#afterhours cw come inflation
afterhoursfic · 3 years
how about monster form dettlaff and monster fucker eskel. maybe eskel gets in over his head with a beast and dettlaff has to change form with the face and claws and wings to save him. maybe he tries to fly away after because he thinks his witcher will be repulsed by him, but instead he smells horny witcher. his favorite. damn, you for making me love these two soft assholes! i am already too deep in rare pair hell. monster loving hoe eskel for the win!!!
You have muttered the ancient words hoe Eskel and now you have my undivided attention.
And that is the perfect concept. Eskel reassures Dettlaff that the contract is fine, he's done it before etc. But he knows something isnt quite right.
Surprise the villagers lied and even with the small reconnaissance Eskel he did he still got totally the wrong monter and is underprepared for it but it's already spotted him and now he's fucked.
He gets whacked around a little bit before theres a roar and then the monster looks scared before its ripped off of him and now theres a giant, hulking beast with claws and wings and Eskel feels like hes doubly fucked until he catches Dettlaffs scent.
It's over in seconds frankly and Eskel is just a mix of grateful and horny af at the show of power, at how easily he can kill and maim in his higher form and he doesn't even think before he's palming his cock through his pants hoping to get a round in before Dettlaff befors he changes back.
It doesnt go quite to plan, he swears Dettlaff is about to leave, head bowed in shame before Eskel whimpers out a 'please'. That catches Dettlaff's attention andnit takes all of three seconds before he has a higher vampire in front of him sniffing at his neck and chest, all the way down to his cock, mouthing at it, even ripping at the clothes with his teeth to try and get to his cock.
Eskel lets him to do it, lets his clothes get torn off of him with teeth and claws and getting the odd bloodied scratch that Dettlaff will likely tend too later, but right now the vampires senseless with it, drooling almost with a low snarl in his throat when Eskels laid bare in front of him.
He gets a glimpse of Dettlaffs cock like this, it's fucking huge, and theres no way to do enough prep for him to take all of it (well there is but they're both too horny to wait and do it). All he has is sword oil but right now he doesn't fucking care he just turns around and leans against the nearest to show off to Dettlaffs who looks as if he's barely holding himself back.
Eskel makes quick work of opening himself, he's just teasing his thumb in alongside four fingers when his arm gets pulled away and Eskel shoved to the floor and the hulking form of the higher vampire mounted on top of him. At first they're both mindless in need and desperation, Dettlaffs cock is leaking pre all over Eskels back, soaking him with it and he knows it's going to please a primal part of Dettlaff that wants to possess him.
Eventually he manages to get a hand back to work Dettlaffs cock into his hole and then its just blissful pain, feeling so so so full that he almost comes on the spot, and then when Dettlaffs cock brushes against his prostate he does come and shudders and cries out through it whilst Dettlaff holds him a bit tighter through it.
Now that he's a but looser, but still clenched tight around Dettlaffs cock, that when he starts to move in quick, short thrusts. Eskel has never been so thoroughly fucked in his life, held open and fucked like a toy all whilst Dettlaff tries to cling to him and bite his claim onto his neck and back.
They're both mindless and exhausted after, Eskel is literally cock dumb, even though his stomach aches and is obviously swollen with all the come in him he wants to go for another round and when Dettlaff moves away from his ass he quickly starts to mouth at the head of his cock. Its too thick to fit any of it in his mouth so he has to content himself with wet licks and kisses and jerking him off with two hands before he comes, Eskel does try to get most of it in his mouth but theres so much, clearly an intent to breed and fuck isnt that a thought, and its Dettlaff who has to pull away before Eskel tries to get fucked by him again.
Dettlaff stays in his form and flies them back to their camp, as soon as they land Eskels pawing at him again and relly theres not much he can do against a horny, determined witcher, not that its a hardship fucking such a perfect ass.
Its then Eskel starts rambling about being bred, says he wants to be fucked just like this every night and that his balls must have been so sore and aching from not having a nice hole to fuck and breed. That triggers another primal part of Dettlaffs brain, the one that thinks mate, and with Eskels shouted encouragement Dettlaff spends the next few hours fucking him stupid, even when he's a whimpering mess and limp on the ground but still groaning out encouragement.
When theh are finally done Eskel is quite literally wrecked, cant even move from where Dettlaff leaves him, bent over on the grass, hole gaping wide and leaking come down the back of his thighs, not that it helps because Eskels stomach looks visibly swollen, enough that it'll take days before all the come spills put of him. Thats if Dettlaff doesn't thouroughly fuck him again which he has no intention of doing.
And then theres just so much sweet aftercare of Dettlaff taking care of and cleaning Eskel, both of them touching and holding his swollen belly when they curl up to sleep.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Aww yeah! dettlaff/eskel needs to be a thing. ok, so geralt and regis stumbling into one of D and E's marathon breeding orgies. geralt is shocked to see lambert there, riding D's tail like its a cock and sucking on E's titties. he's even more shocked when he sees that all the rampant fuckings and E's desperate need to be bred has made him start to lactate. E smells fertile and pregnant and it is driving everyone crazy. G turns to regis to ask/beg, but he is already turned and looking hungry...
Oh! I almost forgot! for the witcher/vampire/lactating orgy prompt. there must be a scene where are 3 witchers are kneeling before the vampires sucking and licking there cocks while they and it has to end with the exhausted witchers in a cuddle pile while the vampires are wrapped around them like big scary cats. because what is a filthy orgy without a soft end? nothing i tell you. btw, you are awesome!!!
Bless you anon.
Eskels just moaning into the fgroand whilst Dettlaff fucks him quick and hard, Eskels belly is already swollen and thersa a clawed hand constantly going to pet it. Meanwhile Lambert makes the prettiest picture of dssleration, just tdying to hump and fuck himself on anything he can and Dettlaffs tail is almost as good as a cock.
It's probably Lambert that starts Eskels lactating because he always commented on how big his belly was, making jokes about when he was due but now he's just as obssesed with it. Likes to pinch and squeeze and nip at his nipples until they're puffy and swollen, likes to pretend that maybe Eskel could produce milk which has the other two horny af.
Maybe even Dettlaff becomes obsessed with it seeing how much Eskel enjoys it when Lambert does it. Maybe someone slips something into Eskels food, maybe its just his body meeting some sort of demand but one day Lambert sucking at his nipple and then he chokes a little and pull away.
They all panic a minute because they think something happened but fhen Eskel sees the bead of milk on the corner of his lips, can't helo but kiss it off of him befors Lambert's diving down for more.
Thats how Geralt and Regis find them, with Lambert sucking at Eskels tits, Eskel whispering filthy promises and begging to be bred full of come and eager, possessive snarls from Dettlaff that say he definitely wants to fuck hin full of come and breed his pretty hole.
The worst part though is the smell, mainly sex and come and sweat, but theres also a lighter scent, one often smelt on young brides and new mothers of fertility and the sweetness of milk. And Geralt wants.
He just has to look at Regis, see how dark his eyes are, his teeth just a little sharper when he bares them, no doubt smelling what he is too and craving. All they have to do is share a look and then clothes are torn off of him and he's shived beside Lambert befors Regis is promising to filk him up just as much as Eskel, wants to watch them pad around with swollen bellies and leaking tits and Geralt swear hw could come just from that image.
Maybe Regis even fucks Lambert with his tail as well, either gagging Lamvert so he has something to suck on and so he doesn't drink all the milk, or fucking him senseless on both of their tails.
And also you've got me imagining kinda vampire bukkake now, just the witchers soaked in come, and it should be gross but all they want to do is mark their skin with it, let everyone and every thing know who they belong to. And afterwards everyone just in a big puppy pile whilst lasts a few hours to just allow the witchers to recover befoee they get fucked stupid again.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
Hello, I saw that your prompts are open and thought I might add some. How about using Yrden for non-con? Using it for bondage where Geralt doesn't want to leave any marks on his bard but wants for him to stay in place to fuck him raw.
I love axii but I think Yrden has some potential.
Ps: Don't think how combining those two could give Geralt total control over Jaskiers body and mind ;)
Warning: non con, mind control
Geralt likes a challenge. It was challenging enough having Jaskier travel with him, and then even more so not doing anything with him, he wondered if the bard knew how close he’d come to being pinned somewhere and Geralt forcing his cock down his throat.
The only issue was that Jaskier was helping his reputation, plus he knew Jaskier would be difficult and would likely end up littered in bruises and bites that all the townsfolk will notice and comment about, with enough attention Jaskier might just admit to everything. The thing is he wanted more than just a taste, he wanted Jaskier for himself which meant planning.
He could just use axii, true, but where was the fun in that? It was easy and simple and Jaskier would be half out of it which meant he wouldn’t genuinely get to see what he looked like, if he screamed or cried when Geralt finally got to fuck him.
He got his answer when he was hunting a noonwraith and watched her slow and get stuck in his yrden trap. In all honesty, he got distracted by it, watching the way she howled and struggled, and he couldn’t help but imagine it was Jaskier instead, begging to be let free as he lay there naked and sobbing, bound and unable to do anything, just without the rope marks, and Geralt couldn’t help but squeeze his cock for a minute just to the thought of it.
Unfortunately, he became a bit too distracted which meant the noonwraith managed to get a couple of good swipes at him before he managed to finish her off. A dose of swallow and he walked a roundabout way back to town to get his reward and then to their camp to allow it to heal a bit, but he didn’t bother cleaning it, he wanted Jaskier to see it and to fret and worry and get close until it was too late.
Truly Geralt would be better off waiting to do this when he was at full strength and they were truly away from civilization, but he doesn’t think he had the willpower to wait tonight, it was either yrden or Geralt was going to force Jaskier down and take what he wanted there and then.
Predictably, Jaskier rushed over to him when he came into view, worrying and chastising him as he helped remove his armor and clean and dress the wounds, not that they needed dressing, but he liked Jaskiers hands on him, it sent a silent thrill through him and he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from pulling Jaskier into a rough, biting kiss.
The rest of the night passed easily enough, they ate, Jaskier played, and Geralt slipped himself a decoction to strengthen his signs, and then without much preamble, he stood up and told Jaskier to strip. Sure, he could do it himself, but he will definitely rip and tear Jaskiers clothes apart and he didn’t want Jaskier to completely hate him after.
He’s sure he hears a string snap when Jaskier stops playing and turns to look at him as if he grew a second head “Excuse me?”
“I told you to strip, I’m not gonna say it a third time”
“And it’s a late spring evening, even if it wasn’t ball achingly cold I don’t see a dame here for me to plow-“
“Who said you’re going to be doing any fucking” That made Jaskier pause, even more so than he had before and he even put down his lute, for the first time since they’d met he smelled just the slightest hint of fear coming off of him “For the last time Jaskier, strip”
Maybe it was the way he was stood, or the hard edge to his voice, or maybe that Jaskier had finally caught sight of his eyes, dark as pitch, but Jaskier slowly moved trembling hands to undo the laces of his shirt.
He’d barely shrugged it off before Geralt got bored, grabbed onto the waistband of Jaskier’s pants, and ripped them off before shoving Jaskier back onto the floor, ignoring Jaskier's shouts as he forced him onto all fours and cast Yrden.
He stepped back to admire his work, watched Jaskier shiver, the only movement he was allowed as he watched Jaskier’s jaw and hands clench, unable to even scream for help, and Geralt could hardly hold back his groan and had started to unlace his pants as he watched a tear track down Jaskier’s cheek.
It was easy to force himself between Jaskier’s legs, to shove a spit slick finger into his hole as prep before he spit onto his hand to slick up his cock, could just hear Jaskier’s cries muffled behind his mouth as he pushed his cock in with a moan.
He was so godsdamn tight, almost too tight, as he slowly fucked his cock deeper into him, feeling Jaskier’s hole clench impossibly tighter around him and he hissed out a swear as he started to fuck him properly. Deep, hard thrusts that made him want to cuss every time he sank into that tight, hot heat that made him growl as he curled possessively across Jaskier’s back, snarling as he tried to fuck himself deeper into the other man.
The whole point of Yrden was so he didn’t have to hold Jaskier down, and yet he had to clench his hands into the dirt to stop them from grabbing at Jaskier’s hips, his ass, his neck, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from leaving purple bruises across his skin for all to see.
He didn’t even realize Yrden had started to fade, just felt Jaskier start to move a little more, his struggles get stronger as he tried to move his hips away from him, then towards him, anything to try and ease the discomfort of getting fucked into the dirt, but Geralt was too far gone to realize.
He lamented for a minute that he didn’t have Eskel’s skill with signs, nor that his brother was here either, he was willing to give his brother a turn at Jaskier’s hole for a decent Yrden, but he was too desperate to fuck deeper into his hole, could barely form axii as he growled into Jaskier’s ear to ride his cock.
There was a moment of hesitation where he heard Jaskier whimper, watched him bite his lip to keep back a sob as more tears tracked down his cheeks, but then Jaskier braced himself and rolled his hips, letting out a small experimental moan before he did it again and Geralt threw his head back, teeth bared and itching to bury into the skin of Jaskier’s neck as he began fucking into Jaskier with abandon.
He knew he was being too rough, could smell the blood in the air, and knew Jaskier would be limping for days after, especially when he was going to do it again tomorrow night, and the night after that as well, and as many nights as he wanted because now that he’d had a go of his ass once he had no intention of letting him go now. Even if it took him axiing the bard to stay, he was definitely going to make him present every night.
It was with that thought that he came with a shout, sinking his teeth into Jaskier’s neck for a second before he pulled back with a start, licking at the teeth marks already embedded in his neck as he rolled his hips to fill him up with every drop of come. When his pleasure started to ebb away he realized Jaskier was scrambling in the dirt, trying to find purchase to pry himself away, but he wasn’t done yet, was already beginning to fuck himself into Jaskier again, ignoring the obvious whimpers of pain coming from him as he pressed another Yrden into the ground, heard the bard choke on a cry when he once again froze in place.
It was easy to keep Jaskier in place, to fuck him over and over until he realized the low groans were coming from Jaskier, could feel his hole clench around his cock and the way his stomach filled out, full of come and no doubt cramping in pain, and yet Jaskier couldn’t even reach a hand down to soothe the ache, could just lay there as he was made to take every drop of come Geralt forced into him.
Maybe in the morning he’d take a couple of goes at his mouth to really fill out his stomach, watch him limp and waddle out on the path tomorrow as come leaked out of him from both ends, maybe even stick Yrden on the path and force Jaskier to stand there as he fucked him all over again for anyone to see. Maybe he’d even force axii on him so everyone could see how much Jaskier enjoyed being on his cock and label him the witchers whore for all to hear. He definitely wouldn’t be escaping anywhere after that, wouldn’t get anyone to offer him any aid when he had the witchers claim on his neck, stomach full of come and leaking down the back of his thighs.
Eventually, he wouldn’t even need the signs, wouldn’t even need to tell Jaskier to get on all fours, he would just stick his ass up whenever they stopped for the night to get fucked, could even sit Jaskier on his cock as they rode Roach, keep him stretched open all day so he didn’t have to bother to give him a finger of prep. Maybe tomorrow he wouldn’t bother with even that, just push Jaskier’s face into the dirt, tug his pants down past his ass, if he had the patience, before he shoved his cock in. After he’s already bruised Jaskier’s throat with it of course. 
He’s happy not to prepare Jaskier because all he wants is a hole to fuck, but that doesn’t mean he wants to chafe his dick in the process. Yes, from now on he’ll use Jaskier’s throat to slick up his cock, it’s not like he’ll be doing much singing anyway, he’s much better getting fucked on his cock instead.
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
How long until the witchers they invited want to be fucked and bred too? So many holes, so little time
I think it might be a while 😂
A) because the wolves ars territorial af to start with and Rsgis and Dettlaff are int hwir pack and b) there's some crossover of higher vampires bad plus this is kinda weird.
But they all come aroind eventually, maybe some wanf an excuse to stay off the path for a little, but thsy become addicted to the feeling of being mounted like a bitch, to be fucked so thouroughly it left their belly swollen with come and a growing pup.
So yeah, eventually the plan to bring other witchers to fuck their wolves backfires and at least they have each other to fuck, because a keep of horny witchers is both a wonderful and horrifying thought
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afterhoursfic · 3 years
You write the best ball worship! Just love someone praising and being in love with a big pair! What about some overactive balls? Witchers’ mutations makes them constantly produce obscene amounts of come and when hard they are audibly churning and bloting with seed. It’s just a normal pair of balls at otger times, but when horny they go into overdrive and they just have to pump it all out! Cue Jaskier being a busy bee at Kaer Morhen when he finds out, helping Geralt along which has Lambert and Eskel swollen and begging for some assistance as well. All the while Jaskier is having the time of his life. Maybe at some point he even gets stuck there, mouthing at and swallowing down someone’s sac only for it to bloat, leaving his ass their only way to get off with in the meantime
I love your thinking anon, and honestly I can imagine the witchers have a potion to kill any erection flat out because they often don't have the time to indulge hours into jerking their cocks off to empty their balls, nor the money to pay for a whore that long not to mention the mess they'd leave the sheets st inns.
Even in the wilderness they rarely indulge because anything could happen, monsters, bandits, beasts and even the threat to their lives doesn't get rid of their hard on and they can feel come dribbling out of their cocks and diwn their legs as they fight because their balls just can't hold it anymore.
When the immediate danger is over they have to jerk off, one hand working their balls so when they do come they can work as much out as they can to ease the ache. Usually it only takes one orgasm because when the arousal has gone their balls stop producing come but sometimes they'll need to go a second time, their balls still tender and heavy until they unload into the dirt for many long moments.
Geralt thinks its a wolf thing, maybe mimicking a knot the way it gets larger and makes them come for half an age. It used to bother him but now that he has Jaskier he is far happier to let him work over his cock, whether that's swallowing his cock or riding it or letting Geralt fuck him into the dirt the result is the same, Jaskier strung out, belly swollen with his come as he begs Gerapt to fuck him again, to put another load into him please until he literally been wrung dry.
Even when Geralt fills his ass with another heavy load of come Jaskier will mouth at his balls, worshipping them and tender as they are after long hours of fucking Geralt comes at the soft touch and the scrape of teeth. Jaskier misses the first spurt of come but he latches around the head of his cock to eagerly drink down whatever he has left to offers, one hand gently stroking his balls and the other holding his belly which must be swollen now, but it won't stop Jaskier getting as much come in him that he can.
But gods Geralt can't wait to show him off at Kaer Morhen and they get delayed a week because all the way up the trail, Geralt just thinks of how Jaskier will be begging and swollen with his and his brothers come all winter, which means they have to stop so Jaskier can hang on his cock for a couple of hours as Geralt works through several aching orgasms until he can think of something horrific enough to distract him from his arousal.
When they get to the keep he can see on his brothers faces that they know, can likely smell the come leaking out of Jaskiers ass or the load he spilled down Jaskier throat not an hour before, or maybe its the swell of his belly, straining under his doublet that gives it away.
He doesn't ask ah3ich it is because he can already smell their arousal, knows they'll be having the same problem soon enough and eagerly takes Jaskier insides, makes sure he washes and eats before they do anything before they settle in front of the fire.
Its not long before Jaskier is sucking on his balls, already swollen and heavy with come thats threatening to leak out of his cock and its when Jaskier moves to lick at the slit, coaxing out more and more pre as his hand rolls his balĺs in his hand that his balls become too full and instea dof pre hes now leaking come that Jaskiers all to happy to lick off.
Behind them he can see Eskel and Lambert with their cocks out, working them over as their other hand work to alleviate the aching pressure that makes their balls look so swollen already. Jaskier is all too happy to help them out as well, still sucking Geralts cock he presents his ass, his hand leaving Geralts balls tonpress three fingers into his hole, showing them he's ready before returning to work Geralts sac, and not a moment later there's a cock pushing into his hole and after a could of hard thrusts theyre coming with a strangled groan in his ear.
He lets Lambert he learns keep rutting his ass, not even finsihed with one orgasm before he's working himself into another until it feels like he just filling Jaskier ass with come. Of course he doesn't leave Eskel wanting, he uses his hand on Geralt whilst his mouth goes to Eskels balls looking fit to burst with how red and swollen they are and Jaskier just sucks on them before blowing cool air to alleviate some of the burn before Eskels coming across his face and into his hair.
He can't even be mad because he cant imagine how long these witchers have gone without a decent mouth or hole to use and so he's happy to let them use him to get make some space in their balls.
And yes it would be hard but I could see in the morning he'll wake up early so he can suck at Geralts sac, feeling and moaning around the heavy weight of them in his mouth, and he'll totally blame Geralts hand keeping him down (but he wouldn't have moved anyway) when Geralts balls swell too much, the feel of his teeth when he tries to move painful so that his mouth is stuck on Geralts balls, only able to suck and work his tongue over them as he jerks Geralt off for hours. Not to mention the compromising position of his ass that is all too inviting for Eskel and Lambert to ignore.
And honestly keeping with the idea of small cocks it would be so easy for two of them to slip in Jaskiers hole, Jaskier feeling the heavy slap of their balls with every small thrust, can feel them twitch when they pump him full of come as if he were just a toy just to empty their balls and honestly Jaskier couldn't be happier than that.
And I don't know if the position would allow it but my head does, but all three of them being able to fit in Jaskiers hole, and them together has the girth of an average cock but nowhere near the length, but at least it gives them more space to fill up as they empty their balls over and over for ages, occasionaly Jaskiers hand starying back to squeeze or roll their balls in his hands if he knows one of them hasbt come in a while just so he can milk another load out of them.
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