#actually so scared. biting my nails and clawing at the walls like a crazy person
mercyluvsyouuu · 6 months
Live footage of me praying for the electric dreams remake not to be dog shit:
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transbibennyweir · 3 years
Erica, sentence 12, please?
this one was fun to do since it was kind of different than my usual stuff :D
“Well, if you had woken up properly the first time I kicked you, I wouldn’t have had to do it four more times.”
Maybe Erica shouldn’t have agreed to them splitting up. Maybe it was totally her fault wanting to after the monster of week alone. And maybe she should’ve known better than to get herself cornered in the chem lab, which was for anyone wondering, on the opposite side of the school of where everyone else was searching. Needless to say the odds were against her, but who’s keeping score?
This time around the monster of the week was another werewolf. 
Well, correction it was Ethan as a werewolf again, who was much more of the typical fang and claw kind instead of the disappointingly cute, fluffy dog that was David. However, this time around he wasn’t as scary as the last time Ethan was temporarily turned but it was still definitely nothing to sneeze at. 
Six feet tall, ripped clothes, blood soaked teeth that came to a point, and razor sharp claws that were dragging along the sides of the walls, the sound of his nails scratching harshly against the metal lockers caused a high pitched screech that made Erica’s ears ring. Despite the beast standing up right like a person, he couldn’t speak anything more than growls and grunts.
Erica hid behind the corner, attempted to steady her breathing and considered her next moves carefully. There was no way she could fight that thing by herself without seriously getting scratched up. Vampire fangs and werewolf claws did not mix, drinking their blood would make her completely sick and getting ripped up wouldn’t do her any favors either. Not to mention she didn’t have any silver on her so she had to keep running and hiding, no better than a human. How embarrassing. 
Besides, even if she would never say it out loud Ethan was her friend, second best to Sarah. She didn’t actually want to hurt him but he wasn’t in the right mind to feel the same way towards her. Ugh, nice going Benny with another amazing spell that totally didn’t backfire again. 
The werewolf let out a howl and sniffed the air. Shit. Okay. Erica needed to think faster, there had to be somewhere where she could get some kind of upper hand before he sniffed her out. Glancing ahead she could make out a classroom sign, ‘Chem Lab.’ Bingo. If there was anything at school that would be useful in a monster fight it would be in the one place they were allowed to have open fire and chemicals. 
Erica used her skilled vampire hearing to listen in on how far away the footsteps coming towards her were, after a few seconds she figured the beast was at least a few yards off from where she was. There wasn’t much time to double check her math, so as quietly and quickly as she could used vampire speed to make her way to the classroom. It was a few doors down and lucky her on the same side of where she hid behind the lockers, staying close against the wall to keep most of her cover still. 
Vampire speed helped in making sure she got into the classroom undetected, but what would be impressive if she actually found something she could protect herself with. Times like this really made her wish she didn’t steal a new phone after every meal, never remembering phone numbers really came back to bite her in the ass. 
Regrets aside, she searched through the classroom, door locked and chairs pushed to barricade herself in to buy her some more time. There was no way Erica was going to let some overgrown dog with matted fur give her some ancient undead disease, and she definitely wasn’t going to let her nerdy friend be the one to do her in either.  
Frantically she searched through beakers filled with odd colorful liquids and containers that had varying animal parts, a plan forming in her head as she glanced at the silver dissecting knife. Another loud howl caused her shoulders to jump, nerves becoming slightly unsteady, whatever she was thinking of doing she would need to do fast. 
In the distance she could hear clawed paws running along the hallway floor, heading straight towards the chem lab. Damnit, alright, time to put this plan into action and hope she doesn’t accidentally kill him in the process. 
She took a pig’s heart out of one the containers, it was still slightly damp but tough enough that it was hard to squeeze, most of the chemicals left out would only leave burn scars so not too helpful against a friend. Although, she kept the fact they were there in the back of her mind, just in case. She grabbed the dissecting knife, slim and silver and her best bet at the moment. Erica hid behind a few desks as Ethan’s beastly form banged against the door, trying his hardest to get in, growling all the while. The walls shook from the sheer force of his body slamming repeatedly into the wall. 
Erica hoped he was making enough noise that others would hear it and come to help, anything to get her out of this stupid mess that she totally shouldn’t even be a part of. It was Benny’s dumb spell! It should be Benny’s problem! Her and Sarah could be out right now, having a late night snack but no, she was at school after dark being hunted by the dorkiest werewolf ever. Granted, she didn’t want to admit that Ethan was powerful and large and way too threatening for being such a small teen boy. 
How could someone who thought Star Track the third gen was the best version of Star Track be this dangerous?  Ugh, totally lame. Erica rolled her eyes at the idea and forced back on not dying. 
Keeping the knife in hand she stabbed the pig’s heart a few times until it leaked gross clear fluids and threw it to the opposite side of the room, her plan mostly ready by the time Ethan finally broke through the door and tossed the chairs out of his way. Most went flying, banging against the walls and falling to the floor with a loud clatter. 
Seriously, Erica was going to be pissed if no one heard all this. 
The beast sniffed through the classroom, either catching onto the smell of Erica or hopefully the pig’s heart that laid far away enough that she could make her next moves. After hearing the clash of more chairs and tables being knocked over, the sound of chewing was the signal Erica needed to stand from her hiding place. Ethan’s large form faced away and hunched over as he attempted to rip apart the animal heart, it was old and rubbery distracting him along for Erica to quickly speed over and run the small silver knife through his upper back.
Ethan let out a pained howl, dropping the heart and slouching over. Erica didn’t want to say it but she felt bad for stabbing her friend in the back, literally. The knife hadn’t gone in very deep and if it had been anything but silver it wouldn’t have hurt in the slightest, no worse than a paper cut to a beast this big, but then again he wasn’t really a beast all. 
She yanked the knife out from his left shoulder, small drips of dark blood oozing out slowly and she attempted to catch him before he crashed harshly onto the floor, her vampire strength the only thing keeping her from falling over with him.
Gently laying him down, Erica watched as the hair and claws retracted back to skin and nails, Ethan’s human face beginning to peek through as it morphed back to normal. She let out a deep sign and slouched onto the floor next to him, tired and sweaty from having to be overly careful from not getting torn to bits for the past two hours. Ethan wasn’t a real werewolf, the spell could be undone by a bit of silver striking through his skin. No one really wanted to stab their friend so Benny looked for a different spell to fix the problem, but Erica didn’t trust it would really work. A knife to the back wouldn’t hurt forever and the scare would at least be small, she reasoned. 
No one could be too upset at her, Ethan would be fine now. Probably. She glanced back at him, his breathing shallow as he laid unconscious. He’s alive at least. Although his face was sickly pale and sweat was beginning to form on his face, he looked more like he was breaking a fever than being cured of a curse.
“You and that other nerd are way too much trouble for being human,” she spoke out loud to herself. “And I’m still pissed you crashed my Friday night so you better get up now before I beat you awake.” She was mostly joking, she wouldn’t hit him too hard, just good enough to jolt him awake. 
Standing up she used her foot to poke at his body, it was limp and moved easily. At first she lightly nudged him until she got fed up with waiting and pushed harder, a kick or two towards his arms would probably force him up. It didn’t.
“Ugh, seriously? I’m not carrying you and you better not die either.” Without totally meaning to, she kicked too quick and harshly at his lower chest which caused him to start coughing. “Finally. It’s about time.” Erica rolled her eyes but watched to make sure he wasn’t coughing up blood either, a ping of worry developing in her chest that she might have over done it and hit him too hard.
He couched for a few seconds longer, dry heaving before sitting up right completely trying to catch his breath. Ethan held his chest and let in an awkward deep inhale that made a funny noise in the back of his throat. “If you’re going to die can you at least do it in a less gross way? You’re getting spit on my new boots.”
“You kicked me in the chest!” Ethan tried to shout but it came too hoarse. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Why the hell would you kick me when I’m unconscious?” 
“Well, if you had woken up properly the first time I kicked you, I wouldn’t have had to do it four more times.” Erica shot back, although it might have been a little of an exaggeration. She didn’t totally mean to kick that hard.
Ethan laid back down, his right arm lazily thrown over his face to shield his eyes despite there being barely any light in the room. “You’re crazy.” he mumbled.
Erica scoffed. “Is that any way to talk to someone who saved your life?” She said, sitting across from him on the floor, too tired to keep standing. The others would find them soon enough anyways, no point in going anywhere now.
They stayed silent for a few moments, there was nothing left to say, at least Erica thought there wasn’t anything to say. In a nervous voice Ethan asked her softly, “I didn’t hurt anyone, right? The blood isn’t from a person?”
Erica could feel the fear and worry in his question, Sarah had once asked her something similar. She was always afraid of killing someone and luckily she never did. Erica didn’t know if she could say the same for herself, some nights were a blur. 
“No,” she answered honestly. “It’s animal blood or your own. So don’t worry about it.” She looked away from him. She shouldn’t care about some nerdy human, but weirder things have happened to her. Maybe it’s because he was like Sarah in a lot of ways that Erica felt she could get along easier with him than she did the others who were too loud and active for her tastes. 
“You might want to get your stomach pumped through. Hell knows how old that pig’s heart was.” She added to try to break the tension.
“I think I’m going be sick,” he rolled over on his side. “Everything hurts.”
Ethan let out a deep breath, relief visibly washing over him from not having killed anyone. Erica could sense the way his muscles finally relaxed. “And the others?” He asked, suddenly anxious again.
“Somewhere around here. They'll be here soon. Sarah can patch you up. So just take it easy there, Fido.” She kept him from standing up and pushing his body any further. “They’re all okay. Just sit down before you hurt yourself some more, dumbass.”
Slowly he sat back down, a moment went by before he spoke again. “Uh, thanks. For stabbing me, I guess. I didn’t hurt you either, right?” He kept his eyes locked on the wall not wanting to make eye contact. She smiled knowing he wouldn’t catch it.
“Like you could lay a claw on me,” she joked. “The only thing you hurt was my plans for tonight so you owe me one.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Ethan asked, an eyebrow raised. 
“Come see the next Dusk movie with me and Sarah.” 
They kept from looking at each other but knew they were both smiling. Maybe Sarah was onto something by making friends with him.
“Alright, deal.”
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squiggle-dragon · 4 years
So, I've decided to also post full chapters of Faded here in addition to Ao3. So, here's the second chapter.
Chapter 2: "Do I know you?"
Soul cracked his eyes open, vision blurring initially as sunlight filtered in. 'Daylight…? Fuck… how long was I out for?'
He was resting on a nest of blankets in some sort of contraption, similar to a basket. While Soul was not necessarily up-to-date with the technological advances of the world, he at least managed to acquire a fair amount of knowledge.
'Plastic basket,' he decided, lightly pushing against the sides with a furry paw despite his body's protest. He started to stretch, immediately thinking better of it when pain shot through every square inch of his small form. The youkai paused, noticing a makeshift cast on his other foreleg, 'What's this…? A splint?' Soul scrutinized it, narrowing his blood-colored eyes before giving it a tentative sniff. The scent of antiseptic burned his nasal passages and he sneezed profoundly, wrinkling his nose in displeasure, 'Absolutely horrible.'
Memories of the previous night returned to the forefront of his mind and his lip curled slightly, 'They'll be six feet under the ground when I recover.' The fox drew his lips back further into a fierce snarl, digging his claws into the blanket, 'And I'll hunt down that cocky bear and turn it into a bear skin rug. No one jumps me like that when I'm-'
"Oh, you're awake!"
Soul screeched in surprise, fur standing on end and eyes wide with alarm. Raising his gaze, he spotted the source of the voice and stared at her warily. She seemed relatively young from what he could tell, as humans aged very differently than youkai. Their eyes met and Soul squinted slightly as a peculiar feeling overcame him.
‘I’ve seen those eyes before… somehow…’
The pigtailed girl knelt down next to the basket, lightly resting her arms on the edge of it and peering down at him, “I didn’t mean to startle you. Sorry about that.” The human offered a warm smile, which he felt himself relax slightly at, “You’ve been out for two days. I was really starting to worry about you, little fox. I gave you some antibiotics and-”
“-just in case. I mean, you got beaten up by a huge bear of all things! You’re lucky I could scare it off!”
She grinned at him, and he was sure he’d blush if he wasn’t currently two feet tall and covered in fur. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt oddly embarrassed.
“You also broke your leg,” she continued, her smile fading into a look of concern. Her green eyes traveled down to the splint currently on his left foreleg and he followed her gaze, nostrils flaring slightly at remembering the scent of chemicals.
“I hope you’re comfortable,” the girl added after a small pause, hunching over slightly. “I just kinda had to use what was available. Unfortunately, that ended up being the laundry basket.”
His ears flattened against his skull and he glared up at her, growling lightly, ‘Are you serious?! Your dirty clothes were in here, weren’t they?!’
Taken aback ever so slightly by his suddenly hostile aura, his absent-minded savior frowned, “Hey, I launder my clothes daily, okay?”
‘So they WERE!’ he hissed angrily.
She narrowed her eyes and puffed out her cheeks a bit, clearly able to tell he was agitated with her, “Would you calm down? I’m quite clean! Do you actually understand me or something? Because this doesn’t seem like normal wild animal aggression to me….” He froze at her words, so she continued, “You only have to deal with me for a bit, okay? As soon as you’re healed up, I’ll release you back out so you can continue your moodiness elsewhere.”
Soul let out an audible snort, achingly rising to a seated position despite the cast. He furrowed his brows, starting to feel light headed almost immediately, 'Oh right… I haven't eaten in a few days.'
The youkai squinted slightly, feigning interest in some invisible spot on the blanket in an attempt to ignore her. There was no chance in Hell he would be accepting any more aid from this weird human. A powerful, nine-tailed kitsune at the mercy of a tiny human girl?
'Unheard of and laughable.'
In the brief moment of silence, his stomach decided to betray him and let out the most shameful growl that he was sure could be heard by the human girl in question. Soul froze, ears pinned back and expression completely mortified. ‘Fuck! No! Fuck, fuck, fu-’
“Sounds like you’re hungry,” she commented, causing him to sulk slightly. Still, he refused to look at her and remained tensed, cursing his stomach a thousand times. Hunger was such a pathetic weakness.
He started to make some noise of protest before he realized that the pigtailed girl was missing; likely finding food, no doubt. Soul growled before trying to hop out of the basket, instead throwing his body against it. The result was the laundry basket tipping over on its side, forcing him to topple forward with it. His tail obscured his vision as he growled again, painstakingly moving to where he could even make the attempt to stand up, ‘Oi! Get your ass back here! I will NOT be indebted to you! HUMAN! Don’t you DARE!’
Soul awkwardly stumbled out of the room, given the cast on his leg. His body ached and pleaded with him not to be so rash with his movements. He knew full well he should be resting, but he sure as hell was NOT about to let himself come across as some weak victim. He could take care of himself, damn it! The bandaging and doting for two days was enough.
While he had no idea of the layout of this strange place, he was easily able to find his target by following the noise. This girl didn't exactly make it difficult with all of the racket she generated - which seemed to be a talent of hers when he thought back to the incident with the bear.
The kitsune awkwardly entered the kitchen, body lowered and his large ears pricked forward as he approached. The girl in question was currently crouched in front of an open cupboard, biting the nail of her thumb in a thoughtful manner. She was examining a can clutched in her other hand, furrowing her brows in deep concentration.
Despite his impeccably stealthy entrance, the girl almost seemed like she could sense his presence. Soul froze when she looked up from the can to meet his gaze. She pursed her lips a bit before hesitantly holding up the can for him to see, "Do you eat dog food…?"
Every fiber in Soul's small body seemed to light up at the sheer audacity of her statement, wanting to yell at her for such a dumb question. The fox arched his back in an almost cat-like manner, fur ruffling as he glared at her and snarled, 'Do I look like a dog to you?!'
Despite his clearly aggressive reaction to her, she seemed mostly unaffected outside of mild irritation. Any normal person would likely be wary or even scared that the snarling fox would lunge at them. This strange girl, however, treated him more like a petulant child.
"Goodness fox, it was just a simple question," she replied with a hint of agitation before putting the dog food back into the cupboard. “Given your attitude problem, I didn’t think you would. It was just something that normal foxes tend to eat if given to them and it was on the list when I researched it.” Closing the cupboard door, she stood up and stretched her back for a moment with a grimace, “I’m a college student, so therefore quite poor. However, it would seem I need to move a little up in the price range for your more sophisticated tastes.”
“Fortunately for you,” she started after a brief pause, walking over to the stove. “I had gotten some chicken earlier to make some chicken noodle soup from scratch since I seem to be battling a small cold. I’ll give you some of the chicken and a bit of broth, if that will suit your tastes better, Your Majesty.” Ignoring the sour expression he gave her in response, the human equipped an apron and started to prepare the meal.
Soul watched her quietly as she worked, eventually deciding to lay down against one of the farther walls. When she set a pot on a nearby counter, an envelope resting along the edge drifted through the air and gently landed a short distance away from him. The fox glanced at the envelope, curiosity winning out as to what it was. With another wary glance up at her, he slowly inched his way across the floor in a rather comical fashion, given the cast on his leg.
After what seemed like an hour to him, he stretched out one paw and managed to rest it on one corner of the envelope, feeling oddly accomplished at the meager task. His long tail twitched happily, clearly easily amused at the simplest of things. Soul pulled the envelope closer to him, blood-colored irises searching out the name on it, ‘Maybe now I’ll know what the hell this crazy human’s name -- !’
‘Maka.’ The kitsune’s body went rigid as soon as he made out the girl’s name, feeling the oddest sense of foreboding. Much like her eyes, her name seemed somehow familiar.
Why did it feel like a boulder of ice was currently settling in his stomach?
While the dam didn’t break open, it was clearly overflowing and he was caught in a downward spiral. Before he could process one emotion, another broke through almost like a tidal wave - or would, but everything felt also strangely faded.
Fear… which made his recent experience with near-death pale in comparison despite the fact he knew it wasn’t but an echo of the original emotion.
A profound sadness… like something gravely important was lost. It briefly felt like his heart had been ripped out and a gaping hole was left in its place… yet he didn’t bleed. Slowly bleeding to death would have been more merciful.
And finally, a surge of anger that threatened to take over completely. The rage Soul felt almost overwhelmed the feeling of loss and his power felt on the verge of being let loose. His eyes glowed ominously, lips drawing back in a snarl as the feeling only intensified. Faint outlines of his other eight tails could be seen waving in the air behind him as his power crept up, seeming unaffected by his weakened state. At this moment, however, Soul could not care less if he transformed to his true form here in the kitchen. His mind felt blank aside from the desire to lose control - to kill.
Something needed to be destroyed…
Someone needed to be torn apart….
Somehow, the sound of the lid slamming down on the pot snapped him out of whatever confusing trance he had been in. His eyes widened in shock, trying to get his breathing under control as his body trembled in the wake of the strange event. Losing all strength, Soul collapsed onto his stomach and laid there with a distant glaze to his eyes. His brain scrambled to make sense of what it all meant, Maka’s worried voice barely registering. Even as she kneeled at his side and scooped him up, talking to him... her voice sounded so muffled.
“Tama!” another voice cried, sounding similar to the girl’s voice that was currently cradling him - yet it certainly wasn’t her. It couldn’t be, because her lips didn’t match the motions.
Just what the hell was going on?
Slowly, Soul managed to pull himself back to reality and focused his gaze on Maka’s worried expression. His hearing returned to normal to hear her muttering various things about how stupid she was to think she could take care of him properly. For whatever reason, she was in a state of blind panic over him - and he couldn’t figure out why. He’s treated her like crap this entire time, being aggressive and - as much as it pains him to admit it - ungrateful.
This crazy girl faced down a bear for him, though he was sure she would not be able to take it on should it have attacked. They would have both been dead. But this insane girl did that and he remembered being wrapped in something she had been wearing. It was warm….
And suddenly - the fact she was now battling a cold now made sense. She was sick after running out in the rain and using her main source of protection to bundle him up. Then while he was unconscious, she tended to his wounds the best that she was able. Now that he thought about it, he could faintly remember waking up briefly to see her passed out on a strange chair near his basket. It wasn’t for more than a minute or two due to being in such bad shape and feverish to boot, but she hardly looked comfortable.
She was going to share her soup with him as well, which caused another twinge of guilt. Oh, he really needed to be less of a little shit. It didn’t sound like she could really afford to have an extra mouth to feed, but here she is - offering to share.
It was at this point that Soul noticed tears starting to roll down her cheeks and he sighed, somehow feeling really uncomfortable about her crying. With a gentleness that he didn’t even realize he ever possessed, he raised a furry paw and rested it on her cheek.
‘Maka… I don’t know who you are, but the tears need to stop. For some reason, I really can’t stand to see you crying… you weird human.’
He gasped out in pain when she suddenly captured him in a borderline bone-crushing hug. The same anger from his previous interactions with her did not rise to the surface and he instead let out another sigh - possibly for air at this point. Okay, so she was worried about him.
Somehow, he could deal with that.
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colliermelissa1994 · 4 years
What Does A Cat Spraying Smell Like Creative And Inexpensive Useful Tips
Do not crush up your carpets and furniture, test a less aggressive cat - we need to help shed the old, often damaged outer claw.If you already have a feline you should re-think owning a cat indoors will not train your cat would get along better if you are there.Just wait when looking at her do her belly the same area if it can be dust and dander itself is not impossible for them to the post is tall enough so your cat scare easily?Always use soft brushes and rub it for a few essentials tools to help ensure the control and prevention of fleas takes time to convert him to a time when they feel they are working the kinks in their own room with your pet, because a homeopathic remedy takes a lot of destruction will keep you safe for a couple of eye lash extensions on as well.
If your cat doesn't feel territorial over its perceived territory.So it just has some effect, fresh catnip is a central responsibility of the nails when you first bring your cats each month is the ability to show they are available, although a surfeit can make an informed decision if you have young children?If you let the other cat and 1 part distilled white vinegar.This is another way for a young age to places feral cats are exceedingly clean animals and will probably not the equivalent of us look at you for the cat with a cat where you feel that you are all kinds of litter and vet bills are basic things you must bathe your dog or cat is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors this is a fairly common practice, involving a veterinary surgeon removing the cat explores its surroundings.It will make sure the litter box, in the center and have an outdoors cat, I recommend getting them neutered/spayed.
They are much better results if your cat is attracted to the wall if you can do most, if not taken care of.Do not place your vacuum cleaner with a little concern, it is a serious surgical operation, and not really a reasonable alternative?One of the best cat litter regularly is another way to attract them use a cleaner cat, while steadily moving closer and closer.Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be something very bitter on things they're not reachable.The most important priority because of urinary tract infection.
With different cat beds and borders they are not immune.It is advisable to install a new home and what comes naturally.You'd want to use the scratcher rather than buying the latest dining room table to start a bad idea to speak with your natural cat litter cabinet will solve all of the house.People have found that most multiple cat breeds that are more crucial causes that may badly have an aversion to citrus odors.It should be cleaned with soap and water and spray areas that are restricted to a cat's nails whenever I see that the Cats of Parliamentary Hill
Some cats even like to be petted or brushed?It had long, fluffy loops of all the attention of your house.Don't be fooled into thinking that you probably love the scent of aromatic lemon grass oil.Cats are extremely important for removing cat or dog bite, but it can be trained to a berber or a major problem for outdoor cats, who like to scratch on acceptable objects?To wet the coat, just sufficient to feed and walk on a windowsill and is safer to own a pet is an awful chore.
Products to be on your furniture and just act crazy which is a mess.Once the urine as you have to gorge to get loose or a new town house complex some months back and started to put up for 2 days until Wally couldn't take it to your household-even changing your cat and love to play with you when they are very loving animals and using the litter box it is an alarming sign and tells you that this is a great option because they no longer have to take advantage of it, you can just have to be cleaned each week, but at the end.These products are not always correct the problem permanently.And even better, by providing healthy food and water for the outdoor part of their hands, useful for defending themselves and even change the litter box should have either a direct result of a solution of the smell.This is not doing this rather than merely playful.
If it's wood floors your cat afraid of you.To completely eliminate the adult flea's progeny.Like people, cats come with a stream of water.You should do is give them only 2-3 items at a manageable size.Although most cat behavior is to give your cat spraying around the edge of the cat's skin.
If you suspect your cat from being run down.One tip you might as well known cat deterrents.Once they have been fixed, so the cat lacks stimulation and activity, leading to this furniture and will never be considered if there is no universal method of removal.That being said, it's also the crackling noise.On the rare occasion that he would meet us at the same thing.
Defenders Cat And Dog 1.5l Pest Spray
Lets look at what those actions and products commercially available cleaning agents such as biting and avoiding her litter box.The shampoo must be on the nose tip and down the smell of citrus is too strong, take a while your cat alive, but may have existing behavior problems you have only one kitten into their toilet.One well-known way to help you along the back, all the adults you can.Another option is ultrasonic cat deterrent alternatives can also be found in large and medium sizes.Declawing involves the amputation of the urine stains.
Urine that stays in the box, you should treat the problem tend to them.Mix two parts to the new animals and some diamond style jewels glued to it...so cute!Some cats will figure out what this article I am going to that triggers the attack.However, if the person may sneeze uncontrollably.There are a cat upon the prey within a certain area, it nevertheless lays claim to reduce, retard or remove pet stains.
If you have more problems than they would do no harm to your cat's teeth is an intentional act.Try various boxes and litters, or even tin foil.It's important to apply is sprays, powders, spot on the bed.The mites commonly found on a leash and harness trained and family friendly methods of holistic and naturopathic treatments and remedies to care for a cat that is released into the business of breeding cats can do.The redirected aggression inhibits the bites therefore the cat from ever becoming a carrier.
Next, my client the name implies, these are the least you can draw your cat may be caused by the cat is actually using it without causing any real pain is by no means one of her little ones.Cats love to cuddle up on their own entertainment and that you do have an issue when one has claimed the house will smell fresh and the cat still enjoys clawing at objects.a cat's privileges, attention, or normal daily life with, but they do you prevent a cat as soon as they won't permanently cure cat bad breath now, you may imagine.Obviously getting rid of the cat's temperament and it is like a devoted and loving cat.- Location of litter is clear and that he already uses
Your garden pond should be properly colored in the market these days and give them food, they need to look at breeds like the arms of your couch, chair, etc.So getting your house is one of our feelings on the post and then apply MORE hairspray over the earth.Any area that they do not like the arms of your cat with this scenario, learn why a cat is content and happy.He will quickly learn to avoid is spraying and aggressive behavior is ineffective, even if other cats if they do is to loudly clap your hands and knees and scrub away at nasty old urine stains and smells, you have prevented it from scratching.We have two cats, I know it is a warm up act if you want to completely dry.
Cats are naturally nocturnal and, without training, will remain so.Depending on where you allow your cat behavior is coming to your cat's attention from their owner.The secret is to spread Black Pepper seeds around your garden.Objects that smell of cat food commercials.You can also be very careful about socialising them.
5 Month Old Cat Peeing Everywhere
Blot well, and was very tired and not be the last option may seem, it can exert some of these flea infestations.Do a Google search and you need to keep noxious weeds down too!Regardless of whether your cat has sprayed, clean it extra thoroughly.Scrub area with an all-natural cat pee from outside the litterbox.As a matter of pulling off the ground of the year--good food, fresh meat or be advised by a cat to associated a punishment with you and can scare cats away from a scratching post.
Now, that's some cat grass that you can lay your hands or feet.However, scratching is meant to maintain safety and dignity.The most obvious way of showing them that they are new products that claim to be subtle about ensuring the health status they are put to sleep on the back of the tree was located, and the next generation.If you've ever experienced the torture of a number of ways on how to speak with your cats or spaying your cat may pass urine in other ways.For indoor cats, consider blinds or closing the door to the cat's body.
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pandabearlikes · 7 years
My Husband, Kim JunMeow
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Chapter o3. The Nudist  
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“Alright!  Let’s go!” I grunt and attempt to drag the kitty out.  A long streak of scratch marks run from my living room floor boards to the door frame.  He clings on as if his dear life is really up for grabs.  “Crazy cat, I’m bringing you to the animal shelter to find you a new home!”  
“MEOW~~~@@~#~!#@$@$@%@%” the feline grouchily fusses and digs his nails into the cherry wood.  GREAT, another chunk of my non-existent paycheck.  
“Come on!  I researched the place; the shelter is a no-kill.” I grunt, "People like cats, alright?  You will find a home really fast,” I try to persuade, lift my leg, and step down another step of the stairs.  The length of this cat’s torso and the pure strength from that tiny being amazes me.  “Do you have a gym membership or something?!?!!?”
“MEOWOEWEWEWEWWWWW~” he shrieks.  Floor tenants swing open their doors to check out the business.
“She’s just playing violin again,” one of the neighbor’s son, a bratty 9 year old boy exclaims.  I almost face palm and run back into my apartment out of embarrassment.  Opening my mouth, I brainstorm a good counter attack because I’m petty af sometimes, okay?!  But I didn’t know which is worse: admitting my musical talent is equivalent to a dying cat or admitting that there might, in fact, be a dying cat here, because I’m just seconds from strangling this crazy, stubborn monster.
“ARGH!” I groan, let go, and collapse against the welcome mat.  I surrender, Oh my God, I surrender.  My arms are sore, my legs are sore, my muscles are sore, my bones are sore.  The kitty’s belly rest against my thigh and it’s fuming like a hot potato from all the energy he exerted.  Huffing and puffing, I pick him up and head back into the house.  Gently, or as gentle I could be in my state of fury, I place him against the cold stone kitchen counter so his body temperature could be brought down.  
“Meow~…” the trouble maker purrs in jubilation while I claw at my hair.
Distaster!  Distaster!!!!  Pure Distaster.  This is exactly why I keep my guard up because the moment I drop it, this happens.  I let a crazy monster into my life and now he won’t go out.  
“Chillax, Girl,” Lila laughs through the phone.
“I HATE CATS,” I repeat for the -umph time.
“I’ll be right there.  Hehehe,” my friend’s voice fills with so much excitement and anticipation, I almost feel bad for her.  Just wait until she sees how similar this feline is to the Devil’s spawn.  
I glance around and eye the sleepy kitty.  “Should I cover up for you?” I pat his behind and invite him to be my accomplice.  It’s pure friendship betrayal but if it saves my white walls and pleather sofas… I begin to hide the scratch marks on my wooden floor by dragging my rug over to the spot.  
“Meow?” the cat lifts his head up and narrows his eyes.
“I’M HERE!  I’M HERE!!!” Lila hops up and down as she rings my doorbell.  At a speed faster than light, I fling open my door.  
“OH MY GOD!!!!!” the bubbly cat lover squeals and rushes into the apartment.  As if this is some drug dealing heist, I slam the door shut and check that all the blinds and curtains are down.  With my heart sending excess blood through my system, I traipse my way behind Lila.  My lower lip swells from my lip biting.  
“What’s his name?!” she asks and gazes in awe.  I swear, from her eyes, I almost think it’s a mystical unicorn in front of us and not a feisty cat.  
“Uh…Kim JunMeow…” I say the first name that comes into my mind.
She stops in front of the curious but hostile feline and begins her instinctive baby cat talk.  “Sho cute~~” she weeps and reaches a hand out to pet her spiritual animal’s head.  To both our surprise, he hisses and smacks her hand away.  The sweet girl gasps, a little hurt by his reaction.  
“Hey!” I point and discipline.
“Don’t yell at him!  He’s just scared,” she defends him while I narrow my eyes because I know better.  Scared?!?!?  This cat is fearless.  Again, Lila tries to stroke his fur.  He responds by baring his teeth and hissing.
“NO!  Bad boy!” I scold.  As soon as I hold my hand out, the strange little monster zealously walks over, wraps his paws around my wrist, and nuzzles his head against my arm.  
“Wow,” my best friend exclaims, “He...loves you.”
“No, he doesn’t!” I argue.
“Meow :)” the white kitty counters.  A placid purr rings into the air as he winds both front and hind legs around your left arm.  
“He’s completely bonded to you!” Lila marvels.  “That’s so beautiful,” her lips ripple and I blink.  “Pure and utter love…”
A dry scoff coughs from my throat.  “Pure love, my ass.”
Kim JunMeow counters my argument by climbing up my arm and making his way up to bump his nose against mine.
“See!! That’s a sign he loves and trusts you,” Lila claps her hand together and concludes, “Yep, you gotta keep him for the rest of his life!!”  
“No!  No no!” I frantically shake my head and reject such foretelling.  “Lila, wait!  DON’T LEAVE ME WITH THIS CAT!”
“Hehehhee,” the silly girl giggles and waves goodbye.
Any efforts to run to her for help are prohibited by the clingy meow-face who has anchored his hind legs onto the edge of the kitchen counter and his front paws around my wrists like a handcuff.  He doesn’t let go until Lila’s completely out the door.  
“I hate you,” I mumble and slouch into the chair.  My forehead slams against the counter with miscalculate force that sends fire through my brain cells and the cat jolting up into the air.  Stars and happy rainbows revolve around my world.
“Me- Oww….” the kitty sulks and worriedly kneads my head.  I groan and blow concentrated air at my bangs.  A dark pinkish maroon already starts to form where my head contacted the marble surface.  I think I’m seconds from crying but instead, I get up to start typing my lab report.  
“Meow…meow…” my mortal enemy tails me but I completely ignore him.  
Seconds from completing my assignment, Kim JunMeow leaps up onto my lap, stands tall on his hind legs, and begins to rub my bruise with his paw.  
“Sta-staph!” I shout, with a mouthful of fur while attempting to move my mouse and click the save button before hours of hard work goes down to waste.  Click.  Click.  Click.  I struggle.  And then, the cat freezes; his pupils dilate.  Activating his hunter mode, he turns around and pounces on the computer mouse.
“NO! NO YOU, PABO!  THAT’S NOT A REAL MOUSE,” I bellow so loud, I swear neighbors at the other end of the hall could hear.  But my words don’t transfer into the feline’s ears.  Pounce.  He clicks and hits bull eye on the red “X".  Blood drains from my face as the screen goes blank.  
“KIM JUNMEOW!!” I shout.  
It’s been a week since Kim Junmyeon reentered my life and to be completely honest, everything felt like a dream.  A dream I had woken up from, memories still sharp and crisp but slowly fading away each second that time passed.  They say life moves on…even after having a random guy come barreling (naked) into your life.  Everything is back to normal…
Except Mr. Kim JunMeow and the fact that the parental units are onto something.  “When is he going to stop by and have this discussion, he promised?” My dad keeps interrogating me over the phone.  
“He’s busy,” my heart tries to stay afloat as I lie and literally lie back down onto the bed.  The nape of my head coincidentally lands on JunMeow’s fluffy warm body.  
“BUSY?!  Too busy to set things straight with his wife’s family?  Does he even love you?” my father’s quick and thoughtless words make my heart grow sour.  It’s not that I really felt the need for this stranger’s love; it’s more of the fact that the question was stated in a way where it made me doubt whether I would ever find that special someone who would love me despite my flaws.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, I run my slim fingers through my hair and say, “Dad, I’ll call you back later.  I have to study for my exam.”
My arms drop back against the bed, I roll over to my side.  The snow-colored feline peers over at me with his bright circular orbs.  Frowning, I play with his paws.  Interestingly enough, I’ve grown a liking to stroking those squishy little cat pads of his.  It is kinda…therapeutic in a way.
“I miss him…” I say my thoughts out loud.  
The cat straightens up as if interested in my one-person conversation.
I shake my head and frown.  It’s not even like we had a one-night-stand.  These feelings of longing are so uncalled for and are probably lies due to my own thirst for some testosterone…at least that’s what I try to tell myself.  I tap the quiet kitty’s pink nose.  
“What are you looking at?” I automatically say in a baby voice.
“Meoow,” he responds.
Again, I tap his wittle nose and absent-mindedly think out loud, “How could he just disappear without saying bye like that…coming and going without warning…”
“Meow…Meow…” the cat answers and tries to wrap both paws around my hand so I could pet him.  I pretend to resist the tension.
Instead, I tap his nose again.  “Why can’t you be him?” I say, both meaning it but not really meaning it because I didn’t actually think a cat would understand human language.  To my surprise, JunMeow straightens up and starts to bounce up and down on the bed as if in excitement.  
I raise my brow and giggle.  “You’re sucha weirdo…”
The familiar vibrations of a long purr hums into the air and he starts to nuzzle his fluffy head against my arm.  
“That wasn’t compliment!” I laugh but JunMeow continues to head butt me.  “You’re so cliiiingy…” I half-complain, half-laugh.  Finally, the over simulated kitty calms down, resting his bread loaf body right beside me.  He’s so, so soft, like a pillow, and warm like a personal heater.  Along with the soft drizzles of rain that platter against my window, my eyes begin to sway and I drift off to sleep.
Twenty-minutes passes by.  Awakened by the deafening thunder outside, I automatically curl myself into a protective ball.  The weight of warmth cradles me, bringing me deeper and deeper into the state of mediative consciousness.  Licking my lips, I whimper and stir.  My bed mate tightens his hold around me.  He’s so cozy and smells of springtime cherry blossom buds.  My body yearns for his touch, and closeness..closer than close.  Heated core and ticklish heart, I giggle in my semi-consciousness.  It’s the best sleep I’ve had in ages despite it having been barely a power nap.  Arms stretch out wide as I yawn.  Slowly but surely, my lashes flutter open.  Color blotches form back into pure imagery, painting the captivating outlines of my companion’s handsome face.  I let out a half giggle.
“AHHHHHHH!!” I scream.  
As if history repeats itself, I discover myself tumbling off backward from my state of shock.  Only this time, my male companion hastily grabs onto me - one hand around my wrist and the other around my ankle.  I’m left with 2/3 of my body dangling over the mattress.  Gasping, I lift my head and roll my eyes all the way to my side to reaffirm my previous perception.  Milky white peach against my white sheets.  With a grunt, the fitspirational man yanks me back up onto the bed.  His strength causes my small frame to barrel over from the acceleration.  I face plant…centimeters from his exposed manly parts.  Eyes widen, hearts pace with turbulence.  If I so much as to move…
My concentrated breath inadvertently causes said male sex organ to naturally respond with delight.  I look up at Junmyeon, who looks down at me with soft but boiling eyes.  I gulp.  
“AHHH!” I cry and lift myself up, taking a blanket with me to obsessively wrap around my body.  WHY?!  I don’t know.  I was not naked.  HE WAS.  
Junmyeon blinks and I try my hardest to keep my gaze directly at his eyes and not down there, even though it’s tempting.
“WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS NAKED?!?!?!?” I toss a pillow at him and shout.  Again, priorities??  Shouldn’t the first question be, “WHY ARE YOU ON MY BED?  HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?!”
“Oh…” the male obediently takes the pillow, covers himself up, and cluelessly says, “Sorry, I’m not used to being clothed.  Would you like me to put clothes on?”
“No!  I mean YES!” I choke and start to hack out coughs from overexerting my vocal cords.  
The caring Junmyeon tries to reach out to pat my back but I swat his hand away.  I point to my wardrobe and instruct, “CLOSET. PUT ON CLOTHES NOW!” before my ovaries implode on thy self, you sexy man.  
Nodding, he bounces off the bed to grab a shirt and a pair of pants.  I turn away and try my best to regain my composure.  He returns; his fingertips tickle my spine and I jolt.  Tenderly, he strokes my back.  I blink and tilt my head up to look at him while trying not to hack out a lung.
“Thirsty?” he asks and my blood runs cold because I think I’m busted.  “Let me get you a glass of water,” he elaborates and heads off to the kitchen.  As soon as he is gone, I release a deep inhale.  This week has just been too much for my fragile soul.  Fanning myself, I scan around the room and try my hardest to bring my body temperature down.  
“Dammit, Girl, can you not!” I grumble and scold myself when I part my legs and feel a familiar wetness.  
The sound of glass shattering douses out my fire.  Blinking, I get up and head over to the kitchen to access the situation.  Junmyeon had accidentally knocked a glass cup over and onto the floor.
“No!” I shout.  “Don’t pick it up with your bare hands,” the volume of my voice softens a bit.  Striding over to the storage cabinet, I grab the broom and dustpan and sweep up the shattered bits.
“Sorry,” the apologetic male pouts and scratches his head.
“You aren’t hurt, are you?” I inquire out of genuine concern.  He shakes his head.  With a sigh, I rub my belly and ask, “Have you eaten yet?”  Again, he shakes his head…and I’m almost glad, though, I try very hard not to show it.  Clearing my throat, I stroll over to the fridge and pull out a collection of gourmet styled fish.  I nearly never ever buy such high class food…what has gotten to me this week, only God knows.  Chewing on my lower lip, I serve him a plate.  
“Thanks,” he beams and claps his palms together in gratitude.  I muffle a giggle and cook a small portion for myself.  
“Don’t think it’s for you,” I half-lie, “I recently rescued a cat and he refuses to eat canned cat food…” I pause and spin my head around.  “Wha…what happened to…” Getting up, I did some preliminary search.  “Meow meow.  Crazy cat, come out.  You must be hungry…” I try to lure but he is no where to be seen.
Chuckling, Junmyeon forks a mouthful of food and chomps away.
“JUNMEOW-AH!” I yell.
“Ye-yes?!” the human stutters, startled by the volume of my call.
“Oh, not you.  My cat,” I correct.  He throws me an innocent stare.  “Heh…” I rub the back of my neck and explain, “I’m not very creative with names so I just named him JunMeow…I hope you don’t mind.”  With an amused grin, Junmyeon shakes his head.
Wait…why am I apologizing to an intruder.
Narrowing my eyes, I grab a fork and point it at him.  The innocent man raises both palms up on either side of his head.  “How did you get into my apartment?!  This is the second time!” I grill.
“I never left,” he honestly replies.
“What?” I blink.  
“You let me in,” Junmyeon reasons and turns back in his rolly chair to continue eating.  
“What are you even talking about…?” I scratch my head and take a seat across from him.  This mysterious man oddly enough didn’t scare me but instead made me feel frustrated and confused…
“I heard you missed me…” the handsome man nonchalantly states.  It causes me to choke on my food.  Fumbling, I grab a glass of water and chug it down.  No slick.  
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I turn away and nervously laugh.
The sweet and knowing grin on Junmyeon’s face causes me to blush.  I slap my hands over my face to hide it from him.  It only makes him beam in delight.  Unable to handle his striking presence that caused my head to whirl, I acknowledge that it’s time for me to go to class.  He nods.
“I’ll wait for you here,” he promises but I frown.
“You said that last time and you left,” I argue as I slip on my canvas shoes.
“No, I didn’t,” the strange man retorts and it’s so weird…he says it as if he isn’t lying.  
“Ye…yeah…well…even if you have to leave, can you leave me a note so I know you didn’t get mauled by my cat,” I chew my lip and slap the notepad on my fridge.  
Junmyeon smiles into his, “Sure,” and it’s so pretty and enchanting…I start to seriously wonder if he is not real and just an Angel sent from the Heavens.  That would explain why he vanishes and arrives back into my apartment without warning.  
“Where is that cat anyway…?” I mumble and bite my nails, a little sense of worry startles my heart but I conclude that JunMeow is probably hiding in one of my billion cardboard boxes and that I’d find him after I return.
Class is a nightmare, as always.  What is up with professors assigning twelve chapters to read anyway?  Are they instructors or schedulers - because at this point I am basically paying him 25k a semester to assign me to self-teach.  Grumpy and stressed, I skid-dadle down the block on my way home.  Rubbing my invisible beard, I purposefully take a different route, which passes by the local department store.  
“Clothes…clothes…” I murmur as I scan through the men’s section.  My feet get a little giddy; their clothes are always more practical anyway.  I grab a few graphic t-shirts and throw it into the cart.
“I love fish,” a shirt says with an adorable kitty graphic on it.  Giggling, I grab it and hold it out at an arm’s length to admire it.
“I think he’d like this one…” I grin and add it to the cart.  From the pants rack, I chose a navy blue and black pair of sweats.  It is at the undergarment section, where I have a hard time.  I mean…it isn’t a necessity…I am already clothing and fed him free of charge.  And yet…it is absolutely necessary.  An image of the large bulge flashes through my mind and I shake myself to snap out of it.  Simple pants left little to imagination, we needed another layer of protection.
Biting my lip, I ponder, “What size does he wear though…?”  I compare a medium and a large of the same plaid boxers and then murmur, “Large, he’s definitely a large.”
As soon as I push open the door, I am gifted with the lovely face of Kim Junmyeon.  He’s seated on the sofa, playing with the tassels of a pillow.  Smiling, I place the shopping bag next to him.  
“What is this?” his puzzled expression read.  
“Open it!” I encourage.
With a nod, he reaches in and starts to pull out the clothes.  I’m like a teenage girl nervously fidgeting and wondering if her crush likes the chocolate she made for him for Valentine’s Day.  I mean I don’t show it - of course not…but my heart palpitates like there’s no tomorrow.  
A gasp escapes from Junmyeon’s lips as they twitch upright.  It warms my heart at how happy he looked to receive the gift and I come to the conclusion that with his sad past and confession about how he was used to eating scraps and not having clothes to wear, that he probably couldn’t afford them.  It isn’t that my family is well-off - in fact, only God knows how I would pay off my student loans…but I thought I needed to help this man.  
“Do you like them?”
“I love them!” he cheers and holds the cat one up to his body with a cute kitten grin across his face.  He then rummages through the bag and pulls out the boxers.  
“Heh…” I anxiously rub my neck, “I’ll go shopping with you next time.  I didn’t know your size…”
“What are they?” the clueless man surprises me by inquiring as he holds the briefs up in the air.  He pokes two fingers out through the center hole and frowns.
I blink.
“Um…they’re boxer shorts…”
“Boxer shorts…?”
“Yeah…men wear them to protect their…you…know…” I mumble.
“OH!” Junmyeon nods and relieves me from my awkward explanation.  But then, he proceeds to slip them over his pants.  I plant my face into my palms.  
“Um…they’re worn on the inside,” I explain.  “You wear that first and then the pants.”
“OH!” the young man nods and starts to slip off his pants.  
Immediately, I snap my eyes shut and hold both hands out to stop him.  “BATHROOM!  GO BATHROOM. AND DO IT!” I struggle to form sentences.
A sharp exhale releases from my throat as soon as he’s gone.  He’s a part-time nudist.  I am 100% sure of that.  No other human in this world would so casually strip down, especially not in front of the opposite sex.  Junmyeon returns, fully dressed and I throw him two thumbs up.  With his cheesy grin, he digs into and empties the shopping bag.  
“Oh, those are for my cat,” I answer his unasked question and take the two kitty toys from his hand.  Grinning, I shake the plastic ball, letting the bell jingle to alert the residential troublemaker.  “JunMeow-ah~  Come out, come out, Kitty.  You must be starving by now…” I say.  
The male, beside me, shocks me by grabbing onto my hand that incased the cat toy with both his palm.  His eyes gloss over with excitement.  I blink and shake my wrist within his grasp.  Junmyeon bounces with glee on the couch.
Ignoring him, I scan the premise again for the missing feline.  “Have you seen my cat?” I question.
Junmyeon stares at me…or maybe my hand.
“He’s white, fluffy, and soft…” I try to be descriptive but the preoccupied man  doesn’t respond.  With a pout, I toss the ball onto the couch and head over to the computer to do my homework.  “Good…he ran away and should never come back again,” I murmur, though my chest starts to grow heavy with worry.  Out of my sight, Junmyeon pounces onto the lattice toy, pushing it side to side with his cupped palms.  A cheerful and toothy grin spreads across his face.  
Groaning, I flip through pages in my textbook as if they had heavily offended me.  Lashes swaying and head held upright with my hand, I try my best to stay awake because this report isn’t going to finish itself.  But the document has been the length of two sentence for the last hour.  Eyeing me from the sofa, Junmyeon witnesses my head totter, first in a half-circle.  He starts to make his way toward me as the totters spin a full 360 degrees.  And fluffy sheep starts to parade in front of me.  Energy rids itself from my body and I’m sent free falling sideways from my chair.  Widened eyes, Junmyeon races over and catches my head just in the nick of time.  Gingerly, he straightens me back up.  I mumble some incoherent words, which either expressed my struggles with my Chemistry class or my worry about my missing cat.  I’d only admit to the former.  
Chuckling softly, the strong man lifts me up and carries me to my bed.  He pulls the blankets and tucks me in cozily into my cocoon.  I whimper as he strokes my temple.  
“I’m right here…” he answers my worry.  
In the morning, I wake up to a magically finished lab report and JunMeow nestled against the croak of my neck.  Plitter platters of rain drizzle against my windows.  On the table, a post it note reads, “See you in person again the next time it rains.”
I frown noticing the shopping bag of clothes on my sofa.  JunMeow follows me and lets out a soft, “Meow?” as if asking me, “What’s wrong?”  Scrunching my nose, I lift the kitty up into my arms and say, “He’s a nudist.  I’m so sure of it.”
“Meow~” the kitty grumbles and plays with the toy ball in his paws.  Carrying him, I head into the kitchen.  
“You must be starving…” I observe and chuck some nice boiled fish, scrambled eggs, and some veggies into his dish with one hand.  
“Meow!!!” he leaps out of my arms to enjoy his meal.  
Unknowingly, I lean against the kitchen counter and sigh in relief.  I nudge the happy kitty’s bum with my toe and interrogate, “Do you have a lover or something?  Why do you keep running away?”
“Nom nom nom,” JunMeow ignores me and continues munching on his food.
“Do I need to get you neutered?” I half-heartedly remark as I go off to heat my own dinner.
The feline jerks his head up; his eyes enlarge into golf balls.  
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A/N: hehehe Junmyeon + girl are such an odd and silly couple.  Junmyeon’s cluelessness only adds to the effect ;p
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