#adding the taglist bc oops all ghost worldbuilding dump
space-writes · 10 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday, Space!
What counts as supernatural in Valloroth? How common are supernatural phenomena? Would an average citizen ever witness one?
Hi Sam! happy belated worldbuilding wednesday. it’s wednesday in my heart. or something. anyway, to answer your question:
I don’t have much supernatural stuff planned out in Valloroth aside from the fact that I had to have ghosts exist for Vren’s moniker to make sense. Ghosts are not hugely common to see, and for the moment their world entry is this:
It is often thought that ghosts are the spirits of the dead. This is both true and untrue. They are created by the emotional energies of the dying, echoes in the weave of magic that forms reality. While they often resemble those living that they are conjured from, they are not them. They possess no memory or personality of the person, except what was imprinted in their final moments. They are only formed in instances where the dying is wrapped up in some strong emotion. Most commonly this is violence, tending most ghosts towards anger, pain, and a great deal of otherworldly shrieking. In cases where love is the catalyst, such spirits are more gentle echoes. Ghosts appear as translucent figures, fading in and out of visual, often with a faint glow to their edges. They are more visible in dark areas, and thus more commonly seen at night. They cannot speak, only make wordless sounds. Usually these are low moans, mournful wails, or painful shrieks. Gentler ghosts have been known to hum indistinct melodies, or even laugh.
Since it takes a really strong emotional resonance to form a ghost, they don’t show up that much. Average citizen? Probably wouldn’t run into one, but would definitely hear stories. Those whose life takes them close to high violence? More likely.
And since I’m now rambling about ghosts: wraiths! They’re a spirit particularly common in Mohaade, thanks to the Dracari Occupation of the region and the bloody uprising that ousted them. They form where there have been excessively bloody, violent deaths, and are the only type of ghost capable of physically interacting with the world. They’re shadowy slivers of shade, with long arms ending in bloody claws.
Thus, Vren’s nickname is the Wraith, because he appears out of shadows and leaves blood in his wake.
(edgy man my beloved)
Renegade Prince | Valloroth taglist: @cherrybombfangirlwrites @memento-morri-writes @foxboyclit @lawful-evil-novelist @at-thezenith @morganwriteblr @fayeiswriting (ask to be +/-)
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