#admiral abbigull
krakenator · 4 months
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Warships on the brain, @babblable
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babblable · 2 years
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it is almost 1AM time to post the Them!!!
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superat626 · 2 years
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A little while back the Toonkind server did a "snoot challenge" with some characters.
I picked a few and drew them.
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hexasart · 3 years
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I can’t believe Baph got to wrangle not one but TWO Dinosaurs in the NET Dino Carriage.
Please listen it’s so chaotic and good.
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modmad · 3 years
Toonkind DnD masterpost!
Toonkind are a Roger-Rabbit-esque homebrew race for DnD invented by @yunisverse! You can read more about them here on the DnDBeyond page.
Playlists for listening to Toonkind games from the Einquell server:
-Toonkind Playlist (main list, all games including unedited audio)
-Toonkind Games (full games only, no fps games)
-Toonkind at 12fps (games for character development between two players! often about one hour long)
More specific arcs/game categories:
-Wonderful One Shots (recommended if you’re new to Toonkind, these games require no previous listening and last for only one session!)
-The Taffy Train Saga (a story arc that has become particularly significant, recommended listening if only to avoid spoilers later on!)
-The Neverending Train (run by Ky, inspired by Infinity Train! supes good lots of mini adventures with a mix of new/familiar characters)
-Luck Trio Games (any games featuring 2+ of the three characters with much too much luck and too few braincells: Delta, Sel and Jack)
-Bottomless Heights (do you like Gravity Falls? then you’re going to love where this is going)
-Eight Refrains (follows the story of two cute lil alien UFO babies but also looming threat! has Kirby/Earthbound vibes)
-Star Trio Playlist (do you want a super cute ot3? hell yeah you do)
-There’s Something Funny Going On (games that led up to the reveal of a particularly villainous villain... overlaps with Taffy Train)
Silver Screen (the Drafthouse’s first and ‘main’ adventure, long running and ongoing! Due to early days and some rough terrain the first few games are a bit hard to listen to, we generally recommend that people start on episode 7!)
Ruindall Rambles (a new arc DM’d by Fable and featuring some of the funniest characters yet, seriously the first ep had me literally in tears)
The Eclipse Cathedral (“A lighthearted start to a tense race to the rescue, as the Party Members deal with memories, lost or otherwise”)
Jello Crimes (A family can be a mouse, a gnome, and a wizard who's more than double their height)
The Oddyssey (Ky’s latest and greatest longform campaign involving mysteries, mechanisms and doors that just need to be punched)
Lighthearted Games List! Want to just chill out and have a good time? Have a go at these low-angst high-shenanigans games! there’s also a soft/fluffy feels playlist if you want snuggly games :>
Spreadsheet of all games including transcripts and character credits.
The Einquell Wiki!
Below the cut are playlists for individuals, in case you want to follow a particular character’s journey so far! Only a few rn but I’ll add more as people make them.
EDIT: these links have broken when youtube is having some issues, so if that is still the case/happens again in the future you can find all these playlists by going to my youtube page of playlists that I’ve made!
The Engineer  
Larry Samuel
Charlie Black
Tobias O’Chrowelle
Tally Mark
Primrose Poodle
Alibi Miohn-Rouls/Deltasong Danger
List of characters played by Mock
‘Tinies’ (very small characters who live in Dodo Studios, like borrowers!)
Brecht Brigade (a group of witches led by Rhode)
Hugh Script
Admiral Abbigull
Sir Bertie
Bukbuk Chook
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krakenator · 2 years
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“heard u got beef w my god! stay still warlock i j̴̧̓u̸̞͖͛s̸̄͜t̴̟͒͒̄͛̈́ ̸̱̲̗͗͂́w̴͍̤̰̆͜a̵̙̠̣͙͑̎̇͘n̷̝̳͓͕͝ǹ̸͇̏͝a̶͖̣̙͊̓͗͌̽ ̶̘̇̔͠ṯ̶̫̻͋̈ā̴̧͔̓́̚͝l̷̰͇̏̈̀̾k̸̪̺̮͇̇̆-̷̻̩͍̌̇̋̕”̷͉̣͛́̂
thrall should be so LUCKY abbigull has not caught wind of what the little shit is up to, this bird would end their whole career @hexabeast
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krakenator · 1 year
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Misc 2022 toonkind doodles part 1 of like... 3 probably
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krakenator · 1 year
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misc doodles part 2
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krakenator · 1 year
For the OC ask meme: 14 for Admiral Abbigull, 21 for Bilgerat, and 24 for Flint!
14. Does your OC have any superstitions? Good luck rituals? Do they believe in and/or practice the arcane arts?
As a sailor AND a cleric Abbigull is full of good luck tidbits. No black socks, don't open an umbrella on deck, she ABSOLUTELY does a rain dance as apart of her weather casting.
She, in fact, argues that SHE is a good luck charm in of herself with much winking and raucous seagull laughter. Whether that's true... well, she's no cleric of a luck goddess, I'll just say that.
Though, they DO say killing a seabird is a rather spectacular way of bringing bad luck upon yourself. Considering James & Leon's plans COMPLETELY fall through after Leon SHOOTS Abbigull in Penguin Rescue... lmao
21. What sets your OC off? What will make them go from a docile little lamb to a rampaging, fire-breathing dragon?
Stick him in a room with Little Joe and set a timer. I generously give it 10 minutes before Little Joe either provokes an argument for fun or Bilgerat goes off because everything about Joe is just... like that. Something's wrong with that guy. Something's wrong with that guy that's also wrong with Bilgerat.
On specifics though, oh boy- he hates being belittled is the big one. And "concern" tends to come off as "aggressive mothering", mostly because Vinny and Little Joe are TERRIBLE about uuuuh self-preservation and that Upsets Him.
24. What is your OC’s favorite food? Can they cook it? Where do they get their food? (And most importantly, do you feed your OCs enough? Don’t forget to throw them a meal once in a while.)
Flint is a spice fiend and loves him a good vindaloo. He can certainly attempt to cook it. It won't be to his satisfaction but it'll be vindaloo. Probably. As a cook he's mostly just the person adding hot sauce to his meal portion. People have learned not to steal bites off his plate the hard way.
And hey, look. LOOK. I am TRYING to feed him. Phim is trying. He needs reminding.
@doctor-yoshi-soul tagging because i mention Your Boy in there
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krakenator · 1 year
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i lied there’s more
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krakenator · 4 months
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bird! bird! bird! bird!
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krakenator · 2 years
Abbigull with expression 1?
getting that Old Person Tiredness kicking in
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krakenator · 1 year
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I love me @launchqueens cowboy witch and it is now Rhode Is-And loving hours, so you know what? That means I’m reposting my Rhode Appreciation Ted Talk;
1. GUN
2. I say this with affection- big dumby stupid witch I love her so much, just ABSOLUTELY no braincell and i think that's very cash money of her
3. she got spurs that jingle jangle
4. her design is so incredibly cool and it was a big inspo for admiral abbigull, so jot THAT down. I dont do it enough but i love drawing this witch
5. her dads are incredible and family platters is a game that actively killed me
6. she is able to be both the comedy character AND the straight man (panini's/ghosts don't exist and i'll destroy evidence to prove my point because panini's don't fucking exist-) she's got the RANGE darling
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krakenator · 2 years
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Sooo the Penguin Rescue games went great.
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babblable · 3 years
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Commissions I did for @megamagma17 my beloved!!!!
Triny Tonn - Their Good Tv Bean Whom I love
Lil Ogan - @vwildmonk
Snailien - @snailcomicz
Abbigull - @krakenator
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krakenator · 3 years
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detailed reference for my toons, because why not
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