#a worse Siri?
yusuke-of-valla · 3 months
My hot take is that if regulators taxed the shit out of ai companies to offset the amount of water and energy they're using it would fix a lot of problems
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antianakin · 4 months
I recognize that this mostly happens because Obi-Wan is and always has been a direct foil for Anakin, but I am SO tired of all of Obi-Wan's more canon love interests ending up being more about making commentary on Anakin and Anidala than they are on exploring OBI-WAN. It's just sad and I'm so tired of it and I think that until people are willing to write a romance for Obi-Wan that isn't actually about Anakin at all, Obi-Wan should just be made off-limits for romance plot lines entirely. Leave the man alone, please, I am begging you.
#star wars#obi-wan kenobi#i just finished reading the first half of secrets of the jedi with the siriwan relationship#and holy mother of god was it anidala coded all to hell and back#obi-wan is turned into a mighty prude and siri into this sweet motherly character just to make it work#everything from the reaction obi-wan has on seeing her at the beginning to how quickly the relationship moves to the secrecy#it's all anidala#it's all ABOUT anidala#obi-wan is so ooc in this that it's not even funny#he's not even in character to previous works written about him BY THE SAME AUTHOR#and yet somehow it is STILL miles better than whatever the fuck obitine was supposed to be#where obi-wan is given a love interest specifically designed to be killed off so that they could compare that to anidala#and honestly the scene where she dies is probably their ONLY good scene together#it's certainly the only scene where they seem to genuinely understand or even LIKE each other#like siriwan has obi-wan acting ooc but at least he's not literally misogynistic towards his love interest#unlike the way tcw chose to write him#like yeah sure i really feel the romance in obi-wan calling satine 'hysterical' over her perfectly reasonable political views#and at least siri respects and understands the jedi life and LOVES the jedi order unlike satine#so despite how frustrating siriwan is - obitine is 10x worse still#it makes me SO so glad that tala ended up losing the romantic aspect of her relationship with obi-wan#because you KNOW that that would've just ended up another anidala parallel#again#as obi-wan loses yet another female love interest to death at the hands of the sith. again.#honestly tala's relationship with obi-wan is IMPROVED by the lack of a romantic love interest#there's a lot of interesting meaning in that relationship that i honestly believe would be lost if it had been romantic#obi-wan and love interests just don't seem to mix well in canon or anything canon-adjacent#free my man from terrible romantic storylines that aren't even about him#obitine critical#siriwan critical#anti obitine
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I Like when people rant about the deeper meaning of svsss and other mxtx books.
Like they r in a whole other level then me being able to read between the lines, understanding the 11th Dimension of the subtext within the Story.
And then Theres me smoth Brain dylexic Person, who's only Take away from the book IS the fact that arplains and cucumbers r funny tho cucumbers where funny befor for difrent reasins.
U Guys r absolute interlectual geuniues and i strive to be Like U Guys
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sergle · 3 months
s3 of witcher is so bad but i DO black out during every scene with mahesh jadu in it so at least it can do that for me
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sirikenobi12 · 1 year
In an attempt to sympathize with all the Satine-stans who are angry that your favorite character wasn't even mentioned in either OWK or Mandalorian...
Just remember, it could be worse - your favorite blonde haired/bad ass heroine could've just been replaced by another blonde haired/bad ass who then basically takes your character's entire story, and your character is left to crawl their way out of Legends to be just a background character.
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avatarherobrine · 10 months
I feel like an insane person, these AI covers are bad for actors and people need to stop making them.
Yeah, the spongebob AI voice bank isnt going to put Tom Kenny specifically out of work, but theres like 6 voice actors on his level. He's on a long term contract on a show that won't die.
But its not just actors like Tom Kenny getting this treatment. Dante Basco hasn't gotten consistent work in years, but his voice is extremely recognizable. A Zuko voice bank woildnt be hard to source, and would put his career at risk if studios think they can get away with using it for free instead of paying him.
What about someone who gets residuals from smaller voice roles and has a ton of accessible content?
A lot of long term youtubers have gotten voice acting roles because of how recognizable their voices are. That work is going to disappear.
Thats to say nothing of audio book narrators, who are already horrified at the implications of someone selling their voice off for pennies.
These voice banks should not exist. Do not support these character AIs.
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mattiebluebird · 1 year
siri keeton: hello, my job is to take the jargon spat out by hyperintelligent posthumans and translate it into something that the average person can understand. in order to do this, i must observe, and due to this (and other various traumas in my past) i've developed a set of algorithms to study and mimic human behavior.
everyone, for some reason: you unfeeling monster. you unsentient creature. get out of my fucking sight.
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liskokasa · 9 months
Some absolute batshit drama in a thing I'm involved in came up and I'm glad it was discovered but holy shit this will be a mess to untangle...
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
Time had made the feelings worse, not better.
Siri Hustvedt, from The Blazing World
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Begrudgingly trying to look for a new phone because my current one (which I’ve had for 8 years) is having some issues but like......hhh.. Every person I know who has a newer phone like.. theirs SUCKS lol.. you can’t take the back off/battery out, some you can’t even change out the microSD because apparently they expect you to just use evil ~~cloud storage~~ or whatever nonsense, they come with so many apps built in which you can disable but not fully delete (wasting space on the phone), can’t control when updates happen, one of my friend’s has to be connected to the internet just to get voicemails??? like having to be connected to wifi or mobile data just for some BASIC functionalities is insane (I prefer to keep my internet disabled at all times unless using it, hate the idea of just being internet connected constantly in the background and having all these apps sending and receiving data and giving dumbass notifications when I’m not even actively using them), SOME of them don’t even have a built-in GENERIC notes app or media player (like I’m just supposed to download spotify instead of using my collection of youtube to mp3 files?? lmao) or photo viewer (I know someone who doesn’t have a generic ‘photos’ app, just “Google Photos’ which prompts them to make an account and login every time they open the wretched thing), etc. etc. etc. 
Genuinely, if it weren’t for my need to be able to use the internet to map and check bus directions/look up things on the go when needed, organize/transport files, and take photos on a whim when I may not have my camera with me - I would legit just get one of those basic non-smart phones where you can only text and make calls lol ... alas... ToT
#like i just hate simplification i hate everything being online i hate making accounts i hate cloud storage#i hate not having full control and customization of my experience i hate being forced to be connected#to the internet i hate siri or ok google or whatever the hell i hate being sent random notifications#i didnt ask for because the phone updated by itself and downloaded or enabled some shit i never wanted on there#i hate doing anything on a mobile device and everything being an app when desktop useage is so superior and so much easier#to process and do things that way and jthat i cant even open the back if i want to or change out sim cards like you used#to be able to or all this extremely easy and perfectly normal stuff that USED TO BE a function forever but it's like choice is gradually#being removed... w h y#Its the same thing with websites being oversimplified like WHY take away options and functionality to 'streamline' things and make them#more 'mobile friendly' when previously there has been both a mobile and a desktop version of websites for a long time??#what is the problem with having MORE choice? if people dont WANT to utilize the extra options and functionality then allow them#to choose to simplify things#but if people WANT increased choice and customization then the options are still present#what if i WANT  a more detailed complicated ~difficult to navigate~ view of a website?? what if i want to send 45 paragraphs#of text instead of short quick messages and emojis chat style where pressing enter sends a message instead of just doing a line break#etc. etc. which yes now I'm getting away from the topic of mobile phones and just speaking in general lol but its like#I just feel frustrated that everywhere I go it seems like things I used to be able to do which were USEFUL and functional - now the option#is gone or limited or made worse. And it's not just being afraid of change like some new things are fine when they make an experience#BETTER and actually HELP but like what the hell is helpful about having 4GB of my total 8GB built in storage#taken up by pre-installed apps that I literally cannot delete and that is space I will never use.. ??? and some of the other#changes it's like.... ok?? and for WHAT?? lol#AND i know like.. you can hack your phone and make your own changes to it and stuff but I shouldnt have to do that!!!#it should be EASY to customize and have it function however I WANT it's literally something I'm PAYING for..!!#and that cloud storage shit I do not care HOW the world changes you are never going to talk me into storing important stuff on some#fucking server somewhere that I don't have control over. same thing with live service or online fucntioning video games. I will find every#possible work around to keep 'physical' copies of anything that is actually important to me. 2087 in the word war 5 google amazon#fire world wasteland I'm still going to be clinging to my little usb stick in an undergound tunnel listening to 70 yr old mp3s#and playing downloaded copies of games that are mine that i payed for and own and can play however whenever i like lol#ANYWAY .. hggh.........maybe I can find a good 2018 or 2019 phone on ebay instead of buying a new one in store#would still be an upgarde technically since mine is from 2014 lol
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siriex · 1 year
I have my PhD and also a recurring dream that I missed some requirement in middle school and have to go back and take another class in along with all the tweens in the neighborhood and I wake up in a sweat and a vague feeling that I should be getting on a school bus and squeezing myself into a teeny, tiny desk for a school year so they won’t take away my degrees. 
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artinandwritin · 2 years
In one of your recent posts you mentioned that you finally got to include some of the scars Siri has on her upper arms, I was wondering if there are any scars any of your characters have that have a story behind them that you wanna talk about (also specifically the ones on Siri’s arms bc I love her <3)
ly bestie <3
AAAAA ily too!! <333 and id love to talk about some scars the beans have!
Just a warning at the start, this does feature a mention of self harm, sooo please beware <3
Siri's scars;
Starting with our girl Siri, she has a few scars on her body. The ones on her upper arms are from the encounter with Ludvig during her teens, as the dude decided, "well, mental scarring isn't enough, let's enhance it to wounds as well,". He basically grabbed her arms so harshly, his nails dug into her skin, drawing blood, and when Siri tried to break free, her skin got just completely ripped. She doesn't really like to talk about this, since Ludvig also did other things to her she'd rather forget, which is why her arms are most often covered.
However, those aren't her saddest scars - those are the self-inflicted ones on her stomach. I don't know if you can remember, but in the one-shot "A Husband's Worry", which I wrote a few months back, there was a mention about the knives having to be far out of Siri's reach during the months after Niv's passing. Well, the reason for that was the self harm her depression brought her. She wanted to feel anything but the pain her son's passing brought her, and that was something she did. She did regret it as soon as she saw how worried her family got after the fact, which is why it only happened once, but it had already left its scars.
Niv's scars;
Niv has a lot of old burn scars all over the left side of his body, coming from that time he almost got set on fire as a baby. Good times. Totally unintentional. While they don't hurt him anymore, as a child, his immune system was pretty low, partly due to the constant pain he was in at times due to the scars.
For the rest, Niv has a lot of scars of his lower arms. Bendik had a tendency to be... Very physical when punishing his adopted son, and some of those punishments didn't really heal, which is kinda sad.
Ludvig's scar;
Ludvig got part of his right ear bitten off by his opponent in his final exam, for which he decided, "oh fuck no let's kill this bitch for that". Basically, Ludvig has always been a menace and likes to inflict physical damage when things don't go his way. He's so much like his big brother Bendik <3.
That's all I've got for now! I believe I did make a small post on the scars the Assassin Squad has a few weeks back, so this is a fun return to that!! Thank you sm for the ask!! <333
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piesa2 · 28 days
if i ever kill myself know that it's because i touched my left headphone speaker and it told me 'either my mobile device isn't connected, or you need to open the alexa app and try again' one too many times.
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deityofhearts · 4 months
my earbuds broke :(
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dapurinthos · 5 months
floundering in the depths of tumblr, reading peoples' thoughts on dooku: jedi lost and came across @vaguely-concerned's post that had:
dooku 🤝 john gaius “Hm. I have observed that there are in fact many flaws in our society and the government is deeply corrupt. So if I kill a few billion people here and there in order to fix it, is that not basically okay when you really think about it” 
leading me to slap myself in the face and go OH THAT'S FUCKING WHY.
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frightfulmouse · 6 months
productive morning (finally read several fics i've had open in my tabs bc i was struck with the Divine Focus to not only read but leave a coherent comment afterward)
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