savedbyplants · 6 years
Regrann from @theresiabacklin - Repost By starlit_the_band: New stories every single day about shootings and as a society we are outraged and shocked as we should be. However every single day many of us are paying for monsters to Keep intelligent, deeply feeling, emotional and loving innocent beings trapped in dark cells were they experience anxiety, depression, confusion and terror. When they are not in their cell horrible painful diseases are forced into their healthy bodies, unspeakably terrifying and painful “testing” is inflicted on them. These valuable lives are treated like garbage. Not only do these tests rarely show results that we can utilize but there is nothing ethical or moral or sane about doing this to innocent beings. When we ourselves are crying out for violations that have happened to us when we ourselves are crying out for our rights to be respected and protected It is complete hypocrisy, it is completely soulless and heartless To be so very cruel and demented to a species that has done nothing to us but been the example of everything that we ourselves should be. Nonhumans have more compassion than most human beings and this is how we repay them. Animal testing/vivisection needs to be abolished immediately. You have the power to stop this. Please only buy cruelty free products that have no animal ingredients and no animal byproducts #Fuckfur #boycottfur #vegan #animalliberation #gayrights #womensrights #blackrights #lgbtequality #theanimalliberationfront #abolishspeciesism #veganfortheanimals #friendsnotfood #fuckspecisism #starlittheband#boycottthecircus #boycottthezoo #boycottseaworld #womeninfilm 
#femalefilmmakers #femalewriters #independentfilm #blackfilmmakers #Gayfilmmakers #abolishvivisection (via #EasyRepost @AppKottage) - #regrann
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