gazinggothamite · 3 years
Searching until I find it - Chapter 6
Marinette was tired. That wasn’t new. In honest, the fact infuriated Tikki. The young Demi-God had always despised evil. Having to assist a young teenager fight a deranged psychopath just about tipped her over the edge. Especially knowing that same young teenager was a kind peaceful soul who ended greatly wounded, physically and emotionally. Oh, and not to mention her lack of sleep.
The youngster needed help support, that much Tikki knew. She was also aware of the fact Adrien wasn’t the help and support she needed. The bluenette’s trust was wearing thin, having feel she was intentionally made cast out, due to Adrien helping his father create negative emotions. After a few days in Gotham, the young designer couldn’t keep the thought at bay.
Feeling a similar blood bond flow through the air as Marinette took a seat made Tikki spit out the cookie she was eating. The ravenette obviously wasn’t aware, but the ancient kwami obviously knew better. She’d been alive for centuries after all.
She took her moment to investigate when Marinette fell asleep, dozing off into what was meant to be a dream. But not on Tikki’s watch.
The goddess was quick to speed through Marinette’s moments, not recognising the boy but seeing a man and what appeared to be his sons. They crowded round the young Marinette, gushing at awing at her cuteness. Perhaps the Kwami would have joined in if it wasn’t for the fact she was looking for something, or rather someone. As Marinette noticed a memory, the spotted creature knew it was time for it to come to an end. She was quick to end the slumber, leaving the dream to crumble as the teenager awoke, the dream forgotten and lost to all except the old goddess. Tikki.
@iloontjeboontje @lolieg @adrestar @fusser90 @jayjayspixiepop @galla02006 @macncheesemonster @maskedpainter @t1dwarrior-of-earth @wargraymon0709 @i-heart-fictional-boys @only-trust-fictional-characters @solangelo252 @vixen-uchiha @american-fangirl-7 @jumpingjoy82 
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esterfox · 3 years
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HIS FACE LOL- BTW, LADYBUG IS SO DUMB LIKE- SHE SHOULD ASK HIM HOW MANY TIMES DID HE USED HIS SECOND CHANCE AND STUFF- AND OMG LUKA KNOWS THEIR IDENTITY AAAAAAAA Hashtags: #miraculous #miraculousladybug #ladybug #chatnoir #ladynoir #marinette #adrienagreste #marichat #marinettedupaincheng #adrien #ladrien #catnoir #adrinette #mlb #tikki #adrienette #plagg #lukanette #miraculousedit #miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir #renarouge #hawkmoth #queenbee #shadowmothlastattacktheories #miraculousladybugseason #luka #alya #carapace #miraculousobsessed #adriendeservesbetter (at Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVXKM6j3aE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gazinggothamite · 3 years
Searching until I find it - Chapter 7
Damian's day was going horribly. Nobody needed to tell him that. He had barely received any sleep at all, putting him in an awful mood. It was bad enough having to battle crime and attend school when he already knew the lessons being taught?! If anybody could relate, he didn't know what games they were playing.
There had been a new student. He noticed the bags under her eyes. The sight made him 'tt', knowing they'd done nothing to deserve them. He shouldn't credit her.
The only seat had been next to him. Unfortunate, he was aware, but the fact she made no action to speak was satisfactory. Good, was the only thought that filled his mind.
But she sat on his lunch table. ignoring his scowls and Jonathon's attempts to strike conversation. How rude of her. She'd just continued messing with her salad.
The girl even had the audacity to be in his economy class! She was seated across the room from him, but close enough to make her presence unbearable. It was quite annoying and might he add that she was barely concentrating on the teacher. The disrespect.
They were discussing financial scams and cons in business and how to avoid them. A basic lesson for practically everyone, he knew, but she still should've listened! But when her head dropped on the table and the lesson ceased, Damian couldn't help but grit his teeth as whispers arose. The end result is what he would call undeserving, she'd been left to sleep whilst the rest of the lesson was spent in vain, the teacher attempting to teach all the while nobody listened. Too distracted by the girl, watching her silly little pigtails whilst her mind wondered to wherever it was she went, dreamland. And this just pissed him off.
@iloontjeboontje @lolieg @adrestar @fusser90 @jayjayspixiepop @galla02006 @macncheesemonster @maskedpainter @t1dwarrior-of-earth @wargraymon0709 @i-heart-fictional-boys @only-trust-fictional-characters @jumpingjoy82 @solangelo252 @vixen-uchiha @american-fangirl-7 @toodaloo-kangaroo
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gazinggothamite · 3 years
Searching until I find it - Chapter 8
As the school day rounded and Marinette found herself found herself waking, the bell rung once more, the third time that day, alerting all it was time to go home. Marinette had no memories of her time spent in dreamland, Damian was feeling agitated and was frustrated at how events had turned out, all others, wanting to learn more of the new student. Tough on them, for she wasted no time leaving, shoving her books into her bag before placing it onto her back, leaving without a word. She had said no words that day. It was like she was mute. She seemed to limit her words.
Arriving home, the bluenette held her phone as it vibrated, tapping the green call button as she heard Adrian’s voice buzz through the phone.
“Hey Marinette! How was school today! I moved to Meltropolis today and it was awesome. I made friends with a bunch of people. When they found out I was gay, one of the people gave me a black scrunchies to use and-”
“Bisexual Adrian. You’ve had a crush on Kagame before and seeing as you’ve experienced romantic feelings with both genders before that makes you bisexual.” Marinette had intentionally avoided mentioning herself. A bit vain, she thought it would have been.
“Isn’t it gay? I’ve like Luka before and he’s a boy. Okay whatever, since I’m ga- I mean bisexual, she gave me a scrunchy and it was so cool. One of the friends I have says being gay is a sin but it’s okay! She’s still friends with me, even if she doesn’t support it. So how was your day?” He asked. Marinette held the urge to  throw the phone. She decided not to respond, unsure of how to explain she’d said nothing at school. But no matter how oblivious Adrian was, he realised.
 He looked disappointed, staring at her with an emotion that had no words. The pity was clear in his face, empathy spreading through his veins. The face made Marinette cringe. She was okay. She didn’t need that face. She hated that face. It was then she ended call. She tried her best to cry but she’d forgotten how, after not being able to after so many year. Three, to be precise. She’d have thought crying would be easy after holding in so many negative emotions. It wasn’t. She’d gotten to familiar to having a dry face, only wet from water and soap. Crying was a past memory. One that couldn’t awaken the dream she’d had earlier. The whole thing was a show of sorrow, confusion, love and revenge. That’s what her tale was.
@toodaloo-kangaroo @iloontjeboontje @lolieg @adrestar @fusser90 @jayjayspixiepop @galla02006 @vixen-uchiha @solangelo252 @macncheesemonster @maskedpainter @t1dwarrior-of-earth @jumpingjoy82 @wargraymon0709 @i-heart-fictional-boys @only-trust-fictional-characters
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