#after sam tells her dean was roofied but the way she says it its framed like a big fucking joke like
nobodymitskigabriel · 6 months
Dean making fun of Sam for being sexually assaulted in red sky at morning makes me so ill. It's so out of left field and pointless to the episode so I tend to just pretend it never happened for my own sanity. But then there's Dean rolling his eyes and sighing over Sam being assaulted by Meg in s1. Then again in s2 making fun of Sam for being possessed by a "girl demon". And like. It would make a lot of sense for Dean to not take woman on man sexual assault very seriously due to toxic masculinity for one but also being chronically sexualized his whole life? Like if a woman sexually assaulted or raped dean (and theres a good chance something like this has happened) no way would he take that at face value. He'd write it over in his head and convince himself he must've wanted it.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Jerkwad (Supernatural)
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Demon Dean handcuffed the reader to the bed while they were having sex and leaves them in the hotel room for hours until the maid came. Six months later, the reader comes into contact with him and kicks Dean's ass.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Demon Dean, Sam Winchester, (slight smut, moderate violence)
"You are beyond annoying, Y/S/N. I told you that I'll be fine." "Alright, but if anything happens. Or if something feels off to me, I'm heading over-" I hang up on her and roll my eyes. I sit at the bar with my face in my hands. "Clingy girlfriend?" A deep voice asks.
"Clingy sister," I correct. I hear a faint thud in front of me and see a freshly opened Corona bottle standing in front of me. I look from the bottle and over to the guy. It was then that I realized how attractive this man was. His hair was styled yet messy at the same time. And overall, he dressed like a basic lumber jack. But he's definitely the hottest lumberjack I have ever seen.
"I think I'll pass on that," I say, referencing to the drink. "Why, you think I roofied it or something?" he asked. "Funny how drugging was the first thing that came to mind, huh?" "Sweetheart, I never need a drug to get women to sleep with me." "Well aren't you a blunt one," I say sarcastically.
"I'm Dean," he introduced. "Y/N," I say soon after. We lock eyes for a moment and the next thing I knew, I am pressing my lips on his as he opens the door to his room. His hands slide down my hips and lifts me off the ground by my thighs. He sits down on the bed and buries his face into my chest.
The morning after, I slowly open my eyes to notice that I wasn't in a room that I recognized. My eyes widen as I remember what happened last night. I tried to sit up when I heard feel a tight, burning grip on my hands. I look up at my wrists to see that they were tied to the bed. "What-- are you kidding me?" "Ah, I was kinda hoping you would be asleep for a little while longer," Dean says.
I look over to see Dean putting on his shirt. "Dean, get me out of these cuffs. Now." "Uh, I can't honey. I'm sorry," "Can't my ass. So help me God, get me out of these." I am definitely starting to get aggravated now. "God ain't gonna help you here and I can't because I lost the keys to them." He ruffled his hair and grabbed his jacket. "Maybe you should have thought of that before using them you dip shit!" I snap.
He drapes his jacket over his shoulder and says, "Oo, where was that last night?" "I'm going to kill you," "I would love to see you try, baby." He says with a smile. I hit my head against the wall softly and curse at myself for letting him have sex with me so easily.
"Dean, what in the bloody hell is taking you so-- oh," A gruff, British voice says. I look to see a short brunette man dressed in all black.
"Well hello, love." he greets. "Dean, get me out of these goddam cuffs!" "Now, now, baby, I'm sure you'll get out of them eventually. You look like a sharp tool." He approached me and held my chin before pressing a kiss on my lips. His tongue dipped into the inner lining of my lip and an soft groan left my mouth.
"Catch ya on the flipside, baby." he says before advancing towards the door. "No, wait, Dean. Dean!" He closes the door and I hear his doorsteps descend down the hallway. "Damn it!" The only way I get out of these cuffs is when the maid comes in. And I have no idea when that would be.
I was just coming out of the supermarket when I felt my phone ring. "Hello," I answer as I notice that the call was from Y/S/N. "Hey, so you know I found more information about the lead," she starts. "Alright, and what's so urgent that you had to call me?" "Well I figured that it would be nice to have to some help so I made some calls," "Y/S/N," I warn.
"They're already here so it's pointless to say no," "Jesus, Y/S/N, you can be so annoying," "Love you too, bye!" I roll my eyes as she hangs up and I set the groceries in the backseat before driving back to the hotel. I carry the groceries up the stairs and open the door. I scan the room to see Y/S/N on the right side of table and two men on the other side. The men are fairly tall and all of them have a beer in their hands.
There was an unopened beer sitting on the table, and I'm guessing that's for me. I set the groceries down on the countertop and that's when I noticed that one of the men looked oddly familiar. Really familiar actually. Maybe he's-- oh that son of bitch. "You have the shittiest luck don't you?" I say to Dean. "I'm sorry?" "Don't play dumb, it doesn't look good on you,"
"Y/N, what are you doing? Cut it out." "He was the guy from Arkansas," I explain. "Wh-- really?" "Yes!" "Dude, you're screwed." she says to Dean. I throw my keys on the bed and walk across the room. "Now hold on, I think there's some misunderstanding," The man stands up from the "Sam, stay out of this or you'll end up getting hurt," Y/S/N says.
Without any hesitation, I punch Dean across the face and send him to the floor. I flip the table and kick the chair away from me. "Sweetheart, at least tell me what that was for," "Don't call me sweetheart," I say, shoving him back on the ground. I straddle his waist as I take out my pocket knife. "Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't gut you right here, right now?"
"Well first--" Before he finished his statement, I am grabbed and pressed against the floor. He pried the knife out of my hand and slid it across the floor. "That was rude," he finishes. "Oh, that's rich. You lecturing me about rudeness," He stands from the floor and offered me a hand. I ignore his hand and get up from myself.
"Like I said, misunderstanding," "Bullshit, I remember you clearly." "Im sorry but I don't remember seeing you or your sister," "You bastard," I lungs toward him again but a large pair of arms grabbed me. I elbowed his side and back kicked him to the ground. "Y/N, enough, they get it." "I'm not stopping until he admits it," "Admit what?"
"Dean, don't piss me off." "What, and you're not pissed off right now? I don't know what you wanted me to say. I don't remember you." "Believe me, I would have." he adds as his hazel green eyes racked frame. "Then how else would you explain the night that we slept together and that morning you left me cuffed to the damn bed because you lost the damn keys," I snark.
"I wouldn't do that," "Well you did, jerkwad." "Wait, how long ago was this?" Sam groans as he stands up from the floor. "Six months," I answer. "Oh damn," Dean says. "You had demon Dean," "Demon Dean, are you serious? What, is that your alter ego or something," "Sort of. Listen, it's a long story. But I'm sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that," I sigh in defeat and look to Y/S/N to see a smirk on her face. "What?" "You handled that a lot better than I would have,"
"Does anyone have stronger than beer?" I ask, and Dean reaches into his jacket and took out a flask. I look from the flask to him and he hands it to me. I sigh before taking it and opening it. I take a short swig and scrunch my face at the cold, sour liquid made its way down my throat. I take another swig and hand it back to him. "Thanks," "You're welcome,"
I sit on the bed and fall on to it. "I think we should call it a night. We can talk more about this in the morning," Sam says. "I think that's a great idea," Y/S/N says. The brothers advanced to the door and shut it behind them. "Well that was fun," Y/S/N says. "Don't even start," "Dean was cuter than I imagined," she says as she lays down next to me.
"I can't believe that it was his alter ego." "Well how many of the demons that we've hunted were nice," "You've got a point there. I still don't like the idea of working with them," "You're just mad because you still find him cute," I sent her a glare and she adds, "Admit it," "There's nothing to admit. I don't find him cute,"
"Then why did you straddle his waist?" I turn my head to look at her and said, "I really hate you right now,"
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