mental-health-advice · 6 months
Submission about addiction issues
I'm 27 years old. And I have addiction issues. I am having a hard time with drinking alcohol. Sometimes I go weeks without craving a drink. And other times I can't go by one day without drinking. I have gone to AA meetings about 2 years ago. But I have a hard time asking for help. Because I feel like I don't deserve it and that I'm wasting someone else's time. I usually associate when I'm having a good time in life and things are going positive I usually associate that I have to start up my addictions again. And these include drinking and gambling. I know I need help. I'm just not ready to get sober. But I wish I can limit myself. Anytime I have brought up this topic to my family they take it to the extreme and then just judge me about everything. I know I sabotage myself and my feelings whenever I'm in a good situation. I feel like I don't deserve good in my life. And I do have a hard time understanding that it's okay to feel okay. And it's okay that I'm doing good. I know that sounds silly. But sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to feel happy or to feel good. And I sometimes suck that away from myself and kind of force myself to go into self-destruction. I do care about myself and my well-being. I have gone to therapy years ago when I was able to afford it. Right now I'm just in a tough spot financially. How can I help myself especially when I'm alone? I still use my toolbox of coping skills is what my therapist used to call it. And it does help. It's just sometimes I miss the old memories of when I had a life and had friends. And I mean that as in sometimes I miss having friends that we can go do stuff. But I'm kind of a loner right now. Having to start all over again. Any advice would definitely help and I would really appreciate it. I'm sorry that this was long. Thank you again
Hey there,
With struggling with binge drinking myself I can get and understand where you are coming from. And it’s OK that you do not want to get sober right now, it’s great and a good first step in acknowledging that you do need help with your drinking but it’s so important that you drive the recovery. So for example, when you feel ready then reaching out for help and support when you feel able to. And if by chance you have a relapse or choose that you are not completely readying to stop drinking, this is more than OK too – it’s actually quite normal to take 2 steps forwards and 1 step back. This is just how the recovery journey can look like so if at some time you feel like you are going backwards/ things are getting worse, try to be kind to yourself and know that tomorrow is always a new day where you can start fresh and try again if you choose to.
It can be so difficult to give up an addiction and especially one that we have been using for such a long period of time. I know that you have gone to therapy in the past but cannot afford it at present but if you found it helpful then maybe you could consider reaching out to a counsellor from either a helpline or on web counselling when you feel the need to drink/ self-destruct and try to talk it through with someone first. Of course though, it has to be on your terms and when you feel ready and/ or able to do so.
To associate drinking and other addictions when you are feeling good as a way to consequently hinder I guess your recovery is also normal. A lot of people feel as though they are not good enough and so consequently will just be wasting other peoples time by asking for help. People may also feel really scared about the prospect of getting better as they do not know what that may look like for them and they find safety in their addictions as at least they know what to expect/ how the cycle goes. It’s OK to be afraid and scared though of recovery. This is why it’s so important that when you do choose to work on your addictions and getting well, it’s because you want to and not because of what other people want you to do. A lot of the hard work in recovery has to come from you, others can be there to guide, support and help you through but at the end of the day all of the hard work has to come from within you.
In regards to how you can help yourself right now and when you are feeling alone, try to keep using those strategies that you put into place with your therapist, your tool box, and try to reach out to a counsellor from a helpline or via web counselling if needed. Sometimes writing can be really helpful or doing something more active like going for a walk/ run or self-soothe by doing things to take care of yourself and things that you love and enjoy. Random distractions may also help at times so please feel free to check out our page here for some examples. Overall though I think you are doing a really good job in acknowledging that you need help but also mentioning that you are not yet ready to give up drinking or other addictions just yet – both are completely OK and you can get help and support even if you are not yet able to fully commit to getting better right now.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going OK!
Take care,
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killer-wizard · 2 years
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me and my normal human boyfriend getting fallout new vegas so i devolpe a gaming addciton instaead of a bitting addiction (it not workign)
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00just-void00 · 1 year
i should probably introduce myself i am 🫀
The host of a did system
I'm a minor (please don't be weird please).
I am dyslexic and dyshrotographic.
my native language is french but i try my best for english!!
I think I have bdp (I'm not sure!!), I also think I'm autistic and sometimes I can be in kind of psychotic episodes.
/!\ tw sh/ed/drug addition/alcohol addciton /!\
i've been addicted to self harm since i was 8, i've had ed since i was about 6 i'm not sure, i'm addicted to cigarettes,drugs and alcohol. But for all this I get help (mainly from my friends <33) and also I try the best I can to get there!!
I am one of the only people on my system to know of the existence of this account.
but I think I will post the most to see being the only one posted on this account.
Well, I think that's all I had to say.
Take care also about yourself<33
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necrodogmtsands4s · 5 years
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Smoking MOD 4,7 Beta Fussion with vaping MOD
Hello with the november patch Im testing if the new .pyc for scripts to work.This version has all the previous beta features (smoke and chat) and I added an smoke a pipe iteraction and Im making a fussion with the vaping MOD. This time the cigarrete, smoking pipe and vaping pen (cigar is not finished yet) iteractions are available via the script clicking on a sim, you dont need to click on objects to the iteractions appear (bye bye tobbaco dispenser and boxes, also the vapepen object that you clicked to the iteraction for vape is missing too, Perhaps later will return)
The iteraction for target sims is the same as latest beta “smoke and chat”
But the new iteractions when clicking on current sim are:
Smoke cigarrete (as latest beta) 
Smoke pipe.
These iteractions has the Basemental addciton system that have the previous  cigarretes and cigars objects but:
If you smoke a cigarrete you get a chance of  addiciton and cost one simoleon the iteraction.
If you smoke a pipe is free and you have the same chance of addcition. as the cigarrete
If you vape, your sim dont become addicted and also calms the ocassional buffs that smoking addiciton causes, so if your addicited sims vapes the enough time, he/she can quit smoking easily n_n
IMPORTANT. Please uninstall the old versions of the smoking mod and vape mod to work correctly. Thanks n_n
Im finishing and testing this version of the MOD, so if script work correctly and some other thing that need to finish, version 5 will finally come. So please report any issue.
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