#abby kadozawa {{the nurse of hell's infirmary}}
abbyandhanako · 8 months
It has been awhile since the Witch has been seen for awhile the last time when she was heard was when Cipher attacked the Frigate, guilt and doubt clouded her mind for some time now. Now fully equipped with something she wasn’t expecting, she finally found her keys… unfortunately, there is something she has been thinking about for awhile, remaining doubtful about it.
She’s now been looking for the Frigate to see if anyone she knew are okay, but upon hearing the location she waisted no time as she beelined it. “They are gonna be stoked about this! Even I didn’t know I can do this!”
Finally arriving to the Frigate, she spoke out. “Oi! Anyone home?! I’m back!~ And still alive amazingly!”
Mark soon stepped out on the deck, He had s Sylveon, Umbreon and Espeon with him named Schrieke, Kenshiro and Casca respectively.
“Aries?” Mark said, he was relieved to see her again, he soon turned to the entrance, “It is you! Abby! T.K! She’s okay!”
Abby and T.K soon went onto the deck.
“Witch!” T.K exclaimed, “It was a clusterfuck of epic fucking proportions when those Cipher cunts targeted the Frigate!”
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abbyandhanako · 3 months
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“This is what me and Hana found in Hugh’s desk when I was cleaning his room, This was after Lord Ghetsis basically returned Mark by force and Hugh was still very pissed off about it.
So this is basically he drew, with a calligraphy pen and writing “Fucking Nasty Old Man” with a crude yet surprisingly accurate picture of Lord Ghetsis, The usual Team Plasma grunt would be angry at this but I strangely found it funny…..” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 3 months
To Louisia and Yasuhiro,
Donna and Cletus got their Pokémon taken away for attempted treason, They tried to sell your daughter out to Cipher in a bid to get them to stop targeting Neo Team Plasma.
That didn’t go well with anybody, even N told them that Cipher will happily end Hana’s life because of what happened to Veda while Aries was absolutely disgusted with them.
N even regrets letting them into Team Plasma two years prior (they joined the same time as T.K) then them stealing Wesker to begin with, especially because they’re so fanatically loyal to Team Plasma ideology that they did not take it well Wesker was returned to Hana.
They’re even so wrapped up that they never got through their heads that Lord Ghetsis hates their fucking guts.
Hana has little to no sympathy for their Pokémon being taken away for their suggestion, Even angrily remarking in an annoyed and frustrated manner:
“How do they think I felt for five years?!”
This is odd coming from a fairly nice girl but I don’t blame her, They can have them back in a month, Hana never got to see Wesker for five years.
I lashed out at both of them when they called Mark an ‘overprivileged spoiled brat’ for something that could have potentially killed him, Which I mentioned in a letter I sent my aunt and uncle and how you found out I was in Team Plasma.
Well, they’re fucking idiots, that’s all I can say, I’ll message you again.
- Abby Kadozawa, Grunt 627.
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abbyandhanako · 4 months
“One thing I hate about New Year is the fucking fireworks, especially when dealing with Plasma members drunk, your boyfriend having a panic attack and Meili being woken up after being put to fucking sleep much to Francesca’s chagrin…
This is why Lord Ghetsis doesn’t let fireworks on the Plasma Frigate, It also scares the fuck out of the Pokémon aswell….” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 5 months
Barret’s descriptions of Abby, T.K, Mark and Hanako
The medic that brings the younger sister of the guy we hate.
That weed-taking asshole Lord Ghetsis keeps as his security officer.
That guy from Old Plasma that has a fanbase of female Neo Plasma grunts and we aren’t allowed to harm
The Qwilfish brat’s little sister with the Purrloin Abby named after a Resident Evil villain and has Lord Ghetsis’ Deino that she named ‘Frieden’
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abbyandhanako · 5 months
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“Lord Ghetsis actually told me the only reason he remembers Wesker’s theft is that the those two bastards wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it and kept bragging about it to everyone.
Even Lord Ghetsis started to find it highly agitating, He didn’t care much to know the trainers Team Plasma had stolen Pokémon from and usually kept his distance from the Pokémon in general…It didn’t stop Wesker singing Rihanna songs at him.
The liberation documents only had “Hugh’s little sister” as Max was intending to give the three to Hugh and them registered under Hugh’s name and trainer ID, so Hana was basically left unnamed in the document as “Hugh’s little sister”.
Ghetsis himself flat out stopped caring about Wesker being the very first liberation by Team Plasma and during Neo Plasma and the event being the sign of “Team Plasma’s glorious future”, He stated that he didn’t really care if Wesker was returned to Hana, even reminiscing that Donna and Cletus got ‘far more annoying’ when he was taken and that every time they brought it up, he sighs in annoyance….” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 5 months
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“One of the funniest and dumbest fucking ways Donna and Cletus got into trouble with Lord Ghetsis was texting him a five page death threat aimed at Hana calling her everything from an ‘awful Pokémon abusing brat’ and a ‘Deino thief’ aswell as several other things I’m not gonna mention but it involves the word ‘bitch’, repeatedly.
They sent it to Lord Ghetsis, apparently they didn’t know Hana’s contact information so they wanted him to send it to her.
What complete fucking idiots….
Seriously, why the hell were they trying to fucking message her?! It’s all because she got her stolen Purrloin back that they took from her five years prior and has Lord Ghetsis’ Deino! Seriously just let those two go!
I got CC’d the threat and with a message, “This is Ghetsis, 627, I think Grunts 125 and 132 meant to send this to 627-2….” to warn me…..” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 6 months
“I’m not angry at Nate, Hugh and Rosa for bringing Mark out of the Plasma Frigate, They genuinely believed Mark was a hostage as he was all alone in a dorm room as he was by himself and no one was there with him as my dorm mates went out for a bit to pick up some dinner.
Our today-we-fucked-up was not sitting with him in the dorm room and leaving him alone there.
And Mark’s in Old Plasma and even wears the N-faction uniform as opposed to the Neo Plasma uniform, So I do not blame them for freaking out that Neo Plasma had potentially kidnapped an Old Plasma grunt and holding him hostage to get back at Old Plasma and N in general.
But they could have unintentionally put Mark in serious danger doing this as his family will pay anyone 15 million Poké Dollars for his return, this is why Lord Ghetsis ordered Mark to be retrieved, neither of the higher ups were mad with Mark, the Triad even reassured Mark Lord Ghetsis would not be angry with him when they retrieved him an hour later.” - Abby.
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abbyandhanako · 6 months
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“There was an incident where Nate, Rosa and Hugh mistook Mark as kidnapped and tried to save him, I do believe their intentions were good as he’s an Old Plasma grunt in Neo Plasma HQ but Lord Ghetsis freaked out big time and ordered the Triad to retrieve him.
Lord Ghetsis even wrote a note and told the Shadow Triad to give it to them.
When Rosa asked me why Lord Ghetsis freaked out, I told her the truth about it” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 7 months
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“The best way to describe the Mishima siblings temperaments are “burning rage” and “freezing hatred”
Hugh is quite known for his burning rage, even to me, The kid isn’t afraid to put up a fight, even towards my fellow Team Plasma grunts…
Hana…when she’s pissed, it’s like you’re looking at the embodiment of ice itself, her expression doesn’t change other than a glare of disgust, her voice is still as soft spoken as ever.
I would actually consider Hana more terrifying than Hugh when she’s PO’d.
Her expression is an emotionless yet hateful death glare.” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 7 months
Conflict between Cipher and Neo Plasma
Abby’s Log 1
“Two Cipher commanders attacked the ship when we got back from purifying the Leavanny that had been recovered by Aries.
Archie, one of them is responsible for the deaths of two Team Plasma grunts, Veda…Fuck him…
Archie was pissed off about the Trojan Horse T.K sent to Cipher and T.K beat the crap out of him for his troubles, I wish T.K kicked that guy’s balls.
The Trojan Horse was fucking hilarious, Lord Ghetsis even humorously described 158 as pure evil
Veda can go fuck himself with an iron pole, He took 627-2 (Hana) hostage before she was rescued by Meili’s Frillish, Pīupīu, Hana points out the irony of her being saved by a female Frillish.
196’s mom, 196-1 (Eun-min), her Ninetales went to our assistance.
During the intense firefight, 627-2, who was obviously extremely pissed off ordered Frieden to use Outrage, Frieden struck Archie right in the face, Which is quite a surprise to Neo Team Plasma and those kids, Hugh, Rosa and Nate in particular.
Archie got what he deserved for not shutting the fuck up and just battle like he was supposed to.
The Iron Valiant was knocked out via a mixture of Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb thankfully enough
Those three have declared war against them for them holding Hana hostage, especially Veda.
I guess unlike Hugh’s burning anger, Hana has freezing hatred.
The two retreated once they realized they were overwhelmed with the attacks.
Lord Ghetsis has permitted Aries, or Witch to join Neo Team Plasma temporarily, he isn’t exactly happy about Cipher killing three of his grunts.”
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abbyandhanako · 7 months
OOC//: I would like to thank @lady-aries-wolfy for giving me permission
“The Cipher admins, Mira, Cobalt, Archie and that asshole Veda, the hag, useless trash and the dead demon, what do I have to say? They’re a bunch of cunts that try to take Kyurem and are a threat to Neo Team Plasma
Archie is a whiny little bitch who can’t stand the awesomeness of a trojan horse virus, Mira is a bitch who think she’s all high and mighty by killing a grunt and Archie killing two in revenge for Cobalt which I’ll get to later, which set off this whole Neo Plasma-Cipher conflict to begin with.
I send them fuckers a killer USB and tell them it has Kyurem’s data.
I wish I stepped on Archie’s balls just to watch him suffer as much as possible and Veda, He acts like he has some balls but in reality: He’s a cowardly shitty old man who thinks holding a little girl hostage makes him awesome
Cobalt got hurt fucking bad trying to get Kyurem’s data, Oh dear, how sad, nevermind, I thought he’d be scared of Plasma grunts by now….No…no…
“Those admins are scary and I don’t like them, Sage Ghetsis thankfully got me and Hana out of there during a massacre where three grunts were killed…they think I’m the weakest, It doesn’t stop me from holding their Pokémon into place….
Veda is horrible…I’m sure he and his brother were friends when they were younger but that was back then, This is now….
He has no qualms having people killed, held a little girl hostage and is just a horrible person all around….
Archie and Mira are horrible too, those poor grunts, their poor families, I smiled when Frieden made Archie shut up….
I commend my mom’s Ninetales, Yeoubul for helping me stop them….”
“How do I put this, Veda is going to be tied to a plank while I rip off his toenails, stab him repeatedly and he’s going to think FUCKING twice about who he takes hostage.
The fact he has the audacity to blame me for taking Hana on board the Frigate is astounding…The asshole refuses to accept the fact he has likely not only pissed off Neo Team Plasma but also pissed off those kids…especially Hugh.
I am going to castrate him, He has quite shown he isn’t deserving of mercy, Oh well, my moniker is Dr. Death…
Archie and Mira are bitches, so there, I had to tend to Plasma Grunts they traumatized and injured, I was lucky to get Hana and Mark out of there….
I fucking smiled when Frieden got him to shut the fuck up
And Cobalt, I don’t give a fuck about him, All I know he’s a fucking asshole who’s willing to kill someone with that Corviknight of his.”
“I hate those two, Archie and Veda more than Donna and Cletus and this is saying something…
Veda held me hostage and threatened to kill me if Neo Plasma didn’t stand down, I was lucky to be saved by Pīupīu, Meili’s Frillish, It’s a bit ironic I got saved by a female Frillish when Donna used one to steal my Purrloin, Wesker five years ago and I’m using a Deino, Frieden.
T.K told me he would find it hilarious if I kicked him in his nether regions so I will probably do that the next time and remember that, Abby told me that hurts really badly….
My brother Hugh and Abby want Veda’s head on a stake.
Archie doesn’t know when to shut his mouth and battle, I got sick of his rambling about Cipher’s plans and ordered Frieden to use Outrage and strike Archie in the face, This is why Team Rocket speeches don’t work in real life!
Me hating them more than the grunts who stole my Purrloin, that’s rare….
Cobalt, Abby told me about him that he was a horrible human being and he was why they had Kyurem’s data, I want to protect Kyurem, Mira and Archie killed three Plasma grunts….they had friends and loved ones…and they wiped them out…”
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abbyandhanako · 7 months
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“There is no way in hell Old Plasma would accept Donna and Cletus if they tried to defect to Old Plasma after everything they had done…..
Their actions including stealing Hana’s Purrloin and signing the paperwork to have Mark’s Flareon and Glaceon released into the wild clearly shows even Old Plasma has a limit…
Their lack of remorse for all of this also seals the deal….
It wouldn’t matter anyway if they fucked off to Old Plasma or not, Lord Ghetsis hates them and hardly anyone in Neo Plasma can tolerate them….” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 7 months
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“Donna’s older half brother Giuseppe from her stepdad’s first marriage actually came over to Hana’s house aswell as Mark’s Eevee sanctuary to apologize for his younger half sister stealing her Purrloin and the harm she did to Mark…
He explained his sister who was three years younger than him was always the golden child who couldn’t do no wrong and threw temper tantrums when she didn’t get her way and his dad and stepmom’s favoritism basically turned her into what she is today.
Her mother and his father got married when they were 5 months old and 3…
And his dad started to dote on her much to his chagrin, he would get her everything she wanted and even threatened to sue the Mermaid Girls Troupe for firing his stepdaughter….
He even flat out said to me: “She’s not MY family, she’s just my stepmother’s daughter!”.
Her Frillish was a 10th birthday gift from Giuseppe’s dad and he wasn’t even allowed to own a Pokémon until he was 18 and even not allowed to go on a journey….” - Abby
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abbyandhanako · 9 months
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Abby’s rant towards two certain grunts over Hana getting her Purrloin, Wesker back and having Frieden, a Deino born to certain Team Plasma boss’ Hydreigon…..
“When Lord Ghetsis, Doctor Colress, Sage Zinzolin and the rest of Neo Team Plasma agree that a grudge against a little girl is stupid enough to the point even they facepalm at it, It’s time to reconsider one’s actions.” - T.K.
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abbyandhanako · 1 year
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“Team Plasma Grunt #627 wants to battle!”
Artwork of Abby preparing for battle, Hugh, Nate and Rosa find that the female Team Plasma grunt looks familiar and they saw her with one particular person, Hugh’s younger sister, Hana,
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