stunset · 4 years
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“I know now that JT was a fool. He thought he could change the club. He thought he, alone, could change the very thing he helped create. But, John Teller could never let go of his anger. He could never let go of the ghosts that haunted him. Where did that get him? In an early grave. And I fear that’s exactly where I’m headed.”
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our-serpa · 6 years
La integrante del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y primera secretaria del Comité Provincial del PCC en Mayabeque Yanina de la Nuez Aclich, fue elegida como diputada a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por San Nicolás ,uno e los 11 municipios que conforman la provincia de Mayabeque. La compañera Yanina es ingeniera en Minas y tiene 48 años de edad. Se ha desempeñado por mas de 13 años como cuadro profesional del PCC ,ocupando entre otras responsabilidades la de Primera secretaria del Comité Municipal , y miembro profesional del Buro Provincia l durante cuatro responsabilidad que asumía al ser promovida el pasado 19 de julio como primera secretaria del Comité Provincial del PCC en Mayabeque. Curso estudios en el Colegio de Defensa Nacional.
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yourbaristahatesyou · 9 years
Hey we just got the cinnamon dolce syrup in the UK but we're only advertising it as 'cinnamon' and that's the only modifier to whatever the drink is (cinnamon syrup) just wondering what the difference is with the U.S. recipe if you don't mind me asking :)
The Cinnamon Dolce Latte in the States is espresso, steamed milk, cinnamon dolce syrup, whipped cream and a cinnamon sugar topping. It's very sweet. They may have modified it a bit to better suit British tastes.
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kingkillerarchives · 10 years
Do you know where I can buy the Lightning tree? I can't find it on Amazon!
The story is featured in an anthology names Rogues - try searching for that instead!
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teacoffeebooks · 11 years
P.s frappuccinos are from the devil, yes.
Mm, I (Allister) disagree. If you want a dessert with some caffeine in it, you should go for the Mocha Cookie Crumble frapp. It will change your life.
If you want like...actual coffee, then obviously yeah do not bother with a frappuccino, but worse things have happened to the universe. Like blonde roast, for example.
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ignify · 11 years
Because what you did can't even be called editing. I hope you don't take all of life this seriously.
oh my god ok.
are you perhaps confusing edits with graphics? because i don’t consider my edits to be graphics at all and i hope that’s not what you’re misinterpreting this as. yeah, all i did was cap it, b&w it, play with the curves etc etc but they’re…still edits? it’s...a bit hard to explain but yeah my edits are not gifs nor do they include an elegant ensemble of textures or brushes etc but i still consider them to be edits.
if you’re comparing my edits to other people’s then yeah i suck and i’m no graphics wizard but good god don’t please do not try to justify your reposting with my lack of comprehensive photoshop skills. it’s just my style, alright?
and yeah ok. maybe if i took my ~edits~ as ~seriously~ as i take ~life~ then maybe they would be better lmao
you don’t get to tell me how to feel about this situation though? like…god forbid i don’t like it when you repost.
i just sincerely hope you’re not planning to do this to other people in the future, especially those who create things that you consider to be legitimate “editing”.
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stunset · 4 years
'Round and 'Round We Go
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“Piney, I’ve accepted that my husband is never coming home. I’ve made peace with that. Please, don’t go digging up the past. I don’t want you ending up like Ethan.”
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stunset · 4 years
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It's three months later when Jax has another run in with Ethan's sister.
With the one year anniversary of Ethan's death coming up, he knew it would be inevitable that he'd have to face the Marshall family one way or another. Though Haskall's taunting visits to his parents house have slowed down to almost a complete stop, he can't help but feel like another blow out is bound to happen.
And his brothers feel the same way as they discuss it over church.
"That old dick is gonna get himself killed." Tig growls out, talking about Haskall. The table nods in agreement, even Jax.
He's honestly surprised Clay hasn't sent retaliation the man's way. With the way he comes around the lot or his parents house, drunk and yelling about how they're murderers, Jax thinks he's bound to get himself killed.
But, he knows the only reason he hasn't is because they're Ethan's parents and because of Faith. All the men have come to a unanimous agreement that no harm will come the girls way. Jax can admit that more than once he's went to check up on her. Whether it be asking Michelle about her or just asking around town. He feels a protectiveness over her that he can't really explain. One time Tara heard him asking about Faith and she lost her fucking mind.
"I thought he'd have given it up by now." Bobby says. "It's been a year and dudes got a family to take care of."
"Too busy gettin' drunk to give a shite." Chibs shakes his head. "I woulda never thought Lil Bit's dad would be like that."
"I can't believe it's been a year." Piney breaks in, his voice almost sad.
The table goes quiet for a second. It'll be a year tomorrow and they all seem to feel the weight of it looming over them. Jax runs his hand over his now short hair. It doesn't feel like it's been a year, in fact it feels like it was just a short while ago that Ethan was sitting at this table in between Chibs and Tig. The enforcer of the club that always cracked a joke, and always seemed to have a gun or knife hidden somewhere no matter how many times Clay told him not to hide them in the clubhouse.
"We should do something for 'em." Chibs says.
"We got a run to worry about." Clay replies, shooting down Chibs suggestion.
"Brother, Ethan was an important part of the club." Bobby interjects.
"We should throw a party in Tacoma for him." Jax speaks up, and all eyes turn to him.
Everyone knows that Jax and Ethan were close. After Thomas died Ethan took the role as the closest thing he's ever had to a brother.
And, everyone also knows that Ethan liked to party.
"Ethan loved Tacoma." Opie agrees, giving Jax a nod of his head before they both turn their gaze to Jax's step-father.
Clay seems to think for a second before nodding his head, "Yeah. But we deliver the guns first."
Everyone throws in their agreements and Clay dismisses everyone. They all make their way out of Church except for Clay and Tig who hang back.
"Our first run, brother." Opie says, a grin on his face as he clasps his hands over Jax's shoulders and gives him a shake.
"Hell yeah, man." Jax grins as he can't help but feel like he's finally becoming apart of the club like he's always wanted.
Kyle walks up to the pair with his usual smirk on his face, "Lets get fucking drunk."
Opie and Jax can't say no to their friend and follow him to the bar.
──── ─── ──── ──── ────
Carrie thinks if there's a God, he played a very cruel prank on her family.
What God pairs someone like her up with parents like this?
Parents that sit around the dinner table every night and ask her the same questions? The only thing that ever changes is what they say Grace about.
Thank You God for this fork so I can stab myself in the eye.
"How was school?" Her father asks, like he asks every night.
"It was fine." She answers, the same answer she gives every night.
She wonders how a preacher can possibly be so boring. He's literally paid to talk, how can he not come up with conversation?
She thinks it's because they hate having her as a daughter as much as she hates having them as parents. She's a preacher's daughter who doesn't believe in God. She's a preacher's kid who acts like a Jezebel. She can admit she finds a bit of amusement in disappointing her parents.
"Are you having any trouble in your classes?" Her mother asks, not even bothering to look at Carrie.
It's sad, really. Carrie can recite word for word what her parents are going to ask her. She's sure they know exactly what her answer will be. The only time conversation changes is in public or when she's in trouble.
"No I'm doing fine." Carrie answers, pushing her plate away and standing up.
"Where are you going?" Her father asks, not sounding the least bit worried about it.
"Out." Carrie says simply. She grabs her coat and slams the door behind her.
Her parents won't come looking for her as long as she doesn't get into any trouble. She finds it ironic, the Bible says children are blessings for for parents to raise them up. The only verse her father seems to follow for children is "don't spare the rod."
She feels as if her parents aren't really her parents. They're very separate from her. She knows they've given up on trying to mold her into the perfect choir girl. They're just counting the days until she turns eighteen and leaves. And best believe Carrie's doing the same.
The roar of a motorcycle breaks through the silence of the night. The bike slows down and pulls up next to her, close enough that she can see it's Kyle Hobart.
"What's a pretty girl like you doin' out here by herself?" He asks, flashing her his teeth as he gives her a smile.
Carrie can admit she wishes it would have been Jax or Opie pulling up, she finds them cuter. But, she runs her fingers through her pretty brown hair and gives him a smile.
"Just taking a walk." She says lowly.
He offers her a sleazy smirk, "Need a ride?"
The fifteen year old gives him her own smirk and climbs on the back of the bike.
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yourbaristahatesyou · 9 years
Barista problems: the sore throat you get after a 9 hour shift on till
I always keep some water with me. I told my SM and shifts that it's either allow me the water, or put me somewhere else.
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yourbaristahatesyou · 10 years
Hi I'd love to watch the 20/20 interview mentioned a little while ago but not sure what to search from as I'm from the UK? Could you help me out please?
Because of that weird streaming issue, I'm not sure if you will be able to see it outside of the US. If you do, it will be on YouTube, but currently, the only place I know is via the ABC website or app.
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yourbaristahatesyou · 10 years
I've heard Sbux US is looking at changing the uniform policy to allow for tattoos to be shown. Is this true? If so I hope it spills over to the UK.
It is true. Whether or not it extends to partners outside of the US will, unfortunately, remain to be seen.
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yourbaristahatesyou · 10 years
You know what's reeeaaally annoying? When someone's child spills a drink that they *didn't* buy in Starbucks all over the floor and they demand you clean it up and just sit there and watch you when they could have very easily cleaned it themselves, all the while there's a huge queue that's been never ending for the past two hours. URRRRRGH ok I'm over it now, sorry just had to rant at someone.
I take that and raise you.
I had a customer who brought her kid in. The kid peed on one of our chairs and she asked US to clean it.
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