#aand thyjs doesn't get the lollipop thematic here - he will find out waaaay later as this is a slow burn ship
chevvy-yates · 7 months
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From Thyjs (with love).
[NC_RES]_00001331 mercs_de_wit_scharfenberg_birthday_010_TGA_HW.file ///core:_black_camo.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
What to say? 1. I'm happy. 2. I love them. 3. They love each other. 4. Thyjs learned baking skills (he's waaay ahead of the other boys). 5. And Ryder loves his idea of using lollipops (Thyjs has no clue about that yet what Ry usually associates with it).
I'm fine. Just melting a little. My stress about this set is gone. I live in peace now (for a few hours).
In reality? I had no idea what to 'gift' Ryder. For Thyjs back in July it was clear to me as day to gift him a new knife because he lost half of his equipment on the mission he came to the NUS for. But Ry? No clue. He's got everything as he got some quality standards and all the must haves. So there is nothing to gift him, other that a sweet gesture like time with his loved one … who baked a cake. The Halloween props popping up on Nexus just a few days prior finally let me do this set. Other than that I would have made just smooch pics only.
Ofc Thyjs never learned to bake a cake, but my hc is now he watched how to bake this cake, and given for a first try he did pretty well! And ofc Ryder likes it, he appreciates it all the way and this is just so sweet of him he's done that — Ry cannot express his surprisement and happiness like others do, tho, so yeah short thanks but then he shows him through a kiss how thankful he's and that he values his partner so much <3
Also yes, war machine Thyjs appears to be a real cutie in private. It's so amusing for me to look at badass VP with him and then I do these lil' stories from time to time and you just see the 'behind the scenes' of them how they truly are what my real VP pics probably never tell if you are just scrolling by. Thyjs is a Cancer who keeps his shell always on, only in private and with Ry he does show his softness.
Anyway, I talk too much. Celebrating my German Dude now! <3
Also sorry for no real Halloween themed posts because I was entirely busy to get his b-day stuff done with too less time. I totally forgot about Halloween tbh. My mind was like this: "rydersbirthdayrydersbirthdayrydersbirthday".
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