#adrian tag tba.
mystiika · 6 months
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@cxldblxxded asked: [  NEEDED  ]  sender approaches receiver and kisses them longer and more passionately than they ever have before
surprisingly enough, this time its not under a cut bc its nsfw its just bc its once again very long lmfao
relationships were always a struggle for adrian, right from the start. he'd make friends easily ( good looks & an innate desire to people-please will do that to a boy ). people started showing interest in dating him before he'd even considered the concept of opening himself up to that, but he felt no trust. he felt incapable of being loved despite how well liked he was. it all felt so shallow, like they wanted him for the status & popularity, like he was just an accessory. it wasn't true, but it was the treatment he'd been shown from his own family & if they could treat him as such, why in the world would he trust a 15 year old girl that blushed in the face of him? & he knew it was unfair to project his own insecurities but it was so incredibly difficult not to. he'd shut up & swallowed all his emotions for fear of being abandoned the moment he was anything less than perfect. 
eventually he'd become well known for never dating, the closest he'd go were dates for functions like homecoming or prom. & usually, he'd pick a friend at random — turning down those who sought him out, out of fear for something he himself couldn't place.
then came fame & the feeling of being a symbol of status only got worse. he needed attention so desperately he'd go above & beyond, & that drive was what really set him apart. he put his all into things no matter how small. but as his popularity grew, so did his feelings of isolation.
but one day, he ran into k. he felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the stale feeling he'd become so used to. k was so.... bizarre, in the best way possible. so earnest & innocent in the way he'd find joy in the smallest things & was a shining light in his life. k was so removed from social norms & expectations, so unaware of what adrian did — instead focused on who he is. adrian felt... seen.
so before he knew it, k was the first thing in life he'd really wanted. he looked forward so much to their time together. especially the movie nights they'd begun. adrian almost felt like he was laying himself bare when letting k see the world through the lens of his passion for the people on screen. he wasn't made to feel small for how intense this love was. instead k was invested, eager to learn about the movies & shows adrian carried so close to his heart, eager to learn more about adrian himself.
the emotions that began to blossom during this time were confusing for him, unused to the feeling of falling for someone & unable to pinpoint when he'd gone from a platonic love to something more intense, something bigger. once he'd realised, his behaviour changed — one thing at a time. & almost contradicting in the way he was opening up more to allow k into more parts of his life, was starting to keep him at arms length. honestly, he was terrified of losing him if k didn't feel the same but he didn't want to push k away. 
when k seemed to look at him differently in turn, adrian convinced himself it was wishful thinking ( at least at first ). he started being more touchy where he'd been so careful before, not quite flirting per say as he knew it was likely to go unnoticed given how k was. & k seemed to react so positively it was hard not to get his hopes up.
& one day, he was fortunate enough to win an award for his acting in his most recent project, but he didn't want to celebrate with his staff, he didn't want to go to some after party where he'd be forced to make small talk with people he couldn't care less about. what he wanted was to invite k over for some take out & some drinks, he wanted to celebrate his achievement with k, anyone else went unconsidered. he'd told k to meet him at his apartment ( having already given him the code to get in despite the surprise at himself for even thinking about it ), that he'd pick up something on the way & that he wanted to celebrate his win.
& so the evening went. so when adrian brought out alcohol it was huge, he felt so safe with k he was willing to put himself through some degree of vulnerability. he got tispy at the most but the safety he felt in k's presence was sure to be noticed. he hadn't told k why he was largely avoidant of alcohol, but k at least knew that he would only drink when he was alone if he really felt the desire.
but alcohol is not known as liquid courage for nothing & as he felt himself falling asleep, the combonation left adrian in a state of honesty — as unknown to himself as it was. his voice was quiet but clear, his accidental confession spoken unmumbled with his head pressed against what he thought was a pillow but was really k's lap. ❝ one of these days i should really tell you i'm in love with you huh... ❞ but was asleep before k had time to respond. when he woke again, he was in his bed, gently tucked in, surveying the room through the rays of sunshine streaming in between his curtains. so he got up, grabbing his nearest sweater before heading to the kitchen. ❛ good morning. ❜ k greets with a smile. already pouring adrian a cup of coffe the way he likes ( it had taken a moment but he'd learned how to work the machine the week prior & adrian was glad to see it had stuck ).
❝ morning. ❞ comes the sleepy response, soon speaking a ❝ thanks, ❞ in a much clearer tone. ❝ did i uh... did i say anything to you last night before i fell asleep? ❞ he's hoping his confession was merely a dream but he couldn't avoid bringing it up just incase it was real. ❛ you said you were in love with me if that is what you are talking about. ❜ & suddenly adrian was as wide awake as he'd ever been, a look of what could only be described as fear, cheeks & ears blossoming an ever darkening pink. ❝ ...shit.. fuck... ❞ but in all honesty, he WAS afraid — terrified even. ❛ did you not want me to know? ❜ & adrian doesn't know what to say to that. all he can do is raise his hands gently to face so he can both hide his blush as best he could & attempt to answer him when he doesn't have to watch k's face — just in case its a sight he'd regret seeing.
❝ i was going to tell you eventually... i just... i wasn't ready yet. ❞ he peeks through his fingers to see k's face expressing something adrian couldn't quite place. joy, or maybe relief? a more general type of affection? so he brings himself to lower his hands again, looking at k more solidly despite the sight of what he's sure he looks like himself. ❝ i was afraid you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore if you didn't like me back in the same way. ❞ ❛ i have already been loving you, i have just been waiting to see if you feel the same. ❜ & as terrified as he is by it all, adrian sort of laughs afterwards, out of pure relief. ❝ i guess i was worried for nothing then, ❞ a sense of calmness seeping into his tone.
they don't do much after that, at least not immediately — instead sitting down for a nice breakfast k'd been working on while adrian had slept in. & he'd been given the day off so they were able to spend the day together, a day in which adrian had so much trouble not clinging to him as if k would disappear the moment he'd been left alone too long. that & a day in which adrian couldn't help but giving him quick random kisses simply because he was excited, because he can after silently pining over this man for however many months it was.
then on the screen came a movie more rom than com, & every time a kiss was shared, he was left wanting to kiss k for it. eventually, unable to resist the desire any longer, he slowly gets up ( without even taking the time to hit pause in case he lost his nerve ), & moves to climb into k's lap. its hard to ignore the nervous fluttering in his stomach when his forearms fall to k's shoulders, feeling warm hands where his thighs meet his hips.
❝ just... stop me if you don't want this, okay? ❞his intentions clearly looking for more than a peck. but no indication for him to halt ever came. instead k meets his lips with ease & adrian couldn't help the pool of warmth filling in his gut, desperate for more but holding himself back to really explore in his kiss. it was languid, gentle in their efforts to get used to each other but, in a way, it felt very intense, pent up feelings finally being released in adrian's touch. he inches his body closer where'd previously left room for k to push him away, the action that never came. he slips his tongue forward, against k's lip only for a moment before he was let in, k's tongue moving in its own right & adrian couldn'y believe how addicting k's kiss was. every kiss he'd had up to this point had felt so... lacking. but not this. this kiss felt electric, they grip each other like they'd drown if they did, their kiss ramping up with each passing minute. 
ringing interrupted them, much to adrian's chargin. he offers a quick apology, telling k to just ignore it before adrian kissed him again. when the ringing stopped he'd thought it was done with. but then the ringing came again. after the second call he was getting annoyed, but by the third he knew he had to figure out what was going on. so he presses a quick apologetic kiss before getting up & half jogging over to the kitchen counter he'd left it on. so he picks it up in time for a fourth call, answering with a more than gruff. ❝ what is it? ❞ k could only hear half the conversation that follows but it was clear it wasn't a good exchange. at once point adrian lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes closed as if that would make a difference. he feels k come up behind him, arms wrapping around him in a hug & presses a kiss to his shoulder. adrian takes a deep breath, instantly starting to relax as he leans into his touch. ❝ look, you handle for pr for a reason. so handle it. you should be used to this by now — deepfakes are only getting more convincing & anyone of any importance can tell it was doctored. just release a company statement & post something on my socials if you think you need to. i'm supposed to have a day off & there's nothing for me to really do anyway, so send me a text later if you need to update me on the situation. ❞ there's a lull in his words, the caller speaking before adrian ends it with a tired sounding. ❝ yeah, yeah. just do what you can to minimise traction for it & besides work i'll avoid going out for a day or two until people calm down. ❞ pause again. ❝ mhm, thanks. ❞ finally he ends the call, switching the phone to silent before turning in k's arms, leaning gently against the counter while he pulls k in. ❝ did you miss my so much you couldn't wait for me to come back to the couch? ❞ he teases, a little surprised k took him seriously when he replies with an ❛ i did. ❜ & how endearing that answer was. 
then k kisses him. skipping past the hesitation they'd started with & kisses adrian with fervor & adrian matches him easily. it felt like k had been waiting for it too, & neither wanted to let go for even a second. adrian would feel embrassed at the noise he moans k licks & nips at his neck but he can't be bothered when ever touch of k against his skin feels hot in the best way. but instead he presses his hips forward to k's, whether in search of friction for himself or in indication of his desire for more. ❝ try not to leave a mark, ❞ he gets out, as displeased he was for it, but his neck was too exposed & the indication of a hickey would leave him bombarded with questions he had no interest in answering. ❝ at least just on my neck, anywhere else is fair game. ❞ there's a brief stop as he raises his shoulder to lift k's head, looking him in the eye with a soft, ❝ & i mean anywhere. ❞ then kisses k again, lips almost desperate in their search. 
it was a little crazy, the coin flip of a change between their platonic actions a mere 24 hours prior & their zealous touches & passionate kisses of the moment. but adrian couldn't be bothered to care. he finally had k in his arms & his mind was void of all thoughts save for the overwhelming desire he felt for more — so much more.
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stagbled · 11 months
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#STAGBLED     :         the    BLACK HERETIC,        general kirigan,        the    starless saint.     make me your villain.   an    independent,        private,     head-canon   based,   low   activity     &      mutuals        only      ❛❛     ALEKSANDER MOROZOVA, AKA THE DARKLING       ❜❜    of    shadow & bone:        a    study    in    dark versus light,        loneliness,    power & the temptation in the dark,  martyr & sacrifice,        redemption,      koschei the deathless,        and    the byronic hero.    18+    and triggering themes.      affiliated with stagflood.     dissected   by   syl.  BLOG IS A WIP. CARRD COMING SOON. INTEREST TRACKER.
other requestable muses include: will graham from nbc's hannibal, bunny corcoran from the secret history, glenn rhee from twd & more below.
rules (carrd tba) 01. just don't be a dick. if you don't like the nuance of a villain that showcases both morally grey actions plus the exploration of humanity within that, then don't follow! this goes without saying but muse does not equate mun. the darkling is a villain and all his relationships will be affected by that. his beliefs and trauma do not justify his actions - he is interesting because he thinks they do.
02. low activity. mutuals only. plot-heavy. duplicate friendly. multi and oc friendly as well. canon-divergent.
03. i will explore the ship darklina - including all the abusive and toxic elements that shroud it. it's important to the darkling and an interesting relationship to explore, as alina is his foil and obsession. i do not expect anyone to reciprocate shipping or desire it - just that i am simply open to exploration of a complicated relationship, wherever it may go. otherwise, chemistry is the must for anything. will tag '/darklina' and '/nsfw' in any posts that contain it. i am open to shipping with other charactres/ocs/the like as long as there is something there worth exploring.
04. that being said: dark topics will be explored. i do not support the idea of censorship of any form of art. however, i do ask that you tag anything that has to do heavily with grooming/csa/domestic abuse. if something i write needs a tag, just hop in my ims. i'm pretty easy to talk to and willing to accommodate those that ask.
05. still getting through the books so please be patient with me! that being said, alot of what i write will be headcanon, canon-divergent, and influenced by personal interpretation. some influences that will incorporate will be general gothic tropes of the byronic hero and being enticed by the dark. the tale of koschei the deathless may also be present and a reoccurring motif.
06. i reject the ending given to aleksander. while i am fine with his death (though, consider that null here) i do not follow the events of him being resurrected at all unless redeveloped via plotting. i will instead be following a canon-divergent path to be fleshed out soon. though the general idea is that aleksander lives and chooses to do so, facing his loneliness, wherever that leads him.
mun: hi, i'm syl! i'm a twenty-six year old literature and classics (greek focus) major. i adore tragedies, gothic horror and fantasy. i collect moth taxidermy and i love morbid things.
this is a tentative list of muses that will also make occasional appearance on this blog. feel free to request any of them: allison argent from teen wolf. adrian ivashkov from vampire academy. *bunny corcoran from the secret history. daemon targaryen from house of dragon/asoiaf. dorian gray from the picture of dorian gray. *glenn rhee from the walking dead. hannibal lecter from nbc's hannibal. jem carstairs from the infernal devices. love quinn from you. *maggie greene from the walking dead. patroclus from mythology + a song of achilles. *theon greyjoy from game of thrones. *will graham from nbc's hannibal. * = high muse. verses to come for aleksander: tlou, modern, canon divergences, twd, asoiaf, shadowhunters, vampire.
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astarab1aze · 4 months
tags navigation
➥ Sortia. ➥ Vayn. ➥ Loux. ➥ Furie. ➥ Kaede. ➥ Asuka. ➥ Crovita. ➥ Hydre.
☿ || Asks. ☿ || Aesthetics. ☿ || Music. ☿ || Edits. ☿ || Threads. ☿ || Pinned. ☿ || Mun. ☿ || Headcanons. ☿ || Picrew. ☿ || Promotions. ☿ || Ships. ☿ || Musings. ☿ || Memes. ☿ || Bestiary. ☿ || Queue. ☿ || Art. ☿ || Shitpost. ☿ || Open.
✘ // Another Life With You; Ming. ✘ // Baby You're a Haunted House; Morrigan. ✘ // Lounie Tunes; Loni. ✘ // Get Fucked & Die Right; Kai. ✘ // Of Devotion & Desire; Vitya. ✘ // Time is Better Spent Alone With You; Naoya. ✘ // What it Means to be Alive; Atsushi. ✘ // Secrets Worth Keeping; Yura. ✘ // Photographic Healing; Adrian. ✘ // The Serpent Coiled Around the Crow; Hanma. ✘ // Close Your Eyes One Last Time; Shoko. ✘ // In Each Other We Find Absolution; Shigure. ✘ // Woe to a Man Who Loves the Devil; Roy. ✘ // Oh Be Still My Heart - I'm His Forever; Geralt. ✘ // Ever and Always On My Knees; Saint. ✘ //
♞ // Main Verse. ♞ // Verse: TBA. ♞ // AU: Planar Collision. ♞ // Verse: JJK. ♞ // Verse: Sinner's Ambience. ♞ // Verse: Wolfmoon & Dragonsong. ♞ // Verse: Doll in a Silver Cage. ♞ // Verse: Alpha & Omega. ♞ // Verse: Occult Horror. ♞ // Private: Love and Harmony. ♞ // AU: Kitchen Nightmares. ♞ // Verse: Lost and Found. ♞ // AU: Lost Youth.
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gay-hoodie-boy · 6 months
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if you are uncomfortable with suggestive content, please block "the o///o stuff".
image tag is "look i have p i c t u r e s"
writing/art tag is "pen of the prince's heart"
bolded are ones i think about more often, italic are ones with more lore behind the ship. listed in order of older to more recent.
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character || source || type || tag || s/i || au's (if applicable)
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Link || Ocarina of Time || romantic (puppy love) || knight in green || Avalon || 80s Romcom "avalink modern au", Majora's Mask
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Reyn || Xenoblade Chronicles || romantic (dating) || rain o'clock || Oliver "s/i: berry farmer ollie"
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X || Mega Man franchise || romantic (dating) || close window || Click "s/i: click the mechanic"
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Osfala || A Link Between Worlds || romantic (pining) || pretty as a painting || Indigo "s/i: lorule runaway indigo"
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Leon || Pokemon Sword/Shield || romantic (dating?) || pants with directions
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Arataki Itto || Genshin Impact || romantic (dating) || beetle boy || Echo "s/i: mystic jeweler echo" || College, Mercenary
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Pierce || My Inner Demons || romantic (chaotic) || the reason is yes
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Rouxls Kaard || Deltarune || romantic (pining) || grand duke of puzzles || Crown "s/i: prince crown of the backstage" || Nutcracker
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Kojiro "Joe" Nanjo || Sk8 the Infinity || romantic (domestic) || six pack skater || Starchaser
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Jack "Jackie" Walker || Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea || romantic (dating) || daring ranger || Enzo
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Tonbokiri || Touken Ranbu || romantic (pining) || dragonfly spear || Keisuke "s/i: purring kudagitsune"
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Tauro || Tears of the Kingdom || romantic (pining) || ring research captain
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Hobie Brown || Across the Spiderverse || romantic (???) || Phantom Spider
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Masa || Way of the Househusband || romantic (puppy love with layers) || Akatsuki "s/i: noble grocery clerk"
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Luke Sullivan || Street Fighter series || romantic (dating, poly, living together) || star studded hotshot || Prince "s/i: blue hair and princecore" || Monster, Medieval
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Jamie Siu || Street Fighter 6 || romantic (dating, poly) || drunken dance fighter || Prince "s/i: blue hair and princecore" || Monster, Medieval
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Jason Todd/Red Hood || Batman: Wayne Family Adventures || romantic || a heart for a hood II Nell "s/i: nocturne of gotham"
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Ed || Street Fighter series || romantic (dating) || bad boy of boxing || Adrian
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Necalli || Street Fighter V || romantic (destined counterparts) || soul consuming darkness || Meztli "s/i: tamer of darkness"
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Volga || Hyrule Warriors || romantic (mates) || dragon of the burning mountain || Cori "s/i: fairy prince coriander"
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Crush tags: "strawberry farmboy", "knight of the stars"
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Admiral Bobbery || The Thousand-Year Door || familial (adopted grandparent) || explosive sea captain || Azure
Prince Sidon || Breath of the Wild trilogy || familial (adopted older brother) || boundless optimism
Tom Nook || Animal Crossing || familial (uncle) || tba || Toni
Malon || Ocarina of Time || familial (twin sister) || voice on the ranch || Avalon || 80s Romcom
Raihan || Pokemon Sword/Shield || queerplatonic (rival-in-law) || dragon taming influencer
Piers || Pokemon Sword/Shield || platonic (besties) || piers tag tba
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0 notes
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#TURNANDFACE — a dependent, single muse blog for Mazhir Barati. a lookout for @foresightinnhq. heavily affiliated with @heavyisthehead. follows from @bouquetofasphcdels. adored and written by Adrian (he/him, est.)
welcome to foresight inn [ mizhir barati ] the [ forty ] year old from [ detroit, michigan ]. he’s been in foresight for [ one year ]. we thank him for his service as [ a lookout ] and his personality as a [ cooperative & altruistic ] person. but beware, he’s also [ defensive & impressionable ]. he’s [ conflicted ] about the joining of the vegas safe zone group. we wish him the best.
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notforgottcn · 4 years
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@parabcllums​ // she’s still dressed in her police uniform, badge on her hip which says a little too much about the lack of thought she had put into this. her hair is messy and she was certain there were bags under her eyes but she couldn’t have cared any less in that moment. it was no secret that the last two weeks had been hard on everyone. no one could have expected the way a death in town would have expected paragon, and as a member of the force addy had of course wanted to do everything she could do to help, even if that meant working over time in order to just try and keep the world turning. such actions always had actions in the long term however and now drained didn’t seem to cover the way she was feeling.
maybe that was why she was revisiting old feelings, searching for something familiar, not really wanting to think for once. there was one person that she trusted like that, which might have explained just how she ended up on his doorstep. “adrian,” she called out before knocking on the door three times.”your crazy ex girlfriend is here open the door,” sure enough the door opened to reveal him standing there with a raised brow. “ok so call me stupid, tell me to leave and i’ll go,” addy spoke with her hands gesturing wildly as she spoke, hoping he’d at least ignore how worn down she looked. “but i’ve had one of the hardest weeks of my life, and i’ve got this bottle of wine and it really seems like a bad idea to drink it alone, so i was thinking we turn off our phones and just... breathe for a little while,”
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aconites · 2 years
𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻 for @goodtrble​​! 
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𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙇 𝘼𝙏𝙏𝘼𝘾𝙃𝙀𝘿 to the door of the small diner just outside the busy streets of new york city rings as eloise walks out of the cozy 80s themed establishment; two take out bags in hand as she makes her way back to her car, the smell of the delicious burgers she just picked up making her stomach growl loudly. it’s after six o’clock on a wednesday and while her coworkers are probably already home by now, the blonde was on her way back to her office to do some overtime. she knew her friends would argue that she spent too much energy on her work life but the charleston born had always been determined when it came to her career and wanted to make sure that everything was set for the big meeting her boss was scheduled to have tomorrow morning. while she had only been at the company for five months, she picked up on adrian’s routine pretty quickly which is exactly why she would bet a small fortune that the ceo had forgotten to eat supper in the midst of paperwork, hence the reason the twenty-four year old was bringing him something she knew he loved. within ten minutes she’s back in the tesseract headquarters and after quickly swiping her card for security, steps into her office. there’s a long hallway and another room that stands between her and adrian’s desk and her heels click as the walks up to his door. she knocks twice, not hesitating to push it open when she hears a response to do so. ❝ hi,❞ she smiles at the man timidly, still not used to seeing his gorgeous face even after being here for a few months, as evident by her pink, heated cheeks. ❝ i figured you didn’t eat yet so... ❞ she shows off the paper bags she’s holding, the diner’s logo in the middle of it. ❝ i got you the elvis burger with fries, extra ketchup on the side.❞ eloise proclaims proudly, taking a few steps forward and placing one of the bags on his desk; making sure the greasy meal is away from what she believes are important documents. ❝ i got the same thing considering it looked delicious... ❞ she trails off, ready to head back to her workstation to eat as well. ❝ how’s everything looking for tomorrow? ❞
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interact-if · 2 years
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December is People With Disabilities Month here on interact-if! 
This month is all about celebrating authors with disabilities. We want to highlight the experiences and hard work done by these authors in creating for the IF community.
Here are our month's featured authors, please check out their works and join us in supporting them.
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Alex, author of Forgotten Names 
You’re one of the five Northern Gates Council members. Your territory is strange to say the least, with eerie, sentient woods and something beyond your border that no one speaks of. You’ve assumed the position as one of the rulers recently, so you’re still trying to figure it out.
That would be hard enough by itself, but one night you receive word from the Silent Throne that you’re being summoned to the court, because something happened. So you must depart immediately.
An uncanny forest, magic, a lost legacy, royal problems and conflict between regions. Welcome to Eblur Kingdom. And be careful not to forget your name
Read more about Forgotten Names [here]
Forgotten Names Demo | Author’s Ko-fi 
Tags: Fantasy
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Adrian, author of The Twilight Order & The Mystic Pawn
You are a Seer: a respected member of the Twilight Order. Seers are bound to a Nightmare, making them the only mortals capable of Void magic and, thus, the only ones capable of neutralizing the Nightmare threat. Seers are honored for their sacrifice, as their power, while necessary, is a death sentence. Most die violent deaths from the corruption or simply go insane in only a few short years.
Not you, though. You are special. You didn’t choose the position, train vigorously for years, or undergo the binding ritual that would forcibly meld a Nightmare to your psyche. Your Nightmare has always been there, seemingly because they want to be.
You were brought to the Order as a child when your abilities became known. After many years of study, tests, and training, you have made a name for yourself as one of the most potent Seers in history.
Now the Order is sending you to investigate Void activity reports out of Alli vi Piugio, capital of the merchant kingdom of Chepria. While there, it has become quickly apparent there is more going on than meets the eye.
Figures that being ’special’ would mean you have to literally save the world.
Read more about The Twilight Order [here] & The Mystic Pawn [here]
Demo TBA | Discord | Art Blog
Tags: Psychological Horror, Thriller, Fantasy, 18+
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Carr, author of Wolfwater & What Comes After: Never Fall
You play as a shapeshifter who has been thrown into this world in your early 20s after you learn that your parents didn’t tell you the whole truth about yourself… Work with a team of inhuman and human allies and your older sibling to save the town, or turn against them and help another shapeshifter tear down life as you know it. Game includes a fully customizable player, 12 romance options, 3 possible hookups, and a lot of crying.
Read more about Wolfwater [here] & What Comes After: Never Fall [here]
Wolfwater Demo | Discord | Author’s Ko-fi | Patreon
Tags: Psychological Thriller, Horror, 18+ 
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Casper, author of Heart Fragment
Can you collect all of the fragments, solve the mysteries, and find your way to a happy ending?
In this mysterious otome game, play as a protagonist (name customizable but "Xani" by default) struggling to cope with the hand life has dealt you. Your mother's death was a tragedy that left you cynical and numb to the world. Now, though, greater challenges are piling up fast - and it all begins when you find out you are not entirely human.
The disappearance of a friend. A sudden attack that leaves you wounded. Mysterious characters entering and leaving your life. Growing bonds. Coming to terms with what exactly "humanity" is...
Please. Find a happy ending. Don't let tragedy be the only option.
Read more about Heart Fragment [here]
Demo & Full Game |
Tags: Otome, Mystery 
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Elena, author of Apocalyptic Dream
Apocalyptic Dream is a dual-MC, horror-themed otome game that takes place during a zombie outbreak in the 21st century. Follow Mikuru and Toshiro Aikyo, twins who had the misfortune of knowing what was coming.
Navigate friendships, relationships, and learn who to trust...all while trying to survive.
Can you make it through alive?
Read more about Apocalyptic Dream [here]
Author’s Carrd | Author’s Ko-fi | Preorder | 
Tags: Apocalypse, 18+, Otome
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Elliot, author of Greenwarden & The King’s Physician
Immerse yourself in the world of Greenwarden as a reluctant monster hunter, assigned to a mysterious case of a missing child deep in the Appalachians. Surrounded by enemies on all sides, you must play a cat and mouse game with something beyond your understanding. Just try not to lose yourself in the process.
Read more about Greenwarden [here], The King’s Physician [here] & Untitled Werewolf Game [here]
Greenwarden Demo | Author’s Ko-fi | Discord | 
Tags: Horror, Mystery, Romance
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Hollis, author of The Starless Throne
You play as an inquisitor, a member of the de facto law enforcement in Blasse, the largest city on the continent. You transferred into this division of the guild 2 months ago, and funnily enough, you also joined the guild 2 months ago, when you took an inquisitor out behind a tavern in the dark, murdered him, and took his job and identity. You know, for work.
Truth is, you’re a private contractor of sorts, and the job you’re on now has brought you to this wing of the guild. Everything is going great, until on what’s supposed to be the last day of the job, things take a turn for the worse. An old partner in crime has popped back up out of nowhere, and things are getting complicated (more than they already are that is) fast.
Read more about The Starless Throne [here]
Demo TBA
Tags: High Fantasy, Subterfuge
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Jess, author of Fields of Asphodel and co-author of Diaspora 
Fields of Asphodel is a game in which the player takes on the role of the Greek pantheon’s deity of spring, on the eve of their (decidedly political) marriage to Hades, Lord of the Dead. After the constantly-simmering feud between Zeus and Demeter results in the rather unfortunate circumstance of a marriage neither party really consents to, the PC is whisked away to the Underworld, an unfamiliar realm that is all but the antithesis of fair Olympus.
There, they have the chance to make what they will of the lot they have drawn. The residents of the Underworld are an unusual, and unusually-accepting bunch, and there are friends or possible romantic connections to be made as well as a rather odd supporting cast to get to know, from the ever-bickering Moirae sisters to Hades’s young adopted daughter Makaria to Kerberos, the gigantic, fire-breathing, three-headed dog.
But for all its charms—if indeed the PC should find any—the Underworld is not without its problems, and when a mysterious wasting disease afflicts Lethe, the river goddess of oblivion, the entire balance of life and death may be in jeopardy. It will take the PC, as well as the rest of the cast, to not only cure the affliction, but solve the mystery of what’s causing it, and deal with the ever-spiraling fallout of the dead beginning to remember.
Of course, I shouldn’t be misleading—the game is mostly about the relationships between its characters, and found family.
Read more about Fields of Asphodel [here] and Diaspora [here]
Fields of Asphodel Demo | Diaspora Demo | Discord | Author’s Ko-fi | Patreon | Kraken Studios Ko-fi | Kraken Studios Patreon | 
Tags: Romance, Mythology
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Tori, co-author of Witches of Ferngrove
The game focuses on you, the eldest of a family of witches from the small, idyllic town of Ferngrove where nothing ever happens. Your family are witches in a town of humans, and as a result you grew up sheltered and unaware of the magical world, besides the little your parents deemed safe enough for you to know. Other than weak charms and potions of luck, you don’t really know anything about the supernatural world. You left Ferngrove when you graduated from high school and never looked back, becoming a successful journalist at the Echo Gazette in a big city like you always dreamed. Depending on your choices, you have Skyped with your family and they might have taken trips out to see you in the city, but you have not stepped foot back in your hometown.
That is, until you get a call that changes your life forever. Your mother is dead. Aleia Craft. The woman you thought invincible. You must travel home for the funeral and contend with a darker conspiracy. As you begin to unravel the mystery of your mother’s death and the secrets she left behind, you begin to realise she is a woman you didn’t know at all. Soon, you see that there are things at play here bigger than you could have ever imagined. Dark forces conspire against you. It will be up to you whether you can withstand the storm brewing on the horizon. Make allies and enemies, fall in love, hone your magic, and discover your legacy. Be careful who you trust, even those closest to you are not what they seem.
Read more about Witches of Ferngrove [here]
Demo TBA | Author’s Ko-fi
Tags: Urban Dark Fantasy, Romance, 18+
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sywtwfs · 4 years
2019-20 Fall/Winter Skating Shows
A schedule of major shows taking place during the 2019-20 season. This is not a comprehensive list. More information will be added to this post as it appears. Casts are subject to change; check the websites for updates. See also: Skating shows tag
------------ 2019 ------------
MAO THANKS TOUR (website) Time and place: Several locations in Japan throughout the year, see website for details Cast: Mao Asada, Haruka Imai, Takahito Mura, more Broadcast: ??? Notes: Organized by Mao Asada to thank her supporters over her career.
OPERA ON ICE (website) Time and place: Oct. 5, Rome, Italy Cast: Evgeni Plushenko, Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte, Miki Ando, Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise, more Broadcast: ??? Notes: Also known as Intimissimi on Ice, the show features live artists from classical and popular genres.
CARNIVAL ON ICE (website) Time and place: Oct. 5, Saitama, Japan Cast: Japan Open competitors - Satoko Miyahara, Rika Kihira, Shoma Uno, Koshiro Shimada, Bradie Tennell, Mirai Nagasu, Nathan Chen, Vincent Zhou, Alina Zagitova, Alexandra Trusova, Deniss Vasiljevs, Javier Fernandez. Guest skaters - Stephane Lambiel, Akiko Suzuki, Daisuke Takahashi, Nobunari Oda, Takahito Mura, Meryl Davis/Charlie White Broadcast: Oct. 6 at 16:00-17:15 JST, TV Tokyo; Oct. 29 at 17:29-20:00 JST, BS Japan Notes: The gala of Japan Open, featuring skaters from the competition as well as guest skaters.
ROCK THE RINK TOUR (website) Time and place: Oct. 5 - Nov. 23, various locations in Canada (see website for details) Cast: Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir, Kaetlyn Osmond, Patrick Chan, Carolina Kostner, Elvis Stojko, Jeremy Abbott, Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov, more Broadcast: ??? Notes: Organized by Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir as their farewell skating tour.
REVOLUTION ON ICE (website) Time and place: Nov. 9 - Dec. 29, various locations in Spain (see website for details) Cast: (see website for exact schedule) Javier Fernandez, Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte, Jeffrey Buttle, Elladj Balde, Javier Raya, Ashley Wagner, Evgeni Plushenko, Olivia Smart/Adrian Diaz, more Broadcast: ??? Notes: Organized by Javier Fernandez, first held in 2016.
------------ 2020 ------------
BOLZANO PASSION GALA (website) Time and place: Jan. 4, Bolzano, Italy Cast: Javier Fernandez, Aleksandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Daniel Grassl, Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte, Vanessa James/Morgan Cipres, Alena Kostornaia, Nicole Della Monica/Matteo Guarise, more Broadcast: ??? Notes: Annual skating show in Italy.
NAGOYA FIGURE SKATING FESTIVAL (website) Time and place: Jan. 4, Nagoya, Japan Cast: Rika Kihira, Marin Honda, Mako Yamashita, Yuhana Yokoi, Nana Araki, Keiji Tanaka, Kazuki Tomono, Sota Yamamoto, Yuma Kagiyama, Takahito Mura, more Broadcast: TBA Notes: Annual skating show in Nagoya.
ICE EXPLOSION (website) Time and place: Jan. 10-12, Yokohama, Japan Cast: Daisuke Takahashi, Shizuka Arakawa, Akiko Suzuki, Kanako Murakami, Meryl Davis/Charlie White, Tanith Belbin White/Ben Agosto, Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje, Qing Pang/Jian Tong, Misha Ge, Elladj Balde, Keiji Tanaka, more Broadcast: Jan. 19 at 16:00-17:15 JST, TV Tokyo Notes: New skating show in Japan.
PRINCE ICE WORLD: HIROSHIMA (website) Time and place: Jan. 18-19, Hiroshima, Japan Cast: Shizuka Arakawa, Takeshi Honda, Daisuke Takahashi, Miki Ando, Nobunari Oda, Kanako Murakami, Marin Honda, Miyu Honda, Sara Honda, Kazuki Tomono, Kana Muramoto Broadcast: ??? Notes: One of the oldest skating shows in Japan, notable for giving fans the opportunity to talk to the skaters and take pictures as they go around the rink after the show.
PRINCE ICE WORLD: KUMAMOTO (website) Time and place: Jan. 25-26, Kumamoto, Japan Cast: Shizuka Arakawa, Takeshi Honda, Miki Ando, Evgeni Plushenko, Nobunari Oda, Kanako Murakami, Marin Honda, Miyu Honda, Sara Honda, Shoma Uno, more Broadcast: ??? Notes: One of the oldest skating shows in Japan, notable for giving fans the opportunity to talk to the skaters and take pictures as they go around the rink after the show.
ART ON ICE (website) Time and place: Feb. 2-16, various locations in Switzerland (see website for details) Cast: Alina Zagitova, Tatiana Volosozhar/Maxim Trankov, Javier Fernandez, Vanessa James/Morgan Cipres, Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov, Kevin Aymoz, Alexia Paganini, more Broadcast: TBA Notes: One of the most well-known skating shows in Europe, known for collaborations with musicians. Art on Ice celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020.
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verdiprati · 5 years
Looking Ahead
[NOTE: this post is now out of date. Check the schedule tag on my blog for the most recent version of this list.]
Hello, Tumblr friends. 
I have been, for a while now, hesitating to continue my customary series of posts chronicling the future public performance plans of my favorite singer, Dame Sarah Connolly. 
I have decided to keep compiling and updating the list, but I also want to share some of my thoughts on the matter. Discussion, followed by list of performances, after the jump.
As you will probably have heard by now, Dame Sarah announced in July that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and would have to withdraw from certain performances while undergoing treatment. She also expressed at the time a hope to fulfill all her other concert and recording commitments.
In the weeks since that announcement, Dame Sarah has made a few further alterations to her performing schedule while also maintaining some scheduled appearances: I myself heard her sing beautifully at concerts in Exeter and London earlier this month. A recent blog post by Jessica Duchen, written after that London concert, mentions that Dame Sarah now faces “a new journey, through chemotherapy.” Chemo protocols and how well individuals tolerate them can be really variable; the soprano Erin Wall has written about how she managed to keep performing between chemo treatments, but chemo can bring on a host of side effects that can make it extremely difficult to carry on one’s normal activities for the duration of treatment, which may take months. (Frankly, just reading that list from the American Cancer Society makes me feel sympathetically ill.)
I am sure you can see the delicacy of maintaining a public list of Dame Sarah’s scheduled performances. There is a lot that Dame Sarah herself probably does not know yet about her own treatment experience and how it will affect her availability (and desire) for work, and we the public may not know whether she is going ahead with any given engagement until relatively late. 
I do not want to prematurely write off the next several months of Dame Sarah’s work, and I would still encourage anyone who lives near one of her performance venues to consider buying a ticket. It is a bit of a gamble, but if you can afford the risk of disappointment, go ahead and give yourself the possibility of hearing this wonderful singer. 
At the same time, I think ticket buyers for whom Dame Sarah’s participation would be essential to the enjoyment of a concert should be aware that the likelihood of her withdrawal for health reasons is higher than usual in the next several months. What I provide below is the best information available through public channels; I’ll make an effort to update the list if and when I learn of any changes, but editing this list is not exactly my full-time job, and if there is a performance date that you care about, I would urge you to monitor the sponsor’s website and social media feeds for yourself.
Finally, and most delicately, although I consider this blog to be a fairly obscure corner of the internet, I would not want to embarrass Dame Sarah or damage her future employability by chronicling cancellations that might arise from her illness. No singer really wants to be associated with a record of frequent cancellations, however good the reasons for them might be. This consideration has been my greatest point of hesitation. I have, however, concluded that: (a) the circumstance of her illness is already well known in the industry, by her choice; (b) I really hope prospective employers will be understanding of her current circumstances and optimistic about her post-treatment future onstage; ( c ) I am only compiling information that is publicly available elsewhere; and (d) the intended audience for this list is fellow fans who, like me, want to keep tabs on possible opportunities to hear Dame Sarah perform live. 
So. Here is the latest edition of my list: 
Upcoming Performances by Dame Sarah Connolly 
Those of you in Britain might catch a performance in London, Cheltenham, Chipping Campden, or Buxton. Those on the Continent might see Dame Sarah in Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Vienna, Hamburg, Köln, Rotterdam, Basel, or Vilabertran. An as-yet-unconfirmed performance may be on the horizon in New York.
The usual disclaimers:
This is not an authoritative list. These are the upcoming performances by Dame Sarah Connolly that I have been able to learn about from Dame Sarah’s new website, Dame Sarah’s agent's website (Askonas Holt), Operabase, Bachtrack, Dame Sarah's Twitter, and generally ferreting around the web.
I sometimes list concerts that are not yet officially confirmed; you should of course check official sources before making plans and be aware that cast changes and cancellations can happen at any time.
I have added links to venue, ticketing, and broadcast information where available. Tips on new information are always welcome! Please contact me via email (verdiprati [at] selveamene [dot] com), Tumblr messaging, or ask box (plain prose only in the ask box; anything with links or an email address will get eaten by Tumblr filters) with corrections or additions.
Recital with Julius Drake at Temple Church, London, November 25, 2019. The repertoire includes Robert Schumann’s Frauenliebe und -leben, Gedichte der Königin Maria Stuart, Judith Bingham’s Adieu Solace, and “songs by Alma and Gustav Mahler.” The Judith Bingham piece is apparently based on the life of Mary Queen of Scots, as are Schumann’s Gedichte.
Elgar, Sea Pictures with the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican, London, December 12, 2019. In a concert conducted by Sir Antonio Pappano that also includes instrumental works by Tippett and Vaughn Williams. UPDATE: as explained in a note on the LSO’s website, Dame Sarah has had to withdraw from the concert due to her treatment for breast cancer. Karen Cargill is scheduled to sing Sea Pictures instead.
[New! Deferred broadcast] Bob Chilcott, A Christmas Oratorio (Mary), on BBC Radio 3, December 19, 2019. World premiere performance recorded live during the Three Choirs Festival on August 1 of this year, at Gloucester Cathedral. The other vocal soloists include Nick Pritchard (Evangelist) and Neal Davies (Simeon). The Philharmonia Players are conducted by Adrian Partington, and the combined cathedral choirs that give the festival its name also participate. The recording should be available for listening on demand for about a month after the broadcast.
Wagner, Die Walküre (Fricka) at the Teatro Real, Madrid, February 12, 16, 21, 23, 25, and 28, 2020. Co-stars include Tomasz Konieczny (Wotan), Ricarda Merbeth (Brünnhilde), and Stuart Skelton (Siegmund). (James Rutherford, Ingela Brimberg, and Christopher Ventris appear in the roles respectively on the 23rd.) Pablo Heras-Casado conducts; the production by Robert Carsen is a revival from Oper Köln. Single tickets go on sale November 4, 2019 if I read the Teatro Real website correctly. UPDATE: Although Dame Sarah’s name still appeared on the Teatro Real website well into December 2019, she replied to a fan on Twitter on November 3, “sadly I won’t be singing Fricka in Madrid this time. Waltraute in [Autumn] 2020, Paris is still on!” (Note that as of February 21, 2020, this is no longer the case: Dame Sarah has been replaced by Michaela Schuster in the Paris cast.) In late December, the Teatro Real announced that Dame Sarah had canceled her participation and Daniela Sindram would sing the role of Fricka
Oskar Fried, Verklärte Nacht with the BBC Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican, London, March 13, 2020. From the Barbican website: “Dame Sarah Connolly is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer and regrets that she must withdraw from this performance. BBC SO are grateful to Christine Rice for replacing her and wish Dame Sarah well in her recovery.”
Recital at Wigmore Hall, London, March 19, 2020. From the Wigmore Hall website: "As Dame Sarah Connolly continues a period of treatment and recovery following her breast cancer diagnosis, she needs to limit her schedule and therefore has had to withdraw from the above concert. We are grateful to Fatma Said (soprano) for taking her place.”
Conversation with Mahan Esfahani at Sir John Lyon’s Theatre, London, March 20, 2020. Per the RPS: "With regret, Dame Sarah has had to withdraw from the event and we wish her all the very best at the current time.” Esfahani is still booked for the event; he will engage in conversation with the conductor François-Xavier Roth.
Appearance at “Bringing the House Down” charity concert at Glyndebourne, Lewes, April 5, 2020. Update: Dame Sarah’s name has been quietly removed from the list. 
Mahler, Symphony No. 2, Resurrection, with the Sinfonieorchester Basel, Basel Minster, April 22, 2020. Update: Catriona Morrison is now the listed mezzo soloist.
Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde with the Philharmonia Orchestra, Royal Festival Hall, London, April 30, 2020. Update: a statement on the Philharmonia’s website reads, “Dame Sarah Connolly has had to withdraw from this performance due to ongoing treatment for breast cancer. We are grateful to Claudia Mahnke for stepping in. Dame Sarah intends to return to performing later this year.”
[Canceled] Mahler, Symphony No. 2, Resurrection with the Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest, De Doelen, Rotterdam, May 14, 15, and 17, 2020. Chen Reiss sings the soprano part; Lahav Shani conducts. UPDATE: As of this writing on April 6, the orchestra’s website now explains that “Following the government decision regarding COVID-19, this concert cannot take place on the planned dates.” 
[Canceled] Recital with Ashley Riches, Joseph Middleton, and Tony Robb at the Chipping Campden International Music Festival, May 22, 2020. The recital was originally billed as a collaboration between Connolly and Middleton only, with repertoire TBA. Now that Riches and Robb have been added to the group, the program has been listed with repertoire by Duparc, Debussy, Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Caplet, and Fauré. The Festival website explains, “Following treatment for breast cancer Dame Sarah has made changes to this programme to reduce her workload while her recovery continues. She hopes very much the audience will enjoy the variety these changes afford.” UPDATE: As of March 23, the entire festival has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
[Canceled] Mahler, Symphony No. 2, Resurrection with the Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest, Köln Philharmonie, May 27, 2020. Chen Reiss sings the soprano part; Lahav Shani conducts. (A repeat of the program from Rotterdam, above.) UPDATE: See the note on the May 14-17 concerts, above.
[Canceled] Recital at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, June 6, 2020. With Malcolm Martineau. The program includes Ravel’s Shéhérazade, Elgar’s Sea Pictures, Debussy’s Trois chansons de Bilitis, and various works by Hugo Wolff, Alexander von Zemlinsky, Charles Villiers Stanford, and Cecile Chaminade. UPDATE: as of this writing on April 14, I am now observing the word “Annulé” at the bottom of the concert information page (below the word “Tarifs”), which I take to mean that the concert has been canceled.
[Canceled] Mahler, Symphony No. 8, Symphony of a Thousand with the Wiener Symphoniker at the Musikverein, Vienna, June 12 and 13, 2020. Three Vienna choirs add their forces; Philippe Jordan conducts. The other scheduled vocal soloists are Camilla Nylund, Irène Theorin, Martina Janková, Michaela Schuster, Burkhard Fritz, Iain Paterson, and John Relyea. UPDATE: Although the informational pages for these concerts do not mention their cancellation, the Wiener Symphoniker website has a news post explaining that the Austrian government has canceled all indoor events with more than 100 participants through the end of June, and thus the orchestra’s public performances will not take place during this time period.
[Canceled] Duruflé, Requiem with the Choir of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, at Ferrandou Musique in Beaulieau-sur-Dordogne, Turenne, and Carennac, France, June 20-22, 2020. UPDATE: this series of concerts is now marked with a “CANCELED” banner on the Ferrandou Musique website.
[Canceled] Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde (in a chamber arrangement) at the Proms at St Jude’s, Hampstead Garden Suburb, July 2, 2020. With Andrew Staples and the Aurora Chamber Orchestra conducted by Nicholas Collon. The orchestra played the same arrangement, with the same vocalists, in 2017; here’s the (very positive) Bachtrack review. UPDATE: Although, oddly, I can find no direct reference to the cancellation of this concert or of the whole festival on the Proms’ website, a tweet from the Proms at St Judes on March 24 announced the cancellation of the 2020 festival.
[Canceled] Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde (in a chamber arrangement) at the Cheltenham Music Festival, July 3, 2020. With Andrew Staples and the Aurora Chamber Orchestra conducted by Nicholas Collon. UPDATE: On April 7, the Senior Management Board of the Cheltenham Festivals announced that the 2020 Cheltenham Music Festival is canceled (along with its sister Jazz and Science Festivals). 
[Canceled] Recital at the Buxton International Festival, July 11, 2020. With Joseph Middleton. Songs by Poulenc, Duparc, Mahler, and Schumann. Note the noon hour and the short duration of this performance. UPDATE: Although I am late to pick up the news, cancellation of the Buxton International Festival was apparently announced on March 18.
[Canceled] Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde (in a chamber arrangement) at Wigmore Hall, London, July 17, 2020. With Andrew Staples and the Aurora Chamber orchestra conducted by Nicholas Collon. UPDATE: On March 30, Wigmore Hall announced that it would close for the remainder of the ’19- ’20 season and all performances through July 31 would be canceled.
[Canceled] Recital at Schubertíada Vilabertran, August 21, 2020. With Malcolm Martineau. Songs by Mendelssohn, Liszt, Elgar, Debussy, Ravel, and Chaminade. UPDATE: Although the Schubertíada announced on June 10 that it would go ahead with a schedule of live concerts, Dame Sarah’s has been eliminated. The Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia reports that “[el] concierto con Sarah Connolly ha caído por cuestiones de salud de la mezzo británica” (the concert with Sarah Connolly has fallen due to the British mezzo’s health concerns). 
[Canceled] Mahler, Symphony No. 2, Resurrection, with the MDR Rundfunkchor and Sinfonieorchester Basel, in Basel, August 26, 2020. Christina Landshamer sings the soprano solo and Yoel Levi conducts. Part of a concert with a work called “Epitaph” by Andrea Lorenzo Scartazzini. UPDATE: I am not sure on what date the concert was deep-sixed, but the MDR website now marks it as “abgesagt” (canceled).
[New details!] Recital at Wigmore Hall, London, September 30, 2020. With Roderick Williams and Julius Drake; the first concert of the Wigmore’s Mendelssohn and Liszt series. 
Recital at Sant Pau Recinte Modernista, Barcelona, October 2, 2020. With Julius Drake. Part of the LIFE Victoria series of recitals; originally announced for November 27, 2019, but postponed due to Dame Sarah’s treatment for breast cancer. Songs by Brahms, Wolf, Debussy, Alma Mahler, Gustav Mahler, and Zemlinsky. As of April 30, LIFE Victoria has issued a press release indicating that they still plan to go ahead with recitals scheduled for the fall of 2020.
Wagner, Götterdämmerung (Waltraute, Zweite Norn) at the Opéra national de Paris, November 13, 17, 21, and 28, and December 6, 2020. Update: the roles of Waltraute and Zweite Norn are now assigned to Michaela Schuster, one of a handful of casting changes reported by OperaWire on February 21, 2020.
[New details!] Handel, Agrippina (title role) at the Dutch National Opera, January 17-27, 2021. Finally, a year and a half after the news started leaking on Twitter, we get the official announcement, complete with a bizarre (even by DNO marketing department standards) video of a rubber-covered woman dancing in a ball pit. The production is Barrie Kosky’s (previously seen at the Bayerische Staatsoper and the ROH, and later moving on to the Staatsoper Hamburg). Ottavio Dantone conducts; co-stars include Ying Fang (Poppea), Franco Fagioli (Nerone), Gianlucca Buratto (Claudio), and Tim Mead (Ottone). If I read the DNO website correctly, tickets go on sale June 3, 2020.
[New!] Stravinsky, Oedipus Rex (Jocaste) at the Dutch National Opera, March 10-27, 2021. In a double bill with the new commission From ‘Antigone’ by Samy Moussa. Other singers in the Oedipus cast include Sean Panikkar (Oedipus), Bastiaan Everink (Creon), Rafał Siwek (Tiresias), and Ramsey Nasr (Speaker). Erik Nielsen conducts; Wayne McGregor directs. If I read the DNO website correctly, tickets go on sale November 17, 2020.
[New!] Stravinsky, Oedipus Rex (Jocaste) with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester, Hamburg, April 10 and 11, 2021. Even though these concert performances follow on the heels of Dame Sarah’s engagement for the same opera in Amsterdam, the two gigs appear to be administratively and artistically unrelated. Her co-stars in Hamburg include Brenden Gunnell (Oedipus), Tomasz Konieczny (Creon), and Sir John Tomlinson (Tiresias); the MDR Rundfunkchor Leipzig supplies the men’s chorus. Alan Gilbert conducts. The program also includes Le sacre du printemps. Tickets can be ordered starting May 26, 2020, with payment due six weeks before the concert. There’s some background information on the NDR website.
[New!] Recital at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, May 18, 2021. With Julius Drake. Songs by Mendelssohn, Liszt, Elgar, Debussy, Ravel, and Chaminade. Tickets go on sale June 1, 2020. 
[New!] Elgar, The Dream of Gerontius with the Berliner Philharmoniker, Berlin, May 27, 28, and 29, 2021. With Allan Clayton and Roderick Williams, as well as the Rundfunkchor Berlin; Simon Rattle conducts.
[Livestream] The concert on the 29th will be livestreamed on the Berliner Philharmoniker’s Digital Concert Hall platform.
[Unconfirmed / details TBA] Brett Dean, Hamlet (Gertrude) at the Metropolitan Opera, New York, sometime in 2021-22. Allan Clayton, who starred in the title role of Brett Dean’s Hamlet at Glyndebourne in 2017, mentioned in an interview with the Telegraph that he would be reprising the role at an unspecified date and venue in the US. When prompted on Twitter, Dame Sarah indicated that she would be participating in the revival, too (“I shall be misunderstanding my confused boy again”). In a later interview with Opera News, Clayton reportedly specified that he would reprise Hamlet at the Met. The Future Met Wiki places the production at the Met in the 2021-2022 season (as does this New York Times article). Hat tip to Christopher Lowrey, who sang Guildenstern in the original production at Glyndebourne, whose tweet praising Allan Clayton brought the Telegraph interview to my attention. (No indication whether Lowrey will also be cast in the American revival.) Additional hat tip to the Tumblrer who submitted information on this topic via the ask box.
Previous versions of this list can be found under the schedule tag on this blog. This list published October 29, 2019. Updated November 2 to reflect Dame Sarah’s withdrawal from the LSO Sea Pictures. Updated November 3 to reflect her self-declared withdrawal from the Teatro Real Walküre. Edited November 21 to add Das Lied at Cheltenham. Edited November 23 to add the radio broadcast of Chilcott’s Christmas Oratorio. Edited December 15 to add Das Lied at Wigmore Hall. Edited December 20 to update the casting information for the Teatro Real Walküre. Edited December 15 to add the Proms at St Jude’s performance of Das Lied. Edited January 24 to reflect Dame Sarah’s withdrawal from concerts on March 13 and 19 due to ongoing cancer treatment. Edited January 28 to add the Wigmore Hall recital in September 2020. Edited February 10 to cross off the “Bringing the House Down” charity concert. Edited February 22 to reflect Dame Sarah’s withdrawal from the Royal Philharmonic Society event, the Basel Mahler 2 in April, and the Paris Götterdämmerung. I also updated the link for the Philharmonia Das Lied von der Erde / Song of the Earth and added newly-available details for the Chipping Campden recital, the Proms at St Jude’s performance of Das Lied von der Erde, and the Schubertíada Vilabertran recital. Edited February 29, 2020 to add the two Dutch National Opera engagements, the Concertgebouw recital, and the Buxton recital. Edited March 10 to reflect Dame Sarah’s withdrawal from Das Lied von der Erde with the Philharmonia Orchestra. Edited March 23 to add the Ferrandou Musique dates, to reflect the first round of COVID-19 cancellations, and to add cautionary notes for concerts up through July 11. Edited April 6 to reflect the cancellation of the Wiener Symphoniker’s Mahler 8 as well as the Proms at St Jude’s and Wigmore Hall performances of Das Lied von der Erde; to add a link to the Cheltenham Music Festival’s announcement changing its ticket sale dates; and to confirm and clarify the cancellation of the Rotterdam Phil’s Mahler 2 concerts. Updated April 7 with the cancellation of the Cheltenham Music Festival and the Buxton International Festival, and to update the link to the Wigmore recital on September 30, 2020. Edited April 14 to indicate the cancellation of the Musée d’Orsay recital. Edited April 22 to add the Berlin Gerontius. Edited May 6 to update repertoire details for the LIFE Victoria recital and add the Hamburg Stravinsky concerts and the Basel Mahler 2 in August. Edited May 8 to reflect the cancellation of the Ferrandou Musique concerts. Edited June 19 to reflect the cancellation of Dame Sarah’s recital at the Schubertíada Vilabertran and the second (August) Basel Resurrection. I may continue to edit this list as I receive new information.
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mystiika · 1 year
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@cxldblxxded asked: ❛ You are mine, and I take care of what belongs to me. ❜
❝ it's only fair that you carry me to the bathtub, kandirarak, you're the one who fucked me until i couldn't walk, ❞ ( as if adrian hadn't asked, nay, told k to go for another round after what was already supposed to be the last one ). he IS exaggerating some, but he really does feel a little sapped of his strength.
within seconds of climbing in, he happily pats the hot water with one palm, fully relaxing save a quick hand reaching to grab k's before he got too far, ❝ my love, ❞ he starts, pulling k's arm in to press a gentle kiss to the inside of his wrist. & when he continues, he keeps voice soft & rests his cheek against k's palm. ❝ can you wash my hair too? it feels really nice when you do it for me... please? ❞ both gaze & tone as sweet as he can manage ( as if k required any convincing ).
❛ i can, ❜ as k's finger lovingly runs across adrian's cheek. ❛ you are mine, & i take care of what belongs to me. ❜ the kind of words that leave behind a warm, fluttering feeling in his chest. but he holds a smile at bay, resting his chin on the edge of the tub as he watches k drop piece after piece of his clothing. admiring the show, however brief, until he moves himself forward until k has space to sit behind him.
❝ mmm. ❞ adrian hums, eyes closing as he relaxes into the touch of k's fingers on his scalp. ❝ can you say it again? ❞ ❛ say what again? ❜ ❝ .. that i'm yours... ❞ adrian pauses, shy only now despite the MANY blush worthy things he'd done up to this point, ❝ & that you take care of me because of that.. ❞
❛ oh. ❜ adrian doesn't need to see the smile to know its there, but he turns around to look at k anyway. not for the smile, no, but for the look in k's eyes, the one he can't get enough of. ❛ you are mine, & i take care of what belongs to me. ❜
❝ you better... you're the only person that has the privilege. ❞ a gentle kiss to the corner of k's mouth, before adrian settles back in place again. he plays with his hands beneath the water, enjoying the sensation of growing suds in his hair. ❝ ...maybe we should get couples rings, ❞ he starts, attempting to play it off like he hadn't been trying to find a way to bring it up for weeks, ❝ —not like an engagement ring or anything, but something i can wear & show off to people that i already belong to someone. ❞ he stretches out his arm, angling his hand as if admiring a ring already there for a few long moments. ❝ if you don't like the idea then i can think of something else. but all i've got right now are rings or collars. & somehow i feel like the latter would be a little more difficult to manage in the day-to-day. maybe in bed though... ❞ since both the idea of k putting a collar on him & the idea of having k on a literal leash seemed like it could be fun enough to give a try. ❝ what do you think, my love? do you want to go ring shopping with me? ❞
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kinda-iconic · 5 years
The Awakening Masterlist
This is the masterlist for ‘The Awakening’ series by me, @kinda-iconic! 
Summary:  As the city descends into turmoil and hysteria, the Council reconnect to address the mysterious circumstances that surround them. As the tension between Adrian and the Baron mounts, the truth about the Feral attacks is revealed.
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in the upcoming chapters!
Current taglist: @ifyouseekheart @femmeshep @strangerofbraidwood @shelley-parah @galaxyside-0 @momentarilyhere @bhavf
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Released Chapters so far...
Part 1 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Coming soon...
The Awakening Part 5
The Awakening Part 6? (TBA)
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usatrendingsports · 6 years
Week 14 NFL harm studies, picks, Fantasy: Stafford, Tyrod Taylor questionable
Matthew Stafford suffered a proper hand harm in Sunday’s loss to the Ravens that has thrown his availability for Week 14 doubtful. Whereas he was in a position to follow all week in a restricted style, he is formally listed as questionable for Sunday’s recreation in Tampa Bay. If he cannot go, the offense can be turned over to 2016 sixth-rounder Jake Rudock, who made his regular-season debut final week in an unsightly nine-snap stretch.
The Payments have made Tyrod Taylor a gametime resolution as he battles a knee harm, and the quarterback was listed as questionable on the staff’s remaining harm report Friday. The Colts have a stable rush protection, so it could be as much as the quarterback to guide the Payments offense on Sunday, and that is a better activity if Taylor is out there. Rookie Nathan Peterman after all threw 5 interceptions within the first half of his solely begin this yr.
Accidents should be accounted for when making Fantasy and picks pool/playing selections, and we have taken care of loads of the legwork for you by accumulating all the ultimate harm studies in a single place. Beneath you may see the sport standing of each participant on every staff’s harm report in the event that they’re dominated questionable or worse a couple of minutes after they’re in. We’ll additionally give fast ideas on how these designations have an effect on your selections for Week 14.
Earlier than we get to the accidents, listed here are some Week 14 Fantasy assets to offer you much more assist with setting your lineups:
And if you happen to’re undecided about who it is best to again in picks swimming pools or on the sportsbook, listed here are our Week 14 picks:
On to the accidents as they develop. Verify again all through Friday (and examine again Saturday for the Monday evening recreation):
Lions at Buccaneers
Lions: OT Rick Wagner OUT; QB Matthew Stafford, RB Ameer Abdullah, OT Corey Robinson, OT Emmett Cleary, G T.J. Lang, C Travis Swanson, DE Ezekiel Ansah, DE Cornelius Washington, CB Jamal Agnew, P Sam Martin QUESTIONABLE
Buccaneers: DT Clinton McDonald, CB Vernon Hargreaves, CB Josh Robinson, SS T.J. Ward OUT; DE Ryan Russell QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: Stafford attracts a questionable tag after working towards in a restricted style all week, and whereas he is anticipated to be on the market Sunday, he is coping with an harm to his throwing hand, which is clearly a tough subject to beat for a quarterback. Lang and Ansah had been each upgraded to a restricted follow on Friday. The Lions do catch a little bit of a break with a number of members of the Bucs protection dominated out, although none are marquee gamers. Doug Martin is able to return from a concussion and is anticipated to begin at working again.
Bears at Bengals
Bears: DT Eddie Goldman, LB Pernell McPhee, S Adrian Amos DOUBTFUL; S DeAndre Houston-Carson QUESTIONABLE
Bengals: RB Joe Mixon, LB Vontaze Burfict, LB Nick Vigil, CB Dre Kirkpatrick, CB Adam Jones, S Shawn Williams, S Brandon Wilson OUT; DT Geno Atkins, LB Vincent Rey, CB Darqueze Dennard QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: The Bears will seemingly be lacking one member from every stage of their protection, as none of their three uncertain gamers has practiced in any respect this week. Amos is specifically a giant loss, as he is graded out as the perfect participant in Chicago’s secondary. The Bengals are ravaged by accidents after Monday’s brutal recreation towards Pittsburgh, with at the very least two linebackers and 4 defensive backs sidelined. Atkins did not follow Thursday or Friday with a toe subject, and his loss can be large because the staff’s greatest defender. Dennard at the very least has an opportunity to play after a restricted follow Friday.
Colts at Payments
Colts: TBA
Payments: G John Miller OUT; QB Tyrod Taylor, OT Cordy Glenn, OT Seantrel Henderson, DT Kyle Williams, CB Leonard Johnson QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: Taylor’s standing is clearly the important thing for the Payments, and he was in a position to follow in a restricted style on Thursday and Friday earlier than drawing a questionable tag. The one factor the Colts do nicely is defend the run, so the Payments might need to depend on the passing recreation on this spot, and that is a safer guess if Taylor is underneath middle. Kelvin Benjamin ought to have the all-clear after full practices Thursday and Friday.
Seahawks at Jaguars
Seahawks: TBA
Jaguars: WR Allen Hurns OUT; LB Telvin Smith, CB Jalen Ramsey QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: The Jags may very well be down two large items of their protection going up towards one of the vital harmful QBs within the recreation. Ramsey did not follow on Wednesday and Thursday however managed a restricted session on Friday. Smith was downgraded to no follow on Friday, dropping his odds of being out there on Sunday.
Raiders at Chiefs
Raiders: TBA
Chiefs: C Mitch Morse, CB Marcus Peters, S Eric Murray OUT; LB Tamba Hali QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: With Peters suspended for this recreation by the staff for his antics final week, the Chiefs secondary loses their solely high quality participant this season in a troublesome take a look at towards the Raiders. The Chiefs will even need to shuffle their line a bit with Morse out, and their depth gamers on the offensive line have struggled this yr.
Vikings at Panthers
Vikings: TE David Morgan, OT Mike Remmers OUT; C Pat Elflein QUESTIONABLE
Panthers: LB Shaq Thompson OUT; WR Devin Funchess, WR Kaelin Clay, TE Greg Olsen, C Ryan Kalil, C Tyler Larsen QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: The Vikings proceed to do battle with out their greatest lineman, as Remmers stays sidelined, and Elflein might be part of him after every week of restricted practices. Except for these two, the Vikings are just about wholesome for this matchup. Funchess practiced in full early within the week however was downgraded to DNP on Friday, placing his standing for Sunday’s recreation in jeopardy. Nevertheless, he’s anticipated to play. The Panthers determine to get Olsen again after he practiced all week, and Kalil ought to be again as nicely.
Packers at Browns
Evaluation to return.
49ers at Texans
Evaluation to return.
Redskins at Chargers
Redskins: WR Maurice Harris, TE Jordan Reed, S Montae Nicholson OUT; OT Trent Williams, OT Morgan Moses, C Chase Roullier, DE Terrell McClain, LB Zach Bown, LB Martrell Spaight QUESTIONABLE
Chargers: TBA
Evaluation: Washington bought excellent news Friday when Williams returned to follow in a restricted style, and Moses has had two restricted practices this week after lacking Wednesday. Their odds of competing on this recreation drastically enhance if each can play.
Jets at Broncos
Jets: TBA
Broncos: QB Paxton Lynch, G Ron Leary OUT; WR Emmanuel Sanders, DE Adam Gostis, DT Domata Peko QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: The Broncos lose a key piece of the offensive line for a second straight week, and Connor McGovern had a tough time filling in towards the Dolphins. Sanders was in a position to follow Thursday and Friday and is anticipated to go well with up for this recreation.
Titans at Cardinals
Titans: TBA
Cardinals: TBA
Evaluation to return.
Eagles at Rams
Evaluation to return.
Cowboys at Giants
Cowboys: TBA
Giants: OT Justin Pugh, LB B.J. Goodson OUT; RB Orleans Darkwa, WR Sterling Shepard, WR Travis Rudolph, OT Chad Wheeler, DE Jason Pierre-Paul, CB Eli Apple QUESTIONABLE
Evaluation: The Giants can lastly put the Ben McAdoo behind them, however whereas Eli Manning returns underneath middle, his supporting solid hasn’t gotten any more healthy. Darkwa is battling an sickness, whereas each Shepard and Rudolph are coping with hamstring accidents. 
Ravens at Steelers
Evaluation to return.
Patriots at Dolphins
Patriots: TBA
Dolphins: TBA
Evaluation to return.
from Usa Trending Sports – NFL | NCAA | NBA | MLB | NASCAR | UFC | WWE http://ift.tt/2AH8RAy
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interact-if · 2 years
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Day 6 of the interviews! Introducing Adrian! 
Adrian, author of The Twilight Order & The Mystic Pawn 
People With Disabilities Month Featured Author
You are a Seer: a respected member of the Twilight Order. Seers are bound to a Nightmare, making them the only mortals capable of Void magic and, thus, the only ones capable of neutralizing the Nightmare threat. Seers are honored for their sacrifice, as their power, while necessary, is a death sentence. Most die violent deaths from the corruption or simply go insane in only a few short years.
Not you, though. You are special. You didn’t choose the position, train vigorously for years, or undergo the binding ritual that would forcibly meld a Nightmare to your psyche. Your Nightmare has always been there, seemingly because they want to be.
You were brought to the Order as a child when your abilities became known. After many years of study, tests, and training, you have made a name for yourself as one of the most potent Seers in history.
Now the Order is sending you to investigate Void activity reports out of Alli vi Piugio, capital of the merchant kingdom of Chepria. While there, it has become quickly apparent there is more going on than meets the eye.
Figures that being ’special’ would mean you have to literally save the world.
Demo TBA | Discord | Art Blog | Read more about The Twilight Order [here] & The Mystic Pawn [here]
Tags: Psychological Horror, Thriller, Fantasy, 18+
Q1. So, tell us a little bit about the projects you're working on!
Currently, I'm working on two different active projects, The Twilight Order (TTO) and The Mystic Pawn (TMP)!
Let's begin with TTO, since it's my first and primary project. To start, it is enormous!  Way bigger than TMP in terms of story length, variability, and code complexity. It's also much more severe and dark in tone, predominantly falling into the psychological horror/thriller genre. I'm really into psychology and sociology, and TTO reflects this by being a story about exploring and questioning morality at its core. I'm aiming to provoke thought about what makes 'good' things good and 'bad' things bad and why we tend to assume the 'hero' of a story isn't the one with blood on their hands. It's designed to have no particular right or wrong choices but still force you to face the consequences of your actions. Suffice to say, the story is heavy.
This is why The Mystic Pawn is a complete genre switch to a lighthearted slice-of-life romance-focused story! TMP is set up much more like your traditional dating sim kind of game, with specific 'routes' to pursue rather than an overarching plotline. It's designed to be a fun, feel-good game that's heavily indulgent in the 'happy ending' department! Call it a break from the heavier aspects of real-life and darker stories. Plus, everyone needs a romanceable dragon or two in their lives, in my opinion.
Also, both these projects will feature CGs! Since I also enjoy doing art, I figured it would be fun to introduce a few visual novel aspects to my IFs. Also, as a bit of a teaser, once I finish TMP I'm plotting to make a full-fledged VN about romancing villains, but that project is technically unannounced and on the backburner. So, uh... shh, keep it secret!
Q2. What has been your favorite thing about interactive fiction as a medium? What are some of the biggest challenges?
Variability is my answer for both, actually! I've always loved choose-your-own-adventure style games, as well as games that employ 'choices matter' dynamics. Personally, I feel interactive fiction, as a medium, takes the best parts of both those things and wonderfully expands on them. It is so much fun to explore all the choices that can be made and how they impact the story and characters as you go along. Plus, there's a level of depth to the storytelling that I think is easier to achieve through a novel format than in graphical form, which makes it so easy to get immersed into IFs.
On the flip side, as an author, I struggle with limiting that variability. I have lots of ideas and a huge desire to give as much freedom of choice and customization as possible, to really make every choice feel like it matters, but... Doing so is, frankly, rarely feasible. My biggest hurdle has truly been finding a balance between having variability and keeping the story on track and actually possible to write. After all, nothing will ever get finished if I spend all my time writing 8 billion variations on a single scene. Alas.
Q3. What is something you're excited to explore within your work?
Psychology! I cannot stress this enough! I am especially looking forward to seeing how different readers respond to the scenarios and characters in my stories. How people from different walks of life will perceive the same situation, and what drives them to make their individual choices. I am especially hoping to see people asking questions about why they made their choices, too. To confront their own beliefs and explore new ideas. Er... maybe that's too heavy or creepy of me, but I am an observer by nature, and I just find the things that make people tick absolutely fascinating.
But, on a less 'wow-this-author-is-a-weirdo' note, I am also excited to explore the stories of my main casts. I am admittedly a much better character writer than a narrative writer, so there is always heavy focus on each of the main cast's own development both towards/with the MC, towards each other, and towards their individual histories. It's been enjoyable to explore already!
Q4. Has your disability influenced your work? Whether it's worldbuilding, the design, the process, and positive or negative--what is your advice in working with your disability and being creative?
They absolutely have, often in pretty big and fundamental ways across the board. I, uh, will do my best not to get on my soapbox with this answer!
From a creative perspective, I do my utmost to normalize the existence of disabilities and disabled people in my stories/worlds. Remind everyone that disabled people are still people, and that having a different version of 'normal, everyday life' than someone who is able-bodied doesn't somehow change that fact, define their whole existence, or make their version of normal inherently inferior. Call it my way of combating how real life is commonly viewed exclusively through an able-bodied lens, where 'disability' is treated as a word with undesirable/negative context.
I'd say this goal pops up in my projects both subtly and more obviously, too. Sometimes, it manifests in worldbuilding, like a society that considers the needs of their disabled populace by default in their civic designs. Sometimes it's in the characters, as mental and physical disabilities are featured among the majority of my casts. I have also included the option for the MCs of my projects to be disabled, should the player want, and have made sure that choice actually reflects in the narrative and isn't just some superficial add-on.
So, yeah. From a creative standpoint alone, big influence!
As for process and the other, more tangible aspects of things, the most significant impact comes from my timeline. Specifically, that a realistically doable timeline will be a loooot longer for me than for someone who is able-bodied. I do my best to be mindful of my health, remind myself that it's okay to take my time, and try to set small goals for myself as I go along. And I think that's actually the best advice I could offer to anyone pursuing something similar. Remember to be kind to yourself, that it's not a race or competition, and it's okay to go slow if you need to. Baby steps are still steps, after all!
Q5. What's an accessibility issue you see glazed over a lot in IF? and what accessibility features would you like to see implemented more in IF?
One of the significant hurdles I've been thinking about is platform support for screenreaders. Some IF engines support them natively, others don't, and some would, but the way the game host presents the finished product breaks things. It would be wonderful to get native support across the board and get web hosts to stop using code that breaks that support.
Also, I would love to continue seeing tutorials & advice by IF devs about coding and designing IFs. I know that might not immediately seem like an accessibility thing. Still, code can be hard to grasp, and coding tutorials are often written in jargon or assume that someone already knows the basics. The tutorials and advice I've seen other IF devs post approach these topics in much easier-to-understand language and from a practical application standpoint, making the concepts much easier to grasp. And I just think that's super cool and helpful for anyone struggling to understand stuff.
Q6. What is something you'd love to see in interactive fiction?
I thought about this for a while and kept coming back to the same point, so I'm just going to go with it: at the extreme risk of painting a target on my back, I am going to say that I would really love to see more critical thinking, understanding, and kindness in the IF community. I don't believe it to be a problem in the majority by any means, but even so, it seems there's new drama or hate messages being sent every week. So I just think it would, you know, be nice if we could all be a little kinder to each other? Maybe? ...Please???
Q7. Any advice to give to aspiring devs?
Before anyone else, make sure you are creating for yourself. And, above all, remember to be kind to yourself along the way.
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mystiika · 1 year
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@cxldblxxded asked: [ FORMAL ]  ―  for sender to tie receiver’s wrists together with their tie ( k and adrian 🤔 ) meme: types of bondage
as nice as it was for the band to be recognised & to win awards, adrian despised award shows with a passion, or at the very least despises attending them in person. he comes home to find k on the couch watching tv, kicking his shoes from his feet too tired to bother putting them away properly ( which feels like a future!adrian problem ), hand trying & failing to free his neck from his tie but the knot was feeling impossible.
❝ help, ❞ comes a dismayed request ( with a pout to match ) when he drops to sit beside k. ❝ i don't care how handsome i look they stylist did NOT have to glue my tie in place so it won't slip. ❞ he's being dramatic, but he really was having trouble & needed k's help, walking himself over to meet k half way. ❝ thanks, ❞ voice a little quieter now that they're so close. ❝ i hate ties. ❞ he's carefully undoing his cufflinks, managing to free himself from his jacket around the same time k finishes pulling off his tie & heaves a sigh of relief — feeling so much less stuffy 2 layers fewer.
he starts to get up only to find himself falling backwards into k's lap. ❛ where do you think you're going, cascada? ❜ goosebumps cover his skin at the feeling of k speaking gently into his ear & k's hands lightly gripping his waist to hold him still. suddenly he feels a little less tired. ❝ mm, nowhere in particular. ❞ he hears a chirp in response & his head lulls to the side as he feels k's lips kissing along his neck & he lets out a pleased hum that k can no doubt feel as well as hear. ❝ now... why do i get the feeling you don't want me to leave? what do you say, my love? ❞ he gets no words in response, feels a purr vibrate against his back as adrian calls him ' my love ', a feeling he can't help much smile at.
but it would seem a purr wasn't enough of an answer the way k stands up with adrian still on him, turning to drop adrian on the bed & climbs on after him the second he could. of course, adrian has no complaints, happy with the weight of k pressing him into the bed ( & the slight grind of k's hips did not go unnoticed ). at some point he feels k take hold of his hands from where they'd fallen around his lover's neck, but was too enwrapped by the rest of his touch to really clue in until he felt a sudden pull of fabric tightening around his wrists held above his head on armrest. he doesn't need to see his hands to know what was happening. instead he looks to k, sporting a pleasantly surprised smile. ❝ oh so it's going to be that kind of night is it? ❞ adrian muses, leaning up far enough to catch k in a kiss, more than clear about his being into it. ❛ yes it is. ❜ the low growl is soon accompanied by a shiver where k's hand slides underneath adrian's still buttoned shirt.
with his hands tied above him, he really felt at k's mercy. but what a wonderful mercy it is, filled with pleasant touches & hungry kisses, his heart racing while his pants grew tighter. then, the second he feels k start unbuttoning his collar — ❝ just rip it open. i feel like it would be kinda HOT, don't you? ❞ adrian felt a flutter in his chest at the pleased look on k's face at the suggestion. & the sight of k moving to follow through on his request, he unknowingly takes a breath in anticipation. then a sudden grin, wide with lust, at the sound of tearing thread & satisfying clatter of plastic whereever the buttons flew. ❝ fuck... ❞ & kisses k with renewed vigor, legs naturally hooking around k to force him closer ( after all his hands were otherwise occupied ).
❝ i just have one question, baby, ❞ he breathes, a little distracted at the feeling of lips & teeth leaving marks where they please. ❝ can i top tonight? ❞ a request he knew would be instantly approved but one to ask all the same. ❝ because.... ❞ he drags it out, making sure to catch k's attention & look him in the eye, a bit of a smirk on his lips as he continues, ❝ i was just thinking about how sexy you'd look fucking yourself on my cock while i'm all tied up like this... ❞ if he had more to add, it was forgotten the moment k kissed him again ( though he couldn't help but notice the slight purr k seemed to make after adrian described his little fantasy ).
they part for a moment while k tosses his shirt to the side & on his return they instantly readjust to k straddling adrian this time. & there was no helping the way his hips grind up against the weight of k on him. making no effort to muffle the noise that resulted, he's happy to kiss k the second he comes near enough again. ❝ besides, it's been too long since i topped... ❞ he stops to look k in the eye again, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, soon giving way to an expression entirely consumed by desire — a fact easily supported by the noticeable hard on pressed against k. ❝ i can't have you forgetting how good it feels when i'm fucking you, now can i... ❞
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mystiika · 1 year
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@cxldblxxded asked: ❛ Do not mind me. Just enjoying the view. ❜ meme: subtle smut
adrian couldn't hear much over the sound of the hairdryer loud in his ears, he didn't even realise k had walked up to the washroom until he turned his head as he readjusts his hair where his eyes catch k watching him from the doorway, & oh how he loved that particular stare. the one that can give him goosebumps & makes his heart race that much faster — the one that made adrian feel like he was the only person in the world worth looking at.
❝ that so? ❞ he tilts his head, brow raised. ❝ maybe i should put on more of a show then. ❞ he wants k to keep that gaze on him, maybe even turn it up a few notches just to see what happens.
a quick pull of his fabric belt & his robe falls open, skin still glistening in spots of water. ❝ just... stay there until i say so, audience participation comes later. ❞ his expression is coy, despite how sly his words are. & his eyes almost seem innocent, but the eye contact is constant, & with a growing intensity as he starts slowly but deliberately stroking his dick, letting out shallow moans, fighting a smirk at the sight of his lover beginning to undress himself.
❝ actually, ❞ adrian starts with a new look of excitement at his grand idea, ❝ why don't we make it a game? i want to see if you can last 5 minutes of watching me do whatever i want, knowing that you're not allowed to touch me yet. ❞ adrian walks over to him, taking his time to close the distance until his hand is holding k's jaw, tilting his face up into a kiss. its languid, but willfully intense for several long seconds before adrian pulls away from k's lips, with the hand carefully placed on k's jaw keeping the other from chasing after him. instead he leans forward, his lips brushing against k's ear as he whispers, ❝ but if you can last all 5 minutes... well i think that's deserving of a prize, don't you? ❞
he places a gentle kiss to k's upper cheek as he draws back. a step away & he reaches for his phone, setting a timer before placing it back down. he takes another look at his boyfriend, smiling, as he tucks the side of the robe behind him & he leans against the counter. biting his lip & letting out sigh as he starts making slow strokes up & down his length. ❝ you know... i'm not sure this is enough for me.. i think i need more. ❞ he reaches up & starts sucking in his index & middle fingers, playing with his tongue between them until he felt like they were wet enough before adrian laid himself down on the tile floor, cool even through his robe but he wanted, or needed rather, something inside him.
he's careful to face k when he sits, almost tempted to crawl forward & screw the plan just so he could suck k's dick ( but not quite enough since he always did enjoy setting the odd challenge for k ). so while one hand stayed stroking his cock, his other hand slipped a little lower, one tip, then both, then thrusting & rubbing as he attempts to find a familiar sensation.
then looking up at k from this angle, his own cock in hand & those eyes that felt like adrian was about to be k's next meal... it turned him on like crazy, cock almost pulsing just from the change in vantage points. he moans, really letting himself go unabashed. but all the while making sure to catch k's eye every few seconds when he starts feeling particularly good.
it feels like maybe 2 minutes had passed, but despite having set the time himself, he was starting to feel impatient, knowing that no matter how many fingers he adds, none of it would feel as good as k.
❝ fuck it, baby. turn that shit off & come here, ❞ his voice sounds desperate, having already thrown out his plan for calming allure. in seconds he has k on him, against him, adrian's cock & ass were both twitching in anticipation. ❝ i need you, NOW. ❞ adrian somehow manages inbetween kisses, stopping k's hand when he attempted to pull off his shirt. ❝ i don't care about the rest of your clothes, kandirarak, ❞ as if 5 more seconds was too long of a wait. ❝ just stick your cock in & fuck me. please .. ❞ he's breathless, begging, & it would be cruel of k to do anything less.
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