cock now as he watches the wolf fucking into him force the bard forward to take the dick in his mouth deeper until he’s gagging, but the scent of Jaskiers arousal only sharpens as he’s stuffed with wolf cock on both ends, barely able to make out his grunts and moans with the cock in his mouth.
This time he knows the wolf mounted on Jaskier has knotted him when it lets out a small whine and its hips stagger, but still thrusting to milk it’s cock dry as it pants over the bard, and it’s clear the alpha knows as well as he watches it circle behind Jaskier again, able to make out its pink cock slowly dropping from its sheath again, eager for another turn.
It’s then the wolf in Jaskier’s mouth also lets out a whine and suddenly he can hear Jaskier coughing and sputtering as he pulls off the wolf’s cock and watches as it comes over the bard’s face and into his hair, coating him in it’s spend whilst Jaskier got a handle on his breathing again before moving to mouth at the tip and swallow as much as he could whilst he saw the bard's hand clench around the wolf’s knot, coaxing every drop of come from it whilst he drank his fill. and the sight made him clench hard around his dick to stop himself from coming.
He’s sure at this point he’s drawn blood from where he’s still biting down on his fist, hand still clenched around his cock as he watches the alpha snarl and bark at the wolf still mounted in Jaskier before, with a tug to pull its cock free, slinks away with its head bowed as the alpha resumed its position above the bard and easily slipped inside what he was sure at this point was Jaskier’s gaping hole.
The alpha didn’t last nearly as long this time, which is just as well because he didn’t think he’d last long either as he watched Jaskier’s face shoved into the dirt as the alpha pounded into him, barely able to make out the whispered ‘please alpha’, and ‘knot me, fill me with pups alpha’ leaving Jaskier.
It was only when Jaskier cried out, small shudders wracking his frame as he said ‘thank you alpha’ over and over until he became limp under the wolf’s hold that he finally came again, letting out his own snarl as his come painted the forest floor and he only half regretted not adding to what already covered Jaskier.
He watched as the alpha thrust into Jaskier frantically, it’s breathing heavy pants until with a growl it pushed its knot into Jaskier a final time, its snout nosing at the nape of the bard’s neck as it milked his cock dry into Jaskier, filling him with its come just as the man had asked.
Finally, the alpha pulls away and he almost laughs at the way Jaskier reaches out to it, to any of the wolves really as if asking for more, but with a quick sign of axii he’s sending them away and watches Jaskier whine mournfully as they leave.
As soon as the wolves left Jaskier had moved a hand back to shove several fingers back into his hole, likely to keep the copious amounts of come inside him despite the fact he’s already covered in it, from his thighs, all the way to his mop of hair.
It’s then he finally decides to make an appearance, trying to keep his cock in check as it makes a valiant attempt to get hard again at the sight of the bard, one hand fingering at his hole and the other dragging at the come across his face and into his mouth, his belly a little swollen and a puddle of come under him that told him Jaskier had come more than once, all without a hand on his cock and being filled by a wolf’s knot.
It’s only when he gets close enough to touch the bard that Jaskier finally notices him, eyes wide and the sharp twinge of fear tainting the sugar-sweet smell that had filled the camp not a minute earlier.
With a chuckle he kneeled in front of the bard, tangling a hand in his hair before forcing Jaskier to look up at him, a smirk on his lips “So desperate for cock now that you’ll take it from anything”
“Geralt-“ It then he did the all too familiar hand movement and watched as Jaskier’s eyes glazed as the sign took hold.
“You liked being a pack bitch, like being fucked onto a wolf’s knot, just a hole for them to fill with pups”
The way Jaskier’s eyelids fluttered as he moaned was answer enough, even without the whispered ‘yes’, but he just chuckled again as he let go of Jaskier and coaxed him into lying down.
“Rest bard, still got a lot of forest to cover and chances are we’ll come across another pack to breed you” Another moan from Jaskier betrayed his enthusiasm and he couldn’t help but smile at how perfectly his plan had worked out “Maybe I should tie you up somewhere and let the wolves fuck you whenever they want a hole to fuck, make your belly swollen with come as you take each of their knots”
He chuckled as Jaskier shuddered below him before motioning axii one more time “Sleep now, you’re gonna be busy the next few days”
He watched as Jaskier’s eyes slipped shut as he awkwardly lay on the forest floor, fingers still in his hole in a futile attempt to keep himself plugged. He wasn’t cruel, he’d clean Jaskier up and make sure he was fresh-faced for the morning, doused in more pheromones before they set off and already planning the longest route through the forest.
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
I keep having this reoccurring dream of Geralt axii-ing Jaskier into cockwarming publicly and sometimes just straight up fucking. Normally it starts of quite small and secretive but Geralt keeps getting bolder where he does it. And Jaskier is very unaware what they're doing even as he gets hard. He just keeps on acting normal except for the fact he has a dick up his arse when they ride past public people or in the tavern or various other places. I just wanted to talk to you about it 😁
Well first off you are having awesome dreams 😳
I vibe with this idea so hard, like maybe Geralt needed axii in the beginning but it turns out Jaskier is just that much of a cockslut that he has no shame about where they do it.
A few times in a tavern Jaskier will be under the table warming Geralts cock with his mouth and whenever someone approaches asking where he is Geralt just tells them he's entertaining someone else. When they leave he'll move Jaskiers head on his cock, even calling for another ale as Jaskiers gagging on him until he comes with a grunt but keeps Jaskier under the table for another hour or two.
It turns into Geralt finally allowing Jaskier to ride Roach provided he sit on his cock the whole time. At first they try and be a bit secretive but then they bith sort of flaunt it in the end, Geralt will change from a walk into a trot and then a canter just to tease and very obviously fucking the whole time even as he starts up a conversation with a passing merchant who's trying everything to not look at them and get away.
Eventually they just don't give two fucks, in small towns they'll fuck against the taverns wall for all to see who pass by on the street. And when they go in after everyone at least heard what they were doing he has Jaskier sit on his lap, well his cock, whilst they drink until they both get too impatient and start grinding against each other for frcition. Not long after Jaskier ends up bent over the table with Geralt fucking into him, the tabke scraping across the floor with every thrust and Jaskier shouting with each stroke to his prostate until they've both come and are sated for now. Most inns are too scared to chuck them out because Geralts a witcher and as such are privy to hearing them into the early hours of the morning as they fuck over and over. The ones that do throw them out still hear them fucking, they just sneak into an old barn or something and come morning watch Geralt fucking Jaskier as they leave on top of Roach.
And they'll even chance it in big cities as well, often in the middle of fucking the city guards will come in and they'll run off down some alleys until they're just far enough away before they're on each other again
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afterhoursfic · 4 years
Risking sounding weird but watched monkey life the other day and they taught a monkey to stick his dick out of the cage and pee into a tube when they needed and it just did it happily and it made me think of Jaskier doing that. Just pushing his dick out for G when asked and trickling like it's nothing, sometimes you can see his cock really pushing to get anything out but other than that, he's not really putting any thought into it, just continuing whatever else he was doing while G makes him pee
You'll get no judgement here anon dw! It takes a lot to irk me 😂
But that is an interesting idea. It probably starts when they begin travelling together and Jaskier is just so prissy and refuses to even think of pissing anywhere newr Geralts vicinity. Which is tolerable at first but when its clear Jaskier's staying it has to change because Jaskier will refuse to go in the morning and then they're inevitably forced to pull aside so Jaskier can piss however reluctant, but even then he doesnt change his mind about peeing near him, he just trots on ahead with Roach and waits for the bard to join him again. Either that or he'll try to slip away in the dead of night, which given how half the time they're in the wilderness with all manner of monsters and beasts around them that will definitely not be happening and he's forced to listen to Jaskier shift and whimper all night as he tries and holds in his piss before giving up in the early hours of the morning with a soft moan and a sigh of relief after before falling asleep.
Regardless it has to change, they lose time in the day and he loses sleep at night so Geralt pulls out axii, finds the bards mind far too willing to his ideas and then they go about their day. He tries it the next day at breakfast, says cock out and not even breaking his sentence watches Jaskier unlace his breeches to pull his cock out and with a small flutter of his eyes begins to piss. He likes to think it's the power that comes with it thats so enticing to him and definitely not about the piss.
He does it as much as he can get away with, even giving the command 10 minutes after he last pissed and watches Jaskier strain to get a small dribble of piss out. What became a necessity, purely for Jaskiers safety and his sanity of course, has now become his entertainment and almost pleasure, almost.
One time theyre approaching a town and theres a woman tending the farms, Jaskier begins charming her instantly, hands already grasping his lute to serenade her and he quickly says cock out, ignores the look from the woman as Jaskier, still with his lute in one hand, with the other pulls his cock out and starts pissing at her feet, still smiling and joking with the woman, still eager for a rumble in her sheets, but she just slaps Jaskier round the face and storms off, leaving Jaskier to lament all night about his dwindling ability to charm the ladies, it definitrly wasn't Geralt doing this trick every time he could.
One time after a few beers Geralt wants to test the boundaries a little, they're in an inn, sat in a corner somewhere with a different bard entertaining the crowds that night while Jaskier criticizes the whole time, and after Jaskier finishes his second glass of wine (after his 3 beers) he gives Jaskier the command. He can't see it but even in the noise of the inn he can hear the wet patter of liquid on stone, can see Jaskiers hand grip the table as he tries to force every last drop of piss out, a smile on his face as if he enjoys what he's doing, enjoys the relief, and now he can smeel the piss puddled at their feet, he half wants dmsomeone to come by and call Jaskier out for pissing himself but that can wait another time, he just pushes a bottle into Jaskiers hand and counts the minutes till the next command
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