#aぇ group
ginpotts · 2 months
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Ae! Group
[Debut commemorative trip final edition] We are exposing everything about us now!
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fukigen-na-kanojo · 27 days
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march-sue-shige · 10 months
Japonica style②わっしょい@京セラ
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mirairashi · 2 years
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tofuangel10 · 2 years
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sekasu2007 · 11 days
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wiperanddumpling · 7 months
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fa-cat · 10 months
 9月に開幕する「FIVB パリ五輪予選/ワールドカップバレー2023」を中継するフジテレビは28日、開幕50日前イベントを東京都内で開催し、応援ソングなど番組概要を発表した。これまでジャニーズ事務所所属のグループが務めてきた「スペシャルサポーター」の発表はなかった。---読売新聞
Aぇ! group『24時間テレビ』3年連続SPサポーター就任 関西らしく発信&“ジャにの”にも「会いたい!」
 人気グループ・Aぇ! group/関西ジャニーズJr.が、日本テレビ系『24時間テレビ45』(8月27日・28日放送)の大阪・読売テレビスペシャルサポーターを務めることが決まった。---ORICON NEWS
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ybybg · 9 months
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複数してぇ wanna group sex
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morimyulyrics · 9 months
Here is my most favorite song in Op4. The whole Moriarty group singing about William. Am I just really weak to the Moriarty group?? Yes. What really gets to me most in this track is just how much PAIN and ANGUISH there is on Louis's face. The most pain I've ever seen on anyone's face, ever. (I love Yamamoto Ikkei, if that wasn't obvious yet.)
Broken into a thousand pieces
千々に乱れて | Chiji ni midarete Characters: Albert James Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Louis James Moriarty, Fred Porlock
“ウィリアム”の名が 世に広まる 避けられぬ行く末 もう… 進むしかない 心は千々に乱れて
予感はずっと この胸にあった ウィリアムは一人で十字架を… 何か起ころうと 俺は変わらねぇ お前をお前の行く道を守る 渦巻く予感に この身が震える 兄さんが僕の前から消えてしまったら これも計画でも本当に これでいいの? 信じよう僕の思う ウィリアムさんを…
進めこの道を ウィリアムが決めたなら お前の計画 完璧に遂行する 兄さんどうか 居なくならないで ウィリアムさんを信じる 信じなきゃ…
“ウィリアム”の名が 世に刻まれる 引き返せない道 この胸(震え 慕う 思い)揺れる 心は千々に乱れて 心は千々に乱れて
Ah Ah Ah Ah
William no na ga  yo ni hiromaru Sakerarenu yukusue Mou susumu shika nai Kokoro wa chiji ni midarete
Yokan wa zutto  kono mune ni atta William wa hitori de juujika wo Nani ga okorou to ore wa kawaranee Omae wo  omae no yukumichi wo mamoru Uzumaku yokan ni  kono mi ga furueru Nii-san ga boku no mae kara kiete shimattara Kore mo keikaku demo hontou ni kore de ii no Shinjiyou boku no omou William-san wo
Susume kono michi wo William ga kimeta nara Omae no keikaku kanpeki ni suikou suru Niisan dou ka inakunaranaide William-san wo shinjiru  shinjinakya
“William” no na ga  yo ni kizamareru Hikikaesenai michi Kono mune (furue shitau omoi) yureru Kokoro wa chiji ni midarete Kokoro wa chiji ni midarete
Ah Ah Ah Ah
“William”’s name will be publicized It’s a fate we couldn’t avoid There’s no choice... but to keep going With my heart broken into a thousand pieces
[Albert] I’d always had a feeling, here in my heart That William will take upon the cross by himself
[Moran] No matter what happens, I won’t be swayed I will protect you and the path you want to go on
[Louis] My heart is anxious, my body shivers What would I do if Nii-san disappears?
[Fred] This is a plan. Right. But is this really okay? I’ll believe in him, in William-san...
[Albert] Let’s head forward, if this is the path William chose [Moran] I’ll make sure your plan goes through [Louis] Nii-san, I beg of you, please don’t disappear [Fred] I believe in William-san. I have to...
“William”’s name will be shredded by the world A path we can’t turn back on This heart (this shivering, this yearning, this thought) sways My heart is broken into a thousand pieces My heart is broken into a thousand pieces
Ah Ah Ah Ah
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ginpotts · 1 year
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Aぇ! Group 【SECRET GUEST LIVE】マイナビ TGC 2023 S/S
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shirtlessjohnnysidols · 6 months
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Ae! Group
stage square vol.65
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fukigen-na-kanojo · 29 days
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march-sue-shige · 1 year
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
Drama CD Saiyuki Memorial Pack Disk 2 – Track 2: Working for Nothing
Download from here (/Saiyuki Drama CDs/Saiyuki Misc/Drama_CD_-_Memorial_Packs.rar )
Summary: Having lost the credit card, the Ikkou worked at a restaurant to earn their keep. And yes, Gojyo told Sanzo he looked cute in waiter's apron.
Gojyo: Ah, why are we so unlucky?
Sanzo: Shut up.
Gojyo: There were many things I thought we could do during this break from our journey. And now, of all things, we’re washing dishes in a restaurant....
Hakkai: It can’t be helped, Gojyo.
Gojyo: It could have been! It’s all because this stupid monkey lost Sanzo’s credit card in the first place!
Goku: Don’t call me a stupid monkey! I accidentally dropped the card somewhere, so it can’t be helped. But, I thought I returned the card to Sanzo....
Gojyo: ‘It can’t be helped, it can’t be helped.’ Stop parroting those words already! Sanzo, it’s because you handed over the card to such an idiot and made him go buy stuff that this disaster happened in the first place. If you haven’t–
Hakkai: Gojyo, that’s why we’re all now working to earn our keep. Besides, in just a few days, the procedure for reissuing the card will be completed. We only have to work here until today, okay?
Gojyo: Seriously!
Hakkai: By the way, Sanzo–
Sanzo: What is it?
Hakkai: What did you send Goku out to get?
Sanzo: Cigarettes.
Gojyo: Why, you. If it’s just cigarettes you wanted, you should’ve just bought them with small change, instead of sending Goku out with the credit card!
Sanzo: It’s my principle not to carry things heavier than a chopstick. [implying he has ‘servants’ to do the heavy carrying for him.]
Gojyo: You....
Hakkai: So Sanzo’s gun is lighter than a chopstick.
Restaurant owner: Hey, you guys!
Hakkai: Ah, master!
Restaurant owner: Are you doing your work properly? I’m going out for a bit, so I’ll entrust this place to you.
Hakkai: Er, that’d be a bit–
Restaurant owner: If you don’t perform your tasks to my satisfaction, I’ll have to extend your employment period beyond the ten days we agreed upon. (walks out)
Goku: What nationality is he?
Gojyo: He said he’d entrust this place to us.
Hakkai: There’s no other choice but to do it.
Sanzo: What a bother.
Goku: Sanzo, I’ve somehow gotten hungry.
Sanzo: Like I care.
Goku: I’m hungry. I’m hungry!
(Sanzo hits him with the paper fan.)
Goku: That hurts!
Hakkai: At any rate, we’ll have to divide the work among us.
Gojyo: Yeah, that’s how it’ll have to go, I guess.
Hakkai: Yes. If we do our jobs well, the owner might release us earlier.
Sanzo: You made it sound as if we were prisoners!
Gojyo: Actually, we’re no different from prisoners.
Hakkai: Well then, let’s do it like this: I’ll be in charge of the kitchen–
Gojyo: Yep, you’re sure qualified for that.
Goku: Me too!
Gojyo: Aren’t you just planning to snatch some food when no-one’s looking? No way we’re leaving the kitchen to you! (hits Goku)
Goku: Aw!
Hakkai: As for the dining area, I’ll leave it to Sanzo and Gojyo.
Gojyo: Roger! 😉
Sanzo: Looks like you’re very much looking forward to it.
Gojyo: That’s because I’ll be taking on the female customers. You take care of the guys.
Sanzo: Hmmph. What a simple-minded fellow.
Goku: Hakkai, what about me?
Hakkai: Er, indeed, what about you.... That’s it: washing the dishes and cleaning the floor.
Goku: Eh?!
Gojyo: Just do it without complaining.
(The door creaks open.)
Hakkai: Everyone, the customers are arriving already.
Gojyo (waits upon a group of young women): Welcome! What would be your order? Anything would be fine. Pot stickers, is it? Yes, got it. Boiled ones, right? Just wait for a moment. I’ll bring them here soon. (to himself) Oh, they’re all so cute.
Woman 1: I want a beer.
Gojyo: A beer for the lady, roger.
Woman 2: Soda for me.
Gojyo: Okay, soda. It’ll be here soon.
Woman 3: Chocolate cocktail. **
Gojyo: Ordering alcohol already this early in the day, how cute....
(He walks away from the table.)
Gojyo: Ah, it’s pretty fun waiting on the ladies.
Sanzo: Then you can remain here for the rest of your life if you wish.
Gojyo: Sanzo, you look cute in that apron too. ❤️
Sanzo: I see. You have a death wish.
(The door opens.)
Gojyo: There, Sanzo. A couple of guys just walked in.
Sanzo (clicks his tongue): You go and serve them.
Gojyo: We agreed on it just now, didn’t we?
Sanzo: Who agreed to it when?
Gojyo: Cut it out and just go! (pulls Sanzo along)
Sanzo: Stop that!
Gojyo: Welcome! A table for two, right? This guy will take your orders.
Sanzo: Gojyo, you–
Gojyo: I leave the rest to you.
Sanzo (sighs as the customers riffle through the menu): Are you done yet?
Man 1: Hah?
Sanzo: Your orders. Haven’t you decided on them yet?
Man 2: I’ll have fried rice and pot stickers with extra garlic. Also, a century egg platter and soup.
Man 1: I’ll have crab omelet rice, a roasted pork fillet platter and prawn buckwheat noodles with steamed meat dumplings.
Sanzo: Reduce them.
Man 1: Eh?
Sanzo: It’d be tiresome otherwise, so I’m telling you to reduce your orders.
Man 2: Hah? What are you going on about?
Sanzo: Just fried rice and pot stickers should be enough for you.
Man 1: Oi, is it your place to make such an unreasonable demand from a customer? Are you trying to pick a fight?
Sanzo: You’re annoying. Who do you think is going to carry those orders?
Man 2: You’re the one who’s annoying. We’re typical working men–
Man 1: We came here after doing manual labor, so naturally we feel like filling our stomachs with everything on the menu. Stop complaining and feed us now!
Sanzo: In that case, eat this! (shoves something into the men’s mouths) Hah! Tastes good, doesn’t it? (shoots twice)
Man 1 (coughs): You bastard!
Man 2 (spits out something): Screwing with us like that! Isn’t this just some sticky juice?
Sanzo: It’s pineapple.
Both men: You son of a bitch!
Gojyo (runs up to the table): What are you doing, Sanzo?
Sanzo: They told me they were pretty hungry, so I fed them some appetizers.
Gojyo: Oh, is that so, Sanzo? Looks like you had quite some fun coming to their aid– No, that’s not it! Not at all! It’s the customers you’re dealing with. Customers!
Goku: Wai!
Gojyo: Stupid monkey! Don’t wave the mop about like that!
Goku: I’m bored out of my mind cleaning the floor. Where are the bad guys, Gojyo?
Gojyo: There are no bad guys.
Sanzo: They’re over there, having just devoured their appetizers like a couple of hogs. **
Gojyo: Sanzo!
Man 1: You guys....
Man 2: You all are nothing but a bunch of idiots.
Gojyo: Sanzo’s not just an idiot.
Goku: He’s a baldy idiot. [hage(禿 ) can mean either baldy or idiot.]
Gojyo: That’s right.
Sanzo: You bastards.
(Several gunshots ring out.)
Man 1: You’re making fun of us!
Man 2: Now you've got it coming!
(A fight breaks out. Screams and more gunshots are heard.)
Hakkai: Yes, a plate of Provence-style white fish saute with pear sauce, coming up!
Gojyo: No-one ordered such a thing.
Hakkai: Eh? That’s strange. First-rate flounder topped with the sauce made from a well-ripened pear – a most exquisite dish made of top quality products. Ah, it brings to mind the fresh breeze of Hijuu. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiju_Dam?oldid=464979111]
Gojyo: When did you ever go to such a place?
(The door opens.)
Hakkai: Ah.
Gojyo: Eek!
Restaurant owner: What on earth are you guys doing?!
Gojyo: In the end, with the additional ten days, we worked without pay for a total of twenty days.
Hakkai: It’s still much better than getting killed.
Sanzo: That should at least do you guys some good.
Gojyo: You...!
Goku: Hey, would you guys stop fighting? I get more and more hungry just listening to your quarrel.
Gojyo: Shut your trap, stupid monkey! If you hadn’t lost the credit card in the first place, we wouldn’t be subjected to nearly a month of servitude!
Goku: Aargh! Until when are you going to to hold this against me?
Hakkai: Gojyo! Goku! Please stop!
Goku: Let go, damn kappa!
Gojyo: Like I’m going to, you dumb monkey!
Sanzo: Be quiet! (hits them) You’re all good for nothing but being annoying!
(Something falls onto the ground.)
Goku: Ouch! Won’t you go a bit easier on us? Ah, you dropped something, Sanzo.
Hakkai: Ah!
Gojyo: Huh...? Ah!
Sanzo: Hmm?
Gojyo: Sanzo-san, what on earth is the thing that has fallen at your feet?
Sanzo: Oh.
Goku (reads out aloud): Celestial World Express Gold Card.
Hakkai: Sanzo, you forgot that Goku’s returned the credit card to you, didn’t you?
Gojyo: Hey, say something.
Sanzo: That’s how it is.
Gojyo: Don’t say it so calmly!
Sanzo: I’m not a man who dwells in the past.
Hakkai: So we’ve been left stranded for nothing.
Gojyo: Really. You’re a hopeless guy. Are you suffering from memory loss?
Goku: Memory loss?
Hakkai: It’s a predicament in which one becomes more and more forgetful as one turns elderly.
Goku: So Sanzo is already a geezer.
Gojyo: I sure don’t want to grow old that way, Hakkai!
Hakkai: He’ll hear you, Gojyo!
Gojyo: You think so? Nah, his hearing’s probably gone too.
Hakkai (laughs): That’s a nice way of putting it.
Gojyo: Ah, I want him to repay us for those tough, gloomy twenty days we went through.
Goku: Let’s have him treat us to some fancy meal for tonight’s dinner!
Hakkai: Maybe we’ll lose the card again then.
(The three of them laugh.)
Sanzo: You guys were saying whatever you pleased just because I was listening quietly! (shoots his gun a few times and hits them on the head with the paper fan)
Goku: Whoa! Sanzo’s getting angry!
Gojyo: How terrible! Lashing out like that despite being in the wrong!
Sanzo: I’ll kill anyone who goes against me! (shoots some more)
Hakkai: It’s dangerous! He’s getting violent!
(Sanzo gets ready to unleash a spell.)
Gojyo: Crap! Get away!
Sanzo: Makai Tenjo!
(The other three scream.)
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure with. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
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