#abundance of megaOCEAN NPC factions
hydralisk98 ยท 1 year
Angora software toy specs
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Explorable cooperative JIT "easy runtime hot-editing" level-design / worldbuilding software toy for Servitor. Mostly oriented for TTRPGs, agentive stories & other simulation use cases (support for Massive Multiplayer Online / MU* genre & Self-Hosting Offline as to plan for autonomous cooperative curiosity... in consideration)
40x24 tiles of 8x8 pixels for retro micro-computers like the Commodore 64. (320x200 px total); Aiming for either 40x20 (48x48 px) or 120x72 (12x12 px) tiles for 16:9 displays (aiming for 1920x1080 & 1440x810 screens for the most part)
2880x1440 "bit-map / font-map" vector "sector chunked" tilemap base with RGBA animated layers (probably some animated SVG format with potential for TIFF and PDF/XML/CSS3 alongside?) and autonomous multi-user domains as MVP? Using '.OGG' & '.OGV' files would be awesome too, alongside other FLOSS matters...
The principle for me seems to make a lightweight and computationally comfortable (for lower-end SBCs or even retro home computers?) yet heavily customizable & extensively scriptable "worldbuilding simulationist story generator" from vastly empowering fontmap primitives. Quite like Ken Silverman 3D projects & his other works, alongside Devine's Parade, ZealOS and many more direct editing symbolic data systems to be honest...
So yeah, I imagine the best of such like editing maps in "Mapster32" + "Trenchbroom" + "Hammer++" combined, running such in a concise self-hosted JIT compiler and tinkering still on runtime with whatever number of users the autonomous distributed server may handle by itself. (Might use distributed peer-to-peer computation and the above-mentionned data chunk-ing to ease the work as well...) (four tribbles bytecode data instruction set & Daggerfall's tiered worldly geometries blocks too...)
Still ideating and iterating upon the concept (encyclopedic exploration, mindful data documentation and faction-oriented instigations) as to make a cooperative game somewhat like Daggerfall in optimization (primitive modular 3D geometry reusable blocks & many 2D sprites), Hypnospace Outlaw in nostalgic feel + technologically-inclined thematics & GTA III derivatives (including Mercnearies Playground of Destruction) in player agency & factional complexity.
But I am fairly confident that eventually, with Godot, Qodot (Quake / Trenchbroom bindings for Godot), PixelCrushers' Unity utility packages (Love/Hate & Quest System mostly, maybe Dialogs too) and a couple of studious demos that I shall reach the grand aims I am setting myself for and fairly soon all things considered.
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